MTL - Doom Lord-v2 Chapter 761 Sudden attack

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Finally, it is the division of administrative hierarchy. Now the administrative level of the Luofeng City Territory is the village, town, county, county, and state. Finally, it is the Administrative Council. However, with the further expansion of the Luofeng City territory, the number of the state has changed. It’s too much.

For the convenience of management, Luofeng City has added a province between the state and the territory.

Generally, one bank saves four states. If it is a big four state, it is equivalent to the size of a small Chinese Huaxia. However, now the area of ​​Luofeng City is vast, even if it is such a huge province, there are nearly 20 in the entire city.

Because of the vast area of ​​management and the relatively high authority, the only provinces in the provinces are military power. But the police in the province's police department add up, there are millions of giants, the same is not (pig) (pig) (island) novel is a small number.

In order to avoid the situation that the tail can not be lost and strengthen the supervision and management of the province, the Inspectorate has special supervision institutions in each province, state, county and county. These supervisory institutions are not subject to local temperance and are directly responsible to the superiors.

With a very appropriate analogy, the Inspectorate is the Jinyiwei in the hands of Cheng Yang, and the Dark Soul Camp, which is dominated by Tan Chao, also has many people in the position, and the level is not low. Although these people do not have the power to kill and kill in the hands, it is okay to talk about the temporary suspension of the governor of a province in an emergency. This is also the right granted to them by the territory.

These decisions are all directed within the territory.

The most important thing in this discussion is the external strategy.

Now the situation in the world is relatively clear. From a short time point of view, there will be no big troubles in the Americas. As long as the undead can't break the stronghold's fortress, North America can basically sit back and relax.

As for the European side, the British, French and Italian countries and the Hells are in a fierce battle, and it is difficult for the two sides to win the game.

There is no worry about this process, because the army of Luofengcheng has already reached Europe at the moment. How long is the waist, they can enter the Italian country.

By that time, it will no longer be difficult to completely destroy the infernos of the Italian state.

It’s just that it’s hard to decide how to get along with the big forces in Europe. If there are only human forces in the world who are now conquering each other, Cheng Yang does not mind launching a war to bring European countries back.

But the current timing is obviously not very suitable. The threat of aliens is still huge. The war between human beings will be seriously damaged. This will weaken the resistance against aliens in disguise, and Cheng Yang will not make such a self-destructive wall.

According to the conclusions of the people's deliberation, the Luofeng City army entered Europe. First help the Italian nation to destroy the hell.

If European countries are willing to join the city of Luofeng City after that, Cheng Yang naturally welcomes it. If the other party is not willing, Cheng Yang does not intend to force it for the time being. Everything waits until the aliens are eliminated.

Of course, Cheng Yang feels that the chances of some European countries joining the Luofeng City territory are still quite large. After all, the property bonus of Luofengcheng is too strong. In particular, the addition of your own speed of cultivation is equivalent to more than three times the speed of cultivation, which is extremely attractive to anyone.

The situation on the African side will not change too much for the time being. The elite army of Luofeng City is stationed on the Suez Canal. It is almost impossible for a barbarian to attack.

The only thing that makes Cheng Yang more entangled is the Russian Far East region in the north, where it is now entrenched by the ice. Although the ice family is nominally an ally of humanity, this ice family here. But it is obviously hidden.

At this moment, the third, fourth and fifth main legions of Luofengcheng have already won the Arab region. In a short time, they have not had the ability to attack the African region. Therefore, Cheng Yang will put the Russian border into the agenda.

Those ice people are powerful, but they also contain evil. But after all, the two sides are still harmonious on the surface, so once the fallen Fengcheng army will occupy all around the ice-occupied area, they may lose the possibility of expansion.

If the other person is patient enough. There has been no action, Cheng Yang will let the other party hold the area, and once the other party has some action, Cheng Yang does not mind coming to a torn war. As long as he is not the first to tear his face, he has no scruples.

After the fall of Fengcheng City in the Russian Far East, you can wait for an opportunity to enter North America. After all, the Russian Far East and the United States of Alaska are only separated by a Bering Strait, the narrowest point is only tens of kilometers.

According to the current climate, I am afraid that the Bering Strait will definitely freeze all the year round. When the Falling Phoenix Army wants to spend the strait, Britain is not difficult.

By the time the Falling Phoenix troops enter Alaska, they can exert some influence on the situation in North America. For example, now that the undead army and the North American coalition confront each other, Cheng Yang has nothing to do, and there is nothing to help.

The whip is too long!

Of course, these are the long-term plans of Luofengcheng, and it will take some time to implement them.


The first and second main legions of Luofeng City took more than ten days and finally entered the Austrian country.

The Austrian country borders the Italian border. When the Falling City troops entered the Austrian state, almost all the world's warriors were relieved.

The intention of falling Fengcheng is now very obvious, that is, to enter the Italian state and help him to kill the hell.

No one doubts that there is such a strength in Luofeng City. After expanding from Luofeng City to Southeast Asia, its strength to the world is extremely powerful. Imagine that the original Levin country was destroyed under the offensive of the Falling City, let alone the strength of the Italian Hells of the Levin country orcs.

Just after the Luofengcheng army entered Austria, the Austrian forces alliance quickly reached an agreement. The country turned to the city of Luofengcheng and became part of the Linfeng City forest territory.

Austria is definitely a big country in the European region. The country’s investment is undoubtedly a bomb dropped on the land of Europe, and it has made the countries feel helpless.

In particular, Britain, France and Italy, they believe that their coalition forces are strong enough. Although they can't defeat the **** people in a short time, they can also get enough time for themselves. By the time they develop for a while, the prisoners of the war resort are not impossible to achieve.

According to their ideas, after they stabilized the situation in Italy and destroyed the Hells here, they began to plan to seize control of the whole of Europe. Although there are some powerful forces in northern Russia, there is still a certain gap compared with their coalition forces in the three countries. It can be said that they are now the first force in the European region.

They did not think about joining the city of Luofeng. This is especially true for high-level forces. Although they are also very eager to get the attributes of the speed of the cultivation of the city, it is not impossible to give up compared to the power they have now.

As long as they have the power, they have the high-level treasures that they have gained through the use of power. This may also make up for the shortcomings of not joining the city.

But now Austria’s sudden investment has made them feel unprepared. They are worried that this will form a bad suggestion for Luofengcheng. The European region is extremely eager to enter the Fengchengcheng army. Once Luocheng has this idea, the idea of ​​the other party's income in Europe will be much stronger.

Not only that, although their power leaders do not want to belong to the Luofeng City territory. But the warriors they left behind would not think so. In such an end, for ordinary people, only their own strength is the most reliable. Therefore, no one wants to let go of the opportunity to grow rapidly.

If there is no Austrian leader, the warriors in these countries will not be so eager to join the city of Luofeng City. At least these people will not take the initiative to make such demands to the power leaders. But now with the guidance of the Austrian state, members of these countries are not so easy to control.

The leaders of the three-nation coalition forces in Europe are not fools. They also understand that the first phase of the city of Luofeng will not launch a large-scale war against human forces. Therefore, it is unlikely that Luofeng City will force them to compile them.

However, if the people in their respective territories strongly demand to join the city, they will be in trouble. A few people may be able to suppress it. But what if there are too many people? What's more, now that the Fengcheng army is already watching, they may not be so easy if they send troops to suppress the invaders who intend to join the city.

Now that things have reached this point, there is no better way for the leaders of the British, French and Italian coalition forces. The only thing they can do now is to continue to fight with the Hells to ensure that the Hells will be more hurt in a shorter period of time.

It’s not that they didn’t think about throwing the Italian mess directly to Luofengcheng, but if they did, I’m afraid that the army that was under the arm would feel that their three-nation coalition had no strength. By then, their power will collapse faster.

Five days later, under the leadership of Yu Kai, the Luofeng City army finally opened the passage to Italy. With the army rushing over at the same time there are half of the equipment divisions, this is to ensure the smooth basis of the border copy.

The fallen Fengcheng army entered the north of Italy. At this moment, the three-nation coalition forces are in the northwest direction, and now it is the area occupied by the **** people.

The Luofeng City army did not hesitate to attack, and directly launched an attack on the Hell’s residence.

Perhaps it is because the main force of the Hells is now attracted to the northwest, and the defenses at the rear are very empty. The troops of the Falling City have hardly taken much effort to win a city-level area occupied by the Hells.

In the European realm, there is no orcian small village, and no barbarian camp exists, but there is a very strange thing here, that is the abyss vortex.

The abyss whirlpool is actually a portal, which functions similarly to the transmission function of the orc small village or barbarian camp. On the periphery of the abyss vortex, there is usually a Hell tribe stationed. But now these **** army have long been destroyed by the main force of the city.

With the orc Xiaozhai and the abyss vortex, Cheng Yang came to Italy without spending much time.

This is a trip within the Chengyang plan. It is not only for the battle of the **** people, but also for Cheng Yang to participate personally. More importantly, he also wants to personally meet the leaders of the European three-nation coalition forces, take the opportunity to touch each other’s bottom and see if they can Whether the soldiers are not bloody, they have been compiled.


However, Cheng Yang’s footsteps just arrived in Italy, but on the other side there was a master.

The place where the accident occurred was in Saudi Arabia, and it is now the Saudi province of the city of Luofeng.

One of the garrisons was attacked by unidentified armed forces, and no one of the tens of thousands of servants in a town escaped.

After Cheng Yang heard the news, he suddenly became shocked. The first reaction was impossible, but when it determined the authenticity of the matter, it found that things were not as simple as they thought.

I felt that it was impossible because I had completely won the entire Arab region. Within this range, there could not be such a powerful armed force. Perhaps many mercenary groups have the strength to defeat a warrior in a resident, but it is basically impossible to make it all.

Since the possibility of internal human conquest is sent, then only the aliens are left.

It is reasonable to say that Arabia belongs to the Asian region. The aliens should all be orcs. According to the information returned by the people who are now surveying, it seems that the matter is not an orc.

First of all, the orcs in the entire Asian region are basically destroyed by the city of Luofeng. It can be said that the world can no longer find other orcs of scale in addition to Australia. In addition, Luofeng City has inspectors in every underground city to ensure that there will not be a large number of aliens in the portal of the underground city, and they will be caught off guard.

On the other hand, and most importantly, the surveyors did not find the orc's footprints around the destroyed station.

The animal body type is tall heavy body. If this station is really destroyed by the orcs, there will be a lot of orc activity around it, and naturally there will be a big footprint unique to the orcs. But at the moment, no such footprints were found on the scene.

So almost certainly, this thing is not done by the orcs.

Since it is not an orc, there is only one possibility left, and that is the barbarian.

There is only one Red Sea between Arabia and Africa. If the barbarians really have a heart to cross the Red Sea, it is not impossible to succeed. This is not to say that the barbarians are colluding with the sea people here. Although the sea people are strong, it is impossible to stare at all the seas from time to time. As long as you find a gap for the barbarian, the possibility of the other side crossing the Red Sea is great.

If the barbarians in Africa really collude with the seas, they do not have to wait for such a long time to attack the Arab region. Even when they attacked the Huangquan Fortress group, they might adopt another tactic, such as transporting a large army to the back of the Huangquan Fortress by ship, and attacking the fortress before and after.

Regardless of whether this tactic can be successful, it will definitely be much safer than the previous adventure of crossing the Yellow Spring River. Since the barbarians did not do so, the possibility of collusion with the seas was almost zero. (To be continued.)