MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 271 Tornado (three shifts, plus 900 monthly tickets)

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  Chapter 271 Tornado (three shifts, plus nine hundred monthly tickets)

  It is already the eighteenth day of the first lunar month. If it is this time in previous years, the temperature has already begun to rise.

   But this year is different, it is still deep winter.

  The stern north wind blows from the field, mixed with snowflakes like knives.

   Tang Zheng came out of the mansion and went to the second ring road accompanied by the company of guards.

  Out of the inner city, walking on the first ring road, the situation here is better, no different from the past.

   But when it comes to the second ring road, the situation is still different.

  There are no high-rise buildings here, only shacks everywhere, and better movable color steel houses.

  People can only rely on fire to keep warm, and the living conditions are still very poor.

  The only thing that made Tang Zheng feel gratified was that the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was quite effective, timely distributing bedding, clothes, and some basic food, so that people could eat as much as possible.

  From people's eyes, Tang Zheng saw worry, but also saw hope.

  Everyone is worried about this zombie siege, and hopes that this incident will pass, and when spring comes, everyone can build their new homes.

  The convoy passed through the streets of the Second Ring Road, and even aroused applause from the people. Tang Zheng, the benefactor who saved the lives of all the people in the Second Ring Road, has a very high prestige in the City of Chasing Light.

   It can be said that in Zhuguang City, you can criticize anything and anyone, but you absolutely cannot criticize Tang Zheng.

  The Sheriff's Department may not catch you, because before they catch you, you will be beaten to death by angry crowds.

  Tang Zheng was also waving his hands in the car to the passing crowd, and at the same time signaled the car to speed up.

  After all, the second ring road is very large, the entire urban area is 40 square kilometers, if you tell people along the way, you may not be able to walk to the city wall until dark.

  The convoy accelerated and drove towards the city wall.

  During this section of the road, looking at the countless people here, Tang Zheng felt inexplicably uneasy. He always felt that he had overlooked some details, but he couldn't remember for a while.

   Time was running out, and he didn't have time to think too much, so he drove on.

   Tang Zheng came near the second ring city wall, this was only his second visit, the first time was when this city wall was completed.

  The city wall of the second ring is the same as the city wall of the first ring, but it is relatively longer and the pressure of defense is greater.

  The place 100 meters away from the city wall has been listed as a military restricted area, and ordinary people are prohibited from approaching it.

  Below the city wall, a large pot was supported, and it was the cooking troops cooking.

  Every company is their cooking squad, which spreads for more than ten kilometers, and there are busy cooking squads everywhere.

   Randomly opened a pot, inside was mutated venison stewed potatoes, nutritious and delicious.

   Tang Zheng nodded slightly. At this time, the soldiers must be guaranteed meals.

  A little further outside, countless military tents were supported, which were built by the medical troops, and there were all kinds of medicinal materials and surgical instruments inside.

  Military doctors in white coats came in and out, busy preparing everything.

   Tang Zheng passed the checkpoint and boarded the city wall.

  Above the city wall, the city guards have long been in full battle.

  Currently, there are 13,000 city guards guarding Zhuguang City. Among them, there are many snipers and heavy machine gun teams in the sentry tower and the bunker, and there are also a large number of guards on the city wall.

   Now there is no need to patrol, the soldiers are all on standby on the city wall, the north wind blows, and the white air from the breath makes the soldiers' eyebrows and eyelashes covered with a layer of frost.

   Fortunately, they all wore thick winter clothes to resist the cold wind above the city wall.

  Tang Zheng also saw that many officers of the Chasing Light Army were checking supplies row by row.

  Many engineers carried ammunition boxes back and forth, and moved boxes of bullets and grenades to the city wall.

  Standing on the city wall, you can still see a lot of engineers busy outside the city, and they are laying mines.

  Now the defense area outside the city is much larger, and it takes a lot to lay mines.

   After all, they have previous experience in defensive operations, and everyone's work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Tang Zheng glanced at his system, the 15 million funds had now become 13 million, and the 2 million funds had been exhausted on the assembly line of the engineering and military factory.

  The battle has not yet started, and the tense atmosphere of the battle has already permeated the city.

  Seeing Tang Zheng approaching, all the soldiers stood at attention and saluted. Tang Zheng signaled that everyone did not need to salute, just do their own thing well.

  However, several main officers of the Chasing Light Army are also at the level of regimental commanders, and they are still by Tang Zheng's side.

  The heads of the two artillery regiments seemed to know something already, and they all licked their chests and stomachs in front of Tang Zheng, secretly proving to Tang Zheng that they were ready to fight at any time.

  The two artillery regiments are the First Artillery Regiment and the Second Artillery Regiment. They are now in the army and are called the First Artillery and the Second Artillery.

  The head of the First Artillery was named Wang Jinglong, and the head of the Second Artillery was named Lu Wenfeng.

  Tang Zheng looked back at them: "Are you all ready?"

"Get ready, general. When the zombies enter the range of 90 kilometers, that is when our artillery unit starts to bomb. First, the tornado rocket launcher attacks, which is the absolute main force, then the howitzer range, and then the 107 rocket launcher range. The last thing is the range of the mortar, our two regiments will take turns to make these tens of kilometers into a dead end for zombies."

   Tang Zheng nodded slightly: "That's right, this time our funds are quite sufficient, we must kill as much damage as possible in the early stage, so as to reduce the pressure in the later stage."

   "Yes! Don't worry, general, zombies are still zombies after all, and the corpse king is just a little girl. We still have rich combat experience, so there will be no problem."

"Don't be careless, have you forgotten how Hezhou fell? The 280,000 people of the Fifth Army can't hold on, and we have less than 80,000 people in Zhuguang City. Carelessness will lead to serious consequences."      "It's us Understood, General."

   "Go down and prepare, the zombies are coming soon."

  The two artillery regiment commanders left and began to arrange artillery positions and attack missions.

   At this time, it was less than half an hour before the vanguard of the corpse group entered the range of the rocket launcher.

  Tang Zheng looked to the north, on the radar screen, densely packed red light spots were like a big river breaking through, entering the range of the radar, spreading for hundreds of kilometers.

   "Come on, little corpse girl who wears the same scarf as me, let me see what you are capable of."

   About half an hour later, the vanguard of the corpse group had entered the 90-kilometer range of the tornado rocket launcher.

  But Tang Zheng requested that the launch should start when the group of corpses entered 75 kilometers. That time is actually the best strike distance for the rocket launcher, and the group of corpses can't even retreat.

  On the artillery position, 50 tornado rocket launchers with one gun have been arranged in formation and ready to launch at any time.

  The reporters of Zhuguang TV station also began to station in various positions, broadcasting the battle live at any time.

   During this period of time, according to the statistics of the TV station, the ratings have reached the highest since the end of the world.

  Everywhere, whether they support Tang Zheng or not, people are paying attention to the start of this battle.

   After a suffocating wait, the zombies finally entered the predetermined range.

  The battle started suddenly, and the tornado rocket launcher of the Light Chasing Army appeared in front of the world for the first time.

  Following the camera of the TV station, a large group of light-chasing army rocket launchers had already lined up in an area of ​​the second ring road and started launching.

  Fifty rocket launchers, ten of which are a combat group, targeting an area, and the second ten artillery are targeting the next coordinate area.

  On the artillery position, as soon as the flag in the commander's hand fell, he shouted: "Let go!"

   Whoosh whoosh~~~!

  Rocket after rocket was held up by the burning tail flame, and went through the air.

  For men, this is one of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

  Countless rockets with a streamer, making a thrilling whistling sound, that feeling is refreshing from the heart.

  The distance of dozens of kilometers is very close to the rocket, and the drone at the far end is also above the corpses, and this scene was captured for the first time.

  Boom boom boom boom~~~!

   The landing point of the rocket launcher is almost without error, and all of them explode at the predetermined coordinates.

   Within a few kilometers, it was immediately covered by the intensive bombardment of rocket artillery.

   Groups of flames exploded, and groups of black smoke rose into the sky.

  Snow and smoke mixed together, explosions and flames coexisted.

  In the north wind, this area turned into hell!

   Neither ordinary zombies nor mutated zombies can resist this high-tech weapon developed by humans, and countless zombies are reduced to debris in the smoke and dust.

  Of course, this kind of scene cannot be captured by drones, but Tang Zheng was able to clearly see a large group of zombies disappearing in this area through the radar perspective.

   Pieces of red light spots became sparse under this bombardment.

  If it is a human being, there may not be any survivors in this situation, but for these tenacious zombies, there are still survivors.

  The Light Chaser didn't care about the sporadic zombies that were still alive. Their second round of volleys still targeted places where the corpses were denser.

  The commander lowered the flag again: "Let go!"

   Another rocket shot through the air.

  In the night sky, the dark sky was pierced by rockets, flying into the distance, and the most gorgeous flowers bloomed.

  The second round of rocket bombing still achieved brilliant results.

   A large group of zombies were wiped out, and two consecutive rounds of rocket bombing killed over ten thousand zombies!

   Just when everyone was rejoicing and felt that if the fight continued like this, the zombies would suffer heavy losses when they came to Chasing Light City, the group of corpses changed.

  Among the corpses, a large number of mutated birds began to speed up and flew towards the direction of Chasing Light City!

   And above the ground, a large group of mutant mice also began to run wildly in the direction of Chasing Light City!

  The group of corpses behind also began to accelerate.

  The zombie who used to be slow in the past, also started to run in his heart.

  The agile zombies are running fast, and the armored zombies are also striding forward.

   Originally, according to the normal speed of the corpse group, it would probably take tomorrow morning to reach the City of Chasing Light, but judging from the current speed, it can arrive at midnight at most.

  If it wasn't for Tang Zheng's radar surveillance, if it wasn't for the drone tracking and shooting, he might be caught off guard by the crowd of corpses. If he didn't prepare enough in the middle of the night, the city might fall overnight.

  Seeing that the corpses are running, the dense formation has been pulled apart, which will greatly reduce the power of the artillery.

  Faced with this sudden situation, Tang Zheng still gave orders calmly.

   "Don't stop the rocket attack, keep bombing me!"

   "The city wall defenders are preparing, the mutated birds will arrive in half an hour!"

   "The mutated mice will arrive within three hours, and the corpses will arrive within five hours. Prepare night vision goggles and flares, and get ready for night battles!"

  (end of this chapter)