MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 340 The king of subjugation

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Chapter 340: The King of Subjugation

Huijing base city, on the edge of Haojiang River, the great escape was staged here again.

 Ever since the battle situation became unfavorable at night, the people in Huijing had already begun to flee.

Although Huijing Base City is on the edge of Haojiang River, this is not the Huijing before the end of the world.

 In order to prevent zombie invasion, there is not even a river bridge here, and we usually rely on shipping to go out.

 So there are a large number of ships in Huijing. Those large cargo ships can pull three to four thousand people on one ship without any problem.

Tian Mingfei's inland river fleet was also fully mobilized. All the ships began to pull people, and they were not required to carry them far. They only needed to pull the people to the other side of the Haojiang River and unload them, and then immediately turn back to continue the rescue.

Even so, there are far from enough ships here. A ship leaves the port and crosses the river, drops people off, and then comes back for transfer.

This is still not enough. All the small boats that can be mobilized have been used. Even small boats are not enough. People use some wooden boards, bamboo rafts, and even bathtubs to get out of here in every possible way.

 But this is still not enough. How can it be so easy to transfer tens of millions of people?

 After a night of transportation, more than seven to eight million people were still stranded by the river.

 Some security guards and armed police from the Gaoling Empire are guarding here with guns, trying to maintain order as much as possible.

The shore was filled with a surging crowd of people, so dark that no one could see the edges. It was even crazier than the crowd of corpses.

The security guards roared at the top of their lungs, their eyes were red, and the crazy scene in front of them made their emotions start to get a little out of control.

 “Hurry, hurry, hurry! Those with children get on the boat first!”

 “Stop **** crowding, be a gentleman and give way to the women.”

 “Back off, back off! If you push forward again, I will kill you!”


  Gunshots rang out, and people in the crowd fell down, but even death could not control the situation.

The people behind are pushing forward, and the people in front can’t help themselves.

Several warships on the riverside came over, set up machine guns and started firing, killing hundreds of people in a row before the restless crowd calmed down a little.

 But everyone knows that this kind of peace will not last long. Once the city is broken, everyone will die.

They all know that they may not be able to hold on, but no one knows how long they can hold on.

 All shipping forces were operating at full capacity, almost exerting all their strength, trying to transport people to the other side of the Haojiang River.

 But the people in Huijing did not appreciate it.

Everyone knows something about the battle situation on the front line. The flares cannot be fired, and they will be eaten by mutant birds. It is almost impossible to win this battle.

Tian Mingfei boasted so hard before the war, and now he was slapped in the face so hard.

Seeing that the shipping power here is weak, the cloud of death hangs over everyone's heads, and everyone can't calm down.

 “Open the blockade, we are going to Didui Island!”

“Let Tian Mingfei step down from the throne, negotiate peace with Zhuguang Army, and let us go north to Zhuguang City.”

"We are going to Beijing. Princess Li Wuyou is the legitimate royal family of the empire. She will not ignore our people."

"Tian Mingfei is a bastard. I have been tricked by him. I know the situation on the front line. Hundreds of thousands of people have died now. Armored vehicles and planes have been wiped out by the corpses. None of the things he promised have been accomplished. You know how to fight a civil war and let me die in vain for his stupidity, even if I am a ghost, I will not let him go!"

“Isn’t Chen Hongchang an ally of Tian Mingfei? Why don’t you see him sending a ship to pick him up?”

“A person who is just like a raccoon dog and doesn’t care about the life and death of the people is not worthy of being an emperor at all.”

“Can the shipping speed be faster? Please, the front line really can’t support it.”

 The warship's strafing only kept calm for a while, and soon the restlessness broke out again.

Huge ships cannot shoot people indefinitely, the people above are still patiently explaining.

“Don’t be nervous, don’t get excited, we still have troops armed with zombies, and they will be dispatched to fight them soon.”

This news made people calm down a little. If armed zombies can work, maybe they will not die.

However, soon a piece of news came like a bolt from the blue.

 The armed zombies mutinied collectively and began to attack the defenders!

The city walls on the east, west, and south sides were in critical condition at the same time. The defenders suffered from internal and external troubles, and a large number of people died. Perhaps the city's destruction was only a matter of a short time.

 The excited crowd broke through the blockade, wanted to get closer to the river, and board the boats that transported people back and forth. No one was willing to queue up anymore.

The helpless Gaoling navy had no choice but to open fire again, firing machine guns back and forth to kill a large number of people who would otherwise capsize the incoming ships.

Now they are still soldiers in Gaoling. The zombies outside the city have not yet killed them, and they still want to hold on until the last moment.

 The commotion was suppressed again, but this suppression still did not last long.

 Originally, people didn’t really want to go to the other side of the river.

 Because there is no base city in the north of Haojiang. It is an uninhabited land for thousands of miles. What will happen if they go there? Cities and towns are occupied by zombies. Are they going to starve to death?

 But now no one can care so much. Being able to reach the other side of the river is already a luxurious dream.

 Some of the people who could swim couldn't wait any longer. They began to swim into the water, trying to swim to the other side of the river and escape. However, there are not many people who can actually cross the Haojiang River. Many swimmers lose their strength and drown halfway through the swim. Many more people are attacked by mutated fish in the river.

 When a person dies, blood flows.

 Ten thousand people died and blood flowed across the river!

 A large number of mutated fish were attracted by the smell of blood and started a gluttonous feast.

 The Haojiang River, which was more than ten kilometers wide, turned into a three-way river at this moment.

 On the front line, bad news is coming one after another, and the defense line will no longer be able to hold on.

 Faced with such a situation, people are almost desperate.

Tian Mingfei was sitting in his palace, with a look of defeat on his face.

How long does it take for a person to go from being an emperor respected by thousands of people to being reviled by thousands of people?

 One night!

Yesterday, he was still a high-ranking emperor, but overnight, everything was lost.

At one time, he was still imagining that there was no chance for Chen Hongchang, and he should have the opportunity to become the real Emperor of Han Yue.

 He is still thinking about commanding an army of armed zombies to create a larger territory.

 But the arrival of a group of corpses completely destroyed everything.

 He was unable to stand up or even escape.

 Where else could he escape?

If he were an ordinary person, he might still have the desire to escape, but he was once an emperor, and if he fell from this position, his life would be almost meaningless.

 He sent people to arrest Dr. Zhu from the scientific research institute.

This man deceived himself. He was born an armed zombie and would not be summoned by the Corpse King, but now the one who gave him the final blow was the armed zombie.

 He wanted to capture Dr. Zhu and kill him, but his people went to the scientific research institute and found that the place was deserted.

 Dr. Zhu left at some point and left a letter for him.

 The letter is still on his desk.

                         by Your Majesty. 】

  【I am very sorry that our cooperation did not reach the end. In this cooperation, His Majesty has been eliminated from the competition very regretfully. 】

I have to say that your Majesty’s fate is bad. I did not lie to you. It is indeed difficult for armed zombies to be summoned by the Corpse King, but it is a pity that the Corpse King who arrived this time is too powerful. 】

[There are also levels of corpse kings. In fact, there have been corpse kings in Nanzhou Continent and the Western Hemisphere, but the rebellion was far less serious, and the news was not transmitted. The most powerful corpse king used to be the little corpse girl. grade. 】

I can only say that Your Majesty was unlucky and met the strongest corpse king, so you are not qualified to continue to cooperate with me. 】

[Your Majesty may not know the ultimate purpose of my cooperation with you, nor who I am, but I can tell you with a clear conscience that we are engaged in a great undertaking. If this undertaking is done well, it will even achieve civilization. of transition. 】

  【But you don’t need to know the specific details, because it is meaningless for a dying person to know too much. 】

  【For me, it is not a failure, because I have made a major discovery. 】

  【But Your Majesty, you are finished, goodbye! 】

At the end of the letter, there is a time stamp. The time was yesterday evening, and Dr. Zhu had already left by that time.

 Looking at the content of the letter, Tian Mingfei felt a little chilly all over.

He doesn't know what great cause Dr. Zhu is talking about, and he doesn't want to know, but he knows that his road has come to an end.

Picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water. Trying to calm himself down, he called the people from the TV station over.

"Send me the last news. After sending it, you all go to the dock. I will let the city defenders fight to the end. They can't withdraw. Let's buy as much time as possible."

The people at the TV station were trembling as they filmed Tian Mingfei and broadcast it simultaneously.

Tian Mingfei adjusted his clothes to make himself look as solemn as possible, and then spoke to the camera.

 “Your Highness, I’m sorry.”

"Forget it, there is no point in saying sorry now. I declare that the Gaoling Empire is destroyed."

"There is no hope here in Huijing, but there are still people in other base cities. You can find your own way in the future, but I advise you to return to the empire. After all, we are all still Han Yue people."

"Tang Zheng. I failed. If you can, I hope you can try your best to save the people in Huijing. Although I know you are not able to do it, but for those who left across the river, try to arrange some food for them. Bar."

“If you encounter people with armed zombies in the future, be careful, they may have some conspiracy.”

“As for me, I originally wanted people to help me visit my family’s grave, but after thinking about it, I decided not to. It’s easy for someone to dig up my ancestral grave, and there’s nothing more to say, so let’s leave it at that.”

 Speaking, Tian Mingfei waved his hand frustratedly, indicating that the shooting was over.

 After the filming was completed, Tian Mingfei waved his hand again and asked everyone to leave.

 Everyone around him also chose to leave. After all, the zombies howling outside were getting closer and closer, and no one dared to stay.

 With the closing of the palace gates, the Gaoling Empire officially became history.

 (End of this chapter)