MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1175 Magic piano

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Indeed, the camp is getting more and more lively, because there are more Jiancheng people rushing in, they have nothing to consider, including the pain and life and death are completely forgotten, there is only one belief in the heart, that is to kill all invasions Dashun people in their homes.

People rushed to rush, when the iron weapons in their hands broke in the steel gear of Dashun, they would throw them away, then they would pick up like a beast, open their mouths and open their teeth as their teeth. The most beneficial weapon to bite the enemy in front. Regardless of men, women and children, as long as they enter the big camp, they will see that the Dashun soldiers will rush to the front, killing and fighting in the most primitive way.

Dashun will initially try to hide from women and children, but when they find that women and children are even more crazy than men, they can no longer tolerate them and start to raise their swords to resist. If there is resistance, there will be blood, so some people have broken their arms, some people have no nose, and even more terrible is that a woman’s head has been cut off. However, they still did not stop fighting, even the painful expression did not even blink at the moment of limbs, as if they were not part of their body.

Those people are still fighting and killing the soldiers of Dashun. This scene is horrible and disgusting. There is a small woman facing the woman who has no half-head. The emotions almost collapsed and she burst into tears and fled. There are still people who have not considered any women and children, but those who see the madness who entered the camp will go to slash. Gradually, they also summed up the rules, so some people are shouting: "Hey, you must die, you will not stop if you don't die!"

Feng Yuzhen looked at the scene and was shocked. This made her think of the zombies in the sci-fi movies in later generations, even more terrifying than that. Because of these, they are all living people.

Everyone took a breath of air, and there were hundreds of thousands of people rushing in front of them. Xuan Tian Ming bit his teeth and asked: "Seven brother, what do you want to do?"

Xuan Tianhua’s sleeves were not directly stated, but said: “According to what I said, you will disperse each other, leaving me to guard the ten people to protect the driver. Others will immediately evacuate.” After that, they turned and returned to the handsome account. Not long after, but listening to the handsome account has a long time coming, the tunes are soothing, the strings are quiet and soft, and it is completely inconsistent with the current scene.

Qian Li just wanted to say when this time, the Seventh Highness actually played the piano, but he saw Xuan Tian’s face squinting at the handsome account, and his hands clenched into fists, but some of them shook. Suddenly, I felt that under the influence of the sound of the piano, the mood of the original anxiety was somewhat slow, and gradually calmed down. When I talked again, even the tone was lowered a bit. He asked Xuantian: "His Royal Highness, what should be at the moment?" do?"

Xuantian Tian took a deep breath and screamed: "For the Seven Dynasties to protect the Fa." After that, he took Feng Yuyu to the front of the handsome account, then, Bai Ze, Forget Chuan, Huang Quan and his from the city. The dark guards who came out were arranged in turn, and the handsome account was tight. He told people: "There are very few people in the world who know that Dashun Seven Emperors are best at not being light, not weapons, but his magical piano. There is no solution to the corpse, even if you are here. She has no solution. But if the seven priests use the piano to make enemies, they can gradually lead these people's minds out of madness. Just..."

When he got here, his voice had a turning point, his eyes were more dignified, and he even looked at his head in a handsome account, with resentment and intolerance in his eyes. "Just, the magic sounds the enemy, one enemy one, one enemy ten, even one enemy and one hundred thousand are not in the words. The seven powers of the temple are deep, and one can also do it with one enemy. But now it is hundreds of thousands. The people who built the city, and then the soldiers of the Ancestral Hall, at least 500,000 crazy corpses, he popped up the magic music, I am afraid that the end..."

Xuantian meditation can't go on, Xuantian Hua can't bear to kill these hundreds of thousands of people, he wants to redeem, to use the magic sound to offset the role of bliss. But which is so easy? Hundreds of thousands! It is necessary to use the magic sound to contain the spiritual beliefs of hundreds of thousands of people. Even if it is barely done, it must be filled with all his internal strength and efforts. Is this worth it?

"Protect the handsome account, can't let anyone close." Xuantian Ming once again ordered, and then looked at the crowds who were pouring in more and more, took a deep breath, said to Qian Li: "The whole soldier, at any time Ready to retrace."

In the handsome account, the sound of the piano is getting bigger and bigger, sometimes soothing, and sometimes rushing. It is like a regular rhythm with the surge of people, so that people's movements are gradually guided by the sound of the piano.

Feng Yuxi found that Xuan Tianhua's piano sounds effective. The crazy people started to slow down, and the injured people gradually began to feel pain. The woman who had no half-head had already fallen to the ground. Others stood in a daze, didn't understand where they were, and didn't know why they came here. The child began to cry, and more women were stunned by the blood and broken limbs of the place.

But what about it? The people behind him quickly came up again, pushed the people in front down and started a new round of madness.

In the handsome account, the sound of the piano is increased again. After all, Xuantian Ming can’t listen. He turned back and shouted in the account: “You have used 60% of the internal force, and there are countless people behind. Once you reach the 10%, you still can’t. Seven brothers, what are you going to do?"

No one answered inside, he was so angry that he bit his teeth, but Feng Yuxi asked at this time: "Is it just for people to hear the piano sound? Then I have a way to make the piano sound bigger." When she finished, she went straight to the curtain, and no matter how Xuan Tianhua looked at her, she shook her head slowly. She directly adjusted the things in the space from the wrist and said, "I am a monster, some people have no I am not afraid of being recognized by the Seven Brothers. In fact, when you were not in the capital, my identity was almost poked. I was scared to death at the time, but I thought, because there is no mysterious sky. And the sake of my seventh brother is around me. If you are all there, I will not be afraid, you will not alienate me because I am a monster. Seven brothers, I have something here that can make the music sound spread and become very Big, you don't have to consume so much internal force."

She said that she took out the loudspeaker directly from the space, took one less, and waited for a while to come up with one, so she took a total of ten out and lined up in front of Xuan Tianhua's piano.

The sound of the piano has been infinitely expanded, so that the people who have not yet reached the big camp can also hear it. However, the sound of the piano that has been expanded has not been effective. People listen to it and do not hear it. How is it?

Feng Yuqi went to the account to see, and asked Xuantian Ming in disbelief: "Why don't you use it? They all heard it, why didn't it work?"

Xuan Tianming told her: "Because the enemy is not only the sound of the piano, but the unique internal force of the Seven Brothers. Only the internal force and the strings produce the sound of the volatility, so that those people can temporarily get rid of the control of the corpse. It’s just that the sound has expanded and it’s useless.”

Do you want to expand internal forces? But she doesn't have such magical things. She has everything in her space, that is, there is nothing that can expand her internal strength. She was not reconciled. She searched a lot of medicines from the space and put them all in front of Xuan Tianhua, even with a large bowl of water. "Seven brothers, these medicines can be eaten. I don't know if I can increase your internal strength, but eat. There will always be no bad results, and you will eat and see when you feel tired."

Xuan Tianhua looked at her with a pleading gaze, and the fingers kept swaying the strings, but the mouth said: "You are going, let the army retreat."

"When is this all the time, why do you always think about others?" Feng Yu was anxious, and stood up and pointed to Xuan Tianhua: "You feel the world! You have a heart in your heart! Well, that evil person, I am coming." Do! I don't have such a kind heart as you, those people trap us here, why can't we resist? Our soldiers are also born and raised, why do you want to be so wrong? Seven brothers, you can't bear to kill These people, then I am going to kill, and in the future, people in the world will let them marry me!"

After that, straight out of the account, an AK47 was transferred directly from the space. Feng Yu rushed to the east of the camp and screamed at the front: "The soldiers of Dashun! Let go!" With the evacuation of the Dashun army, she held the machine guns in front of her, facing the crowds of the former servants. Crazy sweep.

A large number of people died under her sweep, but there were still some who couldn't breathe. They actually rushed forward when their bodies were shot through a **** hole. The thick **** suffocating wind came, Feng Yu 珩 射 到 到 手 手 AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK AK However, there are too many people, and a bullet has been fired. The body of a place has fallen, but the number of lunatics has not decreased.

She was ashamed, she would change her gun and continue, and her arm was caught by the person who rushed behind her. The whole child fell into a hug.

"Don't fight! We withdraw!" Xuantian held her arm in a deadly manner, staring at the crowd rushing in front of her eyes, biting her teeth: "Duanmu Anguo, he can fight hundreds of thousands of cities." It’s not worth the money to fight this shackle, but we have to bear the crime of extermination.

"But what about the Seven Brothers?" She asked Xuan Tianming: "Don't you have a Seven Brothers?"

"The Seven Brothers will catch up with us and trust him."

"To withdraw and withdraw!"

"But without him, the army will be entangled by these madmen, and they will not be able to withdraw." He looked at his wife and explained to her: "I believe that the seventh brother, he will return to Bincheng to join us. ”

Feng Yuzhen can no longer say anything. Dashun’s soldiers are also human beings. They can’t sacrifice the people who built the city. She will not sacrifice their own soldiers. After that, she retraced, because she knew that it would be cruel to her husband, Xuan Tianming, to make such a decision, and Xuantian Tian decided to leave Xuantianhua as a big army.

"Remove it!" She stepped back, and the machine guns in her hand got more and more, until she saw He Gan, throwing the machine guns directly at him, and ordered: "Leave ten gods to protect the seven halls. Listen. I don't care about the life and death of Jiancheng people. I only need the seven halls to live, understand?"

"The master is at ease! Understand it!"

Finally, the Dashun Army retreated from the city under the leadership of Xuan Tianming. When they left, there was a sound of the demon sound, which hindered the madman who rushed to the front and tried to entangle. Until the Dashun army was completely withdrawn, the people in the handsome account finally showed a smile. It can be said that the action is not stopped, but the strings are moving faster and faster.

I don't know how long it took to play like this. It seems to be from dawn to darkness, and it seems to have passed through a century of reincarnation. Finally, all the shackles of the outside stopped, and then I couldn’t hear the people, and then I couldn’t feel the vibration of the earth. Even the sound of the magic sound stopped. The ten gods who had left the outside did not leave, and they opened the curtains. Looking at the handsome account, the tears flowed down...