MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 302 Encirclement and Suppression Battleship

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Chapter 302: Encirclement and Suppression of Battleships

 At the beginning, people thought Tang Zheng was dead.

 But I didn’t expect that the next series of things would directly reverse the entire battle situation.

 The hovercraft suddenly appeared and took Tang Zheng away.

 The appearance of the battleship next shocked the world.

 Especially those who are proficient in military matters.

 They know what level the world's navies are at today.

 Nowadays, almost all countries in the world, as long as they occupy coastal locations, are vigorously developing their navies.

 There are three main directions for developing the navy, which means that three types of warships are their main goals.

 These three types of warships are battleships, frigates (cruisers, destroyers), and aircraft carriers.

 The first one to bear the brunt is the research and development and manufacturing of battleships.

Among these types of battleships, battleships have the lowest technical requirements. They are ready for combat and can be deployed on the battlefield as soon as they are manufactured.

 But currently, few battleships built by various countries are as large as the Light Chaser Army.

Some countries already have battleships that are more than 100 meters long and about 200 meters long, and some countries are about to complete them. However, there is no such giant battleship with a length of 270 meters.

If it were produced in other coastal areas, everyone would still be able to accept it, but why should the Light-Zhui Army be in an inland region?

 Is it because of their Fengming River?

Aren't you afraid that after such a ship is built, it will be stranded directly there?

Many people are shocked and cannot understand it, while some people find it understandable.

After all, Chasing Light City had built battleship guns a long time ago and placed one in the inner city. Is there anything that cannot be understood?

 But no matter who you are, forget about the shock after seeing this super battleship suddenly appear and inflict a devastating blow to the multinational forces.

Everyone knows that Tang Zheng wants to take Didicui Island.

 The prerequisite for taking Didicui Island must be to land on the island. This battleship should have come here very early as Tang Zheng's back-up man.

 But so far, we haven’t seen the Light Chasing Army landing on the island. After all, those river bridges are still live broadcasting, and we haven’t seen the large forces of the Light Chasing Army appear yet.

Battleships are indeed powerful, but it is still impossible to seize the island with just one battleship.

Moreover, although the multinational forces suffered heavy losses, they are not in vain. They will still fight back in the future.

At this moment, almost everyone who can watch TV is paying attention to the battle of Dicuidao and wants to see the final outcome.

 Jones was not affected by the war.

 When he came here, he didn't get too close to the villa. At this moment, he ran all the way out and commanded by remote control.

The appearance of the battleship confused everyone, but he felt that they might not have no chance.

Just think about it and you will know that Tang Zheng must have spent an extremely high price to build this huge ship.

 He must have deployed people on the coast early, and then conducted research and manufacturing in secret. The manpower and material resources spent in this process were absolutely astronomical.

It is true that the appearance of the battleship was an instant success, but it also exposed Tang Zheng's trump card.

 Jones knows a lot about battleships. Now Bai Magnolia is vigorously developing the navy and has given Jones great support.

 Here on Didicui Island, Bai Yulan also has a gunboat.

 It is not as big as the Light Chasing Army, with a length of 190 meters, and is equipped with a lot of weapons.

That is the first of the freedom series of battleships built by Bai Magnolia. It was sent to Didui Island, and it arrived not long ago.

This is also the basis for Jones to continue to sit in the position of director of the Enforcement Bureau.

ˆ Jones believes that the construction of battleships is not difficult, but the delivery of internal facilities is difficult and slow.

According to their Magnolia progress, the internal facilities of the battleship of the Light Chaser Army are definitely not fully completed.

It is estimated that the naval guns have been completely completed. As for other fish launching devices, radar systems, fire control systems, and even close-in defense guns and anti-aircraft cannons, etc., they may not have been completed.

If this battleship can be sunk in this sea area, the effect it will bring is no less than killing Tang Zheng!

What's more, if Tang Zheng escaped, he must have escaped on this battleship, killing two birds with one stone.

Having suffered such heavy losses, Jones simply could not give up. He was determined to keep the battleship here.

 Some coast guard ships he ordered to attack before were already close to the battleship ten kilometers away. Jones told these coast guard ships not to rush to attack for the time being and wait for support.

 Next, he will use the navy and air force at his disposal to encircle and suppress this ocean behemoth.

There are more than fifty coast guard ships on the entire Didui Island. Plus their own gunboats, they can no longer compete with battleships.

 What’s more, Jones’ main trump card is the air force.

 There are embassies in more than 50 countries, and each embassy has a helicopter.

And they have the Magnolia Empire, several other empires, and even fighter jets.

Of course, those fighter jets are only some old models, and their level is still in the middle of the last century. They are incomparable with the F15 of the Light Chasing Army, but the battleships in front of them are not advanced battleships, and they are definitely capable of fighting.

 Jones issued new battle orders.

 Except for retaining a few coast guard ships for patrolling, all the other coast guard ships, as well as his gunboats, immediately entered the battlefield east of Didui Island and used all their strength to encircle and destroy the battleships of the Light Chaser Army!

On the island, all the fighter planes and most of the helicopters will also follow.

The navy and air force work together to sink the light-seeking army battleship! This time, the multinational force moved very quickly. Many coast guard ships had already set off, and they were turning their horsepower to the maximum at this moment.

In the interior, many helicopters also took off, heading in this direction.

 And the main force of this encirclement and suppression battle, the fighters and bombers on the islands, also opened the hangar doors and prepared to participate in the battle.

On the dark sea, the TV station’s drone hovered in the sky, photographing everything on the sea through infrared cameras.

On the sea, the battleship cruised slowly.

 The villa area on the shore was almost flattened by the bombing. The smoke gradually dissipated, leaving a mess everywhere.

 Many tanks had their turrets blown off and were lying there like old turtles with their shells removed.

 The armored vehicles were reduced to pieces, and those that were not reduced to pieces are still burning.

 The army failed completely, now it’s up to the navy and air force.

Above the sea, the battleship looked like a huge building ship, with its lights flashing and not moving far away.

Beside it, in the distance, small boats flashed their lights and swam back and forth, like a pack of hyenas eyeing their prey.

Those small ships are actually not too small. They are all coast guard ships, but they are very small compared with battleships.

 There are two of these ships, or even ten or eight, and no one would think that they are the opponents of battleships.

 But now there are more and more ships gathered here, more than thirty ships, and the number continues to increase.

 As a result, the battleship seems a bit dangerous.

There were many helicopters, which began to buzz into the sky and kept circling in the nearby waters.

The battleship is not an aircraft carrier and does not have any carrier-based aircraft. It seems to be helpless against helicopters in the distance.

The host who ran away and cursed before appeared again at some point.

 “Hello everyone, I am Ahn’Qiraj.”

“We just suffered a shameless sneak attack by the Light Chasing Army. They used the cannons of warships to raid our troops gathered on the shore, causing great losses.”

“But Tang Zheng also forgot, and he also showed his fox tail. Now this huge battleship has been surrounded by our troops from Didicui Island.”

"We can see from the picture that our navy and air force have surrounded it all day and night. At this moment, unless this battleship turns into a submarine and enters the seabed, I can't think of how it can leave?"

“Oh **** ho, that’s our Magnolia gunboat, he’s appeared!”

"Our brave soldiers are about to launch an attack. Through iron and blood, they will let the Light Chasing Army bandits and let the bandit leader Tang Zheng understand whose territory this is and who is in charge!"

"God, I can't wait. Why don't our troops attack yet? I can't wait to see this big broken ship sink to the bottom of the sea."

Just as the host kept complaining, there were roars rising from the sky.

 The camera immediately focused on the sky and captured a shocking scene.

 Dozens of planes are roaring from the distant sky!

 It’s not a helicopter, it’s a fixed-wing aircraft.

 Some airplanes have propellers in front of the nose, and some airplanes have double-layer wings.

 Those who understand military affairs can tell by its appearance that this is an aircraft model from the middle of the last century.

It's an old thing, but today, it happens to be quite advanced.

The host Ahn'Qiraj burst out screaming.

 “Ahhh! The plane is coming!”

“Those are our fighter jets. It looks like there are more than thirty of them!”

“It’s over, it’s over! The battleship is over. It will definitely be bombed by planes and sink into the sea.”

"What's more, we still have the navy blocking all its retreat routes. He is dead, he is dead!"

Ahn'Qiraj danced and roared loudly, as if he had seen the battleship sink.

 Many people in front of the TV were inspired by her and started talking about it and even got excited.

 Nearby Chen Hongchang, Tian Mingfei and others, as well as their TV stations, did not comment on the matter.

Tang Zheng is an enemy, and those on Didui Island are not friends either. They are all a group of foreigners occupying magpie nests.

 Their identity, nothing can be said at the moment.

On the Didicui Island side, foreigners also danced and danced. They believed that the next scene would be like the war movies in the past, with countless planes surrounding the giant ship, taking turns bombing and dropping bombs until it was completely sunk.

  No, this time it’s even better than a war movie, because there are more than fifty coast guard ships participating in the encirclement and suppression at this moment.

The multinational force's thirty-five old-fashioned fighter planes, fifty-five helicopters, ninety attack aircraft, fifty coast guard ships, and a main gunboat formed a siege on the battleship.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be under control, Jones issued a battle order.

 As the Coast Guard ship of the Rainforest Kingdom takes the lead in attacking, the first naval battle after the end of the world has officially begun!

 At this time, it was already past 7:30 pm.

 (End of this chapter)