MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 305 Special weapons on warships

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Chapter 305 Special Weapons on Warships

Jones was on the coast, watching the first naval battle after the end of the world.

I have to say that the multinational force has performed very well.

They fought bravely and tenaciously, and also brought a lot of trouble and trouble to the Light Chasing Army.

 But that’s all.

 The gap in strength between the two sides cannot be smoothed out by blood and courage.

The Light Chasing Army is superior to multinational forces in terms of weapons, equipment and military quality.

Multinational forces can cause some trouble to the Light Chasing Army, but what they have now is not enough to defeat the opponent.

But Jones is not worried. Now that the situation has reached a fever pitch, it is time for fighter jets and gunboats to appear.

Jones did not let these two arms appear at the beginning. He was worried that the Light Chasing Army would prioritize attacking these two arms, causing his ace to leave the field early.

 The situation is now in a tense state. The battleship is facing attacks from all directions. At this time, gunboats and fighter planes appear, and the effect will definitely be good.

 If everything goes well, it is not impossible to sink this battleship.

In fact, the multinational forces have repeatedly asked for fighter jets and gunboats to go into battle. Jones has always refused, and many people below have become anxious.

But the stubborn Jones still persists until now. Next, it is time for the decisive battle.

 The fighter planes hovering in the distance were finally allowed to enter the battlefield.

 The gunboat, which had been cruising more than ten kilometers away, also began to approach the battlefield.

Jones was still very cautious. When he deployed these two arms, he did not forget to let the Jiangqiao side continue to strengthen the alert to prevent the Light Chasing Army from suddenly invading the island.

At present, it seems that the Light Chasing Army has no sign of entering the island, which also makes Jones feel a little lucky.

I don’t know why the Light Chasing Army has been delayed, but since they haven’t come yet, that’s a good thing for them.

 When the Light Chasing Army arrives, collect the corpses of this battleship.

 On the surface of Haojiang River.

 The pontoon troops on both sides are already very close.

 But at this time they also faced a difficulty.

That is because the current in the Haojiang River is too fast, especially when the last few vehicles are on the way, the current is so strong that it is difficult for the pontoon and bridge vehicles to gain a foothold.

However, since the light-chasing army has the pontoon and bridge troops, it has a way to face this rapid flow.

When there was only space for the last four pontoon bridges, a steel cable was launched from each of the pontoon bridges on both sides.

 The steel cables on both sides fell to the opposite pontoon bridge. Soldiers from both sides took the steel cables and placed them on the winch.

As the winch rotates, the steel cable is straightened and tightened, forming two natural cable bridges. The two ends of the cable bridge are each suspended from a connection point above the pontoon bridge car.

Since then, the pontoon troops have a fixed point and will no longer be swept away by the rapids.

Then the pontoon bridge began to close, and each pontoon bridge car started at the same time, forming numerous gaps.

 The water in the river was immediately diverted, and the impact was no longer there.

 Next, the last four pontoon cars were launched into the water, and the pontoon bridges began to move together quickly.


 The pontoons on both sides finally joined forces and were successfully closed.

About an hour or so later, a pontoon bridge across the Haojiang River was built.

The officers of the Light Chasing Army who had been watching from Sanjiang side immediately gave the order to get on the bridge!

 The first Hummer off-road jeep rushed up first, easily and extremely smoothly.

 Then, various jeeps and troops directly under the battalion quickly crossed the bridge.

At the shore, a large number of armored vehicles, tanks, heavy trucks, etc. were waiting in the dark.

The speed of the Light Chasing Army will not be sluggish, but with so many vehicles crossing the bridge, it may take several hours.

The first thing they have to do is to transport some of their troops, seize the beachhead, and prepare for the counterattack of multinational forces.

 It takes about an hour to transport some troops and set up defenses.

 The battle on the naval battle side has now entered a feverish state. I hope that my colleagues in the navy will be strong enough to buy them an hour.

 The naval battle that attracts the world's attention is still going on.

 Up to this point in the battle, both sides of the battle have paid a considerable price.

On the multinational force side, fifty coast guard ships and fifty aircraft participated in the battle, and now almost half of them have been wiped out by the battleships of the Light Chaser Army.

 There was also black smoke billowing from the battleship. Although there was no sign of capsizing, the casualties would certainly not be small.

The frenzied attack by the multinational forces was not without results. Some of the machine guns and secondary guns had become muted, which reduced the battleship's combat effectiveness a lot.

 Those who watch TV, many of them are proficient in military affairs, and they are also calculating something.

 The most critical point is that this battleship should be running out of ammunition.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the battleship's main guns have been bombarding continuously, and the remaining secondary guns and machine guns have also been firing continuously. Even nearly thirty torpedoes have been released. This is already a normal battleship carrying weapons. The limit.

 It is isolated and helpless on the sea, and it is impossible for ammunition supplies to be delivered. Then, the battleship should have little firepower next.

 At this moment, multinational fighter jets, bombers, and a gunboat appeared. When the roar of fighter jets rang out in the sky, cheers finally erupted from the multinational forces that had been suppressed by the Light Chaser Army.

You know, there are a total of twenty fighter jets on the multinational force side!

Although these aircraft are antiques from the last century, they are still useful against battleships.

What's more, a gunboat has also arrived. This 190-meter-long big thing, if it were not compared with the battleships of the Light Chaser Army, it would also be a giant-level existence.

 The TV host, who had been quiet for a while, started shouting again.

“Dear viewers, our ace unit has finally arrived, and the end of the Light Chaser battleship has arrived!”

"It's ridiculous that the Light Chasing Army also sent a large force to Didicui Island, but under our strict defense, they didn't even have a chance to land on the island. The army could only watch from the shore, watching them. The battleship was sunk by us, but it didn’t help at all.”

"Tang Zheng's conspiracy was shattered. He never dreamed that not only did we see through his scheme, but we also had such strong fighting power. We lost both our wives and our troops. That's probably what it meant."

“That ridiculous Tang Zheng, I don’t know where his hovercraft has gone now. He probably ran away out of fear. Ridiculous Hanyue people, inferior people.”

For safety reasons, the female reporter and the photographer are live broadcasting in another seaside villa.

 She became more and more excited as she talked and was completely in the mood.

 Some discriminatory words were even uttered in her mouth constantly.

This kind of problem existed before the end of the world, but due to many things, it is difficult to talk about it blatantly.

 But things are different now. After the end of the world, the unbridled volatile nature has been regarded as a golden rule by many people.

There is no legal sanction against them anyway, let alone in a foreign land, who can do anything to them?

The radio waves carry her live broadcast, and everyone can see it.

 Including some battleships with built-in TVs and air-cushion landing craft.

The light-chasing army's air-cushion landing craft also has its own TV and can receive TV signals. In addition to being unable to see TV programs in the depths of the ocean, it can also be easily received on the shore.

Tang Zheng saw the program at this moment, and so did the people around him.

 Someone is angry.

The clouds in the sky have gradually begun to thin, and are not as dense as they were at the beginning of the end of the world.

 Fighters fly in the sky and will not be greatly disturbed by clouds.

What’s more, that battleship is really conspicuous. It’s lingering on the sea, with its lights flashing and black smoke emitting.

“Dongyao Dongyao, I’m Dongguai, please reply if you receive it, please reply if you receive it, oh oh!”

 The pilot of a Magnolia fighter jet flying ahead sent a signal to their command post.

“Dongguai Dongguai, I’m Dongyao, received, please speak, oh oh!”

“I have approached the combat area and found a Light Chaser warship. Please give me instructions.”

"Your fighter jets are divided into three and three formations and are divided into five attacking teams. The most important thing is to cover the five bombers behind. After all, you can't really deal with such a big guy without air-dropping bombs. You need to suppress firepower and press on the battleships. People can’t hold their heads up, do you understand?”


 “Enter combat status, group into groups, and attack after one minute.”

 “Coconut madden!”

 The pilot of this fighter jet is an ace pilot on the island.

 Before the end of the world, he was a retired navy pilot with rich flying and combat experience.

Although this old aircraft is incomparable to his previous fighter planes, he is still confident in dealing with this battleship.

How about dodging the opponent's anti-aircraft fire and launching a counterattack? He can do this easily.

 Fifteen fighter jets began to group in the air, divided into five groups in total.

  He took two fighter jets and began to dive towards the battleship.

“Hoho! You Hanyue kittens, try the firepower from Magnolia.”

 Control the control stick and the plane dives down.

 At the same time, the aircraft guns opened fire, and strafing began from a distance.

On the battleship, the soldiers of the Light Chaser Army used anti-aircraft guns and began to attack the leading aircraft.

However, this pilot was indeed an ace. When he was about to approach the battleship, the plane suddenly pulled up at a 45-degree angle and flew diagonally past the side of the battleship. Neither the machine guns nor the anti-aircraft guns behind him hit him.

“You successfully attracted the firepower, you did a great job Randhir!”

The pilot's name was Randhir, and he cheered loudly.

At the moment when the plane passed by the battleship, he saw a tall metal tower standing on top of the battleship.

There is a ball on the top of the metal tower. Around the ball, there is a very magical electric light.

“What is that? Is the transformer leaking? Doesn’t it look similar?”

Landil muttered to himself, and was about to control the plane to pull back, and then give the Light Chaser Army a surprise.

Suddenly, an electric current burst out from the ball and headed straight for his fighter jet!

It was just a moment. The speed of lightning is the fastest. When you see it, you are almost hit.

Randil felt his eyes light up, and all the instrument panels of the plane suddenly shattered!

All the power systems went out of control instantly, and the plane was like a huge kite that had its string cut off and plunged into the vast sea!

 (End of this chapter)