MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 281 The light-chasing cannon is ready to fire!

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Chapter 281: Light-chasing cannon, ready to fire!

Tang Zheng knew that the most critical moment had come.

As long as he can withstand the attack of two level 3 zombies, this siege will basically be over.

Although the remaining zombies still number between two and three million, it is no longer possible to defeat the Light Chasing City.

And if the two level three zombies that have climbed onto the city wall cannot be defeated in a short period of time, the chain reaction they will bring will definitely cause the Light Chaser City to fall quickly.

The current locations of the two level 3 zombies are a little east of the main entrance of the south gate and two points above the southwest city gate.

The first thing Tang Zheng had to deal with was the lizard zombie that ran to the east of the south main gate.

If calculated in terms of combat effectiveness, lizard zombies may be slightly inferior to tyrannosaurus zombies. After all, tyrannosaurus zombies are extremely powerful and have terrifying armor protection.

 But in terms of the current damage, the lizard zombie is still above the tyrannosaurus, because this guy is very fast, charging all the way on the city wall, and has caused hundreds of casualties to the defenders.

 But Tang Zheng did not have no solution to it.

 The best way to deal with this lizard is to let Tangtang take action.

Zombies have besieged the city these days, and the city is under martial law. Ordinary people cannot see the fighting. Tangtang will occasionally rush out of Fengming River to swallow some high-level zombies or mutant beasts as snacks when there are no drones to film.

 After several days of swallowing, Tangtang is now getting bigger and bigger.

Each of the eight tentacles is more than twenty meters long. When stretched out on the ground, the total length even exceeds fifty meters.

Tang Zheng didn't know to what extent Tangtang had evolved, but judging from its size, it wouldn't be a big problem to fight against level three zombies.

It's just that the lizard zombies are a bit far away from Tangtang's position now. There is a distance of three or four kilometers from the south gate to the water gate. Tang Zheng doesn't want Tangtang to rush all the way.

 After all, Tangtang's existence has always been a secret, and Tang Zheng never thought of exposing it to people's sight.

 So the best way now is to lead this lizard to the water gate.

At the critical moment, Tang Zheng handed over this task to the War Eagle Troops.

 Because except for the war eagle, no unit can match the speed of the lizard.

 Calling the five-star war eagle Kunpeng to his side, Tang Zheng gave it some orders.

 The five-star war eagle was already extremely smart. He quickly understood what Tang Zheng meant and flapped his wings and flew out.

 The war eagle's method is also simple, that is, to hold the meat in its mouth and throw it down to attract the lizard's attention.

The war eagle faithfully carried out Tang Zheng's order. The five-star war eagle flew extremely fast, with a speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour, close to 500 kilometers per hour.

 But the results were not satisfactory.

 The meat was thrown down, but the lizard zombies ignored it and continued to attack the city wall defenders.

In desperation, Tang Zheng sent out a company of guards to open fire, trying to attract the lizard zombies under the city wall.

The men of the guard company used Gatling guns, but they still couldn't attract the zombies. The zombies were charging back and forth on the city wall, refusing to leave the city wall.

Seeing this, Tang Zheng felt that his thinking had gone awry.

“No, this zombie doesn’t have any thoughts of its own. It is executing the orders of the Corpse King.”

“The little zombie girl’s order should be to clear the city wall defenders and pave the way for the zombie army to follow.”

“As long as we can get a large force to climb the city wall, it is worth killing this level three zombie. This is the strategic goal of the little zombie girl.”

“Wanting the zombies to leave the city wall does not depend on it, but on the little corpse girl.”

Tang Zheng's mind was spinning rapidly, and he thought of a possible method.

When he first saw the scarf around the little corpse girl's neck, Tang Zheng had an idea that the little corpse girl might know him.

Perhaps, I am also one of the targets of this Little Corpse Girl operation, or even the main target.

If you can change the little corpse girl's mind, then maybe you have to go out and be the bait yourself.

Thinking of this, Tang Zheng immediately decided to take action.

The speed of the lizard zombie is too fast. If others try to attract it, they will either be unable to let it go or they will be caught up and killed. However, Tang Zheng's speed can rival that of the lizard zombie.

 As a double top level evolution of the first level peak, Tang Zheng's actual speed is comparable to that of a level two mutant.

If you do it well, you might be able to take the lizard away from this area.

Ignoring the dissuasion of Ning Yuwei and the others, Tang Zheng quickly came to the Fengming River, communicated with Tangtang who was waiting here, and then climbed up the city wall and headed straight for the raging lizard zombies to the west.

Hunting all the way, when he was only about 200 meters away from the lizard zombie, the Desert Eagle in Tang Zheng's hand opened fire.

   The magazine was emptied with a bang, and only one shot hit.

 The power of the Desert Eagle is still quite high. Although it cannot cause substantial damage to the lizard, it is still enough to attract its attention.

The lizard zombie who was chasing the defenders turned around and saw Tang Zheng with his scarlet eyes.

Not only did it see it, but the little corpse girl hiding in the dark also saw it.

If it were anyone else, they would not be able to change the little corpse sister's order, but Tang Zheng was different.

 When she came to Chasing Light City, one thing was to hunt down the crowd. The other most important thing was to kill Tang Zheng and eliminate the fear in her heart.

But Tang Zheng is also very powerful. He knows his importance to the team and will not show up easily. The little corpse girl never found Tang Zheng.

Now Tang Zheng has appeared, and he is facing the lizard zombies alone. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and must not be missed.

 The little corpse girl hiding in the distance immediately gave an order to the lizard zombie. Kill that person, kill Tang Zheng!

The lizard zombies immediately abandoned the pursuit of the defenders, spread their claws, and rushed straight towards Tang Zheng.

 The body has pulled out the afterimage, like a flash of light, rushing past.

 Seeing the lizard zombie coming towards him, Tang Zheng was so happy that he turned around and ran away.

The speed under his feet soared to the limit, and his strong physical fitness allowed him to almost run the 100-meter mark in three seconds!

Despite this, his speed is still inferior to that of the lizard zombie, and the distance between the two parties is quickly closing.

 Below the city wall, the soldiers of the guard company who were forced to hand over the task by Tang Zheng opened fire under the city wall.

They attack lizard zombies. It is difficult for bullets to hit them, but they can still be done by harassing them.

The defenders on the city wall and the guard towers are all covering the general at this moment.

The lizard zombie occasionally gets shot, which will affect its speed and make it unable to catch up with Tang Zheng for a while.

In this way, under the cover of the soldiers, Tang Zheng drove as fast as he could along the road above the city wall, running for more than two kilometers without any danger.

Not far ahead is the water gate of Fengming River.

 The lizard zombies have been chasing Tang Zheng about 30 meters behind him.

 This distance can be reached in almost one vertical jump.

The tongue in the lizard zombie's mouth kept spitting out, which was more than three meters long. He ran a few steps quickly against the rain of bullets, and pounced on Tang Zheng.

Just like a wild beast pouncing on its prey, Tang Zheng should be able to be caught this time.

Tang Zheng also used all his strength at this time. When the lizard zombies swooped out, he also jumped directly off the city wall.

This one jumped more than twenty meters, and the distance between one person and one zombie in the air was getting closer.

Tang Zheng seemed to be able to feel the breathing of the zombie behind his head, and seemed to feel that the fiery red tongue would pierce him in the next second.

 But that didn’t happen.

Just when the lizard zombies were about to pounce on Tang Zheng, the Fengming River overflowed and a black shadow shot out!

Tangtang’s twenty-meter-long tentacles flew out in the air, and the four long tentacles grabbed the lizard zombie that was still gliding in the air and trying to fly towards Tang Zheng!

Huge suction cups bound the zombie’s hands and feet, and its huge body exerted force to pull the lizard zombie down from the air!



In the first scene, Tang Zheng fell into the Fengming River, and in the subsequent scene, Tangtang pulled the lizard zombie into the water.

In an instant, I saw the water rolling by the Fengming River, and the lizard zombie roared repeatedly. It tried to twist its limbs to get rid of Tangtang's restraints, but Tangtang's body was far larger than it, and there was no doubt that it had greater strength. Its limbs And can't break free.

 The lizard opened its mouth and tried to bite Tangtang.

Ke Tangtang has eight legs, four of which bind the lizard's hands and feet, and another one stretches out and tightly wraps the lizard's mouth, making it unable to open its mouth at all.

 Then, Tangtang’s body began to sink into the water and entered the bottom of Fengming River.

A string of gurgling bubbles emerged from the bottom of the water. The battle between the two giant beasts made the bottom of the water extremely turbid. No one knew what was happening under the water.

 But as time went by, the water surface gradually became quiet.

If the lizard wins, it will definitely come out from the bottom of the water and continue to chase Tang Zheng, because that is the order of the Corpse King.

 But it did not come out and the result was obvious.

After Tang Zheng used himself as bait to trap and kill the lizard zombies, he immediately jumped out of the icy cold river water, boarded the plane hovering overhead, and headed straight for the west gate.

 After killing the lizards, the east side has stabilized, but there are already some signs of erosion at the southwest gate.

Since there is no big guy like Tangtang to help, Tang Zheng must find another way.

While on the plane, Tang Zheng quickly purchased some city walls and gates.

After landing, he arranged the city walls and gates into a square inside the city. He asked several soldiers to stand on the winch of the city gate and opened a gap in the city gate.

Then the soldiers left, and Tang Zheng took the initiative to stand in the middle of the artificial square city wall, with the city gate behind him.

 He extended his **** to the Tyrannosaurus zombies on the city wall and roared.

 “Come here!”

Tang Zheng came over here. Tyrannosaurus also received the order to kill Tang Zheng. When he saw Tang Zheng, he immediately jumped down from the city wall.

Just as the tyrannosaur pounced down, Tang Zheng suddenly lowered his head and rolled in a horse house on the spot, rolling out of the city gate.

Tang Zheng rolled out, and the Tyrannosaurus fell in.

 The seven-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus rex cannot jump out of a twenty-meter-high wall without a pile of corpses as a foundation.

After several attempts, the Tyrannosaurus rex finally rushed to the city gate angrily, and used his huge body and strange strength to forcefully push up the city gate.

 Because the city gate itself did not hit the ground, it was really slowly lifted up by the Tyrannosaurus, but at an extremely slow speed.

In this way, the body of the Tyrannosaurus was completely exposed.

 “Light-chasing cannon, prepare to fire!”

On the fort in the inner city, the cannons of Zhuangguang City had already turned their muzzles and pointed at the city gate.

 1250kg shells are loaded!

  (end of this chapter)