MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 294 Return the Pearl

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Chapter 294 Returning the Pearl to the King

  After a sudden storm ended, Tang Zheng remembered his purpose for coming to the market.

 Slave trading is prevalent here, and he wants to buy a few people to go back and do some chores.

This time he was followed by a lineup of pure men, not a single woman. These men are as good as ten in fighting and not as good as ten in doing housework.

After explaining to the people at the stall, Tang Zheng stood up and left.

 Xingwen walked in the trading market. After walking for a while, he came to the slave trading area.

 Men and women, young and old, domestic and foreign, everything.

 There are thousands of slaves in this market alone.

 A small number of them could not survive and voluntarily became slaves, and most of them were captured by some foreign adventurer teams, because here, population also represents money.

As Tang Zheng and the others walked on the street, many people kept greeting them.

“Boss, are you looking for a woman? There are white-collar workers from listed companies here. They look good in uniforms and can take away one hundred thousand yuan.”

“Sir, come and take a look, it’s a good product from the Western Continent, the little blond pepper, I guarantee you haven’t tasted it.”

 “Are you looking for a butler, boss? You are from a Daliao aristocracy. Once you put on a tuxedo, you will enjoy royal treatment.”

“Are you looking for a chef? I have the former chef of the China Overseas Hotel here, who specializes in more than a thousand dishes. His monthly salary used to be 200,000 yuan, but now you only need to pay 200,000 yuan and you can take it away.”

Tang Zheng glanced at the chef and saw that he was a middle-aged fat man. He shook his head and gave up.

There are so many people here, and he still wants to find someone who looks more pleasing to the eye.

And he also found that those who were chatting up on the roadside basically had few good goods. Good goods did not require a chat, and people were rushing to buy them.

After walking for a while, a large group of people gathered in front of me, and it was very lively.

Tang Zheng and others squeezed in and found that there was actually an auction here.

 On a high platform, a woman stood, offering choices to the people below.

The slave trader in front is introducing to people.

“Now is the auction on the second day. A manager from a multinational company is proficient in accounting, computers, knows how to arrange flowers, and also makes good coffee. The starting price is 20,000 yuan, and the price increases by 10,000 yuan at a time.”

The one above is a mixed-race woman, a mix of yellow and white. She is twenty-seven or eight years old, and she looks quite beautiful.

 After the introduction of the slave trader, someone placed a bid below.

 But there were not many bidders. After several rounds of competition, one person bought it for 70,000 yuan.

The next person who came on stage was a woman who looked more elegant and said she was engaged in art.

However, the market is not very good. These days, it is not the time for everyone to talk about art, and most people still focus on practicality.

 In the end, this woman was sold for only 30,000 yuan.

 The slave trader seemed to feel that he had lost some money. The next two people who appeared were also shouting hard, but their reactions were average.

Tang Zheng originally wanted to leave, but a woman who appeared next caught his attention immediately.

The woman was young, maybe twenty years old at most. Her white trench coat was a little dirty. It seemed she had fallen when she was caught.

The windbreaker tightly wrapped her exquisite curves, and her shawl hair was a little messy.

A pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes with a stubborn and unyielding look, her face is as pale as paper, her teeth are slightly biting her red lips, and she stands like a fragile white lotus.

Her facial features are very beautiful, astonishingly beautiful, and there is a teardrop-shaped mole in the corner of her eye, which is bright red, adding a lot of alluring charm to her, pure and lustful.

 As soon as this woman, or rather girl, appeared on the stage, many people present gasped.

Super awesome!

There are many beautiful women, especially in front of the camera. After putting on makeup, they all look great.

 But the girl in front of her is completely bare-faced, and the impact of her astonishing beauty makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Even if she has no talents, other women can't compare to bringing her home to warm her bed.

Furthermore, that kind of unyielding and strong temperament can arouse a man's protective desire.

This girl appeared on the stage, and when he saw the reaction below, the slave trader showed a proud look.

How much money he lost today, he would make it back on this girl.

"Everyone, I won't introduce this much because I don't know much about it. This is something we encounter occasionally when we go out. It's rare for such a little girl to survive alone in the apocalypse for so long. You can meet her here. Here, it’s fate. Without further ado, the starting price is 300,000 yuan, with an increase of 50,000 yuan at a time. Let’s get started.”

As soon as the words were spoken, many people began to increase prices, and prices began to rise.

Tang Zheng stood there, looking a little excited at first, but then gradually calmed down.

 Because the **** the stage looks too much like Baihu Luo Qiuwan, the former leader of the intelligence organization in Zhuguang City.

At first, Tang Zheng even thought that this was Luo Qiuwan, but after taking a closer look, he was sure it wasn't.

He knew very well that there was no bright red tear mole in the corner of Luo Qiuwan's eyes.

The **** the stage has it, and the tear mole matches her face perfectly. She is obviously born with it, so this girl is not Luo Qiuwan.

Moreover, after Luo Qiuwan left, Tang Zheng also carefully learned about the psychotropic hallucination drug.

The drug can slowly corrode the human body. Luo Qiuwan was controlled by the drug for so long that her body was no longer good. Moreover, Daliao gave her poison at that time, leaving her with only two options: death and becoming a zombie, and there was no third way.

 After such a long time, it is impossible for Luo Qiuwan to still be alive, so it is even more impossible for her to be the girl in front of her.

 But Tang Zheng also decided to buy this girl.

 It was rare that there were two people so similar in the world, and there was no way he could miss them.

 When everyone started to increase the price, he didn't move at all. It wasn't until the price soared to 1.2 million and there were fewer and fewer people competing that Tang Zheng spoke.

"two millions!"

 At one price, a group of people were immediately repulsed, and many people around looked at him in surprise.

The slave trader was even more excited. It seemed that he had met the financial owner today, and he immediately shouted loudly: "This gentleman has bid two million, which is really arrogant. Is there anyone who has bid higher? This woman is of the highest quality. I guarantee it with my head. In order to sell it for more money, we have never touched this woman."

A middle-aged fat white man over there also seemed to like the woman on the stage. He glanced at Tang Zheng and then said: "Two million and two million."

Tang Zheng immediately replied: "Three million."

The fat man showed a hint of anger, but still said: "Three hundred and five."

"five million!"

Tang Zheng didn't even wait for him to finish his words, and directly raised the price to five million.

The fat man wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't. He didn't know whether to offer a higher price. This Hanyue man seemed determined to win the woman on the stage.

 At this time, an old foreign man not far away also joined in and offered a price of 6 million.

Tang Zheng did not hesitate and directly gave a price of 10 million.

 This price directly beats everyone.

The fat man and the old man glared at Tang Zheng, but they had nothing to say. Their wallets were not as rich as others, so if they lose, they lose.

The slave trader was already ecstatic. After confirming that no one made any more bids, he brought the **** the stage in front of Tang Zheng.

“Congratulations sir, this is definitely the best thing I have seen since I started this business. You are really discerning.”

Tang Zheng ignored the slave trader's compliment, asked his men to pay, and then prepared to leave with the people.

Just when I was about to leave, my palms suddenly felt cold.

Tang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, the girl actually put her little hand into the palm of his hand.

The slightly cool and smooth touch gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

That feeling made him miss it a little, so he didn't let go.

 “Why?” Tang Zheng looked back at her.

There was no fear in the girl's eyes at this moment, but she said directly: "I see that many of the sisters who were sold away were taken away like this. Don't you like it?"

Tang Zheng shook his head slightly. He instinctively felt that the girl was not like this, but he couldn't explain why.

 But he didn't let go, letting the girl hold her hand and get into the car with him.

Seeing that Tang Zheng didn't let go, the girl next to him seemed very happy. The slightly frowned brows relaxed and her big eyes narrowed, as if she was enjoying herself.

Tang Zheng took a look and said nothing, but he was secretly wary in his heart.

 Her proud and happy look is very similar to Luo Qiuwan.

 Is there someone secretly plotting against me?

Although this possibility is unlikely, because almost no one knew about what happened between him and Luo Qiuwan, but after all, Tang Zheng is a person who is under the spotlight, and there are many people who want him dead. If someone is willing to investigate carefully , and some clues may not be discovered.

I carefully observed the girl next to me and judged from experience that she was not a mutant.

Even Tang Zheng turned on the radar and found no red light spots, nor were they zombies or those kind of transformed people.

 “What’s your name?” Tang Zheng asked.

“Ah, I don’t remember, I’ve lost my memory.” The girl replied matter-of-factly.

Tang Zheng really didn't expect this answer, but looking at the clear eyes, he couldn't tell whether the other party was lying.

 “Then let me give you a name.”


"To tell you the truth, you look a lot like a friend of mine from the past. I thought I would never see her again. To return my pearl, how about you call me Pearl?"

Tang Zheng originally planned to call her Luo Luo or Wan Wan, but thinking of the dead Luo Qiu Wan, he changed his mind and simply called her Zhu Er.

 She lost Luo Qiuwan, but found someone exactly like her and returned her pearl. This feeling of lost and found made Tang Zheng temporarily choose such a name.

 “Zhuer. This is a good name, I agree.”

 Zhuer replied with a smile, holding Tang Zheng's hand, walking briskly, and followed Tang Zheng step by step.

 (End of this chapter)