MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 365 Foreign country

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Chapter 365: A Foreign Country

 After finishing the call with Li Wuyou, Tang Zheng had already made a decision.

Li Wuyou is now even busier than himself and cannot care about the war in the south, but Tang Zheng decided to take a trip.

 From Didicui Island to Tiannan Province in the south, the straight-line distance is 8,000 kilometers.

 Many of these places are uninhabited areas with high mountains and long rivers, making it difficult to walk.

 If a large army is marching, it will take about ten days to arrive, and this is if there is no delay in the process.

Tang Zheng couldn't wait that long, so he decided to set off first.

This time for the southern expedition, Tang Zheng mobilized four main regiments: the First Field Regiment, the Second Regiment, the Fourth Regiment, and the Direct Regiment.

 The 1st Armored Regiment, the 2nd Armored Regiment, the 1st Artillery Regiment, and the Engineer Regiment.

 The aviation group is on standby.

 But all these large troops did not set off with Tang Zheng. Tang Zheng left first.

 Before leaving, he learned about the Southern Peninsula Alliance through the meeting.

There are more than a dozen countries in the Southern Peninsula Alliance, mainly three countries: Pyu State, Siam, and Da Nan.

 Originally, these countries were not in harmony with each other, and there were often frictions.

 But since the end of the world, the situation has changed.

 Between these three countries, there is an enclave, similar to the Sangui in the Northern Territory, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers and controlled by a warlord named Nahan.

Before the end of the world, Nahan had nearly 100,000 troops, and their weapons and equipment were not inferior to those of the regular army.

 He planted a large amount of poison in this neglected area and controlled many nearby mines.

 The largest poison base and the largest jade mine in the world all come from Nahan.

 In nearly thirty years, Nahan had accumulated a huge amount of wealth and was truly as rich as any country.

  Among the top leaders of Piao and other three countries, countless people were dragged into the water by Nahan, who became his huge network of connections and protective umbrella.

This led to the royal families of the three countries trying to destroy Nahan many times, but in the end they were ambushed and defeated by Nahan many times due to the problem of traitors.

 It was under this circumstance that Nahan's power grew stronger and stronger. There were tens of millions of people working for him in his area, and he became a force that was not a country, but better than a country.

 After the end of the world, this situation has become even more obvious.

 The birth of the Southern Peninsula Alliance this time was actually facilitated by Nahan.

More of his people were inserted into the Alliance Council. In fact, he has become the behind-the-scenes controller of the Southern Peninsula Alliance.

 So many people died in the last days, but the number of Nahan's troops increased instead of decreasing, and there were already more than 150,000 private armed forces.

The entire Peninsula Alliance has about 600,000 troops, and those currently fighting Duan Yunxiang are the regular troops of the Peninsula Alliance.

If the Light Chasing Army arrived, Tang Zheng wouldn't care about the 150,000 people in Nahan or the 600,000 people in the Peninsula Alliance, but it was different now that he was setting off first.

Duan Yunxiang's Second Group Army is now retreating steadily. The Peninsula Alliance has entered the hinterland of Tiannan Province and reached their capital base city of Huacheng.

According to the information given by Li Wuyou, the fighting in Huacheng Base City was fierce. Duan Yunxiang told Li Wuyou that without rescue, Huacheng Base City might fall within ten days.

 So there was only ten days left for Tang Zheng. He had to act quickly instead of moving forward with the large army.

 But there is a problem here.

Tang Zheng's light-chasing army is almost full.

Now there is only a gap of 4,800 men before the entire brigade is fully equipped. If he wants to participate in this battle, the maximum number of troops he can use within ten days, except those who follow him, is only 4,800.

Tang Zheng told Li Wuyou and asked her to tell Duan Yunxiang that she could provide support, but she must persist for ten days.

Duan Yunxiang was not informed of the specific day or how many reinforcements would arrive, lest he lose confidence.

Moreover, in Tang Zheng's view, Duan Yunxiang is not a person worth saving. Tang Zheng doesn't care about his life or death. His purpose of going to the south this time is not just rescue.

 After deploying a large force on Didicui Island and setting off, Tang Zheng boarded the large transport plane.

 It is too far to go to Tiannan from Didui Island, but it is much closer from the military base in Western Sichuan Province.

Tang Zheng took the entire security company on two large transport planes and headed straight to Western Sichuan Province.

In addition, troops from the Aviation Regiment also set out for western Sichuan, but their helicopter speed was relatively slower and they would not arrive until tomorrow.

 After a long flight of more than six hours, Tang Zheng's plane landed at the airport of the military base.

 After getting off the plane, the weather here was a bit hot, which was different from the warm and humid feeling on Didui Island.

Tang Zheng has not been to this base for several months, and there seems to be some changes here.

There are a lot more high-rise buildings in the city, and the street construction is also much better. It can be seen that the Ministry of Interior has still put in the effort to manage the infrastructure of various bases.

The trading market in the city is also very popular. You can often see trucks of some adventurer teams on the streets, transporting truckloads of supplies to the trading market at the military base.

There is also a material recycling center built by Tang Zheng here. Many materials are sent here. Except for those needed locally, the remaining materials will be converted into numbers in Tang Zheng's system through the trading center.

The local internal expedition officials also wanted to report to Tang Zheng on the current economic development of the military camp base, but Tang Zheng stopped him.

"I'll listen to these things later, and you should concentrate on doing your job. I have important things to do this time and need to leave immediately."

 Tang Zheng did not eat in the military camp. He simply took a look at the situation at the military camp base and transferred to a helicopter here.

Planes were also temporarily purchased by Tang Zheng, including ten Apaches and ten transport helicopters.

 Everyone got on the plane, and Tang Zheng continued to set off.

The plane flew about three thousand kilometers from western Sichuan to Tiannan. At dawn, it passed by the plateau imperial capital and the base city of Huacheng. But Tang Zheng did not let the plane get close to the Huacheng base city. There was a war going on there, and he did not want to get involved in the affairs there now.

 The helicopter formation continued to move forward, and after several more hours of flying, it finally flew out of the border of Hanyue.

 Continuing forward, we will reach the boundary of Piao Kingdom.

This is the first time I have entered the southern peninsula, and I looked down from the plane with some curiosity.

Tiannan is a plateau terrain, while the southern peninsula area is a rainforest terrain.

Looking down from the plane, you can see large tracts of lush tropical rainforest, and occasionally you can see a meandering river passing through the rainforest.

Tang Zheng's destination was very clear. When he came this time, he planned to go directly to find Nahan's lair.

His few people are not enough to alleviate the crisis in Huacheng, but there is a trick in the art of war called surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao. It is very simple, but very practical.

 It’s just that his information about Nahan is incomplete and the specific situation is unclear. He needs to find a place to stay first.

After flying for a while, Tang Zheng found a relatively flat place to land.

 After the end of the world, plants will grow luxuriantly, so searching recklessly is not the way to go.

 After the plane landed, Tang Zheng came down and built a radar station on the spot.

 The radar station was established, and everything within 500 kilometers around the system map was lit up.

 This is the effect of radar. A radar covers a diameter of 500 kilometers and everything is clearly visible wherever it is.

Soon, Tang Zheng discovered a small town on the radar map.

 Different from the rainforest where red dots appear frequently, the light spots in this town are all white, representing survivors.

The town is in the rainforest, on the edge of a river, and there is a road passing through the town.

 It's just that the road looks very narrow and dilapidated, and there are almost no vehicles passing through.

The town's transportation seems to depend on the river, and some ships can be seen on the radar traveling on the river.

 “Let’s go to the edge of the river.”

 The plane took off again and landed more than 20 kilometers away from the town, landing on the edge of the river.

 Other planes also flew over and landed here.

Tang Zheng glanced at the people in the guard company. His guard company was now fully staffed. They were all five-star special forces, with a total of 300 people.

Tang Zheng thought about it and first purchased an inland river transport ship.

  Inland water transport ships can carry dozens of people, and if fully loaded, they can also accommodate 200 people.

The inland river transport ship appeared on the river. Tang Zheng did not ask everyone to follow them on the ship. Most of the people stayed here. He just led a row of people to board the transport ship.

“Do you have other clothes? Change into them.”

The soldiers in the guard company all had spare clothes in their backpacks. After hearing Tang Zheng's words, they all took off their military uniforms and put on spare old clothes, such as camouflage uniforms, security uniforms, etc. At first glance, they were not worn by soldiers. Yes, relatively old.

Ning Yuwei and He Xue also followed Tang Zheng. Ning Yuwei was wearing a black leather outfit with her tail **** in a ponytail, giving her a wild beauty.

He Xue also put on a sweatshirt and carried a small backpack filled with bombs.

Tang Zheng himself was wearing a black windbreaker, a yellow shirt underneath, and sunglasses. He looked like an unruly adventurer leader.

After dressing up, Tang Zheng asked everyone else to go into the jungle to hide, and the plane also found a suitable place to hide first.

 He came to this village to inquire about information, so he should not reveal his identity for the time being.

After finishing all this, Tang Zheng and his team of more than 30 people drove the transport ship and chugged along the river towards the village.

In order to observe the situation, Tang Zheng did not let the boat go too fast, so he slowly moved forward in the river, while also looking at the scenery along the river.

 Open the radar screen occasionally and take a look.

 A few kilometers to the rear, a ship approached.

 There were many spots of light on the ship, and there were many densely packed people.

“Be careful, there is a ship approaching, and it is probably going to that village.”

 A 7.62mm general-purpose machine gun is installed on the roof of the transport ship, which is the heavy firepower on the ship.

 Soldiers were on guard near the machine guns and could fire at any time in case of an unexpected situation.

We continued driving slowly for a while, and the boat behind us caught up.

On the boat over there, a bearded man stood on the bow, looking at Tang Zheng's boat.

He looked at Tang Zheng, and Tang Zheng also looked at him and his boat.

There are more than thirty armed men on board, all holding weapons such as AKs. They look very tough. They should be a mercenary group that often travels outside.

 The cabin was covered with black cloth, so the situation inside could not be seen.

But Tang Zheng knew that there were all people inside.

The two boats gradually approached, and before the man on the other side could say anything, Tang Zheng's face darkened slightly.

 He had some idea of ​​what this ship was for.

 (End of this chapter)