MTL - Don’t Wait for Your Boyfriend in the Crematorium-Chapter 25 Gift

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Jiang Qingyue had a crush on her eldest young master for many years.

The young master has a temper, the young master is a pie, and he often bullies people with bad intentions, which makes him cute in his eyes.

Since he was thirteen or fourteen years old, he had imagined the picture of Ren Shuhan confessing to himself. At the beginning, it was a pure fantasy without any expectations. The background was a blue sky and an endless sea of ​​flowers. Or fireworks blooming in the night sky and deserted beaches, in short, how exaggerated, after all, this is impossible.

But later he found out that his young master is not very straight, and if he accidentally touches it, it will reflect...

So his fantasies gradually became everyday, and it became something like an empty classroom after school, a grove next to the dormitory, a shared bathroom at home, etc. The plots, such as secretly holding hands under the desk, being pressed against the wall to kiss, these are things they can do with a little effort.

During adolescence, girls would rush to confess to Ren Shuhan in groups, pure and sexy, school girls or school girls, all kinds of beautiful girls, even sick and petite Taimei tried to follow her, but although Ren Shuhan solved it, Jiang Qingyue was still a little anxious.

Or take the initiative to confess?

But there must be a reason for the young master not to mention it, so he endured not to mention it.

For so many years, secret love has become his habit.

It's sweet to push the boat together like this." The idea is just like an old husband and wife, there is nothing wrong, until the end of the second semester of freshman year, on the night of Ren Shuhan's birthday...

"Actually, my memory has gone wrong since then," Ren Shuhan explained feebly, "You have been wronged over the past few years."

It's not a lie, but it's just reluctance.

Jiang Qingyue shook her head and said, "It's okay, I... I'm very happy now."

I was also puzzled, lost, and couldn't sleep all night.

In the middle of the night in my junior year, Jiang Qingyue drank a glass of wine alone and couldn't help but called Ren Shuhan.

He said, "Master, I have something I can't find, did you take it with you by mistake when you left?"

Ren Shuhan moved out of the house where the two used to live together on the grounds of "poor self-control and fear of disturbing Jiang Qingyue", but Jiang Qingyue did not move a single thing, the chair The position of the place has been maintained as when he left. When he was on the phone, he was paralyzed on the sofa, watching all this, quietly waiting for Ren Shuhan's answer.

He waited for a long time, Ren Shuhan's breathing was very clear at night, as if he was deliberately lengthening the call.

What did you lose? After a long silence, Ren Shuhan's voice was hoarse.

He glanced around casually, pushed all the books on the coffee table to the ground with the strength of the wine, made a loud noise, and listened to Ren Shuhan on the other end of the phone to ask what was wrong, Say, nothing, I found, a notebook.

In the end he said, "Excuse me, sir, good night."

After hanging up the phone, he made a decision, he has to work harder, even if he can't catch up in the future, he has to support his young master, because he found that he no longer knew whether he was still loved or not , only know that he still loves him.

A few days after the call, Jiang Qingyue received a large box of notebooks, and put them in the cabinet without knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Layered glass, and even quarreled at the graduation party, and everything that happened after that happened as it should be, but it was strange, until after returning to China, when I saw Gu Weici and learned about the relationship between him and his young master, this kind of strangeness The feeling has also reached its peak.

It shouldn't be.


The unrealistic fantasies disappeared, and the daily fantasies became unrealistic, and the confession became a dream that he put on hold.

But now after hearing Ren Shuhan's confession, he was only surprised for a moment, as if everything was finally back on track, the feeling of relief made him have the urge to cry, But the anxiety accumulated over the years in his memory made him unable to relax.

"It's okay, I'm very happy." Jiang Qingyue repeated while comforting herself.

If it was because the young master lost his memory, it would make sense.

He stroked Ren Shuhan's back and said, "You'll be fine."

Ren Shuhan was very uncomfortable, hugged him so hard that he could hardly breathe, and gritted his teeth and said, "No, this confession is too hasty, I still have a gift I have prepared for you for a long time. , This is commemorative, if I didn't remember it now, we would have been together long ago, and now I should compensate you."

Jiang Qingyue tilted her head: "Gift?"

Although I have been preparing for a long time, I have not thought about it...

Ren Shuhan was unable to ride a tiger, put his right hand behind him, and summoned the system to bring him a bouquet of flowers.

System: "...Host, are you sure?"

Ren Shuhan: Otherwise? It's not that you can't think of a better idea!

So Jiang Qingyue watched him take out a bunch of flowers like magic and stuffed it in her arms.

“…Thank you, thank you Master=mouth=.”

It seems that there are no surprises but shocks.

"No," Ren Shuhan was still anxious, rubbed Jiang Qingyue and tentatively looked at the little head behind him, and said, "After finishing the project, I will choose the time to follow up with serious matters. Can you say that again."

Just now I confessed on impulse, Ren Shuhan's ears are still a little hot, rubbed Jiang Qingyue randomly, kissed a few more times, and ran out to continue filming.

Baby should think that I am a bit baffling... Ren Shuhan is confused and powerless, for the first time he realizes that he may be a love brain, but he thinks his wife is so cute and can't blame me, the afternoon scene was filmed well Very careless, relying entirely on the system to cheat on behalf of the fight, my brain has long been flying home, thinking about how to save today's confession.

After two days, the filming finally ended. Ren Shuhan was the first to escape from the crew and instructed the system in advance to use his superpowers to clear the horse farm at home and replace it with a flower field. Jiang Qingyue went.

System: "…"

I know what you mean! Ren Shuhan instructed the system to place the hydrogen balloon and arrange the flowers and trees of "ILoveU", thinking, it's the same as the pictures and videos you showed me at the beginning, right? But it's actually different, because now the love and sincerity that I've been thinking about for several weeks is condensed here... Well, I can't make it up anymore.

Although he holds the all-powerful system in his hand, Ren Shuhan does not feel that he is invincible at all, but is very uneasy, only when holding Jiang Qingyue's hand and looking into his eyes, to be at ease.

It's okay, relax, don't be nervous, Ren Shuhan looked at him and thought, he really likes me.

The author has something to say:Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2020-08-1921:00:00~2020-08-2018:36:29 oh my little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4 bottles of Beichen Dance;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!