MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1227 There are two older sisters, nothing to fear

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Feng Yu thinks, what should she say? How could it be without pain? It was bombed in the minefield! If Yunxiao is so shrewd, if she says that there is no pain, the other party will believe?

Look at Yunxiao, such a good-looking person actually turned into such a look, Feng Yuxi feels that she is responsible for this matter, Xuan Tianming also has a responsibility. After all, Xuan Tianhua is taking risks for them. If there is no Xuantian Hua into the minefield, then the person who is likely to be killed is Xuan Tianming. She didn't dare to imagine what would happen if Xuantian had done something, and how can she raise her son, let alone her own son!

Feng Yu hasn't spoken for a long time, Yun Yun does not remind, just muttered: "This palace is not afraid to look in the mirror, is it old, what are you afraid of? I thought that the mirror glass and crystal were removed from the palace and I don't know myself. What did it become?" She said, raising her hand. "You see, aging is in front of you, this palace is not awkward. But if you dismantle it, the old seven is gone, and there is still a heart to appreciate those in the palace." Things. This day is just a day and a day. When is the number going to the end, life will come to an end. Auntie, are you saying yes?"

"Female." She was uncomfortable in her heart. "The Seven Brothers are not there, but there are still nine His Royal Highness!"

"You have your side, you can rest assured." She looked down at Feng Yu, "but you have no one around your seventh brother. I really want to tell him a doorman, he also nodded, Fengjia that three Shantou has repented. Auntie, you said, is your seventh brother destined to be alone in this life? But it’s good, you have no chance to be a relative, or now..." Yunxiao suddenly straightens up, as if The important thing, she grabbed Feng Yu's hand and said: "You are going out of the palace, go to see the three hoes. This palace heard that she was born with a very serious illness, afraid of it... I am afraid that it will not work. ""

"What?" Feng Yu was shocked. "Can't you?"

Yunxiao nodded. "It’s not going to work. The next people are asleep at this palace. They were heard by the palace when they whispered. It’s said that the doctor of the herb and the doctor in the palace have been there. Auntie, let's go and see, she heard that she was suddenly ill because of Huaer's accident, and you told her that this palace does not blame her, she must not have anything."

Feng Yu is anxious in his heart, and can support the New Year at most. Isn't that tomorrow a big year? How can I feel so sick?

But then look at Yunxiao, she suddenly understood, I want to allow Xuan Tianhua to use deep feelings, Yunxiao as a mother, in this way to bear the death of his son, then I want to take a life of my own, It is not impossible to understand.

"Female." She looked at Yunxiao and solemnly said: "I have to go back and save my thoughts, but my mother told me that the Seven Brothers did not die. He was only seriously injured and was in a coma. I and Xuantian Ming put him in a safe place, to be hurt a little, the mother-in-law can see him. So, don't be overly sad, wait for life, I will think about it. Method."

She stood up and forced her heart to worry. She said to Yunxiao again: "The daughter-in-law said that it is true. There is no lie to the mother-in-law. Please believe me." She dared not swear again, and then she would decide what to expect. thing. The sky is aging, and one day the Emperor Wu will make a little more trouble. This can not afford the world. Although there are six emperors in charge of the country, but Tian Wudi is still the emperor!

Yunxiao listened to stupid eyes, and wanted to ask Feng Yuxi what was going on in the end, and then returned to God, but people have already circumvented the screen. She heard Feng Yujun in the head of Tianwu Emperor said: "Father, the daughter-in-law also told you that the Seven Brothers really did not die, and he will let you see when the children are cured. The father will take care of the mother. Hey, my daughter is going out of the palace right away, my sister is waiting for me to save it!"

Then the voice of Xuantian Ming came: "Go ahead! There is me here."

Feng Yuyu hurried out of the Moon Palace, and he got up from the bed on the bed. The shoes were not put on the floor and went down. While running out, he shouted: "Are you really fake? Huaer did not Death? What is the rumor outside?"

Feng Yuxi has gone far, not answering, and the laughter of the Emperor Wu of Heaven has spread: "Hey, I said that Huaer will not die, you don't believe it! How about this, this time, Auntie said, Laojiu I nodded. What else do you have to say? Hey, hey, you are a woman, and it is better to think about things."

"I am!" Clouds stunned Tianwu Emperor. "You said this is not afraid of flashing your tongue! Who was in the Zhaohe Temple for three days and three nights? Who is drunk and sees who is calling? Huaer's? Also! Xuan Zhan, you have brought back the glass and crystal of this house! Who wants to see this broken paper wall, don't take my cold house to the place where your women live. The same, the vulgarity of the vulgar. Hurry, lose my crystal!"

She made a noise to the Emperor Wu of Heaven, but when she spoke, the voice went down, and then I saw that Tianwu Emperor screamed at her and couldn’t help but feel hurt. "I'm old."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are an old lady, no one should dislike anyone."

"No!" Yunxiao shook his head. "After the aunt is busy with the three-headed thing, I have to let her give it to me, and I can't get it back. Who wants to be like you, I have to be good. Waiting to see Huaer! If Huahua wakes up early, how sad it is to see me like this."

"What hurts!" Tian Wudi yelled. "You are like his mother now, just like his sister."

"I love what it is like, you can't control it! Hurry and get out of the moon, damn, who put you in?"

The emperor was noisy and noisy, and he was arguing from the dormitory to the outside of the temple. He straightened a Xuantian as a transparent person. He was depressed, and said to Bai Ze: "I am a good dear? What is this now?"

Bai Ze spread his hand. "No way, the master, who let the seven halls be more obedient than you, is more than you will come! Do not believe that you go to Beijing to do an investigation, you compare with the seven halls, see if it is standing There are many people on your side who are still on his side."

Xuan Tian stunned Bai Ze’s eyes, and Bai Ze was still not convinced: “Really, there is nothing to say.”

He knows that Bai Ze has no say that this world, there are many people who are afraid of him. But what about that? He didn't care. Anyway, there was a **** that was not afraid of death. He was not afraid of him at all. That would be enough. The eyes passed down in the direction of the emperor and the two men ran away, and whispered: "The mother-in-law will become like this, Bai Ze, you said, can you cure well?"

"I can definitely!" This is the experience of Bai Ze. "Think of the original Furong, which is much more serious than the Yunxiao Niangniang. Just like this, you can let Wang Hao give it back, why is the goddess! Your Highness is relieved! You see the spirit of the goddess. How good the head is, I also know how to fight with the emperor! It’s okay."

He mentioned Bai Furong, Xuantian Ming, and then let go of his heart. Then glanced at the emperor who came back to the yard and shook his head helplessly. "Let them go to trouble! The king went to see the sixth brother."

On the way out of the palace, Feng Yuxi has always regretted that the news of Xuan Tianhua’s death should be secretly transmitted back to the palace earlier, at least let Tianwu Emperor and Yunxiao know in mind. But she did not expect that Yunxiao would have such a big reaction. She had been entangled in the past. If she said that she was not dead, how should she explain where people are? But when she saw the look of the sky, she immediately regretted it. If you know that Yunxiao will be like this, it is worthwhile to put the cloud into the space. Today, it’s the same, and it’s not that the cloud is guilty of sin. The most important thing is that her husband is the most sad one.

She gimmicks, and now it is useless to think of it. It is imperative to first look at the disease that I want to see, and I can urgently rule. Then everything is done, and then I will go to the heart to study the aging symptoms of the cloud. Since Bai Furong was rescued from the beginning, she did not believe that Yunxiao had no hope at all.

In the county government, Feng thought that once again, he was deeply comatose, and fell on the bed for a day and night, without blinking. The heartbeat is weak, the breathing is also venting, and the air intake is less. The doctor of Baicaotang said that when he came to see this morning, he would have to wait for another five or six hours, but it would be tonight.

The original family has been desperate, and the fans are constantly asking people where the car of the Xuantian 琰 皇 皇 到 is going, and how long it will take to enter the city. Can not wait for the news back, forget the Sichuan Huangquan has already returned home.

When Feng Yuqi came back, she was seeing Huang Quan hurriedly turning over the horse in front of the government gate. She had not yet got off the carriage. When she slammed the curtain, she asked: "Where are you going to Huang Quan?"

Upon seeing Feng Yu's return, Huang Quan was overjoyed, and quickly came down from the horse. She took her and ran to the house: "Miss, you are finally back, fast, hurry, Miss San is going to die."

“How serious is it?” Feng Yu’s heart is not at the end. After the cloud, she can’t imagine what it’s like. I am really afraid that she is like a cloud. If that is the case, she is really uncertain and can save people back.

"Slaves are also good." Huang Quan frowned and thought: "Mrs. Ann said that Miss San was sick when she was in Ji'an County. The days when the slaves counted the disease were quite consistent with the events of the Seventh High. The doctor can't tell what the disease is. Anyway, Miss San is fainted for no reason. After that, she has been sick. Miss, is this what you often say about telepathy? Seventh Hall has something wrong, Miss San has sensed it. So I fell ill? In short, this is too mysterious. Now the doctor said that Miss San is not tonight, the slave is just trying to enter the palace to find the lady."

Feng Yuxi probably understood it, and the heart was put down. If it is as if Huang Quan said that it is a sudden illness under some kind of induction, then it is possible to let Xuan Tianhua stimulate another time and give her a stimulus. After all, people are not dead, she can save Xuantianhua, naturally it will be able to keep Fengxiang.

The two hurried forward, and finally arrived at the room they wanted to accommodate. As soon as they entered, they saw the phoenix powder smashed the scorpion, and they tried to rub their foreheads.

In the meantime, the memories of the original Lord swept through. When she remembered that she had not been sent to Fengfu when she was a child, the two little sisters always played together. The two were born in the same year. They grew as big as they often wear. The same clothes, then hand in hand in the house. Looking far away, I can't tell which one is what I want, and which one is pink.

When I heard someone coming in, Fengfen turned to look at the door and saw Feng Yuyu standing there.

The sorrow that has been lingering in my heart has finally disappeared. She threw the scorpion and ran over it. Then she plunged into the arms of Feng Yuxi. Wow, the second sister, you are finally back. You can’t see it if you don’t come back. Three sisters!"

Feng Yu’s nose was sour, raising his hand and pat on the back of the whitefly, gently said: “Don’t cry, there are two sisters, no need to be afraid.”