MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 276 Big bombing under the north wind (four more, 1200

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  Chapter 276 The Big Bombing Under the North Wind (Fourth Watch, plus 1,200 monthly tickets)

  In the early morning of the fourth day, the first wave of zombie attacks showed a difference.

  Actually, the zombies in the past few days have not been divided into waves. The first batch has not been completely wiped out, and the latter batch will immediately follow.

  The interval between the two batches is very short, only a few kilometers apart.

   Not giving the light-chasing army any chance to breathe, this is the strategy of the little corpse girl. She has maximized the advantage of having a sufficient number of zombies.

  Most of the first group of zombies fell under the guns of the Light Chasing Army, and the height of the pile of corpses exceeded eight meters.

  The next batch of zombies has entered within three kilometers of the city wall.

  The timing was just right, because the zombies under the city wall hadn't been wiped out yet, and they couldn't deal with the next wave with all their strength, so they could only watch the group of zombies gradually approaching.

  At this time, the tornado rocket launcher has basically lost its use, because the minimum range of this rocket launcher is also 20 kilometers.

  The group of corpses also found the law of the battle, so they rushed over like this.

   And this wave of zombies is different.

   The number of zombies in this wave is about 300,000. Except for a few rows of cannon fodder in front to block bullets, the rest are all composed of high-level zombies!

  Among the corpses, there are also a large number of mutated beasts, and mutated mice are also densely mixed in the zombies, following them forward.

   There are already a large number of mutated birds hovering in the sky. When waiting for the zombies to attack the city, they will immediately go up to support.

   What's even more exaggerated is that among this wave of zombies, there are not only those with big bellies, but also many zombies with weapons.

  Street lamps, tree trunks, iron gates, and everything that could be used as weapons were all held by zombies.

   It is conceivable that those advanced zombies that are difficult to kill have armor and weapons, how much damage they will bring to the defenders, this is the ace troop of the zombie group.

  Behind this group of zombies, another 300,000 zombies began to gather. They were waiting for this wave of zombie siege to come to an end, and continued to follow.

  Little Corpse Girl is such a strategy, rushing forward wave after wave, never stopping.

  Looking at such a scene, Tang Zheng also remained silent. He also made a lot of preparations, but now everything is still unknown and has to wait for the test of actual combat.

  Amidst the howling of the north wind, the cannon fodder under the city wall was once again wiped out, and the main force of the zombies immediately achieved a seamless connection.

  When the mutated zombies rushed up in groups, they immediately put enormous pressure on the defenders.

  The firearms are no longer so effective, and almost every zombie is difficult to kill with a single shot.

  The zombies quickly climbed onto the pile of corpses, and the pile of corpses was growing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

   At this time, Tang Zheng ordered that all the Gatling troops directly under the battalion go to the city wall!

  All the anti-aircraft guns of the anti-aircraft artillery unit are also all on the city wall!

   Only this kind of large-caliber firepower can deal a fatal blow to those advanced zombies.

  With these suppressed firepower, the zombie attack was finally effectively suppressed.

  But then, the mutated birds rushed up overwhelmingly.

   These guys are a big problem for the Light Chaser Army to defend the city. They swoop down from all angles in the air, and the impact brought by their huge bodies is enough to knock a soldier off the city wall.

  The Light Chaser Army had to disperse their forces to deal with the mutated birds. There were several rows of soldiers standing on the city wall, and the flamethrower fighters sprayed flames continuously to disperse the birds.

   When it came to a crisis, the anti-aircraft guns had to turn their muzzles to support the soldiers on the city wall.

   In this way, the suppression of zombies becomes smaller, and the pile of corpses is rapidly increasing.

  Nine meters!

   Ten meters!

   Twelve meters!

  The TV kept broadcasting these situations, and people watching TV began to worry.

  At this distance, the orangutan zombies below are already able to swing their weapons up to the height of the city wall. If there was a raised boulder when the city wall was not designed, it would be dangerous now.

   And some lickers also took this opportunity to climb the city wall. They continued to climb up from various places on the city wall, rushing up to attack the defenders.

  Although they are constantly being killed, they also continue to bring casualties to the Light Chasing Army.

  The situation of the twenty piles of corpses was the same. For a while, the walls of Chasing Light City were precarious, and the defense line seemed to be crumbling.

  At this moment, Tang Zheng is not on the city wall, but inside the second ring.

  Within the second ring road, at some point, a large number of high platforms were built.

   These high platforms are now full of burning objects.

  Dry firewood, plastic bags, animal feces, and poisonous blood of zombies, etc., are piled up on these high platforms.

   Tang Zheng stood on the high platform, looked at Guo Yun beside him and said, "Are you sure these things are useful?"

"Don't worry, general, this has been tested many times. It is ineffective against zombies, but it is quite effective against mutant beasts. Today is the north wind day. When this kind of thing is lit, it will produce thick smoke with a strong and pungent smell, which is just right for those people in the sky. Mutated birds, these mutated birds will definitely retreat, and then we will have the air supremacy here."

   Tang Zheng nodded: "Okay, then it's up to you, it's up to this time to see if you can make a comeback, and it's not in vain for you, the director of the scientific research institute, to go find the **** yourself."

   "Hey, I don't need to look for this in person, isn't there still engineers."

  Guo Yun handed Tang Zheng a gas mask, both of them put on the masks, and then a large group of engineers started lighting fires on various high platforms.

  Hundreds of high platforms burned at the same time, emitting thick blue-yellow smoke.

  Whether plastic bags or feces are burned, some toxic gases will be released when hundreds of high platforms are burned together, and a large cloud of smoke will be formed immediately.    When the north wind blows, the smoke leaves the city and floats directly into the sky.

  The defenders on the city wall also put on gas masks at this time.

But those mutated birds in the sky did not have this kind of treatment. After being smoked by the violent smoke, all the mutated birds made weird quacking calls, and no longer cared about attacking the light-chasing army, flapping their wings, escaped from the area of ​​Chasing Light City.

  At this moment, even the corpse king couldn't control these mutated birds, so he could only watch them flee.

   Tang Zheng, who was far away on the high platform, became excited when he saw this scene.

   "Successful! Those mutated birds really withdrew, that's now!"

   "The bomber is dispatched, and I will release your ammunition, as well as the ten thermobaric bombs I have equipped for each aircraft!"

   "Also, there is a small nuclear bomb, let me put it in the place where the zombies are most dense!"

   "All the other planes, as long as they can fire, give them all to the sky, and burn out all your ammunition, and you will not be allowed to come back if you don't light up!"

  With air supremacy, Tang Zheng was relieved of being suppressed and beaten by zombies these days, and the plane could finally be dispatched.

  At Zhuguangcheng Airport, a large number of planes roared, and one after another began to take to the sky.

  Fighters, bombers, helicopters, and even those that were seized before but not yet sold, all flew into the sky.

   Fill up the ammunition, and kill as much as you can.

   These planes flew over the corpses and began the most crazy strafing ever.

  All machine guns, aerial cannons, rocket pods, and missiles are all emptied.

   Crazy firepower poured on the ground, wiping out a large number of zombies.

  Even those transport helicopters carried a large number of gasoline bombs into the sky. Anyway, there was no threat, as long as the gasoline bombs were thrown down and caused to burn.

   No matter how many zombies there are, no matter how powerful they are, without the protection of the mutated birds, they are still powerless against the air force.

   And the most powerful of these is still the bomber.

  This kind of weapon specially made for ground bombing, without the threat of mutated birds, can fly over the ground and air unscrupulously, and throw thermobaric bombs one after another at the corpses.

   You must know that the corpse group at this moment is full of high-level zombies, and the killing effect is too obvious.

   One thermobaric bomb, a large number of high-level zombies were reduced to ashes, and the number exceeded a thousand each time.

  Ten bombers circled back and forth, Tang Zheng spent a lot of money for this bombing, each plane has ten thermobaric bombs, if you can't pull them all at once, then come back to reload.

  One hundred thermobaric bombs is worth 500,000 gold, which is all money.

  But all bombs cannot be compared with small nuclear bombs.

  The explosion site of the small nuclear bomb is located in the middle of the two siege corpses.

   Zombies in any place are not as dense as this area.

   Two groups of 600,000 high-level zombies and hundreds of thousands of mutated mice gathered in an area outside the south gate, only two or three kilometers apart.

   This distance is just under the envelope of the nuclear bomb.

   After a precisely calculated distance, the nuclear bomb was dropped.

  A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky outside the city, triggering a big explosion, covering millions of corpses at once!

  The shock wave of the explosion spread wantonly, and didn't stop until it reached the edge of the city wall.

  The raging flames were like waves hitting a rock, setting off a 100-meter-high wall of fire on the city wall, and the scene was like a natural disaster.

  The soldiers were wearing gas masks, and they had already avoided the explosion when the explosion came.

  Those shock waves had almost no power when they reached the city wall, but the burning flames still burned up a dozen piles of corpses near the city wall.

  Under the violent blowing of the north wind, these smoke, dust and flames that had lost power were swept away again, and did not cause any substantial damage to the city.

  Compared to the nuclear explosion near the city wall, the explosions in other areas are also more powerful.

  The incendiary bomb brought by the transport plane also began to wreak havoc with the help of the north wind, dragging a large group of zombies into the flames.

  The bombers repeatedly carried thermobaric bombs, and crazily threw them at the corpses again and again.

  The combat time this time lasted a full morning.

  The light-chasing army's heavy bombing has been going on for a whole morning.

  At noon, the north wind weakened, the power of the thick smoke gradually disappeared, and the mutated birds among the corpses began to return, and the Light Chaser Army finally retreated.

   Tang Zheng spent more than 3 million in this wave of battles, and the loss of funds was not small.

   But the results of the battle are also very huge. This wave of bombing regardless of the cost has wiped out more than 3 million zombies, and basically all of them are elites.

  The 20 million corpses on the opposite side, after this wave of bombing, finally dropped to less than 10 million, and now there are only 9 million.

  (end of this chapter)