MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 485 Rely on

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Xiao Feng didn't take care of the remaining three silver bosses, and was left to the front row of the wasteland team to take over. Because Xiaobai was in danger, Xiao Feng rushed over in the first place.


The huge red heart beat strongly, and suddenly shocked, the fiery red hot juice spattered, like blood and magma. I thought it was just a special effect of explosion, and then when it splashed on Xiaobai's body, it burned green smoke, Along with the rattle, a high amount of damage was floating on the white head

If you change to Xiao Feng, you will definitely not be able to hit this skill, but Xiaobai not only does not say close combat, but also does not hide damage. She is directly hit by the head. The holy and wide white wings are burned black for several times. Chun, if it were not for her high health, it would have been seconds.


"Holy Light"


Xiaofeng Staff waved, and three consecutive skills landed on Xiaobai's head, pulling Xiaobai back to a safe state, before killing the Fire Tree Devil Tree Heart with bad eyesight.

Because of the fact that Xiao Feng had lost a secret word before, the Fire Tree Demon Tree Heart only had less than 10 last HP. Under the superimposed output of Xiao Feng and Xiao Bai ’s horror, it could n’t last for long. The blood bar quickly bottomed out.

"Be careful"

Xiao Feng shouted suddenly, because when the fire tree magic tree heart returned to 0, the entire huge heart was condensed into a dazzling red-red light block, which instantly made Xiao Feng's eyelids, almost without hesitation 'S reflexion threw Xiaobai down and pressed Xiaobai's petite body under him


The earth-shattering explosion came suddenly, and in the deafening roar, the red flame engulfed the entire boss room

"Ding your health value to 0, you are dead, the sacred body is in effect, you have been resurrected in place."

In the light of fire, Xiao Feng couldn't even see how much the injury number on his head had floated, only feeling that he was instantly killed by a spike, and the passive resurrection was shot out.

Invincible skill The magic power of the dragon was used once before, and it is still cooling down. Because of the reason that the holy resurrection was given to others, he did not add a resurrection mark to himself, so Xiao Feng was directly reimbursed for his last life.

This made Xiao Feng very unhappy. The old man had hit this boss, and he must know that he has the skills of self-explosive, but he didn't say it. He had to kill him if he had to die together.

"What happened what happened"

"Where did such a big explosion"

A footstep spread into the boss room. It was a member of the buff team who arrived after finishing their last boss. But he didn't expect to encounter this earth-shattering explosion just at the door, and all of them rushed in anxiously. .

Then they saw the people lying in the boss's room, none of them were standing, 80 people were without exception, as if they were wiped out by the group, they were not surprised.

Fortunately, although the scene looks scary, in fact, no one was killed or injured, because except Xiao Feng, everyone has a mark of resurrection. Although the group was killed by a spike, they were all resurrected.

It was also fortunate that the fire tree magic tree heart's self-detonation had only a certain amount of damage, otherwise they would have been destroyed, even Xiao Feng had to hang back to the copy door.

"it's okay no problem"

"Ha, haha, fortunately, the resurrection of the milk **** is equivalent to carrying two lives with you. You ca n’t die if you want to die"

"Yes, yeah, or we would have been wiped out long ago"

Players for the rest of their lives climbed up from the ground, fortunately saying.

Xiao Feng also loosened Xiaobai's young body, but when he was about to stand up, he found a few unclear eyes cast over.

Looked up, Liu Qiangwei, Si Yejing and Zhan Ziyi were standing in front of him, looking at him and the little white under him, his eyes were very strange.

"Haha, the milk **** is powerful, all members pass the penultimate boss without damage, otherwise it will take half an hour to hang back at the copy door and run again."

Old Xu smiled and came over, "The fairy-level boss has a chance to come out with an artifact. Although it is not the first kill, the chance is a little smaller. Is the milk **** coming to touch the body?"

"Whoever goes, let her go"

Xiao Feng didn't have the interest to open equipment. He felt helplessly touching Xiaobai's little head in his arms. Xiaobai had put away the combat attire, but Xiaofeng didn't let go, and a small head with short silver hair was arched in Xiao Feng's arms .

Was planning to call someone casually, but Xiao Feng's eyes swept Liu Qiangwei in front of him, and his tone changed suddenly, suddenly said.

But he remembered that when this woman was with herself, Lucky Star might be able to open an artifact

"Oh, then please invite President Rose to raise her jade hand up." Lao Xu was very polite and smiled.

Liu Qiangwei didn't say anything. The lotus step moved lightly, and the money went directly to the center of the big explosion, passing Xiao Feng's body, leaving Xiao Feng with a fragrant wind like an empty valley.

The scene of hundreds of people is much quieter. As the No. 1 goddess in China, Liu Qiangwei has always been the center of her gaze, and she immediately attracted countless attention under certain actions.

It's a pity that Liu Qiangwei didn't open the artifact. After all, it wasn't the first kill. Only two fairy devices were opened, and they were both weapons. It was already a lucky value.

A longbow and a one-handed sword, according to the needs of the profession, they were allocated directly, especially the one-handed sword, which almost made the ancient people fight.

"Okay, okay, the next challenge is the real one. The remaining two boss rooms have not passed the record in the whole area. It is estimated that the situation in other theaters is similar. It can be stuck in the penultimate boss theater. It is considered a large and powerful theater. "

Lao Xu opened his mouth, attracting everyone ’s attention, “There is no play, no strategy, because the next time is when you need to show your personal strength, I have no effect, I will hang back to the copy door, and change A substitute from the Argumentary Labor Union came in, and may be able to increase a little fighting power, everyone, please come on. "

Lao Xu's words with regret, he has no combat power, he can not go to the end, hang out for another output, undoubtedly the best choice.

"Let ’s go, my gods, the next is the most difficult battle. Whether you can win the first pass depends on your play"

No one spoke, everyone looked dignified, just in the penultimate third room, it almost disappeared once, and the difficulty of the last two rooms is absolutely self-evident.

Especially there are some players who have hung up their pets here, and the combat power will be greatly reduced

Sure enough, as I continued to go deeper into the mountain, the penultimate boss room appeared in the eyes of everyone. After seeing the situation in the boss room, everyone frowned and felt very heavy.

Andy vine flower shadow

Level 45

Quality fairy boss

Attribute demon

Health 366000366000

Physical attack power 37003600

Magic Attack 35003700

Physical defense force 26002800

Magic Defense 30003200

Andy vine flower strain

Level 45

Quality fairy boss

Attribute demon

Health 366000366000

Physical attack power 37003900

Magic Attack 38004000

Physical defense force 26002800

Magic Defense 30003200

This turned out to be two bosses coexisting in the room. Compared to the fire tree heart, the two bosses' blood volume is a little lower, but the attack power is higher.

And the most important thing is that the two bosses are of a woman's shape similar to the player's body, like a woman transformed from a flower vine, and the appearance is quite pretty.

But no one is paying attention to the appearance of these two female bosses at the moment, but they have their eyes heavy.

No wonder this penultimate boss room has not passed first so far, and there are actually two bosses in it.

Doubling the difficulty directly, the most important thing is that the two bosses are too small

If you differentiate the difficulty of bosses with the same attribute, it is undoubtedly that the smaller the boss, the more dangerous and agile, the higher the sight, the more difficult it is to lock the strategy.

In team battles, perhaps the larger size of the boss is more lethal. After all, you can step on one foot, but the larger size also causes a heavier burden. Not only will the agility be lower, it is difficult to hit the master, and The huge size is also a target, which can be locked by countless players, so the success rate of the strategy is also higher, although the casualties paid will increase accordingly.

The opposite is true for small bosses, which can be overwhelmed by human tactics and can basically be blocked. In large-scale team battles, the threat is not as great as that of large-volume bosses. The output space is also limited. A few people go in a circle, and the people behind can't attack. Under the high agility of the boss, even a master can hardly be completely harmless, greatly increasing the difficulty of the strategy.

And among all the small bosses, the humanoid boss is undoubtedly the most dangerous

So when I saw these two beautiful female bosses, the atmosphere of the wasteland group directly condensed to the freezing point.

The most important thing is that, of these two bosses, one holds double thorns, it should be an assassin type, the other holds vine bow, and it is a remote output.

Is not only two types of high agility, but also remote

"Everyone, I don't think it's too difficult for me, my layman. Come on," Lao Xu said, and then stepped aside. Then he couldn't help any more.

"We have extinguished several times, and there is no easy way to play, but it is best to fight the two bosses separately. The few of us will go to the remote to delay the time as much as possible. You will set fire in close combat first, but We can't hold it for too long. "


"let's go"

happy New Year