MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 324 God, the Light Chasing Army is coming!

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Chapter 324 Oh God, the light-chasing army is coming!

 The fierce battle in the air defense position reached a fever pitch in just a few minutes.

The enemies in the military camp are rushing out, and the soldiers of the Dragon Scale Army have occupied various highlands and important places, pouring down their firepower to prevent the enemy's movements.

 The two sides suffered a large number of casualties in the first moment of the confrontation.

Of course, the casualties in this wave mainly came from the defenders. The soldiers of the Dragon Scale Special Forces knew very well that the first wave was the best time to kill when the enemy was not prepared, so they used all their most ferocious firepower. Used here.

The equipment of the Dragon Scale Special Forces is different from that of ordinary troops. As a special force, their supporting weapons are very complete.

 In addition to rifles and light machine guns, they are also equipped with a large number of sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and even mortars.

 All heavy firepower should be launched as soon as possible to inflict maximum damage to the enemy.

The special operations team members were equipped with individual battlefield radars and thermal imaging night vision devices. They immediately used rocket launchers to destroy the transformers in the position, causing the position to fall into a power outage.

 Then the heavy firepower continued to explode in the military camp, killing a large number of enemies.

 The defenders of the position suffered heavy losses for a while after encountering a fierce attack by the Light Chaser Army.

But it wasn’t for nothing. After the initial panic, they immediately began to fight back.

The soldiers would not crowd at the door waiting to go out, but spread out as much as possible, escape from various windows, and then immediately began to counterattack the Dragon Scale Special Forces.

 The two sides started a fierce battle around the barracks.

The Dragon Scale Special Forces are relatively good at this kind of battle, and they don't care about delaying time. The longer they delay, the more opportunities they will create for their colleagues in the Military Intelligence Bureau, and all the anti-aircraft weapons will be blown up.

 Obviously, the position defenders also understood this. They tried every means to get to the anti-aircraft weapon positions and defend those weapons.

The distance between the barracks and the position is only about 100 meters. This 100 meters has become a road to escape that the defenders cannot cross.

  The sharpshooters of the Dragon Scale Special Forces knocked down the enemies one by one in this area. No matter how they charged and ran, they could not cross this short distance of 100 meters.

 The whizzing bullets shuttled back and forth in the air, making a scalp-numbing sound.

The rumbling explosions continued, and each explosion represented death.

 The Light Chasing Army has the upper hand, but the defenders are not afraid either, because such a fierce battle will soon attract large troops.

 The military camp two kilometers away.

 The sudden fighting at night caused the entire military camp to explode.

A large number of soldiers poured out of the military camp. They were not even fully dressed, but they picked up their guns and swarmed out amid the roars of the officers.

“Quick, quick, quick! Damn it, why are you dawdling? If the anti-aircraft missile is blown up, we will all lose our heads!”

 “Speed! Didn’t you have dinner tonight? Don’t let the people from the second battalion get to the front.”

“His grandma is really audacious. No matter whether it was done by the Light Chasing Army or the Royal Guards, there is no way you can go back alive today!”

 They boarded the car and headed two kilometers away.

 Some people who didn’t have time to board the bus just ran along. Anyway, the distance was not very far.

Looking at the fire from the anti-aircraft position not far away, they were anxious. The soldiers in the vehicles set up machine guns and fired from a distance to indicate that they had arrived, which would give confidence to the defenders.

With a few clicks of the accelerator, the car rumbled to the vicinity of the position, and then rushed toward the gate.

The faint blue light on the ground is not very conspicuous. Of course, even if it is conspicuous, we can't care about it now. If it is one second late, the anti-aircraft weapons may be destroyed.

 The first car rushed past.

The car rumbled through the blue light area, and then hit a pile of sandbags in the distance and overturned!

The driver in the second car couldn't help but cursed angrily: "What a **** piece of trash. He can't even drive a car well. I can drive at 180 kilometers per hour without slowing down when turning. You must have come in through the back door with your skills."

His car also followed him into the camp gate area and entered the blue light zone.

Then, a hot, uncomfortable, indescribable feeling hit me.

 The driver's mouth grew, and under such circumstances, his body began to rapidly decompose and melt!

 From the normal human body color to red, from red to black, and then vaporizes with a bang, just like a piece of burnt charcoal being smashed.

Several companions around him were all like this, without exception.

Then the out-of-control car, just like the first car, hit an obstacle in the distance and flipped over.

Immediately afterwards, a third car followed up with a rumble and crashed into the other direction.

 The cars are all normal, but the people inside have disappeared and are not known yet.

Just like that, cars rushed one after another. Even if someone noticed something was wrong, they could no longer control them after entering the camp gate. The last thing they could see before their death was the swaying vehicles in the distance, but they could no longer issue a warning.

The people behind could only see vehicles entering the position one by one. The battle was still raging in the position. They were shocked by the number of enemy troops and could only step on the accelerator.

 Large trucks full of soldiers began to rush into the position, and then immediately repeated the same mistakes, following in the footsteps of the trucks in front.

There were forty or fifty people inside a large truck, which was reduced to ashes silently.

It wasn’t until seven or eight large trucks were buried in this death zone that the people behind realized something was wrong.

 There is definitely a ghost in that blue light area!

  When an unlucky soldier was sent to test by the officer and was immediately vaporized, everyone was dumbfounded.

 A large group of soldiers crowded in front of the air defense position, watching the fierce battle inside, completely helpless.

 Chen Hongchang was still in a sweet dream when he learned that the air defense position was attacked.

When the correspondent woke him up, Chen Hongchang was a little dumbfounded. He was stunned for a while before he came to his senses.

While hurriedly asking people from the military camp to support the air defense positions, they notified the navy to prepare.

Even if he doesn't understand military affairs, he still knows the enemy's purpose of attacking the air defense position.

Taking away air defense is paving the way for air strikes.

 Maybe in the next second, enemy planes will roar towards us.

 Chen Hongchang broke into a cold sweat when he thought of the dozens of warships docked in the bay.

“Quick, quick, quick! Notify the warship and leave the inner bay as quickly as possible.”

 The correspondent conveyed the order and received feedback after a while.

 At the inner bay, Orochi's warships are anchored outside, causing the military port to be very crowded and making it difficult for the warships to leave quickly.

Chen Hongchang hurriedly asked the correspondent to communicate with Orochi and asked them to sail the warship away as soon as possible.

  But it is not that simple to get dozens of warships to leave their posts. It takes time for warships to leave one after another, and the enemy obviously will not give them this time.

 The communication here is not over yet, and bad news keeps coming.

 The military camp troops supporting the air defense positions were frustrated!

The enemy didn't know how, but they actually created a layer of radiation in front of the military camp. The intensity of the radiation is very fatal to the human body. It will bake the human body into charcoal and vaporize quickly in a short period of time.

Now a large number of military camp troops are crowded in front of the air defense position, but they cannot get in.

Hearing the news, Chen Hongchang's mouth started to bristle.

 Before he could react effectively, the thing that worried him most finally happened.

 There was a violent explosion from the air defense position!

The sound of a booming explosion resounded through the sky, and **** of fire shot into the sky.

 Behind every explosion, it represents the scrapping of an anti-aircraft weapon, either an anti-aircraft gun or an anti-aircraft missile that he spent a lot of effort and cost to develop.

This shows that the enemy's attack was so fierce that the defenders of the air defense position could not withstand it, otherwise these precious air defense weapons would not have been blown up like this.

 Chen Hongchang's distressed muscles began to twitch, and he gritted his teeth and issued the order.

"Tell the people over at the military camp, tell Song Yinghao and Zhao Boxiong that the air defense position has been destroyed. Under no circumstances can we let go of those who blew up the position and let them defend it. I will kill these people no matter what, otherwise it will be difficult to resolve." The hatred in my heart!”

The order was passed on, and the correspondent continued to communicate with the people on the other side of the snake, asking them to drive away the warship as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Chen Hongchang suddenly remembered that there was an airport here.

"Quick, quick, quick! Let the fighter planes take off and prepare to defend. The enemy may launch an attack from the air."

 The airport is also in chaos at the moment.

 At the beginning, they got the news of the attack, but they were at a loss because they were not sure which direction the enemy would come from.

 Until now, they have not figured out the identity of the attacker.

 The attacker may be the Light Chasing Army or the Royal Guards. Which side to take off to meet the enemy is a key.

 The pilots at the airport also began to run towards the plane under the orders of their superiors.

 They are waiting for news, waiting for news from the radar station.

 At the radar station, they are also monitoring the sky with all their strength. Once an aircraft enters the airspace detected by the radar, they will immediately sound the air defense alarm.

 But suddenly, the radar seemed to have malfunctioned.

The person responsible for managing and operating the radar suddenly broke out in sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly reported the incident to his superiors.

The superior came to the radar in a hurry, made a powerful operation, and finally turned on the electronic countermeasures. After all the anti-jamming systems were turned on, the radar screen vaguely appeared again.

This busy time was delayed for seven or eight minutes.

When the radar screen appeared, everyone was dumbfounded!

On the radar screen, a large number of red dots were swooping towards Triton from the land to the south and the sea to the east!

The enemy was too cunning, and the time was stuck just right. When the radar malfunctioned, the electronic jamming vehicle hidden somewhere nearby must have played a role, delaying them for a few minutes.

These few minutes are too deadly. The fighter plane will arrive within five minutes, and everything seems to be too late!

 “Sound the alarm! The Light Chasing Army is coming!”

The director of the radar station roared at the top of his lungs, as if he had already seen the scene where he would be sent to a military court and then hanged.

 Woooo~~~! Ouch~~~~!

The sharp air defense siren resounded throughout the military port, making people's scalps go numb!

 “Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

 “The enemy comes from the south!”

“There are also enemy planes arriving on the sea, suspected to be Light Chaser fighter planes!”

“They are very fast, flying at speeds exceeding Mach 2.4!”

 “Hurry, hurry, prepare to fight. God, it’s better to run for your life!”

 (End of this chapter)