MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 360 continuous destruction

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Chapter 360 Continuous Destruction

Lu Chen, who had already learned that Ferdinand was coming and that his troops were ready to go, almost cried.

His luck will not be so bad.

God knows how much effort he put into this attack on Light Chaser City.

His Ninth Army has been staying on the border of the desert. After the end of the world, it finally gained a foothold after countless hardships.

 From that time on, his dream was to go eastward.

 He doesn’t want to stay in that windy and sandy place. The rich land in the hinterland of Hanyue is his dream.

 As for the problem of zombies, he didn't really take it to heart.

 Even though the Corpse King has appeared now, he doesn't care.

 Because he firmly believes that with the advancement and development of science and technology, it is impossible for any zombie to fight against cutting-edge weapons, and it will only be a matter of time before they are eliminated by humans.

 In order to advance eastward, he kept a low profile and was patient, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

 It has been almost a year since the end of the world, and he finally got this opportunity.

Tang Zheng died, and Li Wuyou fell into a real quagmire, unable to help Zhuguang City.

He continued to win over and bribe people, and finally persuaded people from several countries in the west to unite with him.

 Because he knew that relying solely on his own troops was not qualified to conquer the Central Plains.

For these things, he did not hesitate to bear the reputation of being a traitor.

 Because after capturing Zhuguang City, in addition to Zhuguang City belonging to him, the surrounding university city bases, military camp bases, international bases, etc. will all be divided.

Even Hezhou and Jinghe in Lianghe Province have been promised by him. This is the price for other countries to send troops with him.

Only by winning the Light Chaser City can he gain a firm foothold in the Northern Territory and be worthy of the amount he has paid.

But I didn’t expect that when I was about to arrive at Chasing Light City, I would encounter such a thing.

The migrating corpses of Huijing came this way and directly collided with their own marching route.

The 60 million corpses were overwhelming. No matter how conceited Lu Chen was, now that there was no city to guard, he would not dare to confront these zombies head-on.

His first thought was to turn around and run away, to escape back to his hometown.

But he was very unwilling to do so. By running back like this, all his previous efforts were in vain. He didn’t know when he would come here next time.

 After briefly discussing with people from several countries including the Bauhinia Empire, he made a decision.

From Lu Chen's point of view, the corpses were just passing by and could not be directed at him.

 After all, he had no enmity with Sister Huijing. The other party had no reason to target him, so it was probably just the right time.

 So if he dodges just a little bit, it’s over.

After the decision, Lu Shen and his 600,000-strong army left Mangye Town and hid in a mountainous area before the corpses arrived.

They will clean the former camp and try not to leave any traces or smells, so that the corpses will not follow them. They should continue to move northwest.

Lu Chen's plan seems to have no problem on the surface. After all, humans have known about zombies for such a long time. Such creatures cannot detect humans at all after being hundreds of meters away from humans.

 Not to mention that he hid for dozens of kilometers this time, so there shouldn't be any problems.

 But if everything in the world went according to plan, there would be no such thing as accidents.

 June 28th.

 The group of corpses from Huijing, which attracted worldwide attention, passed through Mangye Town.

When the first half of this group of corpses passed through Mangye Town, everything was still normal.

 But when the corpse group passed halfway, an accident happened.

The drone following the scene in the sky captured a shocking scene.

 Sister Big Corpse appears again!

 She suddenly pointed to the mountainous area in the distance, and then the group of corpses walking normally suddenly accelerated and roared towards the mountain forest.

In the sky, a flock of mutated birds flew over like black clouds, covering the sky.

 Among the corpses, agile zombies and a large number of mutant beasts ran wildly at a super high speed.

  Thirty kilometers away, the zombie vanguard arrived in half an hour!

The multinational force that was hiding in the mountainous area and waiting for the corpses to pass before launching an attack on Light Chaser City was in bad luck.

 The 600,000-strong army was hidden in the mountains and forests. They thought they were very safe, but they didn't expect the corpses to suddenly arrive.

 The multinational troops carried a large amount of equipment and baggage, and it was too late to escape in this mountainous area.

With no choice but to organize defense on the spot, they hope to repel the zombies.

  The firepower of the multinational force is commendable. In order to attack Light Chaser City this time, they carried a large number of heavy weapons.

Those cannons fired rumbles, and the explosions caused by thousands of cannons indeed caused a lot of casualties to the zombies.

If these cannons are set up outside Chasing Light City, there is no doubt that Chasing Light City will become a sea of ​​fire and people will collapse.

 But zombies don’t.

These guys who don’t know what death is, simply ignore the cannons of the multinational forces. They quickly dispersed under the command of the Corpse King and formed a huge encirclement.

This process is very slow. They don't even attack immediately. Instead, they use the speed of agile zombies and mutant beasts to quickly move out from both sides, forming an extremely huge semi-arc, and then close in.

During this period, a large number of mutant beasts also appeared in the mountain forest. They were controlled by the Corpse King and joined the siege. Whenever people with multiple national troops want to escape, these mutant beasts will stop them desperately.

 A small mutated sparrow can easily take away a person's eyes, which is also fatal.

A mutant rat can bite your ankle and tear off your skin and expose your bones, which is also fatal.

 Under the crazy harassment of these mutant beasts, the multinational troops had no chance to escape from the mountainous area.

 After being delayed for more than a day, everything was ruined.

 60 million corpses were bombarded by multinational forces, and nearly 5 million were killed, completing this huge encirclement.

 Next, zombies rushed in from all directions.

 The mutated birds in the sky also swooped down, almost blocking the light.

The rumbling sound of guns and artillery continued to ring in the mountain forest. This mountain forest of hundreds of square kilometers has become a cemetery for multinational troops.

Every day is filled with smoke, even causing forest fires.

Every time there is an accidental fire, multinational forces have to put it out. Those zombies are not afraid of death; they are still afraid of death.

 The grueling battle lasted three days.

By the third day, the zombie encirclement had shrunk to more than ten square kilometers.

 The dense group of corpses almost occupied the entire mountainous area, and the water surrounding the place was impenetrable.

 On the last two hills, all the surviving multinational troops are here.

The original 600,000 people have dropped sharply to 100,000.

They have run out of ammunition and food, no food or drink, and no bullets or cannons.

 All the baggage and weapons were destroyed by zombies. During this period, they suffered a hell-like test.

Everyone's ears are almost deafened, and they are shaken by the sound of gunfire every day.

Everyone has mental problems, their vision is blurred, and they tremble all over when they hear the roar of zombies.

That’s because they saw too many comrades being knocked down by zombies around them, and saw countless scenes bloodier than hell, which brought serious psychological shadow.

 They know they can't go back.

 The fate of our comrades will also be their fate, and there will be no more surprises.

Zombies are everywhere at the bottom of the mountain. On the top of the mountain are bare trees, and the burned weeds are still emitting green smoke.

If it hadn’t been for the heavy rain yesterday, which kept them full of water, they probably wouldn’t have been able to survive today.

The soldiers who were already a little desperate didn't want to fight anymore, especially when they saw the zombies howling and climbing up the mountain. No matter how they fought, there were more and more of them, so they thought of breaking out.

The soldiers went to their superiors, and their superiors took them to the generals.

When they finally found Lu Chen, they were shocked to find that Lu Chen who stayed here turned out to be a stand-in.

 The real Lu Chen ran away quietly on the second day of the battle.

At that time, the siege of the zombies had not yet been completely completed, and with the help of fire cover, he had already escaped through the gaps among the zombies, and few people knew about it.

Lu Chen's escape caused the complete collapse of this multinational force.

The last hilltop didn't last long at all. The soldiers who lost their bullets were no match for the zombies.

The mutated zombies howled and rushed forward, completely annihilating the defenders with ease.

The multinational force of 600,000 men guarded a mountainous area. After three days and three nights of hard fighting, the entire army was finally wiped out!

 After Ferdinand, who was located on the north bank of the Tongtian River, learned about this incident, he withdrew his troops back to the volcanic city, pretending that nothing had happened.

Only Emperor Lu Chen, with some personal guards, escaped before the zombies surrounded him. When he finally returned to the sandbank, he had only four people with him.

But Lu Chen is in trouble, because his wrong decision led to the annihilation of the multinational army, and many people want to settle accounts with him.

 Furthermore, the 150,000 men of the Ninth Army were completely thrown here, causing Lu Chen to be seriously injured.

 Not long ago, he was still boasting on TV that he wanted to marry Li Wuyou, but this time he was basically out of luck.

But at least he hasn't cooled off yet. Another man, Chen Hongchang, who claimed to marry Li Wuyou, is still in a worse situation than Lu Chen.

Just when Lu Chen's troops were surrounded by corpses, Haiwei City on Chen Hongchang's side finally couldn't be defended.

 After the Light Chasing Army captured Chongsheng Island in the Atlantic Ocean, Orochi's homeland was in panic.

 They were afraid that the Light Chaser Army would use the remaining power of taking over Chongsheng Island to continue attacking the Orochi homeland.

 Their emperor ordered that Orochi's troops in Hanyue should return immediately, especially those in Triton City.

 In their view, Triton City is already a dead city, Chen Hongchang has no war potential, and Orochi can no longer work for Chen Hongchang.

They only need to guard Baishan Province and the Lianzhou Military Port.

At the critical moment, Orochi's troops in Haiwei City suddenly withdrew without saying hello, leaving Chen Hongchang and others alone to face Li Wuyou, who had lost his lover and was a little crazy.

 The day after Orochi's troops withdrew, Chen Hongchang's troops finally could not withstand Li Wuyou's mad attack, and the city was defeated that day.

 Chen Hongchang wanted to flee to Dongyue Province in the south, but he was noticed by Liu Yibang, the deputy commander of the Royal Guards, who led troops to intercept and capture him.

 On TV, the scene of Chen Hongchang being captured became the headline news of the day.

Chen Hongchang was captured and the troops surrendered. Although Quanting City in Qianjiang Province was still the capital of Dayan, from this moment on, Dayan had been destroyed.

 (End of this chapter)