MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 63

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In the afternoon self-study class, Ni Meilin walked into the classroom.

The students were reading books, no one noticed, and the teacher who was staring at the self-study looked puzzled at Ni Meilin. Ni Meilin gestured to the class teacher and said nothing, went to Haixiu, whispered: "Hai Xiu?"

Hai Xiu looked up, Ni Meilin said: "Come out."

Haixiu put down the pen, Feng Fei said: "What happened?"

Haixiu himself couldn’t figure it out and shook his head: "Wait to come back to tell you."

Ni Meilin has already left the classroom, and the peak is not allowed to open, watching Haixiu go out, unknown.

There are other teachers in Ni Meilin's office. So I didn't let Haixiu go to the office. Instead, I took him to the empty public classroom next to him. I thought about it again and again: "I will apply for the provincial three good places... Something unexpected."

Haixiu stunned: "What's wrong? Yes... Is that which of my grades is unqualified? Or is the award-winning record not enough authority? That's fine, I can look for the winning record in the competitions held in those foreign middle schools. It can also be checked abroad..."

"Not for this reason." Ni Meilin was very tired and thought about it. "It is like this. The school sorts out your files, finds you, and finds that you were punished when you were in junior high school. It is still a serious punishment..."

Hai Xiu was a stagnation, and his face was white: "The punishment in junior high school will also affect...?"

"It seems to be."

Ni Meilin paused and said: "But you can rest assured that this will affect you at most. When you go to college, no one will ever go to see this old account. I promise you."

Haixiu licked his white lips and nodded: "Well, thank you teacher, nothing."

Ni Meilin was too unbearable and whispered: "Don't go too far, blame me. There are rules in the school. I can't inform you in advance before I set it down. I shouldn't disclose it to you."

Haixiu uneasily shook his head: "I am not because there is no such a bad place, I, I..." Haixiu looked at Ni Meilin, and her eyes were full of fear and fear, and the voice shook: "But how can I talk to Feng Fei in a while..."

Ni Meilin instantly became clear, and said: "You have never said anything to you before with Feng Fei..."

“Hey...” Haixiu was busy making a squeaking gesture, nervously looking at the door of the public classroom, muttering and praying, “Don’t let him know that I am mentally ill...”

Ni Meilin’s chest hurts for a while, and she regrets it.

"You..." Ni Meilin’s words were also dumb. She didn’t dare to tell Hai Xiufeng that she had already known it at this time. She was afraid to stimulate him again. Ni Meilin adjusted her mood and said, “You don’t have to worry about this. I will explain to him, I promise he can accept it."

"And." Ni Meilin stressed, "You are not mentally ill, you are just a little psychologically handicapped. It is already much better now, no... you are now completely good, understand?"

Haixiu shook his head and confirmed: "I have consulted this disease before, this is a mental illness..."

"You have no pathological changes in your body, it is not." Ni Meilin said harshly, "You are just a little mentally ill, and it is already good."

Haixiu took a deep breath and made several psychological hints. It was a little better. Ni Meilin slowed down the voice and said: "And don't always think about Fengfei knowing how to do this kind of thing, I have already told you that you The disease can be healed and completely healed. As long as you are completely better, what are you afraid of?"

"You see, are you much better now than before?" Ni Meilin advised, "Don't think about it, I will explain it to Fengfei, and you should concentrate on reviewing."

Ni Meilin’s words have a certain appeasement. Haixiu has a lot of peace of mind. He nodded and got up and said: “Thank you teacher... I went back.”

"Don't go back." Ni Meilin stopped him. "You are going back now. Peak is definitely asking you, you... you can help me to copy the papers in the copy room, and I will go back to explain it with Feng Fei."

Haixiu said with gratitude: "Thank you teacher, I... I will go."

Ni Meilin took a paper from the folder she was carrying to let him copy, and went downstairs to call Fengfei.

A few minutes later, in the public classroom, Feng Fei was unbelievable and laughed: "Is this a joke? He was punished when he was in junior high school. Now he is the mother of the third year. Then he will come out and give him a reason for not being selected. Is it interesting? Ha... Why don’t you go to plan his family grave? How did his grandfather’s grandfather make mistakes in the past?

"What is your attitude!" Ni Meilin sighed. "The punishment in his file is that someone else has fallen to him?"

"How is the punishment on his file? You know better than me." Feng is not sneer. "Are you forgetting, this is what you told me at the beginning, then you are not this attitude."

Ni Meilin was extremely angry and laughed: "Are you blaming me now?"

Feng Fei also knew that this matter had nothing to do with Ni Meilin, but he couldn’t help but anger. He calmed for a moment and said: "It’s my mouth, no choice, my fault... What do you do with Haixiu, what should he do? I am going to find a solution in the file. I can definitely withdraw him before the result of the selection."

Ni Meilin frowns: "What do you do?"

"Through the transfer, I destroyed some of his files." Feng Fei took out his mobile phone and opened the address book. "Hai Xiu turned to school a year ago. Like him, he switched from a long distance, and the loss of files is not without... ..." Feng did not remember that there were similar situations in the family before, so I have done this, others can do it, he does not believe that he can not do Haixiu.

"Don't bother." Ni Meilin's tired forehead, pressing his hand on the peak non-mobile phone, "Don't bother your relatives, you should listen to me first."

The peak is not frowning, Ni Meilin is simply exhausted, and said: "It is useless to make a tossing of Zhouzhang. The punishment of Haixiu junior high school will not affect the selection in theory... although there are no major disciplinary measures during the school. But he is junior high school, but he doesn't really get along."

The peak is not angry: "Then you still!"

"Listen to me first!" Ni Meilin interrupted Feng Fei and tried to calm down. "But this morning, a girl came to me and told me that Haixiu is not sounding on the surface, and the results are very good, but in fact He is a homosexual in private, a pervert, special with men..."

The peak stood up, and his face changed instantly.

"How to describe it, you can imagine it yourself." Ni Meilin was also angry. She was barely stunned. "She asked if I could handle it. If I couldn't handle it, she would tell the school leader and tell Tell me, how can I solve this?"

The peak is not on the forehead, and the words are not bulging.

Ni Meilin said: "Do you think that if this kind of thing is screamed out, who is the most disadvantaged? Haixiu will immediately take the college entrance examination, can he be unaffected? He had the kind of illness, pointing at others, he Will the disease not recur?"

"I promised the girl, I will deal with it seriously." Ni Meilin calmly said, "Although I know that Haixiu should not lose the place because of this, you can say that I don't distinguish between black and white, but in this case I can only handle this. For some things, I can understand, but others may not understand. Of course, you can not admit it, but people are awesome, and the attack of public opinion is more terrible than the actual damage."

The peak closed his eyes and nodded. "You are dealing with it..."

"Of course, I can also tell her that this can't be a good reason to judge a classmate's good or bad, but she will not get results from me, what will be done next? This kind of idiot is crazy! Who knows What will be done." Ni Meilin actually sighed in her heart. "But... I told the girl and told her that she is a public figure, and she is likely to become a public figure in the future, but if she is famous, she will be a student. Some things that are not so glorious are easy to be excavated. This kind of thing is said to others, it is the others who are ruining, but also her own, bullying and classmates... they are all stains that she can't clean."

Ni Meilin was filled with heart: "She was scared by me, it should not be tossed again, she... she looked very nervous at the time, I feel she is also afraid, and should not continue to make trouble."

Peak is not quiet: "What is that girl?"

Ni Meilin did not answer, said: "I am afraid that Hai Xiu thinks more, and I am afraid that he is afraid to prepare for the exam. He did not mention this matter. The reason for the director’s thought... I used his bad record as a reason to take him from the alternative. Cancelled in the list."

Feng is not sneer: "The director also knows?"

"I didn't elaborate on it..." Ni Meilin asked. "Otherwise, do you think I should explain to the director that there is no Haixiu thing? Do you think the school leaders can agree?"

Ni Meilin left her mind and said: "This is also to let the director remind the class teacher of the girl. By the way, I will supervise the girl and stop thinking about what to do with the moth. Maybe they can do it if they do their job. I promised that I would never mention it again. There is still a turning point in the number of places... although the hope is not big."

Peak Fei asked again: "What is that girl?"

Ni Meilin annoyed: "What is the use of this question? Do you know what you want to do?"

"She is Ji Yaqi." Feng Fei stated, "Girls, art candidates, deliberately want to go with Haixiu... definitely her."

Ni Meilin was helpless and said: "Feng Fei, don't let Hai Xiu give you a black pot because of impulsiveness."

"You can rest assured." Feng is not scary, but his mood is calm. "I accept your treatment, but I have a request. You tell Hai Xiu what you just did, don't let him really Thought that his junior high school can affect him."

Ni Meilin hesitated: "Are you sure to tell him that he can be more calm?"

"I'm sure." Feng did not put away the phone, "What Haixiu is most afraid of... I know best."

Ni Meilin hesitated for a few seconds and nodded: "Well, I will tell him later."

"Thank you teacher." Feng Fei has been completely calm at this moment. "I just confuse me. If it wasn't for you... Haixiu didn't know how much more to do this year, I know it."

Ni Meilin waved: "Don't tell me this, today's thing... I know that it's not handled right, but I can only do this. I will go to Haixiu to say good things."

Peak nodded: "You worked hard... I left first."

Ni Meilin feels that the peak is not faint with anger, and does not rest assured: "You... you sit for a while, don't be impulsive."

Peak is not shaking his head: "You can rest assured, you are bothered by Haixiu, I will go down first."

Feng Fei said the door to the public classroom.

Feng non all the way down the stairs, while walking, untied the first two buttons of the shirt neckline, and then rolled up the two cuffs, revealing the thin arms that burst the blue veins.

The peaks did not go faster and faster. After seven shifts, there was no stop. They went all the way to the five classrooms. If they entered the unmanned environment, they walked straight in from the main entrance of the classroom.

The history teacher of the five classes was still in class. When he saw Feng Fei coming in, he was shocked. He said inexplicably: "This classmate, you... who told you to come in?! Stop him!"

The students of the five classes did not react at the moment. When the teacher heard the words of the teacher, several boys got up and wanted to stop him. The peak was not a force, and the one who held the front was withdrawn, and several boys slammed into the table and chairs. A large piece of the West.

Feng is not a fierce monk, and several boys are afraid to come closer.

Peak did not come to Ji Yaqi.

Ji Yaqi has a ghost in his heart, and his face is gray and he can't stand up.

Feng Fei sneered at her and raised her fist and smashed it!

"嘭", Ji Yaqi shouted and screamed, Feng non-fisted, and gave birth to a deep crack in Ji Yaqi's desk.

The five classes were all smashed, and there was no sound in the classroom.

The peak is not bent down, whispered: "Do you engage me behind me?"

Ji Yaqi was as scared as a sieve, and opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"Is it possible to do this?" Feng is not fixed on Ji Yaqi. "I believe it or not, if I want to turn you around, can you directly fail to do business?"

Ji Yaqi looked pale and nodded.

"The letter will do." The peak is not straight up. "One more time, don't let anyone graduate. I don't care. I don't think you dare to play so big."

The peak did not lick his wrist and turned out of the classroom.

After half a minute, the whole class reacted. The history teacher was busy to see what happened to Ji Yaqi. Ji Yaqi was scared to death. After a while, he shed tears, and hugged his arms and regretted crying. 2k novel reading network