MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 487 Fire Tree Demon Shadow

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Neither of the two vine bosses had artifacts, but a fairy longbow and a fairy shield came out, and finally the longbow fell into the hands of seventeen, and the shield was obtained by War Soul Knife.

As the first killing fairy boss and there are still two. Although there are no artifacts, the two fairy artifacts are very high-quality weapon parts, which can be said to be good.

"It should be the last boss room in front. If there is no accident, the boss inside is mythical. Come on."

After a short break, waiting for the resurrection players to come, the sword of the dynasty also said.

Lao Xu has already hung out. It is not someone else who replaced it that is the little **** boy Shangguan Aochen. It is estimated that Ximen blowing snow was present. However, he did not show much eagerness with Xiao Feng, but the private chat did not stop. About the Purple Soul of War Soul.

It has been nearly a week since the Ximen family boarded the Zhang family to ask for guilt. The results of the ancient law are basically made public among the major handed down families, but many people do not yet know who the protagonist of the Zhang family is, even inside the deserted labor union It was also made public by Huang Fudong, and other talents knew that the milk **** was originally from the Zhang family.

The little fart boy now seems to have a bite of a brother-in-law, kindly not, and the war soul Ziyi from side to side casts her beauty from time to time, obviously the little fart boy is also talking to her privately.

"this is"

"Such a beautiful place"

As the wasteland advances, it finally enters the deepest part of the copy, and it is also the last boss room, the fire tree demon land.

As if the flowers will be dark and bright, suddenly bright, leaving the dark mountain corridor, a beautiful view appears in everyone's eyes

Surrounded by the surrounding mountain walls, a huge open-air red courtyard appeared, like a paradise, beautiful and beautiful

On the dark red ground, covered with red leaves, in the middle of the courtyard, there is a gigantic gigantic tree with intertwined roots, reaching the sky, supporting a huge canopy, fiery red branches and leaves like burning clouds , Covering the sky dome like capping this open-air courtyard

"Damn adventurer, disgusting power of light, the peace of thousands of years, will it finally be broken?"

Didn't give the pioneer community much time to appreciate. Just as someone was marveling at the fiery red tree near the center of the courtyard, the angry voice echoed in the courtyard.

"Who is speaking"

"The sound seems to come from that tree, is that tree the ultimate boss?"

"It is possible, after all, according to the name of the copy, the final boss should be the fire tree demon, it is not surprising that it is a tree."

"But the size of this tree is probably not very easy to fight"

The wasteland pioneers are all elites, and they immediately converged with the color of appreciation, and immediately entered a state of alert, alerting the giant tree around the center.

"Did you little bugs try to disturb my deep sleep?"

The fiery red giant tree shines, and then under the eyes of everyone, a light and shadow are condensed from the light of the tree body.

The light and shadow are humanoid, two people tall, close to 4 meters, and the body is sturdy. It is also fiery red. As the light and shadow gradually solidify, a giant humanoid creature with a red surface appears in the eyes of everyone, or a monster To describe it more appropriately.

Shadow of the Fire Tree Demon

Level 50

Quality myth boss

Attribute demon

Health 150000001500000

Physical attack power1400014400

Magic attack power1400014400

Physical defense force 1060012600

Magic Defense 10000012000

Introduces the powerful demon Fire Tree Demon from the demon world. After the body is sealed, the soul life that is separated from it is powerful and terrifying. I have been looking for a way to get out of the body.

"It turns out to be a three-turn mythical boss"

"The defense is over ten thousand, can we break the defense"

"If it is not the milk of the milk **** who gives me confidence, I am afraid that even those of us who are in the front of the region with the best combat power, bring the best quality pastor, I am afraid that it will not break the defense."

"Defense of breaking ten thousand, our attack must be at least more than 1000 to hurt, and it is single-digit damage, it is difficult to fight"

"If the boss's blood volume is 1.5 million, even if the strategy is successful, it will take at least 6 hours"

"As long as it can pass, how much time is spent is secondary, I am afraid that we have gathered all the masters in the entire Huaxia District here, and it will be useless in the end."

"How do you know if you don't try it? It took us nearly 10 hours to get here. This battle will win or not defeat"

"I suggest to go off the line and take a break first. After all, we have been plowing wasteland for several hours with high intensity. At least we have to eat a meal and drink water."

"I agree, take a brief break before starting the boss, and by the way, I can discuss a tactic so as not to mess up, this is the final boss."

The 100 players of the wasteland group all stopped at the edge of the room, shocked by the strength of the final boss, and also proposed to rest and prepare to deal with this most difficult boss battle in the best state.

No objection, the proposal for rest was approved by all votes, so everyone withdrew from the boss room and started to hang off the line outside the entrance.

It is not safe to hang up in the room. Although the boss hate circle has not been entered, the boss is also activated. It is impossible to ensure that the boss will not be swaying blindly, and then sloshing in front of the player who hangs up.

Xiao Feng is also one of the players who are very in favor of rest. He uses a game helmet, which is no more nutritious than the game cabins used by most high-players, and can be online for a long time. The average player still needs to rest.

Although he could not care, Liu Qiangwei could not bear them, and Xiao Feng saw Liu Qiangwei in a trance more than once.

"Well, didn't you go quietly?"

Xiao Feng pushed the door open and saw Liu Qiangwei also came out of her room, but Si Yejing did not follow, so Xiao Feng asked strangely, because Si Yejing and Liu Qiangwei slept in a bed .

"Quietly guarding my role, let me take her to the room."

Liu Qiang rubbed her temples with lush white ruby ​​fingers and said to Xiao Feng, when she was with Xiao Feng, if she was not in a bad mood, her tone was no longer so cold and ethereal, with a touch of softness.


Xiao Feng nodded and expressed his understanding after thinking.

Female players

Is offline, and the system's anti-harassment protection is still in effect, so generally no one will dare to mess up with their role of hanging up.

But the system rules are not absolutely safe. Although direct contact with female players' characters will attract system punishment, but not direct contact, but if it is obscene at a certain distance, it is not included in this list.

For example, taking a close-up shot with a camera sprite, especially the private parts such as the thigh, or being close to indecent behaviors such as smelling body incense, are not within the scope of punishment.

And these obscene acts are unacceptable to the average female player, let alone Liu Qiangwei, but it is impossible for her to be coveted by her first name in the Huaxia District Goddess List.

A wasteland group of up to 100 people, mixed with dragons and fish, there are all kinds of people, and even players who risk system punishment and attempt to make physical contact are not impossible to exist, so Si Yejing left behind the role of Liu Qiangwei. It is necessary, of course, the package does not include the role of taking care of Xiao Feng incidentally, I do n’t know.

"Oops, so sweet"

Zhanshen Ziyi walked downstairs with her wet long hair, wearing a **** purple suspender skirt, and the white skin exuded the water vapor that had just been bathed. It was only after the stairs that she smelled the tempting dishes inside the restaurant. , The beauty of the moment brightened a bit.

"You are blessed, he rarely cooks."

Liu Qiangwei was already sitting at the dining table, two delicate dishes were placed in front of her. Yu Guang glanced at the Soul Purple Clothes, and her eyes were still staring at the hot dishes in front of her, and she said.

Unconsciously swallowed her throat during her speech. She also did not eat well for almost 10 hours. She was also hungry. She was able to endure waiting for Xiao Feng without moving chopsticks.

"He made this by Xiao Xiaoshen"

Zhan Yi Zi Yi was slightly surprised, and then jade hand covered his mouth, revealing amazed eyes.

It is now three o'clock in the morning, rather Naka is already asleep, and Xiao Feng is naturally in the kitchen.

"Wow, there is this kind of treasure hidden in God Xiao Xiao"

Zhan Soul's eyes instantly changed from surprise to surprise. He couldn't wait to stretch his onion fingers towards a dish, twisted a piece of julienne and put it in his lip. The exquisite taste bud experience made the beautiful feeling instantly penetrate her body.

"You should wait for him to come and eat again." Liu Qiangwei's eyebrows frowned slightly, looking at the movement of War Soul Purple Clothing with some dissatisfaction.

"Try it first, it doesn't matter." Zhan Soul Ziyi sucked her fingertips. Although her taste buds were wide open, she was forced to give up the idea of ​​continuing to eat under Liu Qiangwei's gaze.

"Hurry up and eat, the rest period is not long."

Xiao Feng then walked out of the kitchen with two dishes. Seeing that the two women did not use chopsticks, they said that they also sat down to eat.

This time, Soul Ziyi and Liu Qiangwei did not hesitate, and began to hurry in a hurry, and the appearance of gobbling was not reserved at all.

This meal is not a supper, at most it is a supper. Under the acceleration of War Soul Ziyi and Liu Qiangwei, it will be solved quickly in 10 minutes.

Happy New Year belated, I also hope that all readers and friends are careful to prevent diseases.

In addition, the Taoist has fallen into the abyss, but this book will not be a eunuch, please rest assured.