MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 351 Your Chinese medicine practitioners are killers!

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  Chapter 351 Your Chinese medicine is a murderer!

  The annual meeting is only for two days.

  And this time, because of the joining of the Overseas Chinese Medicine Association, the academic report this time has become more urgent.

  Similarly, the gold content this time has also increased a lot.

  Shen Yuyuan and others have arranged for people from around this year to participate in this report.

  Among them, there are some latest achievements of Chinese medicine masters!

  At the annual meeting, some latest research progress is reported every year.

   This time, the annual meeting seemed to be held in a calm manner, without too much smoke and disputes.

   But in fact, everyone knows very well that this is a competition of Chinese medicine research at home and abroad!

  Everyone is holding a breath in their hearts at this moment, wanting to prove themselves on this stage.

   The first one to come on stage was Yu Han!

  President Yu Han is the president of the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is also one of the leading figures in modernization research in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

  At only 51 years old, he has already become a nationally famous old Chinese doctor. After waiting for enough years of practicing medicine, he will be promoted to a master of Chinese medicine in all likelihood.

  Her appearance naturally aroused the applause of many people.

  Yu Han stood on the stage, bowed slightly to everyone with a smile, and then said:

   "Today, I want to report on the research on the regulation of neuro-endocrine-immune network by acupuncture."

   "I will focus on a few acupuncture points to explore the modern research progress of acupuncture points!"

  As soon as this topic was mentioned, many people immediately realized that the level of this report is not low!

  “Many human diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertensive heart disease, allergic diseases (asthma), low immune function, endocrine system diseases, neuro-muscular system diseases, etc., still have not been accurately explored about the causes!

   Therefore, in terms of treatment methods, there is no very effective means.

  It can only be used to control the development of the disease, and it needs long-term regular medication for maintenance!

  However, our recent research has found that these diseases are actually related to the dysfunction of the nervous-endocrine-immune system.

   Regarding this point, after doing a lot of clinical research, we put forward a concept called "neural-endocrine-immune network regulation mechanism"

  Our treatment of diseases is no longer simply limited to a certain symptom of the patient, a certain lesion in the body, but combined with the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine.

   This network regulation mechanism is proposed, which is to intervene as a whole from the nerve, endocrine and immune functions!

   On this point, it is difficult for modern medicines to exert such complex functions!

   Coincidentally, our Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has made good progress in treating this type of disease!

  This is what I want to say today, acupuncture and moxibustion can intervene and improve the treatment plan of related diseases through the regulation mechanism of neuro-endocrine-immune network..."

  After Yu Han said these words, many people on the stage nodded.

  Zhang Bolin glanced at this disciple with satisfaction, and was also very satisfied in his heart.

   And Dai Zuwen was also taken aback for a moment!

  He didn't expect that Yu Han would open up after coming up?

   This time the annual meeting was held, but it was broadcast live at home and abroad simultaneously, although not many people watched it.

  However, many of them are now waiting for today's report to make a fuss!

   But now, when Yu Han opened his mouth, many people couldn't help being startled, because this report directly gave everyone a blow.

   Yu Han spoke very slowly and in detail!

  She is no longer the same as before, she uses the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine to distinguish.

   Instead, it took multiple measures and adopted the most advanced indicators in the world to make an accurate judgment on the neuro-endocrine-immune function.

  Dai Zuwen's eyelids twitched, he was a little worried!

   This Yu Han's level is obviously higher than that of his students.

  The gold content of this report undoubtedly surpassed theirs.

  Could it be... Domestic Chinese medicine has developed to this point?

  He was a little unwilling to believe it!


   Soon, Dai Zuwen calmed himself down. He felt that this Yu Han had obviously come prepared, but he believed that there would not be too many people of this level!

  After Yu Han finished his report, the audience burst into applause.

  Many researchers in the field of traditional Chinese medicine who came from overseas to participate could not help applauding.

  Actually, not everyone who came to this meeting had the same mentality as Dai Zuwen.

   Many people are even excited and looking forward to it. They hope that this time, they can gain something!

as expected!

  Yu Han's first appearance directly raised the academic atmosphere and height of this meeting.

  However, Yu Han's appearance disrupted Dai Zuwen's plan.

  After he pondered for a moment, he directly let his most proud disciple take the stage.

  After receiving his instructions, the disciples below also hurriedly stepped onto the stage and started.

   "Hi everyone, I'm Malone from the Overseas Association of Chinese Medicine Physicians."

   "Under the tutelage of Professor Dai Zuwen!"

   "The research progress I reported today is a sub-project that won the American Physiological and Pathological Progress Award, "Modern Research Progress in Acupuncture Points."

   "First of all, the Yuji point!"

   "Belongs to the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the hand. It is located on the outer side of the hand, at the midpoint of the radial side of the first metacarpal bone at the red and white flesh border. There are abductor pollicis brevis and oppositus palmaris muscles, and a mixed branch of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm and the superficial branch of the radial nerve."

"This point is the Xing point of the lung meridian, and the attribute of the five elements belongs to fire." "Xing masters body heat", so this point has the effect of clearing the lungs and purging fire, and clearing the lungs. Cough and wheezing, chest tightness and chest pain caused by Sujiang."

   "However, if this is the case alone, there is a lot of confusion for our modern research."

   “So, we dug deeper and did a mechanistic study.”

   "Using modern mechanism research, in-depth clinical measurements were carried out on asthmatic patients, and the plasma cAMP, cGMP and cortisol levels were measured before and after acupuncture and 2 weeks after acupuncture.

   It is well known that plasma cAMP, cAMP/cGMP ratio and plasma cortisol levels are lower in asthma attack patients than in normal people.

   Immediately and 2 weeks after the injection, the wheezing sound subsided and the symptoms improved. Most of the patients had significantly increased plasma cAMP, cAMP/cGMP ratio and plasma cortisol levels.

  This shows that acupuncture thenar can adjust the imbalance between cyclic nucleotides and cortisol.

  The same method and acupoints were used to treat bronchial asthma in attack stage, and cortisol was measured before and after treatment.

  Plasma cortisol levels in most patients were lower than normal before the injection, and the cortisol levels after the injection and 2 weeks after the injection were significantly higher than those before the injection...

  The specific reason is that from the nerve aspect, it is located at the abductor pollicis brevis and opposite palmar muscles of the thumb; the blood vessel is used as the return branch of the thumb vein; it is clothed with mixed branches of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm and the superficial branch of the radial nerve. "

   "When we use acupuncture to stimulate, it will cause the autonomic neurogenesis of the human body..."

   Malorne is very detailed!

   He even explored acupuncture points from the fields of nerves, electrolytes, and bioelectrical signals.

  Everyone in the audience was also amazed by the opponent's modern technology.

   Can measure and capture bioelectrical signals? !

   Suddenly, many experts in the audience began to listen carefully.

  This new research angle of Chinese medicine is quite novel and attractive.


   This is the purpose of Dai Zuwen!

  He wants to tell these domestic experts that what they study is already behind.

   Even, these things don’t make any new discoveries without dreaming.

  They have more advanced equipment, more excellent instruments, more advanced ideas...

   This is also the purpose of Joe Johnson.

  The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine is obvious to all. At present, acupuncture has been allowed to be used in 144 countries around the world, and its existence has been recognized.

  This shows that foreign countries have begun to accept Chinese medicine.


  Those capitalists belittle and suppress Chinese medicine for their own products!

  Secretly, better research on Chinese medicine has been carried out.

   This is their usual method.

  What is the difference between this scene and after the discovery of Latin America, a large number of precious diamonds and minerals were exchanged for worthless plastic and stripping?

  This is why the country has been emphasizing the need for cultural self-confidence!

  Because our stuff is not cheap.

  Joe Johnson this time, on the one hand, hoped that through Dai Zuwen’s participation in the conference, he would showcase academic exchanges and let overseas Chinese and domestic experts see that your research is backward, even inferior to our overseas association.

   In addition, it is attractive!

   Tell domestic experts that you are welcome to come to us.

  We have generous remuneration, leading technology, and more support.

  As long as you come, we can provide.

   Malorne soon finished the report.

  Dai Zuwen on the stage saw the applause of the audience and the shock in his eyes, and suddenly smiled in relief.

  The effect can be seen from the reaction on site.

   That's what he's for.


   This is just the beginning.

  He doesn't believe, how many times can Yu Han's level appear again?

  Because before the academic exchange, the leaders made speeches and introduced the took up some time, and before I knew it, it was past ten o'clock.

  Shen Yuyuan said to everyone: "Everyone take a break."

   Tea break time is coming.

   The discussion between Yu Han and Malone was sublimated even more.

  Everyone is discussing the latest research of the two.

  Zhao Jianyong’s notes are no longer as full as they were before, but it is very important to write down the inspiration at that time.

  As for other things, you can use the voice recorder to go back and watch it again.

  He closed his notebook and looked at Chen Nan: "Director Chen, the progress of Malone's research and Dean Yu..."

   "What do you think?"

  Chen Nan smiled and looked at Zhao Jianyong: "Which one do you think is better?"

   "Or more enlightening?"

  Zhao Jianyong sighed: "Everyone has its own merits!"

   "Director Yu's research is very inspiring,'s too big. If we continue to study, the difficulty may continue to escalate!"

  “He used the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine to design this neuro-endocrine-immune network, which is actually very interesting.”

   "I think, very inspiring!"

   "Mallorne is not as good as the director."

   "However, Malorne is not without advantages. It can be said that both of them chose two completely different directions."

   "Director Yu started his research from a macro perspective."

   "And Malone, on the other hand, has found another way, using the essence of modern research to treat an acupuncture point in a subtle way!"

   "Moreover, he uses modern instruments to capture bioelectrical signals, which may really be a good thing for the modernization of acupuncture points!"

  Chen Nan asked suddenly: "What do you think are acupuncture points? What are meridians?"

   "Can you find it?"

   "It's like, the internal organs of Chinese medicine can find a reason in the body!"

   "In itself, acupuncture points are illusory things."

   "Chinese medicine is a conceptual name and a functional definition. Perhaps it is a good thing to deduce acupuncture points through function."

   "But... I've always had a doubt!"

   "Is the function of acupoints under normal conditions and the function of acupoints under pathological conditions the same thing?"

  "In addition to nerves, muscles, blood vessels, fascia... and other things, is there any new tissue that has not been discovered in the human body."

   "In addition to bioelectrical signals, neurotransmitters, etc., is there any other signaling or conducting tissue in the human body!"

   "These are all pending!"

   "Director Zhao, please remember one sentence, the modernization of Chinese medicine is definitely not just using modern methods to study Chinese medicine!"

   "It is to use modern means to study diseases!"

   "There is nothing to study about the theory of Chinese medicine and acupoints and meridians."

   "However, the diagnosis and treatment ideas of traditional Chinese medicine for diseases, as well as the clinical effects, are worth exploring!"

   "Chinese medicine is a kind of medicine, which is the research and thinking of the ancients on human physiology and pathology!"

   "The current medical level may not be enough to study too many sophisticated things, and there is no way to fully explain it."

   "The most important thing to do research is to be grounded and research in the present."

   "I think, instead of doing these meaningless explorations, it is better to study how to cure diseases to be more reliable."

   After Chen Nan finished speaking, Zhao Jianyong nodded and said with a smile:

   "You say... Malorne's research is pointless?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Do you think it makes sense?"


  During the speech, Chen Nan shook his head and did not continue speaking.

  But... Dai Zuwen happened to pass by, and Malone and others were walking with him. After hearing Chen Nan's words, everyone stopped in their tracks.

   "You say our research is meaningless?"

   "This little brother, what's your name?"

   "Let's get to know each other, my humble Dai Zuwen."

   Dai Zuwen looked at Chen Nan with a smile and asked a question.

  Chen Nan glanced at Dai Zuwen and shook his head: "Sorry, I don't really want to know you."

  Dai Zuwen and others were also taken aback by Chen Nan's words!

  I don't really want to know you?

   These words... a bit crazy!

  The faces of Dai Zuwen, Malone and others behind him suddenly darkened.

  Dai Zuwen was also a little bit unable to step down.

   At this time, suddenly a person behind Dai Zuwen came out from behind and whispered a few words in his ear.

   At this moment, Dai Zuwen's eyes became brighter.

  He looked at Chen Nan, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.


   "Xiao Chen, right?"

   "According to seniority, you still have to call me Uncle Master."

   "You and I, Master Lu, came from the same school, and Lu Pingren is my senior brother."

   "Hehe, but...You are a young child, and your tone is really not small!"

   "Doesn't make sense?"

   "Do you know how influential this topic is internationally?"

  Chen Nan didn't bother to pay attention to the other party at all, and said to Zhao Jianyong: "I didn't want to pee at first, I do!"

   "Let's go."

  Zhao Jianyong smiled and got up quickly: "Yeah, I have heard a lot of unnutritious words, and I am really uncomfortable."

  The conversation between Chen Nan and the others was naturally heard by everyone around.

   It caused a sigh and a smile.

  Dai Zuwen also felt dull, but still said with a smile:

   "Hehe, it seems that your teacher didn't teach you the minimum of respecting teachers!"

   "You are far behind your teacher!"

  “I don’t know what humility is at all!”

   "It seems that I have to talk to Lu Pingren sometime, or else... this division has been tarnished."

   At this time, Malorne was also a little annoyed:

   "I want you to choose a restaurant!"

"do you dare!"

  When Chen Nan heard this, he stopped and laughed.

   "Sorry, you don't deserve it!"

   Chen Nan is telling the truth.

  With his current status, can he find anyone to choose a restaurant?

  Are you kidding me? !

  There is an unwritten rule in the industry.

  Choose a museum, the level should not differ too much.

   After Chen Nan defeated Mr. Yan Leshan, the fiftieth member of Xinglinyuan Saint Hand Gang, his strength has actually reached this level!

   If he is in Xinglin Garden, he must be ranked fifty at least.

   In this way, if you want to challenge Chen Nan, you must at least have the strength of the Xinglin master list.

   Could it be challenged by just anyone?

  The people on the master list are not chosen randomly.

   Xinglinyuan needs to reconcile it personally, and can only choose a museum if there is no result.

  Because the stakes are high.

   Chen Nan said that Malorne is unworthy, not an insult, but just telling the truth.

  However, Malorne felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.


   "Are the Chinese so arrogant?!"

  “Ignorance is the greatest arrogance.”

  Chen Nan suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at Malone: ​​"What did you say?"

   Malone looked at Chen Nan without any fear.

  Malone is also well-known in overseas Chinese medicine circles.

  I am 47 years old this year, but this year I have joined Xinglin Garden and successfully selected a museum.

  This is evident!

   Therefore, he also has some pride.

   "I say, the ignorant are fearless!"

  Chen Nan suddenly laughed: "Yes, the ignorant are fearless!"

   "You joined Xinglinyuan, right?"

   "Then you should have heard my name, Chen Nan."

   "Do you think you have the qualifications to challenge me?"

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Malorne was stunned.


  Chen Nan has a great reputation in Xinglin Garden, whether it is white or black, or whether his reputation is stinky or not, but his strength is beyond doubt.

   Really defeated Yan Leshan!

   Just now, Chen Nan happened to hear the system prompt!

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review from Malorne, the rating of the bad review is: Advanced! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a negative review from Dai Zuwen, and the rating of the negative review is: Intermediate! 】

  【Reminder: Both of them are from Xinglin Garden, and there is a chance to upgrade the rewards for bad reviews! 】

   This is why Chen Nan knew that the other party was from Xinglin Garden.


   So what?

  Chen Nan waved his hand: "Young man, if you don't have the strength, don't learn from others and come out and pick houses!"

   "Be careful that you won't have to wear the clothes you lose!"

   Malorne suddenly became angry: "You!"


  Chen Nan squinted his eyes and stared at the other party: "Oh?"

   "Aren't you convinced?"

   "Then... I agree to your selection!"

"You dare?"

   As soon as this remark comes out!

   Suddenly the surrounding froze.

  Everyone looked at Chen Nan and Malone one after another, discussing a lot.

  Dai Zuwen was stunned.

  Of course he knew about Chen Nan's fame, but...he didn't expect this kid to be crazier than the rumors!

   Don't give me any face!

  Compared to Lu Pingren when he was young, he is much crazier!

   And at this time!

   Malone stood where he was, and after hearing Chen Nan's words, he instantly felt an unprecedented pressure!

   It was like a mountain pressing on him.


   Really sloppy!

  Malorne's back had already begun to ooze cold sweat.

  In this kind of scene, there are so many people watching.

  Even the camera is facing me.

   Malorne is really not convinced!

  But...he dared not speak.

  He was really afraid of losing to Chen Nan.

  If you really lose...

  At this moment, Malorne was extremely calm, and after waking up, he also regretted it extremely!

   In desperation, he could only lower his head.

   At this time, everyone around saw this, and suddenly laughed.

  Chen Nan glanced at the other party, couldn't help but shook his head, and said with a smile, "Ha ha!"

   "Young man, remember to keep your mouth shut!"

"Do not say silly things!"

   "Beware of causing trouble."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Nan was about to leave.

   Seeing this, Dai Zuwen squinted his eyes and didn't speak for a long time.

   Malorne clenched his fists, feeling extremely aggrieved.

   After the group walked out, there were still noises in the corridor.

  At this time, a sudden noise came from the corridor.

   "Hurry up!"

   "Get out of the way, everyone!"

   "Have you dialed 120 yet?"

"Give way!"

"what happened?"

   "Someone fell down and suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart. Whoever has Suxiao Jiuxin Pill, take it out and use it!"


  The noisy voice suddenly attracted the attention of everyone around.

   Everyone looked for the reputation, only to find that a staff member fainted on the ground.

   This sudden change immediately attracted everyone's attention.

  Chen Nan said to Zhao Jianyong: "Go, go and have a look!"

   "By the way, did you get the acupuncture needles?"

  Zhao Jianyong nodded: "Both the old nine needles and the hair needles are brought!"

  Chen Nan hummed, and the two walked towards the inside.

  The waiters around were panicked, and it was their manager, an obese middle-aged man, who fell down.

"what to do?"

   "120 hasn't come yet!"

"have no idea…"

  Suddenly, a staff member hurriedly shouted, "Is there a doctor?"

   "Who has medicine!"

   As soon as this remark comes out!

   It exploded immediately.

"I am a doctor!"

   "I am the dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

   "I am the director of Heb Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine..."

"I am a doctor…"

   "I'm the director of the Department of Cardiology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Capital, let me see what's going on!"

   "I am the director of the Cardiology Department of Guang'anmen Hospital..."


  The staff were dumbfounded!

  He was dumbfounded when he saw a group of experts running over excitedly.

to be honest…

  He has never fought such a rich battle, has he?

  What is one response!

   This is the response to all calls!

  A picture appeared in the mind of the young waiter. Back then, with a wave of my arm, the top experts in the country poured in. I took a little shot, which is the limit of this segment!

   Watching a group of experts come running.

  The young man suddenly felt a little unconfident.


   "You... are not lying, are you?"

  Yu Han hurriedly said: "We have a meeting here today, the annual meeting of Chinese medicine doctors, do you know?"

  After hearing Yu Han's words, the staff suddenly realized.


   "Quick...experts, you go!"

   Watching a group of experts come over, a fat aunt-like staff member whispered, "This..."

   "This manager is too good at fainting..."

   "Who can have such treatment..."

  Her words made several companions dumbfounded.

  However, this is the truth.


  Dongzhimen Cardiology Department Director Gong Jinlin suddenly said: "The patient has angina pectoris!"

   "Who has Suxiao Jiuxin Pill?"

   "Which one of you has?"

   "How long is 120?"

   At this time, an old expert on the side said: "120 is on the way, the nearest one has already left, and it is estimated to arrive in 10 minutes!"

  After hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed immediately.

10 minutes!

   This time is neither long nor short.

   But it is enough to kill people!

  If it's a heart attack, 10 minutes is still very dangerous.

  Myocardial infarction is acute myocardial infarction caused by coronary artery stenosis, although it is said that 120 minutes is the best treatment for this disease.


   Cardiac arrest begins after 4-6 minutes with irreversible brain damage followed by a transition to biological death over several minutes.

  So, at this moment, the most important thing avoid cardiac arrest.

  Time, at this moment, became boundless and anxious.

  Everyone around frowned, and quickly began to think of a way.

at this time!

  In the crowd, Dai Zuwen's student Malone immediately stood up after hearing it: "I have acupuncture needles!"

   "Everyone, give way!"

   "I can put patients in remission until 120 comes!"

   "I can relieve pain!"

  The pain of myocardial infarction is almost like dying pain.

  So, at this moment, the fat manager was lying on the ground, sweating profusely, and his body couldn't help shaking.

  Hearing Malorne's words, Gong Jinlin glanced at Dai Zuwen: "President Dai, this..."

  Dai Zuwen also wanted to give his students a chance.

   "Malone has been studying acupuncture with me, and he has a lot of research on acupuncture points for heart disease!"

   "He can try!"

   Malorne nodded quickly after hearing this!

"I can!"

   While talking, everyone gave way.

  Malone hurried over, took out a few acupuncture needles, and stabbed at the patient's acupuncture points.

   "I have studied this acupoint very well!"

  “The treatment of coronary heart disease can enhance myocardial contractility, slow down the heart rate, improve the electrocardiogram, and reduce the end-diastolic pressure of the left ventricle.

Moreover, experiments have shown that intermittent use of electroacupuncture can increase coronary flow and myocardial oxygen supply, reduce coronary resistance, myocardial oxygen extraction rate, reduce the maximum coronary blood oxygen content difference, and reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, thereby Improving and adjusting the imbalance between the supply and demand of oxygen in the myocardium is conducive to reducing the degree of myocardial injury in the endangered area and reducing the area of ​​myocardial necrosis. "

"This acupoint is the Daling point. It affects the cardiac function of heart disease patients. In most cases, the systolic wave of the ballistocardiogram is enhanced. After acupuncture, the left heart peak increases, the systolic deviation weakens, and the diastolic bulge also increases. It shows that the contraction of the myocardium is strengthened after acupuncture, and the heart function is improved."


  Malorne pricked with a few needles after pardoning me.

   And at this time!

   Malorne was already looking forward to the relief of the patient's symptoms.

  At this time, Chen Nan also hurried over.

  He heard what Malorne had to say.

   Suddenly frowned!

   But Malone looked at Chen Nan with a provocative look in his eyes.

   While he was waiting for the patient's symptoms to abate...

  The patient on the ground suddenly wailed loudly.

   "It hurts!"


   "It hurts even more..."

   These words immediately silenced the scene.

  Seeing this, Chen Nan hurriedly said, "Everyone, make way!"

   While speaking, he walked in with a few needles in his hand.

  I saw his hand up and down!

  Three needles go straight in!

   And at the same time.

   said in his mouth: "Chinese medicine is not what you use!"

   "Your path is wrong!"

   "Indeed, the Jianshi acupoint has such an effect, needs to be pierced at the same time as the Neiguan acupoint, and the joint tremor effect must be maintained!"

   "Besides, in this disease, the acupuncture in Daling is also wrong!"

   "Daling should be used together with Shenmen and Tongli!"

   "You crooked ways, not only make the way of Chinese medicine go astray, but also harm people!"

   Malorne was about to retort.

  But suddenly found that the patient lying on the ground suddenly relaxed a lot.



  The fat manager on the ground gradually let go of his hands covering his chest, and completely let go from the rigid posture just now, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

  Mouth kept saying...

   "Much more comfortable..."

   "Thank you...thank you..."

"I feel a little better…"

  As soon as these words came out, the surroundings immediately became completely quiet.

  Chen Nan looked at Malorne and said with a stern expression:

   "They are all Chinese medicine, but the way is different."

   "Our Chinese medicine is to save people!"

   "Your Chinese medicine doctor may be a murderer!"


  (end of this chapter)