MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 9 9%

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Ji Qingzhuo doesn't care whether someone is willing to accept her as an apprentice, she has really worked hard, and as for the result she can get, it has nothing to do with her.

She pursed her lips, and when Qiu Mingxue wasn't paying attention, she pulled her hand back. She didn't dare to hide, but she also didn't dare to meet the eyes of these immortal seekers.

They looked at her as if they were looking at an opportunistic cheater.

Ji Qingzhuo could only avoid everyone's eyes, and looked in the direction of the only person who didn't look at her.

It was Shen Rongyu, after he passed the Immortal Seeking Conference, he didn't need to stay among them and wait for the elders to pick them up, because he came here with the token of Master Yuanwu, and his master was naturally that very senior Yuanwu real person.

He didn't look at Ji Qingzhuo, just lowered his head, and patiently wiped the long sword in his hand, with blue hair hanging down his shoulders, looking calm.

"Master, you too..." Jiang Qianke didn't think that Ji Qingzhuo could join the Xuanyun Sect deep in his heart, but he felt that the proposal of the master was very reasonable. Since no one is willing to teach Ji Qingzhuo this rotten wood, then It is reasonable and reasonable to take her away from Xuanyunzong, otherwise, if ordinary disciples fail the examination, she will still be expelled from Xuanyunzong.

Xuan Yunzong, not anyone can come if they want to.

"Is there an elder?" Yin Muchen asked.

The elders in the main hall of the sect were silent, how could they accept a mortal without the slightest bone as a disciple? If they can't teach her, it will also damage their reputation.

"No more." Jiang Qianke said to Yin Muchen after waiting for a stick of incense.

"If the girl still wants to stay in the Xuanyun Sect, it's not impossible. It's just that after three years of entry, there will be a door-to-door assessment, and the door-to-door assessment is not as simple as Peach Blossom Illusion." Yin Muchen said to Ji Qing Zhuo explained the reason, "At that time, there will be no disciples of Xuanyun Sect guarding him. If you fail to pass the examination in the sect, you will not be able to stay in Xuanyun Sect."

After all, it is Yun Zeyu's largest sect of cultivating immortals, and the rules of this sect are also extremely strict.

"Is it true that no elder is willing to accept her as an apprentice?" Yin Muchen confirmed again.

The hall was silent, no one answered.

Ji Qingzhuo was finally not nervous, she was thinking about whether she should hold back and wait until the entrance examination before leaving.

But soon, there was the sound of chess pieces falling on the board, and someone raised his head in the water mirror.

Yu Sukong kept his head down and his eyes half down. He was obsessed with the chess game, and at this moment, he seemed to wake up.

"Elder, what elder, I should be an elder too, right?" Yu Sukong raised his head, frowning slightly, he has a pair of extremely clear and beautiful eyes, and there is a clear light blue in the bottom of his eyes, which makes him have a kind of unfamiliarity with the world. innocence.

"Sukong, you still remember that you are an elder." Yin Muchen chuckled lightly.

"Yeah." Yu Sukong planned to just take a casual look, but when he saw Ji Qingzhuo, he was taken aback.

"Is this the mortal?" Yu Sukong asked.

"Yes." Yin Muchen said with a smile.

"No one wants her?" Yu Sukong asked again.

"No one." Yin Muchen seemed to have noticed something, she hesitated to speak.

"Then I'll accept it." Yu Sukong said, his tone was understated, as if he had made a very ordinary decision.

"Sukong, really?" Yin Muchen was a little surprised.

"Seriously." Yu Sukong resumed playing chess.

Ji Qingzhuo was so inexplicable, she was stunned by the addition of a master, and felt a sense of illusory unreality.

"It will take ten years before you can leave here and refine your magic weapon." Yin Muchen reminded.

"I remember that Rong Yu is temporarily staying in my cave, so let him take it with him. As for how to teach it, it is my business." Yu Sukong had already arranged everything clearly.

At the beginning, Shen Rongyu worshiped Xuanyunzong as a disciple of Master Yuanwu, but the cave belonging to Master Yuanwu in the sect was an independent space that could not be opened. Yu Sukong, who happened to leave Xuanyunzong to refine magic weapons, was also alone, so He left his residence to Shen Rongyu.

The system was startled when it heard this, and it secretly said to Ji Qingzhuo: "Host, host, what kind of luck is this?"

"I... ah..." Before Ji Qingzhuo could react, he somehow became Shen Rongyu's roommate.

Is there still such an operation?

Ji Qingzhuo accepted his arrangement, and some of the remaining immortal seekers were picked up by the elders. One of the elders wanted to take Ying Xiu away, but Qiu Ming Xuefei grabbed Ying Xiu and refused to let her leave. In the end, the elder could only accept the two together.

There is also Meng Yaolan, who is the most powerful among the immortal seekers besides Shen Rongyu. The original head Yin Muchen was also interested in her, but at the same time Jiang Qianke also threw an olive branch at her.

Among the two of them, Meng Yaolan actually chose Jiang Qianke who was inferior in cultivation and status to Yin Muchen.

In this way, the disciples who were picked away went to their caves with their masters, and the remaining disciples were led by an elder to the residence of ordinary disciples.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't know where Yu Sukong's cave was at all, and no one came to look for her. Yu Sukong had no other disciples in the sect, unlike other sects, there were all brothers, sisters, and uncles, and it was lively and lively.

She didn't mind either, so she led Maomao and followed the crowd.

It's just a coincidence that Ye Duanhong is in charge of leading the new disciples, that fierce elder who looks capable of fighting.

She followed behind the crowd, and Ye Duanhong stopped her involuntarily: "What are you doing?"

"Elder Yu..." Ji Qingzhuo was not used to the intimate address of "Master", so he blurted out an honorific title.

"This is your master, if you don't recognize him as your master, then leave Xuanyun Sect as soon as possible." Ye Duanhong interrupted her.

Ye Duanhong belongs to Mu Qiang, and Yu Sukong has a high level of cultivation and strength, and he admires him, but it doesn't mean that he will give Ji Qing a good look.

"I don't know where my master's cave is." Ji Qingzhuo thought, even if she went to the company, there would still be an HR to guide her on the job.

"If you don't know, go find it by yourself, what are you doing with ordinary disciples?" Ye Duanhong sneered, he didn't know why Yu Sukong was so blind.

"Oh." Ji Qingzhuo responded, and stood still, watching Ye Duanhong lead a group of disciples away.

She wondered if she had to be cheeky to follow.

At this time, there was the sound of wind blowing by her ears, and a person landed beside her.

She sniffed and smelled a nice fragrance, it was Shen Rongyu.

He held the sword and stood beside her.

Both of them had dry and quiet personalities, Ji Qingzhuo didn't speak, and Shen Rongyu was also silent.

It was more like a stalemate, until Shen Rongyu spoke first: "You actually stayed."

"I didn't expect that I could stay." Ji Qingzhuo said this sincerely, like an outsider who stumbled into a strange world by mistake.

She never thought that she could also come to some sect of cultivating immortals. Her lifelong wish is clearly to be able to sleep until she wakes up naturally.

"Elder Yu's cave is in the center of Xuanyun Sect, on the island in the center of Huze." Shen Rongyu said, he has lived there for decades.

He never thought that he could have another neighbor. Yu Sukong didn't seem like someone who would accept disciples.

"Okay, thank you." Ji Qingzhuo led Maomao, and she planned to follow the current to find the lake.

Shen Rongyu looked at her with her head down, walking step by step. Although the steps were not firm, they were serious.

A very strange man, he thought.

Although Ji Qingzhuo knew that Shen Rongyu also lived there, she never thought about the possibility of going there with Shen Rongyu.

But Shen Rongyu moved closer.

"Let's go." He came to her side, his calm voice was very nice, but it didn't contain the slightest emotion.

"Let's go?" Ji Qingzhuo raised his head, a little confused.

"I'll take you there." After all, he was defeated.

The sword in his hand flew out, and he stepped on the edge of the sword, Ji Qingzhuo was still in a daze, Shen Rongyu had already held her wrist, and under his fingertips, an invisible air current was still spinning.

Ji Qingzhuo was dragged onto the flying sword by him, she didn't dare to lower her head this time, because under the edge of the sword was the rising scenery, and she was afraid of heights.

Mao Mao was more panicked than she was, but Shen Rongyu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and threw a piece of cloth over Mao Mao's eyes, it couldn't see, so it wasn't afraid anymore.

But Shen Rongyu didn't throw a piece of cloth to her, Ji Qingzhuo raised his other hand that wasn't held by Shen Rongyu, and covered his eyes.

In the darkness, she heard Shen Rongyu's voice drifting past her ears, and went straight into her ears.

"You don't look like someone who seeks immortality." Shen Rongyu said, he could see that Ji Qingzhuo was extremely resistant to all this, and she was also out of tune with everything around her.

"I..." Where did Ji Qingzhuo come to seek immortality, she clearly came to pursue Shen Rongyu.

This... This is how she has the nerve to say it.

Under the white palm covering her eyes, her face turned red and her breathing became disordered.

Because the idea of ​​"pursuing Shen Rongyu" made her feel very embarrassed, and besides, he was beside her.

Shen Rongyu lowered his head slightly, he saw the wind passing by Ji Qingzhuo's ear, and the tip of her ear was slightly red.

Soon, he seemed to realize something, and quickly let go of Ji Qingzhuo's hand. He had never felt love, nor did he feel that there was anything wrong with this action, but Ji Qingzhuo's reaction made him misunderstand.

No one was pulling Ji Qingzhuo, she panicked even more, but she didn't dare to touch Shen Rongyu again, she just twisted the corners of her clothes, moved her fingers uneasily, and her figure was precarious.

The fairy embroidered on Shen Rongyu's sleeve fluttered slightly, as if it had come to life.

He held Ji Qingzhuo's wrist again, and there was a shallow airflow between them, such a distance would not make Ji Qingzhuo feel uneasy.

It's so strange, originally he didn't want to touch people, but now he seemed to take care of Ji Qingzhuo's emotions.

"Sorry, Shen Rongyu, I'm a little afraid of heights." Ji Qingzhuo sincerely apologized to Shen Rongyu.

It's not unusual for everyone to know Shen Rongyu's name, but Ji Qingzhuo's name doesn't seem to be referring to a fellow student.

But she really didn't know what to call him.

After a while, Shen Rongyu's voice sounded again, like a clear spring flowing past his ears.

"I started thirty years earlier than you." He said, "You and I can be regarded as the same door."

"Okay." Ji Qingzhuo understood, "Brother from the same sect, right?"

"Brother from the same sect, what if there is another senior brother from Xuanyunzong in front of you?" Shen Rongyu originally wanted Ji Qingzhuo to call him something normal, such as Senior Brother Shen or something.

However, Ji Qingzhuo's brain circuit is unmatched by anyone. Sometimes she speaks without thinking. Soon, she blurted out and said the title that she thinks is the most appropriate.

"Okay, Brother Xiaoyu." She said.

Shen Rongyu: "..."

He still held her wrist and did not let go.

It was the first time someone called him by such a strange title.

Xiaoyu, what a ridiculous name, he thought.