MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 331 Beheading Operation (three updates, 700 monthly votes added)

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Chapter 331 Beheading Operation (Third update, 700 monthly votes added)

Late at night.

The continuous rain showed no signs of stopping. Although it was not a heavy rain, it was light to moderate rain that kept falling, making people feel extremely depressed.

 Damp air becomes everyone's enemy, and no one's clothes can stay dry in such conditions.

 At the Zhongtianmen Pass.

 Four fog generators continuously release smoke, covering an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers.

 Under this fog is the large force of the Light Chaser Army.

 Hundreds of thousands of troops have been crowded in this place for a full week.

The enemies coming from below suffered, and it was not easy for the Light Chasing Army. Fortunately, the fog was researched by the scientific research institute, and repellent substances were added to it. No mosquitoes or flies came over, which made the soldiers feel better.

In the hearts of the soldiers, they did not want to stay in this oppressive environment. They would rather fight with the enemy, but strict military discipline prevented them from complaining.

Planes roared in the sky and passed over this area.

That is the enemy's routine reconnaissance twice a day. After this reconnaissance, the enemy will go to sleep.

 When the sound of the plane faded away, the soldiers of the Light Chaser Army finally left the foggy area.

 They spread out along the mountains and forests and entered positions that had been camouflaged.

This time to snipe the enemy in Yunling, it was a tactic that had been formulated long ago. The Light Chasing Army had been preparing for many days.

 In the mountains, a large number of trenches and air raid shelters were dug for the soldiers to hide.

 At the Zhongtianmen Pass, artillery positions were even set up on several nearby hills.

 At the south of Yunling, Tang Zheng even built a temporary airport.

There are six positions in total. Position No. 1 is the Zhongtianmen position. This is the most important position.

Tang Zheng will never allow the enemy to pass through this mountain pass. If you want to fight, fight here. You cannot fight in the plains, let alone Didicui Island.

When setting up the position, Tang Zheng knew that this battle might be the most difficult battle since the Zhuguang Army was founded.

Eight hundred thousand fully armed enemies are even more terrifying than tens of millions of zombies. Even the siege of Little Corpse Girl may not be as difficult as this one.

 But this battle must still be fought, no matter what the cost.

 In a cold and damp air-raid shelter, this is Tang Zheng's temporary command post.

Beside him, many officers of the Light Chasing Army gathered here to discuss the arrangements for tonight's battle.

 At the very beginning, Tang Zheng and other officers imagined that they could use fire attacks in the mountains and forests.

 But with the arrival of continuous rainy days, this idea has been ruined. In this kind of weather, unless gasoline is poured all over the mountain, it will be impossible to ignite the fire.

Fire attacks cannot be used, and air strikes are not a good idea. Nowadays, the alliance forces attach great importance to air defense to the extent that they are all soldiers. Even when marching in the mountains, air defense is always considered a top priority.

Then there is only one option, which is a ground attack.

Nowadays, it is difficult to walk through the mud in the mountains and forests, and it is difficult for chariots to be used at this time. Only infantry is the most suitable unit.

 Selecting the target to attack is also a key point.

Now what the Light Chasing Army has to determine is which country's military camp to attack.

In the air-raid shelter, Ji Yuntian from the Military Intelligence Bureau was making a report at a very fast speed.

"General, the situation has been investigated clearly. The forward troops of the three countries Dayan, Orochi, and Tiger are now camping at the foothills nearby to rest. The ones in the middle are Orochi's troops, the ones in the east are the people of Dayan, and the ones in the west are The military camp belongs to the Tiger Empire."

“Between the three military camps, the people from Dayan and Da She are about two kilometers apart, while the Tiger’s military camp is almost four kilometers away from Da She, and it is still in a mountain col.”

Hearing this, Tang Zheng was stunned for a moment: "Why are the people from the Tiger Empire so far away from their camp?"

“This is not particularly clear. It seems that there is some conflict between their leaders. After all, the two countries did not like each other before the end of the world.”

Tang Zheng nodded. Regardless of the specific conflicts between them, the military camps were so far apart at the moment, so this was his opportunity.

This battle will definitely be difficult to fight. There are too many opponents, and fighting in the mountains and forests is different from that on the plains. It is simply unrealistic to annihilate the enemy on a large scale. Tang Zheng's Light Chaser Army can only seize opportunities little by little. Bit by bit.

The opponent's 800,000 troops stretched for almost 60 to 70 kilometers, and the front and rear armies were far apart, which gave Tang Zheng an opportunity.

 He raised his head and asked Ji Yuntian again: "How many people are there in the forward military camp of the Tiger Empire?"

“Well, two infantry brigades, a motorized regiment, an engineering regiment, and some miscellaneous ones, totaling more than 40,000 people, close to 50,000 people.”

“Fifty thousand people?”

Tang Zheng was a little hesitant. The number of 50,000 forwards was a bit too much, and it would be difficult to handle them in a short time.

 Speaking of which, Ji Yuntian gave another piece of news.

"General, this time the commander-in-chief of the Tiger Empire's troops is called Jin Junxian. This person is a member of their royal family. This time he took the initiative to come here to command the battle. It seems that he is trying to accumulate merit and compete with another person for the throne after returning home. But But he had little combat experience, so this time he was accompanied by a general named Li Zaixing. This man was the actual controller of the Tiger Army and the backbone of the Tiger Empire. He was over sixty years old this year. He once commanded After a war a few years ago, he has rich combat experience, and now this person is in the military camp of the forward force."

Hearing this, Tang Zheng was moved in his heart: "Are you saying that the actual command of the Tiger Empire's troops is now in the hands of Li Zaixing, and Jin Junxian himself has no command experience or ability?"

Ji Yuntian nodded: "According to the intelligence information, that Jin Junxian can be described as a straw bag. He doesn't know how to fight at all. Their troops are all supported by Li Zaixing."

After listening to this, Tang Zheng had already made up his mind. The troops of the Three Kingdoms Alliance total 800,000 people, but part of them is the navy, about 50,000 people. They are currently lingering at the junction of Dongyue and Bulk Province, and they are also waiting for the march situation here.

 So the total number of troops that actually entered Yunling was about 750,000.

Tang Zheng has confidence in his troops, but there are too many enemies. He doesn't know how long this battle will last. In the early stages, he can only take down as many as he can.

 After thinking for a while, Tang Zheng decided to attack the Tiger Empire's military camp.

Although it is difficult to attack this military camp, it may not be insurmountable. According to intelligence analysis, if Li Zaixing can be killed, it will be of great benefit to future battles.

Tang Zheng asked Ji Yuntian again: "Does the Military Intelligence Bureau have any arrangements on the Tiger side?"

Ji Yuntian nodded: "There are some arrangements, but they are all at the grassroots level, and there are only a few people. They may not be of much use at ordinary times, but now they are setting up camp and it is noisy. If it works well, there may be a chance."

Hearing this, Tang Zheng gave the order without hesitation.

 This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. Anyway, we have to take action today, so let’s start from here.

As Tang Zheng issued the order, all units of the Zhuguang Army began to move quickly.

The first and second field regiments, the direct regiment, these three troops were the main attack force and immediately began to move closer to the forward military camp of the Tiger Empire.

 The artillery troops cooperate and the air defense troops cooperate.

 The specific attack time will depend on the progress of the Military Intelligence Bureau.

 Tiger forward military camp.

General Li Zaixing looked at the chaotic scene in front of him and sighed slightly.

If he had a choice, he would definitely not go out to fight with Jin Junxian, a loser.

This person is just giving random orders and acting out of impulse.

For example, when setting up camp tonight, just because he was laughed at by Akita and Song Yinghao during the day, he had a grudge against them and even asked Li Zaixing's forward to stay away from them to express his dissatisfaction.

It doesn’t matter if Li Zaixing doesn’t want to agree, because the interest group he belongs to is completely tied to Kim Junxian.

The purpose of this expedition is to let Jin Junxian perform well and win great achievements. After returning home, he will have the capital to aspire to the throne.

 Because in the eyes of those in the country, joining the alliance of Dayan, Orochi, and Gaoling to attack Didui Island this time is a sure win, and there is no risk at all.

Since this is a battle that must be won, Kim Jun-hyun’s advice must be followed, as long as he doesn’t make too stupid a mistake.

So setting up camp was not a big deal, Li Zaixing still chose to give in and followed Jin Junxian's opinion.

This is a mountain col, and it is possible to set up camp. However, because we have trekked a certain distance on the mountain road, everyone was tired and hungry when we arrived here, and the order of the camp seemed a bit chaotic.

Each department is busy with its own affairs, the soldiers are setting up camp, the cooking team is cooking, and the car is stuck on the road.

There was a commotion everywhere, and it was estimated that it would be two hours before we finished setting up camp and finished our meal.

The rain in the sky was getting heavier, but Li Zaixing did not return to the car or the tent. He asked the correspondent to stand here with an umbrella under the protection of the security team and watch.

In front of me was a group of seven or eight soldiers, holding guns and running around like headless flies. They looked as if they were lost in the rain and could not find their superiors.

 In the chaos, these soldiers actually walked towards Li Zaixing.

When the guards in the security class saw it, they immediately frowned slightly. A guard went up to him, pointed at the leader who looked like a squad leader and yelled: "What does the chaos look like? Which department are you from? Didn't you see this?" Military flag? This is the location of the general's camp. Hurry up and go to find your platoon commander and company commander."

The squad leader was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Oh, it turns out that General Li is here. We are really rash. Let's leave now. Let's leave now."

 As he spoke, the squad leader turned around, and the soldiers who followed him also turned around.

 Seeing this, the guard lowered his guard and lowered his gun hand.


These soldiers suddenly turned around again, pulled the triggers of their rifles, and opened fire on Li Zaixing's group of people!

And Li Zaixing, who is in the middle, is their key target!

Li Zaixing's guards were not in vain. As soon as these soldiers opened fire, they tried to cover Li Zaixing with their bodies.

But it was too late. Seven or eight soldiers on the opposite side opened fire at the same time. The intensive firepower instantly smashed Li Zaixing and the guards into a sieve!

Li Zaixing was shot more than a dozen times in the chest. He was beaten so hard that he sat back on his jeep with his eyes wide open and refused to rest in silence!

He spent his whole life in battles and nearly died. Now he is over sixty years old. Unexpectedly, he died in a foreign country in Hanyue, during a beheading operation by the Light-Chasing Army!

  In other words, he died under Jin Junxian's blind command. If he had planned to set up camp by now, how could such a thing have happened?

 But everything has become a fact and no one can change it.


Under the opponent's precise shooting, the fuel tank of this jeep was shot and exploded, setting off a fire that shot into the sky.

This ball of fire swallowed up Li Zaixing's body and was also the starting gun of the war!

   Thanks to book friend xxig225522 for three rewards, thank you!

   Thanks to JGreenwich book friend for the tip.



 (End of this chapter)