MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 313 parade storm

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Chapter 313 Parade Storm

 The battle on Didui Island lasted until dawn, and then gradually subsided.

This wonderful night has finally come to an end.

That night, the Zhuguang Army dispatched 45,000 troops and almost completely wiped out the 120,000 troops on Didui Island.

 The navy was destroyed, the air force was destroyed, and most of the army was wiped out.

The multinational force on Didui Island suffered more than 60,000 casualties, and 30,000 wounded and captured soldiers.

There were still more than 20,000 people left, who escaped at the last moment. They dispersed among the people of Didui Island, and it was not easy to find them for a while.

 The Light Chasing Army fully entered Didicui Island and quickly took control of some strategic locations.

For example, the headquarters of the Joint Law Enforcement Bureau, TV stations, airports, docks, etc.

 Although the battle of the regular army ended, the situation on the island has not stabilized.

At this time in Sanjiang, Jones had already announced on TV that the exile government of Didui Island had been established in the Sanjiang base city of Dayan Kingdom, and he called on the people of Bai Magnolia to unite, and the people of Didui Island to unite and oppose The Light Chasing Army illegally occupied Didui Island.

Jones is not the only ambassador who fled to Sanjiang. Some ambassadors also escaped to Sanjiang through various channels during the chaos last night.

With the support of Chen Hongchang, they also began to give speeches on television, encouraging their people to stand up and fight to the end against Tang Zheng and the Zhuguang Army.

They also called on soldiers living among the people to arm themselves and take advantage of the island's geographical advantages to fight guerrilla warfare on the island with the Light Chaser Army.

Among the soldiers who were defeated and fled last night, some did respond to the call and secretly began to stir up the wind and rain.

After all, in the eyes of the people on this island, this Didui Island belongs to them. Now Tang Zheng and the others are the invaders, and they are on the side of justice at this time.

Inspired by this fanatical atmosphere, many people joined in.

  The actions last night made some foreigners dissatisfied. For example, the eviction of people in the villa area and the blowing up of four buildings to buy time for the defense forces were all reasons for their dissatisfaction.

This morning when the Light Chasing Army took over the island, some foreigners gathered together and tried to hold a demonstration to oppose the tyranny of the Light Chasing Army.

 They gathered together in the streets and began smashing shops, burning vehicles, and making Light Chaser flags and then burning them.

Some people even tried to attack the Light Chasing Army, throwing rocks, smoke bombs and Molotov cocktails at the troops.

In this place where guns are not prohibited, there are many people who own guns, and many people even try to blackmail the Light Chasing Army.

 Some of the guns used are even military guns.

These guns are all the remnants of the multinational force from Ticui Island. After all, they have been entrenched here for nearly a year. The trees have deep roots and cannot be completely eradicated at once.

 Soon, this wave of demonstrations began to spread across the island.

Dozens of processions appeared in various places on the island, and they carried out crazy sabotage activities. This kind of thing is familiar to them.

 Because before the end of the world, in their country, they often marched and rioted if they were a little dissatisfied. They also constantly confronted the military and police, and there were even many cases where they won.

Some demonstrations and riots have gone so far as to overthrow state power. There is no precedent for this kind of thing.

As for this situation, their military is often helpless, because this kind of activity is watched by the people of the whole country, and the military is also a member of this country, and they will not go too far to deal with the demonstrators.

So in their view, as an occupying force, the Light Chasing Army must focus on appeasing people's hearts.

 After all, after the end of the world, everyone has figured out one thing: during this period, the most precious resource is people.

The population was already very sparse, and the powerful warlords and the emperors who founded the country wanted to have more people under their command.

I believe Tang Zheng is no exception.

 For a time, the crowd of demonstrators spread across the island and became more and more violent.

 Some media at home and abroad also reported on this matter crazily.

 In their mouths, the attack of the Light Chaser Army last night was regarded as a barbaric invasion.

 The current storm of demonstrations is the resistance of righteous people.

Many media have concluded that the Light Chasing Army cannot stand in this storm of resistance. Without the support of the people, they will roll out of Didui Island in despair and return to where they came from.

During this storm, many people on Hanyue's side also expressed their stance.

Chen Hongchang was the first to say that the invasion of Didicui Island by the Zhuangguang Army was an invasion and lacked a moral stance. He demanded that the Zhuguang Army must immediately withdraw its troops and return to Zhuguang City, otherwise Dayan would declare war on the Zhuguang Army. The Light Chasing Army will be responsible for all consequences.

After Chen Hongchang expressed his stance, Tian Mingfei also gave a televised speech.

 He announced that the upstream Haojiang waterway would be immediately blocked, no ships would be allowed to enter the waters around Didui Island, and all commercial transactions would be stopped.

Di Cui Island is an isolated island, surrounded by water. Now that the river bridge has been blown up, land transportation has been interrupted. If the water trade is interrupted again, then no foreign materials will enter here. This behavior can be called the annihilation of descendants and is extremely cruel.

In addition, in the southeast region, some newly established countries also condemned Tang Zheng's behavior and demanded that he immediately withdraw from Didui Island, which was not within his sphere of influence. Some foreign media also spoke out, saying that they would send troops to rescue the people who were oppressed by the light-chasing army on Didui Island, and hoped that the people would actively resist and work together to drive the light-chasing army back to their hometowns.

During this process, only Li Wuyou from Beijing expressed support for Tang Zheng. She claimed that Didicui Island was originally the land of Han Yue, and it was not Tang Zheng who should really get out, but those foreign countries occupied by Magpie Nest. people.

She will stand firmly on Tang Zheng's side and always support him. She also hopes that those who illegally declared independence in Hanyue can understand their origins, don't forget their skin color, and don't become a millionaire because of some interests. A despised traitor.

But her voice alone was still a little too weak, and TV stations in many places even temporarily cut off the signal from distant Beijing, otherwise the public would see Li Wuyou's picture and hear her voice.

 Various factors combined to make this march intensify.

 At this time, everyone believed that Tang Zheng would compromise.

Even if he won’t just leave, he must show considerable sincerity to appease the people on the island first. Stabilizing the situation is the first element.

 As a leader of any force, I am afraid that this is the only way to go at the moment.

 Because the pressure he faces is too great. The resistance on the island, the appeal of the original forces, the declaration of war by neighboring countries, and the threats from dozens of countries outside the country, who can withstand this?

 But no one expected that Tang Zheng had no intention of giving in on this matter.

Tang Zheng paid no attention to the pressures from both domestic and foreign countries.

  The inherent power of Didicui Island has been defeated, and they have nothing but a mouth.

As for emperors with unjust names like Chen Hongchang and Tian Mingfei, if they dared to use force, they could have started last night instead of giving some warnings here now.

Tang Zheng didn't even care about the forces outside the country. He was already at odds with them when attacking Didui Island, and now he wouldn't consider their opinions.

 He gave direct orders to the troops to attack the demonstrators.

 What is needed most at this moment is not tenderness, but the shock of iron and blood.

Tang Zheng wants them to understand that this is not their country or their territory. This is the place of the Han Yue people, and now it is the place of the Zhuguang Army.

If you want to live here, you must abide by their rules. These demonstrations will not work here.

 Soldiers armed themselves with guns, drove vehicles, and took to the streets.

 When the Light Chasing Army appeared, the demonstrators attacked them.

Stones, Molotov cocktails, gasoline-stained clothes, or cotton and linen products were just thrown at the Light Chaser Army.

The fanatical crowd roared wantonly, shouting slogans of freedom, shouting for the Light Chaser Army to get out of Didui Island, and launched an attack in a fanatical atmosphere.

There are even people holding guns in the dark, waiting for the soldiers of the Light Chaser Army to get out of the car, and then firing black guns in the dark.

Based on their past experience, the Light Chasers should form a team at this time, hold up shields to withstand their impact, and then use tear gas, smoke bombs, or high-pressure water cannons to fight back.

Those in the front row may still arrest some people, but they don’t care. They are fighting for justice and freedom, and they have a solid backing.

 But the outcome of the matter was completely different from what they imagined.

Facing their impact and attack, the Light Chasing Army did not get off the bus at all.

 This time, all those who came out to enforce the law were armored vehicles.

 The machine gun on the armored vehicle had been set up. They thought it was a display to scare people, but it was not at all.

Facing the oncoming crowd, the armored vehicles started.

The heavy machine guns on the roof of the car started shooting wildly at the densely packed crowd!

Facing these thugs, the soldiers of the Light Chasing Army showed no mercy, just like dealing with multinational troops, ruthlessly pouring bullets down!

 In an instant, the marching crowd was stunned!

Facing the roaring torrent of metal, they had no ability to resist, and countless people were beaten into sieves in an instant!

Wherever the bullet passed, human tissue was scattered all over the sky. Attacking the crowd was even easier than attacking zombies.

 The crowd that had just been organized suddenly collapsed.

 Some of them may be soldiers, but they are only a minority.

 Some people may be gang members with ulterior motives, but that’s not too many.

 The majority of the people are ordinary people who are dissatisfied, and they have no fighting power at all.

No one would have thought that Tang Zheng would be so unconventional and use his troops to directly massacre.

 The heavy machine guns shot and killed them mercilessly, almost treating them like zombies.

The vigorous demonstration was ruthlessly suppressed.

 The collapsed crowd fled in all directions, and no one's agitation would have any effect at this moment.

Mom! Those Light Chasers are barbarians, I want to go home!

 (End of this chapter)