MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 519 Huaxia District Union Conference

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Xiao Feng was no more polite, otherwise it seemed that he was pretentious. He sat down directly, not to mention, it felt good to sit among these overlords, the crown prince on the left and Liu Qiang on the right, let Xiao Feng also have a kind of himself Feeling extraordinary.

In fact, when Xiao Feng suspected the behind-the-scenes hands before, he always maintained a vigilant attitude towards the crown prince. At this moment, when he learned that there were other people behind the scenes, he would no longer be secretly alert.

"Okay, welcome to the milk **** to appreciate the light again. Since that is the case, everyone has already arrived, so I announce that this alliance meeting is officially open ..."

The big meeting place was banned, and the crown prince also stood up and said.

"Wait, nobody in the China Union Conference actually notified me? Did you look down on my Iron Crusade?"

However, the crown prince's words had not been settled, but was interrupted by a sudden sound at the entrance of the venue. The sound was very cheap, which made people have the urge to flatten the sound of the master.

For a time, everyone in the venue looked involuntarily towards the entrance of the venue. I saw that the emperor's sword with embarrassment and apology was chasing after a young player.

The young player with a very unpleasant smile, walking posture is very exaggerated and light, with a two-character character name on his head, Han Feng!

However, what is even more surprising is that in addition to the name of the character, there is a conspicuous union name displayed on it.

Iron Crusader!

"Han Feng? The first spray in China?"

"Fuck! Not who he is! He remembers him as a gray man!"

"I wipe! Who invited this **** to come?"

"Did the crown prince say that the people are already there, no one asked him to come! This cub is not invited!"

"What is this cub running for the league meeting? He wouldn't think he was eligible to participate?"

"Wait, haven't you heard what he said before? Iron Crusader? What's the situation?"

"His union shows that it is indeed the Iron Crusader. Strangely, isn't the Iron Crusader dissolved?"

A group of players whispered in the venue. The sword of the dynasty hurriedly came forward apologetically and apologized to everyone in the venue.

"I'm very sorry, everyone, this spray ... President Han Feng Han must participate in the league meeting. In view of his qualifications, I can't stop him from coming up."

"Yo, did I get it right? President Han? Our famous sprayer in Huaxia District, actually became the president of the Iron Crusader's union? This is really strange!" Immediately, someone was angry.

"How about your mother, cubs." Han Feng said nothing, and then sprayed back.

"You ... you think you have rebuilt the Iron Crusader and you have become the president of the trade union. You can be arrogant? Are you qualified? The current Iron Crusader ranks tens of thousands away from the trade union list. Is it our Union Conference? But you can only participate in the top 100 trade unions in China. Are you worthy? "Said the yin and yang strange players. The Iron Crusaders have been disbanded. This is the news that the entire China District knows. However, it has appeared again at this moment, obviously it is rebuilt.

"Does Laozi have the qualifications to teach you? Has your mother taught you to be a man? Do you dare to force a Laozi to rank 89? Do you believe Laozi, a tens of thousands of unions, flattened you out?" Han Fengzui Relentless.

Made the voice of the union president ranked 89th stagnate because he overlooked one thing. Although the Iron Crusaders rebuilt the countdown after the reconstruction, it was only because the union rank had not yet come up, and the membership limit was limited.

As long as the Iron Crusader's foundation is still there, it can be said that he can regain his former hegemony status. At least it is also in the top 30. It is really no problem to tie down a trade union ranked 89.

"Enough is enough to add a seat to President Han, we don't need meaningless quarrels."

The crown prince frowned and interrupted them. It seemed a little unpleasant. The sword of the dynasty immediately added a seat to Han Feng in the middle of the venue, and then left quickly.

Han Feng seemed a little dissatisfied with his seat position and seemed to want to make trouble, but after sweeping Xiao Feng beside the crown prince, he still patiently sat down and sat down, "You continue, I listen. "

"Then, I announced the official conference of the China Region Alliance, officially started!" The crown prince did not continue to delay, and directly cut into the theme.

"This alliance conference is related to national war activities. I will not talk nonsense. This event is very relevant and requires the entire Huaxia district to be concentric, so the alliance is imperative!"

The crown prince looked around the venue and continued to say, "None of you are ordinary players. I believe I have also felt that this event was a little hasty."

The words of the crown prince came out, many people immediately showed a thoughtful look, Xiao Feng also frowned slightly, he had this feeling before.

"This is a fact, because this event was indeed opened in advance." The crown prince continued to open, let everyone's eyes come together, "I just said, this event is very important, because this is not just a Game activities are also related to a resource allocation in the real world! "

"Resource allocation! Is it again determined by the game? The same as the global competition finals 5 years ago?"

Immediately, someone shook his mouth, and almost all the players in the venue showed a shocked look. Even Xiao Feng, the arm holding the hammer of the Holy Spirit, also stretched tightly.

He finally waited until this day! What a scene similar to 5 years ago! Can the black hand hide behind the scenes?

"Yes, this is a crude oil vein discovered deep in the Atlantic Ocean! At present, the reserves have not been surveyed, but the part that has been determined is enough to supply China's energy consumption for three years! This is an extremely important survival resource! "The crown prince is serious.

"What! Such an amazing energy reserve! Isn't the big countries already crazy?"

How big is China ’s population, no one is unclear, and it is precisely because of this that it can supply China ’s energy consumption for three years, which is an amazing amount! Enough to supply the global consumption for a year!

"Yes, the discovery time of the crude oil vein was yesterday, and it is still less than 24 hours until now, but the emergency plan for global resource allocation has been launched, and the final result is this national war activity!"

The crown prince stood up, with a very solemn tone, "You guys, you are not unfamiliar with what happened five years ago. This is not only a game activity, it is also a war! It is related to the prosperity and development of the country. Survival and continued war! "

The huge meeting place filled with a dignified atmosphere, and everyone was awed. The influence of the second world has already covered the real world. This situation is not beyond their expectations.

"Iron Blood Alliance, fight for China! At any cost!"

The iron-blooded saber stood up first, solemnly expressing his position, and after having him as a representative, the others in the venue immediately stood up and expressed his position.

"Wolves, fight for China!"

"Undying Dynasty, Fighting for China!"

"Midsummer, fight for China!"

"The Doomsday League, fight for China!"

"The field of gods, fight for China!"


Hundreds of the most powerful forces in China, representatives stood up one after another and expressed their opinions one by one. Without exception, even Han Feng also put away a hippie smile and solemnly stood up and said.

"We also obey the arrangement and have what we can, despite the command, for China!"

"For China!"

Immediately afterwards, the well-known well-known anchors and the heads of the major chambers of commerce also got up one after another.

"For China!"

Xiao Feng was the last one to get up, his expression was calm, and his upswing also represented all the people who participated in the alliance meeting this time, and all reached a united front!

"You guys, please sit down, you are all heroes of the country, heroes of the country!"

The crown prince seemed to have tears in his eyes, and he bowed to everyone in the venue with a solemn and solemn tone.

"The rise and fall of the country, everyone is responsible, to serve the country, it is incumbent!"

The **** saber threw a loud voice, and everyone in the venue sat down one by one.

"I wo n’t say anything about the scene. The scenes of the first full-service event and the second full-service event are not new to us. Our China area has always been the target of the war, and it is the eyes of other theaters. The scene is not difficult to guess, it is undoubted siege! We will face joint attacks from all theaters! "

The words of the crown prince fell, and the faces of hundreds of people present changed.

That's right! This is absolutely indisputable fact! The Huaxia District will face pressure from the whole service!

Huaxia threat theory, as early as the first full service campaign and the second full service campaign, was unanimously recognized by the major war zones.

"We don't have allies. This is a war related to survival resources, and it is related to the lifeline of the country. Even other war zones that have good relations with China can not be expected. As long as they do not attack our China, they are already lucky.

"Even if it is a neutral war zone that was not hostile to China, it will not miss the opportunity to score points in China. The huge and dense player base in China is definitely the best choice for ranking!"

"So the purpose of this alliance meeting is to prepare for the national war! Our Huaxia District must unite! There is no second way!"

The crown prince ’s gaze looked around the venue, "The ancients, the outside must be settled first. My first requirement is to stop our internal disputes in Huaxia District first. If there are great conflicts, we must first put it down and wait until Resolve after the end of the national war. "

Most of the players nodded their heads at this time, expressing their approval to the crown prince's words, and the crown prince also turned his attention to Liu Qiangwei, Huangfu Donglai and Youlong, and continued to speak.

"The current contradiction in China is the biggest among you. Can you reconcile temporarily?"

The battle of the overlords was less than a day away. The three of them can indeed be said to be the most contradictory in China.

"The big picture matters." Huangfu came to the east.

"I have no opinion." Liu Qiangwei's voice was cold.

"I have no opinion." You Long also said.

"Since several overlords are willing to let go of their contradictions, there must be no greater contradictions among others?" The crown prince looked around.

No one spoke out, and the vote was passed unanimously, letting go of the contradictory requirements and getting everyone's consent.

"Then the labor unions stationed in the rare mineral vein outside the imperial city, please ask everyone to go back and withdraw it. The outbreak of the contradiction must also be temporarily extinguished."