MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 300 The ocean overlord appears, and the giant cannon plows the land!

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Chapter 300 The Ocean Overlord appears, and the giant cannon plows the land!

Hearing that Jones agreed to come, Tang Zheng felt a little relieved.

 Hurry over there and negotiate again, it will take more than an hour anyway. If you think of excuses, it is not impossible to delay for more than two hours.

 But no matter how long it takes, it will definitely not work. The other party will be alert and launch an attack.

 How to fight this first wave of battle is very knowledgeable.

 It won't work if you hit it too slowly, and it won't work if you hit it too fast.

 Let the opponent gain a slight advantage, but cannot actually win.

The terrain here in the villa is too small now, and it is impossible to launch a large-scale violent attack. What should I do if the opponent uses armored troops?

Tang Zheng silently calculated and had an idea in his mind.

Jones was also more cautious. Perhaps in order to prevent Tang Zheng from firing a dirty gun, they delayed for a while and found a tank to use as a bulletproof vehicle for the negotiations.

 After the tank arrived, he slowly got into the car and asked others to investigate, and then set off to Tang Zheng's villa.

 When we arrived at Tang Zheng's place, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

 In the process, countless TV viewers fell asleep in front of the TV.

But they didn’t dare to leave, for fear of missing the most exciting scene.

Tang Zheng was trapped on Didui Island. This was huge news and no one wanted to miss it.

While the live broadcast is going on here, there are other reporters who are also live broadcasting. Their positions are on the Jiangqiao side, where defenses are being deployed urgently, with layers of sandbags stacked high, armored vehicles, tanks, Helicopters have everything.

A large number of soldiers set up crane guns, and there were a large number of reserves behind them, nervously.

 But the tense scene is not as important as the things here. A large number of people are still paying attention here.

Finally, Jones arrived slowly.

After arriving, Jones did not get out of the car. He used a loudspeaker in the car and started a conversation with Tang Zheng under the heavy protection of the soldiers.

Tang Zheng kept flirting with Jones until four o'clock, and then made another rude request.

Jones alone cannot represent the entire Law Enforcement Bureau. He will not surrender until the entire Law Enforcement Bureau arrives and makes a commitment in front of the television audience.

Jones and Chachai, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Tang Zheng has been lingering here for five hours, making rude demands again and again. If he waits for the entire Law Enforcement Bureau to arrive, then I am afraid that the large forces of the Light Chasing Army will have to cross the river bridge.

Jones dropped the loudspeaker in his hand angrily and pointed directly in Tang Zheng's direction.

"You bastard! If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, then don't blame me. Now I won't accept your surrender."

 “Start immediately and kill these guys for me, life or death!”

Chachai, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, immediately commanded the troops to take action.

At this time, the reporter also took the initiative to retreat, preparing to take a panoramic view of the battle in the villa.

Chachai was indeed well prepared this time. Instead of attacking through the courtyard wall, he first chose to let the soldiers with rocket launchers blow up the gate and courtyard wall of the villa.

The rocket launcher fired from a long distance, and with a booming explosion, the door of the villa was blown open.

Several large gaps were blown into the courtyard wall, and then the armored vehicles opened the way, followed by the soldiers behind them.

 Their attack was immediately met with a counterattack by the Light Chaser Army.

 The soldiers were on the second floor and immediately used rocket launchers to attack the opponent's armored vehicles.

Four consecutive attacks, four armored vehicles were destroyed by rocket launchers.

The multinational force was not a vegetarian either. The people who rushed in began to fire on a large scale, suppressing the firepower at the window of the Light Chaser Army.

The machine guns roared crazily. Countless bullet marks suddenly appeared on the walls of the villa, and the glass shattered during the battle.

The bullets hit the room, shattering the ceiling and causing the chandelier to fall down.

 An exquisite and luxurious villa became riddled with holes in an instant.

Just when they thought that the Light-Chasing Army was overwhelmed and unable to raise its head, the Light-Chasing Army's counterattack came again.

 Hand grenades were thrown out of the window.

 The attacker should lie down immediately, which can effectively avoid the splash of grenade shrapnel.

 But they didn’t expect that the grenade was not a high-explosive grenade, but a smoke grenade!

ˆBang bang bang~~~!

 Plumes of smoke filled the air, instantly covering the courtyard, and the smoke was so thick that it was difficult to see even one’s fingers.

  Not only did it cover the attacking crowd, it even shrouded the villa in thick smoke, preventing the attacking troops from seeing the specific location of the Light Chasing Army.

Just when the multinational forces were in a panic and at a loss, the Light Chaser Army's counterattack came again.

 The soldiers began to be equipped with a new type of equipment.

 Individual battlefield radar.

This kind of battlefield radar is equipped with thermal imaging technology and can operate in environments such as darkness, thick smoke, and fog.

 Using thermal sensing, they can find the location of their enemies.

However, they did not massacre wantonly, but deliberately missed a few shots, and then sniped to kill another one.

In such a seemingly chaotic battle, the multinational forces were reducing their numbers silently, and they remained invisible.

The two sides seemed to be typing blindly, playing back and forth and ping-pong-pong in a lively manner.

 After fighting for more than half an hour, the multinational force discovered that they had sacrificed nearly 200 people in the battle.

 As for how many people were killed or injured by the Light Chasing Army, I don’t know at all.

 By this time, Jones and the others also realized something was wrong.

 First, the number of Light Chasing Army combatants in the villa seems to be inconsistent with the previously known number. This shows that Tang Zheng has already made arrangements on the island, and his reinforcements should have arrived now.

 Another thing, Jones discovered that the time he originally thought was very ample had only more than two hours left.

Following another report from the correspondent, saying that a large force of the Light Chasing Army was suspected to be within 200 kilometers of Didicui Island, he realized that he could not delay it any longer.

 But with these people, it seems that it is impossible to win this villa now.

"Each embassy gave me a thousand people, and it must be equipped with a tank and an armored vehicle. I don't believe that such a small villa can withstand fifty tanks and five thousand people." The attack will fail!"

 Jones also became ruthless and began to order large troops to attack.

The island was in chaos, and various embassies began to dispatch troops.

 About forty minutes later, the time had reached half past five, and the troops finally gathered in front of the villa.

 “Hit me hard!”

Jones himself retreated to a distance, and multinational forces began to form formations and attack the villa.

 Tanks, like giant steel beasts, began to rush in along the gaps in the courtyard wall, almost completely knocking down all the courtyard walls.

At this time, the Light Chasing Army also showed off their ferocious firepower.

Although there are no heavy weapons, there are a large number of rocket launchers, combined with a large number of flamethrowers and snipers. I don’t even know when they have placed mines in the yard, and they can resist the attack of the tank troops.

Many tanks had their tracks broken by anti-tank mines, and some were hit by multiple rocket launchers in succession and were knocked to the ground.

 The soldiers who followed were elusive snipers.

One shot kills a child. Every time a sniper gun fires, a soldier is killed.

Of course, such tenacious fighting is not enough to turn the tide of the war.

The multinational forces used their powerful firepower to blow down the villa.

On the eve of the villa's collapse, the Light Chasing Army retreated.

 They left the villa where they had been guarding for a long time and began to retreat toward the beach.

The multinational force also made a breakthrough here. After sacrificing more than 600 people, they finally almost leveled this unsightly villa.

 The tank began to bypass the ruin-like villa, along the green belt of the yard, and headed towards the beach.

Although there are some rocks on the beach that can still be used for defensive operations, the Light-Chasing Army has no retreat. With the vast sea behind it, the Light-Chasing Army has no chance of survival.

The reporters behind them also trotted along with the troops, and the photographers followed with cameras, making sure to record the scene of Tang Zheng being captured or killed.

Tang Zheng stood on the edge of the beach, looking at the villa that was gradually overturning, without any disturbance in his heart.

 He is placing a building.

 Medium-sized shipyard.

 This building was unlocked when he came out of Light Chaser City and sold for one million gold.

He has built the building a long time ago and can just put it up now.

This is a beach, and there is a large area of ​​sandy beach, which is a good place to place a shipyard.

By this time it was getting dark, so he chose a beach behind the rocks to place the shipyard.

With a rumble, a huge shipyard appeared on the beach behind the villa.

 Normally, Tang Zheng would definitely go to the shipyard to inspect and see the specific situation, but there was no time today, and he had the second thing to do.

 That is to buy a warship!

  He had even purchased it, but because there was no shipyard, the progress got stuck at the end.

 Now that the shipyard has appeared, the progress is immediately full!

Just about a kilometer away in the ocean, a huge warship appeared!

[Battleship: Full load displacement of 55,700 tons, length of 270 meters, width of 33 meters, crew of 2,200, equipped with three triple 406 mm main guns, which can fire armor-piercing projectiles and anti-personnel grenades, equipped with 20 127 mm caliber high-level dual-purpose secondary guns, which can Launch grenades, armor-piercing bombs, illumination bombs, and anti-personnel bombs. Equipped with 15 40 mm caliber anti-aircraft cannons and 20 20 mm caliber cannons. It is equipped with 30 torpedoes, equipped with an all-weather radar system, and can carry three helicopters. Priced at 1.2 million gold (requires a medium-sized shipyard). 】

This kind of war beast appeared across the oceans in the last century!

 Although you don’t look at modern naval battles, this thing has basically been eliminated, but if it is allowed to get close, it will be difficult for the aircraft carrier to hold it.

Especially now that no one has a navy, let alone high-tech ships, this kind of battleship is the overlord of the ocean!

 At this time, there was another ship docked on the shore.

  【Air-cushion landing craft: The maximum load capacity is 150 tons, it can carry two main battle tanks and 150 soldiers, and it sells for 20,000 gold. 】

This does not require a medium-sized shipyard. Tang Zheng has built it before and is waiting here.

The soldiers in the villa also withdrew now, and Tang Zheng immediately asked them to board the ship.

Everyone quickly boarded the boat, and Tang Zheng even saw that the girl Zhu'er also followed quickly.

After Tang Zheng boarded the ship, the air-cushion landing craft started and began to run towards the ocean.

 At this time, the pursuers from the villa were also approaching.

 A large number of tanks, armored vehicles, infantry, and black people rushed up. When they saw the hovercraft, they wanted to chase it and open fire.

 At this time, Tang Zheng also spoke to the captain of the battleship.

“Battleship Captain Luan Junfeng, report to the general and ask for instructions from the general!”

"There's nothing to give. Have you seen the group of pursuers on the shore? Give me full firepower and completely eliminate them here!"

 “Understood! Promise to complete the task.”

 Luan Junfeng issued the battle order.

The three three-carriage-mounted main guns on the bow of the battleship began to rotate the turrets.

Each of the 406 mm caliber gunboats is equivalent to the huge cannon of the Light Chaser City.

 And there are nine doors on this ship!

The dark muzzle is like the eye of death, pointing directly at the multinational troops on the shore!

 (End of this chapter)