MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 298 Exposed! (Third update, Silver Alliance adds twenty)

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Chapter 298 Exposed! (Third update, Silver Alliance adds twenty)

 The news that the Zhuguang Army was heading south immediately caused an uproar in the south of Han Yue's territory.

The most nervous one is of course Tian Mingfei.

  When the country was first founded, they used Tang Zheng as an excuse to attack Li Wuyou, and even arrogantly asked Tang Zheng to disband the Light-Chasing Army.

 But those were just some slogans. The country was initially established and there were too many complicated things. They simply did not have the ability or the courage to attack the Light Chasing Army.

Maybe someone takes the initiative, and they may follow up, but no one has really thought about being the first.

 But no one expected that Tang Zheng would be so strong. Instead of swallowing his anger, he brazenly declared that he had entered a state of war with them.

They thought it was just a show, but they didn't expect that not long after the time passed, the Light Chasing Army actually came.

Although Great Lakes Province is not where Tian Mingfei’s capital is located, the land here is fertile and very suitable for farming, and he must not abandon it.

 So when the Light-Chasing Army went south, Tian Mingfei immediately chose the highest level of alert.

And he immediately issued an order, requiring the first and second armies of the Gaoling Empire to immediately enter a state of combat readiness, march into the Great Lakes, and begin to defend several important survival bases in the Great Lakes so that they could not be taken away by Tang Zheng.

 Because the report of the expedition team was very hasty, and he didn't know exactly how many people came from the Light Chasing Army, the specific direction of action, or the specific location, so he could only do this.

However, when the troops arrived at Dahu, ready for a desperate fight with the Light-Chasing Army, they found that they had completely lost track of the Light-Chasing Army.

The whereabouts of the Light-Chasing Army are unpredictable. Sometimes they go through the wilderness, sometimes they take the highway, and sometimes they even take the mountain road.

 Sometimes they marched during the day, and sometimes they marched at night. They hardly stopped and ran all the way, making it impossible for those who were following them to keep up with them.

 They could only judge that the Light Chaser Army was going to the southeast based on some clues about the advance of the troops.

As a result, the survival bases along the way became tense, and some bases even began to transfer people overnight to prevent the Light Chasing Army from raiding.

Tian Mingfei did not fail to track down the light-chasing army. After all, he still had a plane.

 He sent out a plane for reconnaissance, and once reported the location of the Light Chaser Army, but the next moment, the plane was shot down.

Later, he sent out drones, but the drones often encountered huge mutated golden eagles in the air before they got close to the Light Chaser Army, and were then destroyed by the golden eagles.

The golden eagle was raised by the Zhuguang Army, Tian Mingfei knew this.

It seems that the Chasing Light Army has made a big move this time, and even the golden eagles have been brought here from Chasing Light City in the Northern Territory.

It’s just that he didn’t know the specific target of the Light Chasing Army, which made Tian Mingfei turn his head in worry.

Often, as soon as the troops are deployed in a place, they find that the light-seeking army has passed through, and the troops have to rush to the next location non-stop, exhausted.

The Light Chasing Army had no intention of stopping and kept advancing at a very high speed.

Gradually, Tian Mingfei discovered one thing, that is, the Light Chasing Army was about to leave the Great Lakes Province, and seemed to be about to enter the Bulk Province.

"Are you not coming for me? Are you coming for Chen Hongchang and the others?"

When this idea appeared, Tian Mingfei felt relieved.

 It is better to go to Chen Hongchang's side than to come to your own side.

 His strength is also good, but he still lacks the confidence to fight against the Light Chasing Army.

Especially, he is still carrying out some plans and developing some special troops. Before that kind of troops succeed, he really doesn't want to start a war.

Tian Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief, but Chen Hongchang became nervous.

During this period, a considerable part of Chen Hongchang's main force was not in Bulk Province, but on the side of Triton City.

He has already taken over the shipyard in Triton City, and ship construction has been going on for a long time.

It was not long before the launch of his first batch of ships. He did not want to make any mistakes at this time, so he sent a large number of troops into the Triton Shipyard with tight security.

 Between Haiwei City and Bulk Province, there is Dongyue Province.

 It is obviously too late for Triton's troops to return.

So Chen Hongchang was even more nervous than Tian Mingfei. Especially when the Light Chaser Army crossed the Great Lakes Province and headed towards the Bulk Province, he hurriedly began to deploy defenses.

His capital is not in Bulk Province, but in Qianjiang Province, but the importance of Bulk Province is self-evident. This is the central part of his territory. If this is lost, his territory will be divided into two parts, the north and the south. So there must be no problem here.

He not only actively deployed defenses and scouted the direction of the Light-Chasing Army, but also conducted research on the Light-Chasing City.

 His two men, Song Yinghao and Zhao Boxiong, knew Tang Zheng quite well.

From their investigation, generally when the Light Chasing Army was dispatched in large numbers, Tang Zheng would set off in person and go to the front line to conduct command.

 But this time, Tang Zheng seemed not to move in Zhuguang City.

 This point aroused the suspicion of several people.

So they began to constantly check the news of Chasing Light City to see what Tang Zheng was doing.

 After watching it multiple times and paying attention to the investigation, they found some clues.

 Tang Zheng’s many appearances, there are no close-up photos of the front.

 Just some long distance shots and some slightly blurry photos.

 Obviously, this is not the normal standard of Zhuguang TV. If Zhuguang TV only has this level, then their station director can be fired.

They took out Tang Zheng’s previous photos for comparison, and finally discovered a huge problem.

The Tang Zheng in Zhuguang City doesn’t seem to be Tang Zheng!

 Through comparison of various details in the photos, they were almost able to confirm this.

This shocking discovery made them all panic.

  Could it be said that Tang Zheng had already lurked in in advance?

Has Tang Zheng already started his conspiracy in their base? They all knew that Tang Zheng had sneaked into Liao Yucheng's military base, and by cooperating inside and outside, he captured the base in one fell swoop, and Liao Yucheng also died tragically in the underground palace.

They don’t want this to happen to them again. Who knows which base Tang Zheng is currently in? Maybe it's right next to them.

 So, a big search began.

 All the bases under their command began to search for Tang Zheng.

The Han Yue people who came from the northwest should not be particularly difficult to check.

 There are several key base cities among them that need to be investigated, especially Sanjiang City.

Tang Zheng left there originally, and now the possibility of returning to his hometown is very high, so Sanjiang Base City is the most severely investigated.

And they also have more detailed search targets, one of the key targets is a person named Xiao Fan.

 Because Tang Zheng once used this pseudonym at the military base, this name must be checked.

 After checking, a problem was indeed found.

This man named Xiao Fan is an arms dealer. He passed through the Grand Canal and entered the Bulk Province about half a month ago!

 But the specific place to disembark and stop the ship is not yet known.

Tang Zheng is really here!

 Sanjiang City is even more suspicious.

 The investigation in Sanjiang City, within the bulk province, suddenly reached a new level.

This kind of investigation even affected Didui Island across the river.

People from the Joint Law Enforcement Bureau on Didui Island have certainly heard of Tang Zheng's name.

They also knew that Tang Zheng was a very scary person and a very powerful war monger. Wherever he went, a cruel war might break out.

However, they didn’t think much about it. What does the fight between the Han Yue people have to do with them?

They are foreigners, and they come from more than 50 countries. As long as the Hanyue people are not crazy, they should not dare to offend so many countries at the same time, let alone come to Didui Island to cause trouble.

 So they are now watching the fire from the other side of the bank, and they are very comfortable.

 Whatever you should do, you should do it. When the time comes for a meeting, you still have to have a meeting.

 March 20th is the day when the Joint Law Enforcement Bureau meeting is held.

 This is their monthly meeting, once a month, at an accurate and regular time.

 This kind of meeting usually talks about the division of spoils, as well as trivial matters such as you beating me and I beating you between different families.

However, there was an additional topic in today's meeting, and that was Chachai, the ambassador of the Rainforest Kingdom, trying to use the army to deal with a Han Yue man.

This matter is considered ridiculous among the members of the Law Enforcement Bureau. Using the military to deal with private individuals sounds ridiculous.

 They have no intention of passing this matter at the meeting. They will only consider it unless Chachai is willing to pay a lot of money.

 They have always done this, putting interests first in everything.

 In the morning when the meeting started, Chachai came to the conference room early and waited for the arrival of the MPs.

After each congressman arrives, as long as he can talk to them and feels that he has a good relationship with them, he will give some gifts to gain some favor first.

Those who are more confident, he will even give many expensive gifts, hoping to get their support at the meeting later.

 At nine o'clock in the morning, the meeting began.

 The meeting was chaired by Magnolia’s ambassador Jones, who is also the director of the Joint Law Enforcement Bureau, an old man who looks like a capitalist.

This is also Chachai's thigh, his backer on Didui Island.

After Jones arrived, he started by saying some nonsense, such as good morning, have you eaten, and the pancakes and fruit from a certain restaurant taste good, such non-nutritious things.

 After everyone chatted some nonsense in a friendly manner, Jones started to get down to business.

"Chachai, you said you wanted to use the army to deal with a Han Yue man, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Director, that is an arrogant Hanyue arms dealer. He is too difficult to deal with. He killed more than fifty of us. I can't handle it myself."

 “Oh arms dealer? What’s his name?”

 At this time, the ambassador of the Bauhinia Empire suddenly looked serious and looked at Chachai.

 “His name is. Oh, by the way, his name is Xiao Fan, that’s the name.”

 After Chachai said the name, the venue suddenly became quiet.

Chachai has been working on wooing members of parliament these past few days and hasn’t paid much attention to outside news. He doesn’t know what happened yet.

Jones, who was still Magnolia, said in a dark and solemn voice: "Um, who knows where the troops of the Light Chasing Army are?"

A secretary-like person checked it and then said: "According to the latest news, it should be near Sanjiang City, north of Haojiang."

Jones suddenly shouted like a cat with a hairy coat.

"Fake! Tang Zheng is not going to Dayan at all, his target is us, it is Didui Island! Damn it, he is on the island now!"

“Hurry up and notify us, blockade all river bridges, and we must not let the Light Chasing Army rush across the river bridges!”

"Where's the army? Assemble! Let's all assemble. There's no need for a meeting to discuss. Gather immediately and go to Tang Zheng. That's the villa of the arms dealer named Xiao Fan. Take it down for me. Tang Zheng must not be allowed to escape! Otherwise we will They’re all in **** danger!”

 (End of this chapter)