MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 3 Earn rewards

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   Chapter 3 Get Rewards

   Monday morning.

  Chen Nan got up very early, made a simple breakfast for his mother, and arrived at the station at half past six to wait for the bus.

  There is no way, the hospital will be handed over at eight o'clock, so he has to get up early.

   When I came back on Saturday, because I was a little tired, I didn’t ride the electric bike back, so I had to take the bus to go to work.

   Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on this part of the suburban road in the morning, and Chen Nan arrived at the hospital at 7:50.

   During this time, Chen Nan was thinking about renting a house nearby, preferably two bedrooms and one living room.

   In this way, you can take your mother over to live with you.

  Single room is cheap, but... He was a little worried about leaving his mother at home alone.

  The price of a house with two bedrooms and one living room near Yuancheng People's Hospital is not cheap, at least about 2500 yuan a month, after a year, if you bring the water, electricity and heating costs of the property, you will get 30000 to 40000 yuan, which has to be paid annually.

  Chen Nan doesn't have so much money now.

   The more than 30,000 yuan that he finally accumulated was also given to Chen Jinhe, and he only had more than 10,000 yuan in his hand.

  Hold on for another two months!

   Anyway, riding an electric bike is also convenient. If you ride faster, you can get to the hospital in 30 to 40 minutes.



   After arriving in the department, before everyone arrived, Chen Nan changed his clothes, sat at the workstation, and began to think about his system.

   Because up to now, he still has not received the reward.

   Could it be that he misunderstood that woman?

   He didn't report himself?

   At this time, a man in his forties walked into the office.

  Chen Nan looked up, it was Director Yang Hongnian.

  Yang Hongnian looked around, paused for a moment beside Chen Nan, frowned slightly, then turned to look at the head nurse: "Are you all there?"

   The head nurse glanced at the sign-in form and nodded: "Well, Xu Rui went to the consultation, and everyone else came."

  Yang Hongnian hummed: "Let's start the shift."

  Early shift is mainly for the doctor on duty to report the situation of newly admitted patients and the situation of special patients.

   The shift in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is relatively simple, because there are not many critically ill patients.

   After the shift, Yang Hongnian suddenly clapped his hands:

   "Takes a few minutes."

   "I said two things."

   "The first one is that the Shanxi Provincial Health Commission issued a document on online diagnosis and treatment services."

   "The name is "Cloud Hospital". Everyone downloads this app and registers it."

   "After the registration is successful, you can conduct online diagnosis and treatment after the approval of the medical department of the hospital and the verification with the computer center."

   "Everyone takes this as one thing. This "Cloud Hospital" is a paid diagnosis and treatment. If you do it well, you can also earn a little extra money, hehe..."

   After everyone heard it, they couldn't help but sighed.

  Online diagnosis and treatment itself has many problems.

  Otherwise, it would not have been without improvement since its promotion.

   However, what I didn't expect was... This time it was organized by the National Health Commission.

   Would it be better if it was an official background?

   At this time, the head nurse said: "The QR code is with me. After the shift is over, every doctor will come and scan it."

   At this time, Yang Hongnian continued: "Next, let's talk about another thing."

When    was talking, Yang Hongnian stared at Chen Nan with a serious expression:

   "The medical department called me early this morning."

   "On Saturday, there was a doctor in our Chinese medicine department who openly quarreled with patients in the corridor, and even swears!"

   "The other party reported it to 12320."

   "This incident has had a very bad impact on our entire Chinese medicine department!"

   "Even if it affects the civilization construction of our hospital, it will have an impact on the spiritual civilization award of our hospital."

   "The medical department asked me to take this matter seriously."

   Having said that, Yang Hongnian turned around and stared at Chen Nan, and asked with a serious expression:

   "Chen Nan!"

   "How do you explain this?!"

   Actually, this is a small thing in itself.

   But the key lies in the female patient on Saturday, which is quite important. She is the manager of the promotion company of Yun Hospital, and Yang Hongnian is the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Western Hospital, and his income is limited. He wants the other party to promote himself.

   Unexpectedly, I encountered such a problem.

   Yang Hongnian naturally wants to express something.

   Moreover, there is another problem, that is, the faction of the department.

  Yang Honglai became the director of TCM, and it took just over a year before the old director Wang Houpu retired.

   And Chen Nan was sent in with the help of Director Wang.

   Yang Hongnian’s actions are nothing more than knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger to let those who are close to Wang Houpu understand that he has retired and the current director is Yang Hongnian!

   Sure enough!

   Following Yang Hongnian's remarks, the scene suddenly became quiet.

   Everyone around looked at Chen Nan, a little puzzled.

  What heinous thing did he do, to be so serious as Director Yang said!

   However, many people also glanced at Yang Hongnian thoughtfully, and seemed to have guessed something.

   At this moment, Chen Nan was suddenly stunned.

  Because a long-lost voice sounded in my ear.

【Ding! Congratulations on your first bad review (normal), the systematic review is a legitimate act.

  Reminder: This bad review is only for Director Yang Hongnian. The bad review grade is ordinary. In view of the first use of the system, it is specially upgraded to: bad.

  Congratulations for your generous compensation reward: Tongue Diagnosis (Expert Level)]

   After hearing the system sound, Chen Nan felt a little weird.

   "Congratulations on your bad review?"

   How can there be such congratulations!


   What really surprised him was the reward: an expert tongue diagnosis! ?

   You must know that tongue diagnosis is an extremely important part of Chinese medicine, and its status is very detached!

   "Clinical Syndrome Tongue Verification Method" records: "All internal and external miscellaneous diseases, all have their shape, and their gas is on the tongue!"

   It can be said that tongue diagnosis has a very high status in TCM diagnosis!

  Chen Nan never thought that his first bad review would get an expert tongue diagnosis!

   A lot of harvest!

made money!

   Earn big!

   Let the complaints come more violently!

   However, at this moment, Chen Nan suddenly saw a system prompt.

   [This bad review is only for Director Yang Hongnian, and the bad review grade: ordinary. 】

   This sentence is a bit intriguing.

   He didn't expect Yang Hongnian to be so shameless, to go online so blatantly.

   said that it has affected the civilized construction of the hospital, as well as the spiritual civilization award? !

   Isn't this nonsense!

  If such a trivial matter can affect the Spiritual Civilization Award, then the image project of these leaders is to eat?

   This Yang Hongnian really came here with his mouth open. According to the system prompt, the woman did not report Chen Nan to the hospital at all, otherwise the bad rating would not be ordinary.

   Besides, the hospital doesn't work on Saturdays and Sundays, it's only eight o'clock, and the administrative department is not yet at work.

   Obviously, the other party called Yang Hongnian.

   However, Yang Hongnian has been the director for two years, and he has not learned anything else, but the mandarin that comes from his mouth is a set of sets, and when he speaks, he will scare himself with the words on the line.

  Yang Hongnian looked at Chen Nan without saying a word, and frowned slightly: "Why don't you speak?"

  Chen Nan heard the sound and stood up directly.

   "Director, I don't think I'm wrong. You asked me to explain. I can't find what's wrong."

   "There's one thing I don't quite understand."

   "The other party has not registered at all, which means that the two of us have not formed a therapeutic relationship at all. In this case, how to report it?"

   "Furthermore, the other party came to the consultation room to yell, which affected the normal medical order, destroyed the rules and regulations of the hospital, and even affected the patients."

   "As a doctor, I have the right to refuse treatment and drive away."

   "So, what's wrong with me!"

  Chen Nan's remarks are decisive.

   There is no ambiguity at all.

   After all, who can reject a system that compensates for bad reviews?

   He even looked forward to Yang Hongnian's bad review!

   Accompanying Chen Nan's remarks, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

  No one thought that Chen Nan would not give Yang Hongnian face so much.

   Sure enough, Yang Hongnian's expression changed when he heard the sound. He didn't expect Chen Nan to return his mouth?

  You know, he is the director!

   The leader of a subject!

   Where is your confidence, Chen Nan?

   A contract worker who graduated from college!

   Yang Hongnian narrowed his eyes immediately: "Oh?"

   "You think you're pretty reasonable?"

   "Could it be... I was wrong?!"

   (end of this chapter)