MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 2 Pharmacy space

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"Don't say it." He couldn't listen to it. The more he said, the more disgusting he said. "You try to pull the grass mat and see if you can take me out."

"So serious?" Feng Yu squatted, letting her small body smash the mat, sitting on the top of a big man, this is not a joke. "I look." She reached out and touched his leg.

"Don't move." The man suddenly angered, and at the same time waved his hand, and then pushed her little body down on the ground.

Feng Yu slammed and hurt, glaring, "You are sick!"

"Isn't I going to sit here?" The man answered it for granted. "I didn't mean to push you, the strength made it bigger."

"Good heart is like a liver and lung." Feng Yuxi decided to leave him alone. "If you don't want to go, you will continue to smell the barbecue here. This girl is not accompanying."

She turned to leave, and the man snorted in frustration, then stopped her: "You wait."

Finally, even dragging the people out of the cracks, Feng Yuyu is exhausted. She didn't think that the man's leg was so badly hurt that he couldn't make any effort. She half-lost, sometimes accidentally hit the stone, the man is just a sigh, not a pain.

Gradually, her heart rose and admire, she thought of the brothers in the previous army, the same hard-wired tough guy, even if he had no half-legged bombs in the mission, he did not cry out.

"Go here." The man pointed in one direction. "There is a stream in the distance, and the wind is opposite, and it can't be blown."

"Good." Feng Yu bite his teeth and added a force. "The grass mats are worn out, and you can bear it."

"Nothing." He replied calmly, just as the injury was not on him.

Feng Yu was a bit sullen and said with anger: "I want to wrestle you, you will not say nothing."

"The little age is so hot." He looked back at the fire pit. "There are more stones in your hand, I am afraid that the two have to be burned to death?"

"Hey!" She let go, throwing people directly on the ground.


"You are you!" She was not happy, pointing at the two injured legs. "If you have no intention of letting people who have hurt your two legs, then you are not qualified to blame me. There have been bad reports to the wicked, if they Not harming me, where is the evil today?"

No one has ever spoken to him like this. There is no humble knees, no enthusiasm, no courtesy, no courtesy. She has her own ideas and will boldly question his words. Almost when he says something, she will refute.

Looking at her whispering, the man smirked at the corner of his lips, looking at the creek that was already visible, and asked her: "Can't you leave?"

Feng Yu squatted on the floor, "Don't go, tired."

The two sat on the ground and watched the fire in the corpse gradually gather, and wanted to burn the body.

At this time, just in the seam where the two people lived, there were two figures shaking around, like what they were looking for.

Feng Yuqi stood up, and the bright and bright eyes flashed and watched for a while, then squatted around, "Hey, is it for you?"

The man asked: "Why can't you find you?"

"How is it possible." Feng Yu's demeanor has become somewhat erratic because of his thoughts. "My mother is seriously ill, my brother is only six years old, and other people in the village either want to harm us or avoid it."

She pointed to the two figures, one eyebrows and one pink eye, and even the little nose was slightly tilted upwards, revealing a cleverness that could not be said, "running through the mountains." I will know where you are."

The man raised his eyes lazily and looked at Feng Yu's sling. When he was a little clever, this girl was very interesting. Well, it is very interesting.

Retracting his thoughts, he gently lifted his right hand, put his index finger and thumb on his lips and made a whistle, blowing hard, and the two men rushed over the head.

It is a young man and an old man who is over 50 years old. The old man carries a medicine box and should be a doctor.

The young man was dressed in black, and he did not add a little touch, and he was wearing a sword at the waist and an obvious guard. After seeing the Jinpao man, he was obviously relieved. "There is no way to find the master. I thought it was a problem." After that, he reached out and pushed the gasping old man forward: "This is his subordinate." The doctor who was looking for from Fucheng, let him give the master a look at the injury."

The Jinpao man nodded and looked at the doctor: "There is work."

The old man wiped a sweat and even said "Don't dare not dare", hurriedly went forward to check the injury.

The guards then turned their eyes to Feng Yu, frowning and asked: "Who are you?"

"A arsonist." This is what the Jinpao man answered for her.

Feng Yuqi raised his eyebrows: "Which eye do you see the fire is what I put?"

"Two eyes have seen it."

"This son." The old man spoke. "You have broken your kneecap."

In a word, it attracted a few people to look at the two legs.

The Jinpao man nodded. "I know, can Mr. bones?"

The old man hesitated, and immediately replied: "It will be a meeting, but the huge pain caused by the bones is not acceptable to ordinary people! The old is..." He looked at the guard. "It was on the way out of the clinic." The little brother caught it. There are only a few commonly used herbs in the medicine box, and there is no preparation for it!"

"No anesthetic will hurt." Feng Yu said coldly.

The old man agreed with him: "And it is not just to pick up the bones. The rotten meat on the knees has to be scraped off first. The old wounds are swollen and the wounds are swollen. I am afraid... oh, this wild mountain is going to Don't let this little brother carry you back, and go back to the Fucheng Medical Center."

"No." The Jinpao man refused very simply. "It’s here."

The old man waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no numbness, such an injury can not cure."

Feng Yuxi is not willing to listen to them again. Her hands are crossed between the loose sleeves. I only feel a slight heat when I pass the right wrist. In a moment, she saw something that should not be seen. - In her previous life, she opened a private pharmacy in the provincial capital.

The two-storey pharmacy, combined with Chinese and Western medicine, also carries simple medical equipment such as crutches and wheelchairs. It looks like a big pharmacy that can be seen everywhere in the 21st century street. She sells the new medicines, but she adds more medicines, including some semi-finished products such as empty capsules.

Feng Yuzhen tried it, and it was easy to transfer the things in the pharmacy to the hand through the idea.

She was really surprised for a while, and she stepped off her legs to leave. Such a strange discovery, you must find a quiet and uninhabited place to check it out.

How can she know that her footsteps just moved, and suddenly the neck was cold, and a cold sword came straight.

"Don't move." It was the voice of the guard.

Feng Yuzhen really did not dare to move.

It is said that the king is awkward, and she can fight with his master. But the brains of this two-handed guard can never be awesome, and the sword will never have long eyes.

She squinted at the cold sword, sharp and aggressive, blowing hair.

"Girl, I can't help it. No matter what your identity, just blame you shouldn't see my master here today." The voice fell and the sword tip shook.

Of course, Feng Yuxi will not wait for her death, but she will not wait for her to move. The sword will actually send a "squeaky" sound, and then "咣啷" will land.

"Master!" The guard turned quickly and slammed down at the Jinpao man. "The Lord is angry."

The Jinpao man waved his hand casually. "A child, let her go."

"But if you reveal the wind..."

"Bai Ze." The face of the Jinpao man sank. "I don't want to say the second time in the same way."

"Yes." The guard named Bai Ze bowed his head and silently picked up the sword, and then dared not say more.

Feng Yu took a look at Bai Ze, and then looked at the old doctor who was staring at the wounded and helpless. He said with a heavy heart: "Let’s learn from your master, kill it, even if you want to do it, don’t be in the business. There are people who use it. The doctor has never been open and opaque in the industry. If people care about their own minds, they can be completely scrapped if they move their hands and feet."

"You don't have to take a shot!" Bai Ze was so angry that he jumped.

The Jinpao man laughed softly. "The little age knows a lot. Bai Ze, you learn from her, and people are right."


"Don't say it." He interrupted Bai Ze's words and looked at Feng Yu. "Go home, don't you say that the mother is still sick?"

Feng Yuying stared at him for a while, his eyes were always reluctant to remove from the purple lotus on his eyebrows. If you don’t say a man, you can’t grow too good. This is good, it’s easy for some women to lose their principles.

"So what... I will help you." When the words were exported, Feng Yuxi wanted to draw a big mouth. Do you understand the problem? Where are you?

"How do you want to help?" The Jinpao man was very cooperative and did not give her a chance to repent.

Feng Yu didn't look over his eyes, didn't want to look at his eyebrows, reached into his sleeves, and used his mind to bring out a bottle of painkiller spray. This kind of thing was not listed at the beginning, and it was specially developed for emergency treatment of the troops. She deducted a box and placed it in the pharmacy. She thought that there was a chance to sell a high price. Whoever thought it was not waiting to sell it, it was destroyed.

"Of course it is pain first." Feng Yuying shakes the spray bottle in his hand and glances at the old man. "Old gentleman, you saw it just now. They wanted to kill me in order to ensure that the whereabouts were hidden."

The old man was already scared, and then listened to her, then it collapsed, sitting on the ground and snoring.

Feng Yuxi looked at the Jinpao man. "You say something, give a promise, not only to ensure your life is safe, I can't say anything to help you today."

When Bai Ze heard this, it was a tight heart, and then he asked again: "Who are you?"

Feng Yuxi was particularly helpless: "I am a child in a mountain village. I met a Persian in my early years and gave me some good things. Today I will use these good things to save your family, but I don't want to be more. People know that I have odd goods in my hands. Understand?"

Bai Ze analyzed for a while, nodded, "Understand."

The Jinpao man stared at the bottle in her hand, and his eyes were thoroughly explored. But when Feng Yuxi didn’t say much, he turned his head and said to the old man: "The old gentleman only treats me as an ordinary patient. After you have done it, I will let Bai Ze send you out of the mountain, and will never hurt your life."

"When... true?" The old man did not believe.

"As long as you don't tell the story tonight, you should be serious."

"I didn't do anything tonight, I went out to see the doctor and got lost, lost."