MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 354 All the best (three updates, one thousand monthly tickets plus)

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Chapter 354 All goes well (third update, 1,000 monthly votes added)

  Ti Cui Island.

 Things have been a bit chaotic these past few days.

 After Tang Zheng's death, all the monsters and ghosts on the island appeared.

 Representatives from some of these countries even directly found many senior officials of the Light Chasing Army.

For example, here at the Ministry of Interior, the Minister of the Interior, who is also the president of Zhuguang Bank, Qi Zhengyang, was approached.

 The person who came was the representative of the Orochi Empire on Didui Island.

 Ever since the war between the Light Chasing Army and the Four Nations Alliance, Orochi's people have been classified as persona non grata.

Even their ambassador was expelled by the Light Chaser Army, and all Orochi people were asked to leave Didicui Island within three days, otherwise they would be shot.

 The Orochi's people suddenly became homeless dogs. Some ran away, while others hid on the island and stayed here as internal agents and spies.

The Light Chasing Army's daily arrests would basically capture some big snakes. Some were thrown into prison, while others were killed directly.

 But unexpectedly, Orochi's people actually found the Ministry of Interior directly.

Qi Zhengyang heard that Orochimaru’s people were coming and asked him to come to the office.

Dashe, a representative with a mustache, came to the office of the Ministry of the Interior and sat down opposite Qi Zhengyang in a carefree manner.

“Minister Qi Zhengyang, let me introduce myself. I am Chi Shang from the Didicui Island Chamber of Commerce. This is my business card.”

He handed over a business card. Qi Zhengyang glanced at it and put it down: "You are all wanted criminals, and now you dare to show your face?"

Chi Shang's mustache curled up slightly: "Mr. Minister, you don't think that this Cui Island is still your world, right? Tang Zheng died, the tree fell and the hozens scattered. I don't know why you hozens can still persist. Go down, isn’t this a good time to find another way out?”

Qi Zhengyang said expressionlessly: "I don't think our Light Chasing Army will fail."

Chishang sneered: "There is a saying in your country that good birds choose trees to roost. It is meaningless to just be harsh. As the Minister of the Interior, I hope you can see the situation clearly."

Qi Zhengyang looked at Chi Shang: "Then what is your status in Orochi? If you are just a member of the Chamber of Commerce, then there is no point in talking to me."

 Hearing the tone of relaxation in the other party's words, Chishang immediately became energetic.

“If Mr. Minister is interested, I can introduce you to a higher-level person.”

Qi Zhengyang hesitated and did not answer.

Chishang took a card and placed it in front of Qi Zhengyang.

 “One million, let’s meet.”

  Qi Zhengyang accepted the card.

 That evening, an officer from Dashe came to meet Qi Zhengyang secretly.

 The position of Minister of the Interior is too important, and there are too many things he can do. They also have the illusion of taking over senior officials of the Light Chasing Army to facilitate their future operations.

 Unexpectedly, as soon as the officer arrived, he was arrested by the Military Intelligence Bureau.

When the officer was arrested, he still roared angrily: "You despicable Hanyue people, don't even think of digging out any information from me. I would rather commit suicide than betray my country."

The Military Intelligence agents who captured him were merciless and held him down, tied him up like a pig, and then loaded him into a car and took him away.

 What awaits him will be a combined surgery.

Just like how Guo Yun and several people implanted chips, Zhuguangjun has now established many such joint surgical teams.

The team is composed of five-star scientific research soldiers, medical experts, and bomb experts, and implants them in some people.

This officer had a good will to resist, but he could not stop the implantation of high technology. In the end, he obediently became an informant for the Light Chasing Army.

From such people, the Light Chaser Army knows the locations of a large number of hidden enemies.

  Personnel from the Military Intelligence Bureau and the Special Service jointly carried out law enforcement and continued to attack, uprooting enemy strongholds hidden on the island one by one.

 Some of the armed minions were killed on the spot, and some important figures were brought back again for implantation.

 After repeating this many times, they gradually mastered some information.

The Coastal Empire travels to the coastal areas of Ticui Island.

 A large number of merchant ships are riding the wind and waves to Didicui Island.

 On a merchant ship in front, the sailor took out his telescope and looked ahead.

 A warship and two coast guard ships appeared in front and were rapidly approaching the merchant ship group.

“Everyone, please pay attention, the naval inspection team of the Light Chaser Army is here.”

 The merchant ships slowed down and prepared to stop for inspection.

 A coast guard ship approached and signaled them to stop.

The two ships approached, the sampan was set up, and the Light Chasers boarded the ship.

 “What are they transporting?”

“Hey, they are all frozen food, frozen pork, chicken legs, and some duck blood and so on.”

 “Open the cabin and let’s check.”

“Okay, okay, the cabin is a little cold, after all, it’s frozen food.”

The sailors opened the cargo hold, and the Light Chasers entered and began inspection. It is indeed what they said, they are all frozen foods, but these foods are a little red, which seems to have a high blood content.

Of course this is not a big problem, and the Light Chasing Army didn't care.

 After the inspection, it was confirmed that there was no contraband. The members of the Light Chaser Army left and continued to inspect the next ship.

 After working for a while, it was determined that there was no problem, and the caravan was allowed to leave.

"After you arrive at the dock to unload the goods, return immediately. Currently, Didui Island and the Littoral Empire are in a state of war. You caravan ships have signed delivery contracts before, so you are allowed to go there, and you are not allowed to come back again."

“Understand, understand, after delivering this cargo, we will leave immediately. We really don’t dare to leave the ship casually in such a chaotic situation.”

The warships and coast guard ships of the Light Chasing Army drove away and gradually disappeared on the sea. It seemed that they were cruising elsewhere.

 The caravan continued to move forward. After the Light Chaser navy could no longer be seen, their captain immediately ordered: "Turn off the freezer, open the hatch cover, and let the frozen food melt."

 All the merchant ships in this group did as they were told. It is now late June, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the frozen food begins to melt rapidly.

 When it was almost melting, some sailors brought the cargo up and started throwing it into the ocean.

These goods were soaked in blood and water and then frozen. Now they have melted and become scarlet in the ocean, spreading out in the sea water.

 Soon, some sea creatures were attracted by the smell of blood.

The boat was sailing in front, and the sailors kept throwing things down. The water splashed and white waves rolled behind the boat.

Huge fins are swimming back and forth on the sea surface.

 Before the end of the world, only sharks can bring such effects. If too many fishes have the effects of sharks.

 As for real sharks, they almost have the effect of whales.

More than a hundred boats kept moving forward, and there were more and more marine life behind them.

“Captain, we are only a hundred kilometers away from Didui Island.”

 The captain nodded: "Contact the Navy and see where they are?"

The sailor immediately called the Maritime Empire's navy.

 Chongsheng Island Military Port.

The naval fleet of the Maritime Empire set off behind the naval fleet of the Orochi Empire.

As the naval commander of the Binhai Empire, Fu Yuqiang looked at this military port with some envy.

The military port of Chongsheng Island is in a very good location, not far from Hanyue Continent, the mainland of Orochi, or the Pearl Islands in the southeast.

 The main island, Chongsheng Island, covers an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers, which is considered a large island.

There are groundwater, hot springs, and coconut palm beaches on the island. It is a good place for military garrison or tourism.

 The reason why Orochi has a strong navy is inseparable from this military port.

 It is a pity that this military port does not belong to Hanyue. Otherwise, as long as some naval forces are stationed here and on the Pearl Islands, there is no need to worry about the security of the entire east coast of Hanyue.

 Fu Yuqiang looked at Orochi's naval force again.

As expected of an island country, even if an aircraft carrier formation was killed by a sneak attack by the Light Chaser Army, it still has a strong naval force. With two aircraft carrier formations, four aircraft carriers, and many warships, this lineup is not weak.

This time, the Binhai Empire also came out with all its elites, eager to get a share of the carve-up of Didui Island. This process inevitably involved cooperation with Orochi's people.

 Behind their four aircraft carrier formations, there were hundreds of transport ships.

These transport ships are also converted from freighters, and each transport ship carries two thousand soldiers.

Although the sea monster will definitely destroy Didicui Island to pieces, we can't expect those mindless things to completely level Didicui Island. The final capture of the island still depends on infantry.

Fu Yuqiang knew that this time Chen Hongchang had used all his strength to fight, and 150,000 troops had now left the Quanting base city and joined in the carving up of Didui Island.

Orochi's people are similar. They have been defeated several times, including the Triton City Military Port Station, the Yunling Battle, and the Jialing Mountain Battle.

 Now we are still fighting Li Wuyou, fighting Li Haocheng, and joining in the carving up of Didui Island.

Even if their country's strength is not weak, it will be difficult to continue fighting like this. It's good that the island seizure goes smoothly. If it doesn't go well, both Dayan and Orochi will probably be unable to support themselves.

 But will it fail?

 Fu Yuqiang shook his head, he would definitely not fail.

The Light-Chasing Army is leaderless and the internal chaos is unknown. The generals must be fighting for power behind their backs.

Moreover, they were unprepared. First they were attacked by a sea monster, and then they were jointly attacked by several of their own parties. There was no doubt that they would collapse.

 Just don’t know how much benefit the Coastal Empire can get from this battle.

Just when Fu Yuqiang was thinking wildly, news finally came from the merchant ship.

 They have passed the inspection of the Light Chasing Army and are already approaching Didui Island, only a hundred kilometers away, and asked about their location.

“We have already set off and are about 2,600 kilometers away from Didui Island.”

 There is a time difference between the two sides, because they want to give the sea monster time to wreak havoc, and they do not want to run into it.

 Ended the call, so far, so good.

 (End of this chapter)