MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 279 Little corpse girl's trump card (three shifts, one thousand three

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  Chapter 279 Little Corpse Girl's Killer (Three shifts, plus 1,300 monthly tickets)

   The ninth day of the Battle of Chasing Light City.

  Before the war, no one could have imagined that the Light Chasing Army would be so resilient.

   It is impossible to count how much ammunition was fired during this period. People only know that the guns of the Light Chaser seem to have unlimited ammunition. They continue to fire day after day, and continue to bring huge damage to the zombies.

   And on this day, the Light Chasing Army took on a new trick.

  The vehicle of the tornado rocket launcher was pulled to Guyun Mountain under the traction of the tank.

  The vehicle left the city from the north gate, walked along the rugged mountain road, walked for about ten kilometers, and then opened fire on the zombies again in a mountain depression.

  Originally, due to the range of the rocket launcher, it can only bombard distant targets, and it is already difficult to use it in the city.

  But he didn't expect this kind of operation, Tang Zheng dared to let the vehicle go out of the city when the zombies were besieging the city.

   This bold operation gave the Light Chasing Army a huge advantage.

  The group of corpses that had gathered to attack the city suffered a devastating blow, and a large number of zombies were reduced to ashes under the cover of artillery fire.

  The ammunition of the rocket launcher seemed to be infinite. It roared all morning, and after noon, it became more and more violent.

  As powerful as the bazooka, there are also flamethrower fighters and anti-aircraft guns.

  The mutated birds in the sky have become sparse under the continuous and focused attack of the Light Chasing Army.

Although the Light Chasing Army also paid a high price for this, the corpses outside the city piled up to thirteen meters high, causing many city defenders to suffer casualties under the attack of zombies, but Tang Zheng thought it was all worth it of.

  When the number of mutated birds dropped to hundreds of thousands, those mutated birds stopped attacking the city very much. Apparently, the little corpse girl also realized that the number of mutated birds was insufficient.

   But unexpectedly, a large number of war eagles flew out of Zhuguang City.

  Although the battle eagles in the early stage were lost, Tang Zheng got rich, and immediately replenished the number of war eagles to 10,000.

  The war eagle is now a new force, flying out of the city, and began to fight with the mutated bird that wanted to withdraw.

  The two sides exchanged injuries for injuries. After a round of fierce air battles, more than 30,000 mutant birds were left behind.

  The number of mutated birds on the corpse group also dropped below 100,000 for the first time.

   This number of mutated birds obviously can no longer pose a major threat to the city.

  The fighter planes of the Light Chaser Army seemed to be liberated, and they could finally take off.

  The second air strike launched against the corpses.

  The thermobaric bombs of the Light Chaser Army began to wreak havoc again, throwing down one after another, constantly causing damage and consumption to the besieging corpses.

   The number of zombies began to drop sharply under such circumstances.

  Although the pressure to defend the city is still great, the current situation is not the same as it was at the beginning.

  The troops defending the city saw hope, and their morale became more and more boosted. In addition, the backup ammunition is now sufficient. Although the zombies are still rushing forward desperately, they will be pushed back by the powerful firepower of the Light Chaser every time.

   Those orangutan zombies who were invincible in the past also met their nemesis.

   Armed orangutan zombies are not afraid of rifles, sniper rifles, or even heavy machine guns and Gatling, but after the 35mm caliber anti-aircraft gun is leveled, it is not something that orangutan zombies can resist.

  An orangutan holding a huge tree stepped onto the pile of corpses, and was constantly being shot by bullets, sparks shot out.

   But it is still fearless, with a height of 4.5 meters, it can raise its arms and use the tree wheel to reach the city wall.

   Several defenders were turned into gourds by him, and even if they survived, they were injured by fractures.

  The sniper rifle hit the head with a bang, leaving only shallow bullet marks, which could not be penetrated.

  But the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns fired up from the city wall became its nemesis.

  The high-firing machine gun was leveled, and a series of shells blasted out.

  Boom boom boom boom~~~!

   The bullet hit the head of the orangutan zombie, and it was **** and bloody.

  The head of the orangutan zombie kept trembling and shaking, and the huge impact of the shells made it dizzy. Even if the skin was covered with the door of the bulletproof car, it couldn't resist. It only lasted for two seconds, and the head was smashed directly!


  The huge head exploded, and the huge body rolled down the pile of corpses like a golden mountain and a jade pillar.

  The aerial war eagle flapped its wings, grabbed the second-level crystal in its claws, and flew back to Tang Zheng's side.

  Harvest while harvesting.

   Tang Zheng patted the Zhan Eagle's head encouragingly, feeling pleasantly surprised.

  As long as the city wall can be guarded, then the victory in this battle must belong to you.

  Under the continuous bombing of the air force, the number of zombies has dropped again, and now it is only about 4 million.

  Although the number is still large, my own financial reserves are sufficient to wipe out all these corpses.

  The current efforts are not without returns. After the war, jewelry collection will also have a large amount of funds, and the harvest of countless zombie crystals can also be exchanged for funds in the market.

  According to this progress, in two days, at most three days, maybe the battle will end.

   Outside Zhuguang City, a hidden location twenty kilometers away.

  Little Corpse Girl's scarlet eyes looked at the City of Chasing Light, and the trembling in her heart gradually increased.

  She couldn't figure out why this man named Tang Deng was so powerful.

  She has worked very hard to direct the battle, but that person always defeats herself time and time again.    Even the orangutan zombies can't beat them. It seems that Chasing Light City will be difficult to defeat.

  But the little corpse girl did not give up, she still had one last resort.

   That's catalysis.

  She distributed more than a dozen second-level zombies who were on the verge of evolution to various hidden locations on the battlefield.

   Among them are eight orangutans and eight lickers.

   These zombies have devoured countless corpses of the same kind in the past few days, and they have reached the edge of evolution. As long as they absorb some nutrients, they can become powerful third-level zombies.

  Although she didn't know how strong the third-level zombies were, her instinct told her that the anti-aircraft guns couldn't hit the third-level zombies.

  Under her quiet control, the catalysis of more than a dozen locations is going on at the same time.

  There are still 4 million corpses outside the city. Although it is only one-fifth of the peak, it seems that there is no difference between 20 million and 4 million.

   are boundless, all over the mountains and plains.

  In this case, it is difficult for the Light Chasing Army to find those catalytic sites.

  The group of corpses in front continued to attack against the artillery fire, and the hidden operations behind them were carried out quietly.

   Near the little corpse girl, there is also an orangutan zombie and a licker who are catalyzing.

  Some second-level zombies around, lined up and let them devour themselves.

   Orangutans eat orangutans, lickers eat lickers.

  The height of the orangutan zombie reached more than 4.9 meters, and the length of the licker also reached more than 4.9 meters.

  Once they exceed five meters, they will be out of the category of second-level zombies.

  The licker completed the evolution first.

  After devouring more than twenty second-level lickers, this licker finally evolved to a third-level licker!


  The licker sticks out his two-meter-long tongue, swallows and swallows a few times, and the outer skin begins to shed.

   Writhing **** for a while, the Licker sloughed off his skin and replaced it with blue scales.

  Its body also swelled after shedding its skin, reaching seven meters in length.

   It landed on all fours, looking like the claws of a large lizard.

   The mouth is full of sharp fangs, and the fiery red tongue is more than three meters long.


   Tongue spit out, and even smashed a rock in front of him.

  Little Corpse Girl knew that this was a Level 3 agile zombie, looking like a lizard.

   Zombies that normally exceed five meters are level three zombies, but this licker has reached seven meters because he ate too much just now.


  Little Corpse Girl gave the lizard zombie an order in her heart.

  The lizard zombie jumped on the spot, and even jumped more than ten meters high.

  Little Corpse Girl's eyes widened. If this kind of zombie went to attack the city, it would almost jump onto the city wall.


  The lizard zombie spread its feet and ran forward at a high speed, almost sprinting for more than a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

   This speed is definitely faster than some sports cars. I don’t know how much it is, but this speed is almost impossible to be locked by firearms.

  And the blue scales also proved that the defense of this kind of thing is very strong, the third-level agile zombie has the defense power no less than the second-level orangutan zombie.

  Little Zombie Girl wanted the lizard zombies to join the siege immediately, but she still held back and went one by one, which would be easily defeated by the Light Chasing Army.

  She has to wait until the other third-level zombies have evolved, and then deal a severe blow to the Light Chaser Army.

   After a while, the orangutan zombie around her also evolved.

   A zombie with a height of more than seven meters, which looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, appeared.

This zombie looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, but it is different from a Tyrannosaurus rex. Its head is like a Tyrannosaurus rex, and its tail is also like a Tyrannosaurus rex, but its forelimbs are also very developed, and it still looks like a gorilla's arm, but it is too thick too much.

  The surface of the body is covered with thick metal-like scales, covering almost all parts.

  Step on the huge soles of the feet, and the stones on the ground will be crushed.

   Firstly, it explains the hardness of its body, and secondly, its weight.

   To be able to cause this effect, this tyrannosaur zombie must weigh at least 30 tons!

  Little Corpse Girl looked at the Tyrannosaurus and Lizard zombies with satisfaction, but she was still waiting.

   Don't look at her young age, but as the corpse king, she has a lot of patience.

  Don't look at the light-chasing army fighting vigorously on the battlefield now, killing countless zombies, but the situation will definitely reverse in a short while.

   At most half an hour, the sixteen second-level zombies here will all evolve into third-level zombies.

  Looking at these third-level zombies, the little corpse girl is confident enough that the City of Chasing Light will be destroyed by then!

  (end of this chapter)