MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 327 annihilate

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Chapter 327 Annihilation

The carrier-based aircraft of the Light Chasing Army concentrated fire on an aircraft carrier at ultra-high speed, and almost sank one of Orochi's aircraft carriers in just two minutes.

 Perhaps in the history of human warfare, this aircraft carrier is also the fastest to sink.

The fighter planes of the Light Chasing Army are not the old-fashioned fighter planes that need to drop bombs. They are all missiles that can lock on targets such as warships. There are almost no targets that cannot be hit.

 When the aircraft carrier was killed, there was a loud roar from the south, and a group of fighter jets departing from the Didi Island Airport also arrived.

This batch of fighters has a larger number, mainly F15 fighters, and there are also many Bear bombers.

 A total of 250 aircraft appeared on the battlefield and immediately entered the battlefield.

The main attack target of these aircraft is Dayan's battleships.

Missiles fell from the sky one after another, setting the battleships on fire.

The soldiers on the battleship controlled the anti-aircraft machine guns and fired in vain, but the enemy aircraft was not within the range of the anti-aircraft machine guns at all.

The fighters of the Light Chasing Army were the first to fire high-explosive bombs.

This kind of bomb fell on the giant ship and immediately caused a large-scale explosion. Once a missile was fired, nearly half of the surface of the ship's hull would be damaged. The huge explosion killed a large number of soldiers in the flames.

Moreover, the fighters of the Light Chaser Army cooperated quite well. Several fighters formed a small team. Whenever a warship caught fire on its surface, the other fighters were like a pack of wolves smelling blood, focusing their fire on a warship one after another.

 After several rounds of high-explosive bombs were fired, the surface of the warship became a sea of ​​fire. A large number of soldiers who controlled the anti-aircraft weapons died, and they could no longer fight back.

The remaining soldiers yelled and screamed to put out the fire, and the lifeguards began to try to rescue the wounded.

 But the Light Chasing Army will not give them this chance.

At this time, there will be fighters carrying armor-piercing bombs coming to finish the damage.

No matter how strong the armor protection of the battleship is, it cannot withstand the bombardment of armor-piercing projectiles. After a few missiles, the battleship enters a semi-sunken state. The hull is either tilted or cracked, and even gods can't save it.

The crew members shouted, wailed, rolled and fell into the sea water, and swam hard to the shore with good water resistance. However, in such a flaming battlefield, very few people could survive.

The whirlpools caused by the sunken battleships, the fallen masts, flying shrapnel and some metal debris can kill their fragile lives at any time.

 And those Bear bombers are even more ferocious.

 For this operation, the Bear bomber carried a large number of bombs, many of which were thermobaric bombs.

Without the thermobaric bomb, it was enough to put a medium-sized warship into a desperate situation. The ship island and control room were torn apart, and the people on the warship died instantly.

 The powerful penetrating power of the thermobaric bomb will also cause a second big explosion inside the cabin.

 Once the cabin explodes, the scorching heat will turn the ship into a living coffin.

 Whether it is fire or sea water, it can easily take away human lives.

These more than 200 fighter planes entered the battlefield and immediately turned the battlefield into a **** on earth.

 Warships caught fire, exploded, and sank one after another.

The billowing smoke formed huge plumes of smoke that filled the sky over the entire military port, like a doomsday scene after a volcanic eruption.

The sea was full of drowned sailors. They were struggling and calling for help, but no one could rescue them at this time. Everyone was unable to save themselves.

Yokoyama stood on his aircraft carrier in despair. One of Orochi's two aircraft carriers had sunk, and this was the second one he had.

He tried to get the aircraft carrier to leave, but he couldn't do it at all. There were sunken warships everywhere, and a battleship even stood upright in the water, blocking the way of the aircraft carrier.


 Two consecutive armor-piercing bombs hit the ship, and the ship began to shake continuously.

  The warship's dashboard began to sound alarms continuously.

“Didi~~~! Alert, alert! The hull is damaged! Please close the damaged cabin as soon as possible.”

“DiDiDi~~~! Warning warning, the computer room is faulty, please repair it as soon as possible.”

 “Attention! Attention! There is a torpedo approaching from the right!”


“Please start the backup motor as soon as possible, the power system will stop working in twenty seconds.”


 “Didi, drop, drop.”

 The lights on the instrument panel went out completely, proving that the aircraft carrier could no longer hold on.

Standing where he was, his feet slipped and the warship began to tilt.

Hengshan's body was swaying. He had seen defeat, but he was very unwilling to do so.


“The Light Chasing Army is a team of survivors that started in an inland area. Why were they able to build such a powerful air force and navy?”

“The air force and navy that our Orochi Empire has focused on building are actually so vulnerable.”

“Are those aircraft really third-generation aircraft? Why are they continuing to launch more than a dozen missiles? Is their ammunition bay Doraemon’s pocket?”

 “The glory of the shameful empire has been put to shame because of me.”

Hengshan pulled out the sword from his waist and seemed to want to commit seppuku.   A flash of fire is coming in front of your eyes!

 Another missile fell, and then the scorching air wave engulfed Hengshan.

The war did not end with the death of the top officer. The attacks of the Light Chaser Army continued. Not one of the more than 40 warships here could even think of staying on the sea.

The circling fighter planes of the Light Chasing Army are like a group of vultures, and the warships on the sea are like a group of dying beasts, struggling in vain, but the vultures come down from time to time to replenish their wounds, accelerating their death.

Gradually, those anti-aircraft firepowers that were still able to fight back were extinguished. Under the intensive bombardment of the infinite missiles of the Light Chasing Army, their resistance was destined to be ineffective.

Where there is resistance, there will be fierce missile attacks from the Light Chaser Army.

Gradually, some sailors discovered this, and they even deliberately gave up fighting back and abandoned the ship before it sank.

After all, the focus of the Light Chasing Army's attack is on the warship. These sailors, who have no combat effectiveness without the warship, will not attract the other party's key attack at all.

 This is a grand fireworks show that has lasted for nearly two hours, and the fireworks show is not over yet.

It’s just that it’s coming to an end. A large number of warships have sunk because not far from the sea, some warships have too long hulls and even have their bows exposed on the water. This has also become an obstacle for other warships to leave.

 The rumbling explosions began to weaken. Even if some warships were not sunk, it was only a matter of time.

 As there are fewer and fewer targets to attack, the Light Chaser Army's continuous strike firepower can be more concentrated.

 During this process, it was not that the people of Dayan and Orochi did not think of ways to rescue them.

However, the Light Chasing Army was too well prepared and the plan was rigorous enough. They blew up the air defense positions and the airport immediately, which cut off the fleet's way of survival.

 Unless they send troops from Lianzhou Military Port, or get people from the Tiger Empire from Dongyue to come over for support.

 But it was obviously too late.

The light-chasing army's attack speed was too fast. In more than an hour, the battle was coming to an end. Thick smoke swept across the sky, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke was everywhere. The sea had become a **** on earth, and the fleet had lost hope of rescue. the value of.

Even they are very worried. In this case, even if Lianzhou's fighter planes or fleets come over, they are probably delivering food to the Light Chasing Army.

  After all, how the carrier-based aircraft was destroyed by the light-chasing army's carrier-based aircraft was witnessed by everyone.

This kind of scene is difficult for Orochi and the people of Dayan to accept, but there is nothing they can do.

This battle was lost, and it was a disastrous defeat without any ability to fight back.

 The first failure lies in information.

The actions of the Light Chasing Army were elusive and interlocking. From the beginning of the battle, they fell into the Light Chasing Army's trap.

The warships should leave their posts as soon as the air defense position is attacked, move toward the Lianzhou Military Port in the north, and join the troops on the Lianzhou side.

  The plane should take off as soon as it is attacked, instead of stupidly waiting for news from the radar station.

As a result, the Light Chasing Army attacked one after another. The air defense positions watched helplessly as the anti-aircraft weapons were bombed, and the radar station suffered electronic interference, which was delayed for several minutes.

 It was these fatal minutes that prevented the plane from taking off in time to meet the enemy, leading to the final annihilation of the entire navy.

 More than 40 large warships were just gone.

Especially in Dayan, these naval fleets are the foundation that Chen Hongchang relies on to strive for hegemony in the last days.

 This is his confidence. If there is no navy, then his strength can be said to be almost at the bottom among the Four Nations Alliance.

The fleet that took so long to build is now sinking into the sea. Chen Hongchang really cannot accept such a blow.

 The day before yesterday, he was still full of confidence, thinking that he could become the emperor of the entire Han Dynasty and create unparalleled great achievements.

 But only two days later, he suffered a severe blow from Tang Zheng.

This punch was not fatal, but it hurt to the bone.

 The defeat of the navy does not mean the defeat of Dayan, but this blow is enough to turn Chen Hongchang's dream of becoming an emperor into a joke.

 Without sufficient strength as a support, neither the Orochi nor the Tigers can support him to become the emperor.

He can even think that Tian Mingfei will become the latest candidate for the emperor next, and his Dayan will probably become the younger brother in the alliance.

 In the basement of his official residence, Chen Hongchang's eyes were dull and he was in a trance.

 The bad news of the sinking of warships made him a little numb.

When his subordinates reported that two more warships had sunk, he suddenly asked: "Where are the soldiers of the Light Chaser Army who sneaked into the air defense positions? Have they all been eliminated?"

The correspondent spoke with some difficulty: "Your Majesty, those troops received fire support from enemy aircraft. The troops in front of the air defense positions could not resist and had to retreat. Those troops who attacked sneakily took the opportunity to escape to the seaside and had already boarded the ship and left. ."

Chen Hongchang's fingers trembled and he was speechless for a while, with a heavy sound coming from his throat.

 “Tang Zheng. Tang Zheng’s son!”

 “You and I are at odds with each other!”



 A mouthful of blood spurted out. Chen Hongchang's body shook and he fell to the ground.

 (End of this chapter)