MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 762 1 watch fireworks rain

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"Ask a question."

"You say."

"How do your father emperor and sledge hammer breed?"

Lu Ming's tone was faint.


"You said this."

The prince said calmly, "In order not to waste the rare blood, the father emperor transplanted some organs, and now not only can create and live..."


Lu Ming was in a trance.

and many more.

To say so...

"I'll ask another question."

"You say."

"Is your father and emperor able to give birth to themselves?"

"Yes, this is how the thirty-sixth emperor came here. It is said that the father emperor is to force the recessive genes in his body or the bloodline..."


Lu Ming was in a trance.

Cow batch!

In this case……

"Isn't efficiency too good?"


"Shouldn't the baby be long?"

"No way~ Just lay the eggs and give it to the harem to hatch~"

The prince took it for granted.

Lu Ming:? ? ?


Xiao Xiaojian has jumped up excitedly, "This... this is the reproduction plan in my dream!!! Lu Ming, you learn something!"

"I think your potential is good!"

"You learn how to transform with the king... how to hatch eggs..."

"The sword card division association sweeps the world, just around the corner!"

Little Sword was very excited.

Lu Ming: "..."


What a magic plot!

There is no one who can wash himself into the baby.

Never mind.

This doesn't matter.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with yourself, the focus now is-

If you don’t save the sledgehammer, maybe the sledgehammer will be brutally wounded tonight. Of course, there may be another...


"Green and green."


"Prepare to kill it."


Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

So far, they have no retreat.

Right now, only take away the sledgehammer and quickly leave the land of right and wrong, otherwise, if they are about to be caught and washed baby...


The blue light flashes.

Looking at the palace in the distance, one person and two dragons plan to kill it.

"Combat power assessment..."

The black dragon glanced.

As a traversing dragon, he has a very strong means of investigation. After a while, he could almost figure out the strength in the palace.


The strongest is the general.


There is also a horror. It is estimated that it is the king, and then there are some weaker gangsters, which are not easy to mess with.

"You can't fight hard, it's best to rob someone and run."

Heilong said.


Lulu agrees, "I'm good at this."


Lu Ming glanced at it, why are you good at this...

Never mind.



As they prepared to rush down, the prince suddenly said, "That... Senior, if you are going to the palace... I can lead the way."


The figures suddenly stiffened.

"You lead the way?"

Lu Ming's eyes lit up.

Can't see it, there is a brother here!


The prince hesitated. "But you have to swear not to think so much about my mother."

Lu Ming:? ? ?

Who?? I miss you!

"rest assured."

Lu Ming said angrily.


The prince took them to a corner of the mountain, "There is a tunnel here that can lead to the harem. It is very concealed. I didn't know until I walked with my mother as a child..."


Lu Ming was shocked.

and many more.

Why is there a direct access to the harem...

"Your mother sneaked out of the palace?"

Green Dragon is curious.

"how is this possible?!"

The prince was furious. "The palace stipulates that the concubine will never be allowed to go out. My mother is a virtuous person. How could this be done?"


Green Dragon is ashamed.

It was misunderstood.


In the second half of the prince's sentence, "This passage is only convenient to bring people in, and we will not let the father emperor notice it, usually let people go the next day in the evening."

Green Dragon:? ? ?


Are you more so than slipping out? !

Do you have any misunderstandings about the word "Hyun Hui"? !

"Your circle is really chaotic!"

Black Dragon sighed.

Bringing people to the harem is a real bull.

Cooperating with your family to bring brother tradition is inherited...

What can it say?

According to the countless world experiences it has traversed, only one named Ye Litong can play the power of chaos to such a fascinating state!


Now we need to add one more.


Lu Ming patted the little prince's shoulder.

"it is good."

The prince leads the way.

for a long time.

They have reached the depths of the palace.

Of course, although there was a little prince leading the way, Lu Ming and others were still very vigilant and prepared for a battle, but I never thought that it would be smooth.

They reached the end and pushed open the door, actually in a boudoir.

"Be safe here."

The prince scratched his head.


Lu Ming sighed, "No one is fine."

Now that they have come in, it will be easier to handle. They quickly inquired about the location of their newly-weds today, in a newly built house in the palace.


When they rushed past, no one was inside.

The sledgehammer is not.


Only three giant toad-like monsters lie on the ground, breathing continuously, and the two cheek gangs are constantly inflating and emptying.

? ? ?

What happened?

Lu Ming and others looked a little ugly, could they be found?


"This is it."

The prince suddenly realized, "This is the ceremony before the new house is moved in. Normally, the new house is finished within a month. It may be too late this time, so it is still being done."

"What ceremony?"

"Purify turbid gas. After the construction of the new house is completed, having an ominous gas within one month will affect fertility, so it needs to be purified..."


Lu Ming understood.

Human flesh formaldehyde remover...

of course.

In this different world, the clam meat formaldehyde purifier.

He really didn't expect to see this picture in a different world...

Can formaldehyde in this world still have an impact?

"You think."

Xiaoxiaojian improved, "Your physical fitness has become stronger, and people's formaldehyde may also be energy formaldehyde..."

Lu Ming: "..."

Makes sense.


In addition to the three giant toads that are still being purified, some buildings are still under construction farther away.

"this is……"

"Oh, this is the off-plan housing. Every year, the courtiers will send the people with the best bloodline, but the house is not enough, so it has been under construction."


Lu Ming was silent.

In this way, how can the house be able to?

"I'll check the position of the sledgehammer."

The prince retreated silently.

for a long time.

He came back, "That hammer is in the side hall, but there is a general guard."


Lu Ming and others looked a little ugly.



That powerful monster.

This time, I'm afraid it's a little troublesome.

"How to do?"

"We can still fight a dozen together, then how will adults grow up in muddy water and take the hammer away?"

"I think so."

Said the two-headed dragon.

"What about you?"

Lu Ming was worried about them.

"I'm fine."

Lulu is proud, "I can grow bigger and smaller, when I become small enough, no one can find me."

"I can go through and leave at any time."

Heilong said.

"it is good."

Lu Ming was pleased.

in this way.

He was relieved.


That day.

With the help of the prince, they quietly touched the side hall, and the great general really stood at the door.

"It seems that there must be a fight."

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

With this one, it's not so easy to cheat.

"let me try."

The prince said suddenly.


Lu Ming glanced at him.

You, a prince ranked 7,230, can command the general? !

Tease me?


Before he could speak, the prince had already walked over.


The general said coldly, "What's the matter?"

"That one……"

The prince hesitated for a long time and whispered, "My mother invites you to come over."


There was a smile on the corner of the general's mouth, "Is it finally me?"

Lu Ming:? ? ?

and many more.

What magic plot is this?


The general stood up, "You help me guard for a while, I will go as soon as I go."


The prince was at a loss, "This is not so good."

"It's okay."

The general told himself, "I'm faster, and I usually finish things soon."

prince:? ? ?

"In short."

"You just wait here."

The general is finished.


Light and shadow flashed, and it had already left.

Lu Ming and others looked at the result dumbfounded... This, this is good?

open the door.


The sledgehammer is inside.

He had put on his wedding dress and was bound there, with a red towel on his head.


The sledgehammer heard something.


"Actually, you don't have to tie me."


"The husband actually has no prejudice against the matrimony... as long as you are not too bad, the husband will follow... It's nice to stay here."

Sledgehammer nagging.


Suddenly Lu Ming thought he was wrong...


He plucked the red cloth blankly.

"Little lady~"

The hammer glanced excitedly, suddenly stunned, "Lu Ming?"

"We are here to save you."

Lu Ming said this somewhat complicatedly.

"Oh oh..."

Hammer understood, "Thanks, those words just to foole them..."



"Then go."

"it is good."

Qi Sledgehammer reluctantly glanced at his new house until Lu Ming said that the person he married was the king, the Sledgehammer hung down on the spot.

"Go walk!"


The group left quickly.

of course.

This time, he also brought His Royal Highness.

"Your mother is okay?"

"It's okay, she's better than me."

"it is good."

Lu Ming took the prince away quickly.

call out!

The group left.

It hurried to the gap very smoothly, however, just as they were about to leave, a scary figure appeared, blocking the space.

Want to send?

how is this possible!


"Dare every prince dare to deceive the deity?!"


Light and shadow came.

A huge monster appeared, and it was a great general of the Beast Kingdom!

It crashed to the ground, glancing across His Royal Highness princely, and immediately fell to the two dragons and the figure that made him very familiar.

"Lu Ming..."

The general's eyes narrowed, "Dare you come over?"

"Don't you dare?"

Lu Ming smiled slightly.


At this moment, our little prince suddenly bubbled: "That... I ask, how could you, you go to the harem and come back?!"

Time is simply too late.


Waiting for the general to go back again, not to mention that he is fast, even if it is three seconds, even if it is just a glance in the past and comes back in a hurry...

It will be a long time!

To this.

Our general said proudly, "The old man has a telescope in the attic of the imperial city guarding the city, and at a glance you can see if you lied to me..."

prince:? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!

So your hobby is to peep at the harem? ? ?


Is this a big general? !


"Mainly for everyone's comfort."

The general said in a deep voice, "Don't use ill-considered thinking, in short, you little rabbit also wants to lie to me, it is impossible!"


This messy country!

He suddenly envied the almost perfect pattern and laws of the human world.



There is a holy place for all things to worship!

And at this time.

In the effort of these two sentences, densely packed monsters have emerged, climbing from the neighborhood to the top of the mountain, enclosing the entire mountain.

"Lu Ming!"

"You come to your own door, don't blame us for being welcome."

The general said with a grin, "Your Majesty must be married today. Without him, you will be better."

"Is it?"

Lu Ming sneered.

"of course."

"In your world, I am a little bit worried, but here..."

The general sneered, "You're done."

"Not always."

Lu Ming smiled slightly, "I'm just the opposite of you. In my world, my fighting power can't be played, but in this world..."

"Ha ha."

"Do you know how the deep-sea kingdom was destroyed?"

Lu Ming raised his hand.


A seven-star meteorite card appears.


"The deep sea country?"

The general's face changed slightly.


Meteorite card blooms!

A huge gap appeared in the sky.

Everyone looked at the sky with horror, and a meteorite actually appeared. It fell from the sky, crossed a red mark, and...

Disappeared into the atmosphere.

? ? ?

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed, came again?


He still has.


Lu Ming brushed and brushed, and summoned a few more photos, and then, staring at the meteorites across the sky like fireworks.

Disappear again.

? ? ?


Lu Ming was a little embarrassed.

this moment.

He felt like a little girl selling matches, lit a few and didn't light them...


He also met grandma.

He also wanted a nuclear explosion.

"Lao Huang, give it a try!"

"Samsung, bless me!"

"Leave you!"

Lu Ming exhibited the last meteorite card.

call out!

The red line crossed.

The meteorite disappeared from the eyes again...

be quiet.


"That's it?"

The general general laughed and cried.


Did you give us fireworks with this card?


Lu Ming looked a little ugly.


He took out the eight-star planet card, and then found in horror...Energy is not enough, yes, his energy is not enough to pay for the planet card.

how is this possible.

I'm infinite...

and many more.

Lu Ming suddenly realized where the problem was!

He originally thought that relying on meteorite cards and planetary cards, he could kill the Quartet here. He never thought that when he came to this world, the biggest problem occurred!

Infinite energy-gone.

His infinite energy BUG is limited to the human world.

it's here……

In the rules of others, everything no longer exists.

Therefore, his seven-star meteorite card will be so weak, the quality of those meteorites will be so poor, and they will disappear directly in the atmosphere...

"Forget this..."

Lu Ming sighed.

Without unlimited energy as the basis, each card can only play standard power.

Too weak!

At least for these nine-star superpowers, it is simply scratching.


The general laughed.

Although he didn't know what happened, Lu Ming clearly had a problem.


He went to catch Lu Ming on the spot.


Green Dragon and Black Dragon broke out on the spot.

The energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars, which they filled in advance, fully bloomed, and they even had a head-to-head match with this general.


There are also slight advantages.


Lu Ming is very clear that this situation will not last long.

Because once the energy of the sun, moon and star is exhausted...



It didn't take long for the Sun and Moon stars to gradually drain away, and the Black and Green Dragons retreated.

"How to do?"

The prince looked at Lu Ming worriedly.


Lu Ming touched it from his arms, grabbed a lot of cards and threw it out.



The card flooded the general.


Most cards have no effect. However, when the black and green dragons are about to be hit, a card suddenly flashes.


A very ordinary card.

Samsung tomb card of the Ngau Tau series!


A flag was just sticking on the ground, and our general's body suddenly froze...


Lu Ming was confused.

what's going on?

He thought that there was always a card that might be effective, but he never thought it would be this card...

? ? ?

The role of this card is to summon all cattle...


and many more.

Lu Ming looked at the horns on the general's head and suddenly understood, is this a real monster? ! If this is really the case...


The general killed again.

call out!

Lu Ming raised his hand.

A flag was inserted somewhere, and the general's body suddenly froze, looking at the flag, his eyes red.


Lu Ming brightened in front of his eyes.


It's really useful! ! !


In the next battle.



The generals kept reuniting and tried to obliterate Lu Ming. However, Lu Ming pointed to where to fight. The general was like a puppet and could not complete the attack at all.

Each shot will be interrupted by the flag!

"Good Lu Ming."

The general's intention to kill was awe-inspiring.

There is such an evil means!


never mind.

But here is its territory!


He took the initiative to retreat and simply waved his hand, "Go up and catch."


Massive monsters rushed.


Everyone's face changed greatly.

What a joke. UU reading

This seemingly endless monster...


Just when they fled, Lu Ming subconsciously dropped another banner in order to fear that the general would boil to death, and then a strange scene happened...


All monsters stopped in an instant.


All the monsters turned their heads and looked neatly at the flag that fell on the tomb head, and their eyes were blood red, and they immediately became crazy...

Lu Ming:? ? ?


What's going on?


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