MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 736 Wei An's little white sister.

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Lu Ming was shocked.


He used to think that Yu Qian was the most arrogant, after all, the horse farm he opened was all his own blood...

At this point, he felt his father's cows!

Later, he found out that Laojiangtou was the most cattle, and the little female dragon had not let go, but now, he suddenly felt that these are salted fish!

Our summoner master is the most adept!



Not even Duma!

"That one."

Lu Ming asked weakly, "Is this dark Duma female?"


The girl blinked.


Lu Ming frowned, full of thoughts about life.




He frowned tightly.

for a long time.

He sighed, "Seniors admire the abilities of seniors."


The girl gave Lu Ming a puzzled look, then glared angrily at him, "What do you want! My blood is given by Senior Duma!"


Lu Ming said, "The blood is connected."


The girl said angrily, "Senior Duma helped me change my blood and lost many years of cultivation, so that I can become stronger now."


Lu Ming understood.

It turns out this...

Exchange blood...

It turns out that the Duma blood has such effects?

The cattle batch is over!

Wait, Lu Ming suddenly thought of Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing girl's use of blood is more thorough than anyone else, so, if Xiao Qing girl is also replaced by Duma blood...


"That one."

"Is there any excess in Duma blood?"

Lu Ming leaned over.

Girl:? ? ?

Do you think this is a drink? ! Can I refill? ! !

"It's a pity."

Lu Ming regrets.

The girl was so angry that she didn't want to ignore Lu Ming. She found out that this super genius in her grandfather's mouth had a strange brain circuit...

Never mind.

Complete the mission and go back!


The girl raised her hand and tried to confirm whether the buried six was dead.


At this moment, the sea was trembling, and a figure came from a distance, easily bursting all the energy, and saved Liu directly from the deepest part.


Strong breath escapes.

The strong breath and the breath of six condensed into a new force.




"you are……"

The girl was dry.


The man just smiled coldly, "Perhaps, it's time for you to see the true power of our two partners."

"As for you..."

Jiu suddenly looked at Lu Ming, "Have you ever thought about whether you left the association correctly?"


Lu Ming narrowed his eyes, "You can't kill me."

"Of course you are fine."

Nine smiles, not smiles, "But is your association really safe?"


Lu Ming jumped.


What's wrong with the association?


at this time.

In the distant Yunyi Kingdom, on the top of the cloud, in the hard-to-reach places of ordinary people, sit two dragons in human form.

A person is kind and kind.

A gentle and easy going person is like a scholar.

at this time.

The two are at the top of this cloud game...

Playing chess.

"You lost again..."

"My face is black, I didn't get it..."

"No, you are a simple dish."


The two dragons communicated cordially.


The tentacles above the older dragon's head tremble, and it seems to receive news, "The dirty green dragon has entered the deep-sea kingdom and followed Lu Ming."


Young Dragon was surprised, "Lu Ming even wants this kind of spicy chicken?"


The old dragon nodded slightly.

"I really don't pick..."

The young dragon sighed.

Although he also knows that the humble human race has a dream of ‘riding the dragon’, but he never thought that as the most genius human being, Lu Ming, with the highest face value and highest potential, actually...

Don't jump!

Even the hybrid dragon of the green and green kind!


Maybe he overestimated humans...

"Jiang Feng?"

He asked suddenly.


The old dragon said lightly, "We let a dragon clan appear with the news of the princess... Jiang Feng passed away, no longer the sword card division association."


Young Dragon is very satisfied.


Lu Ming is not here.

Jiang Feng is not here.

In other words, there is no one to guard the huge sword card division now! ! !


In this case, the little white girl...

"I said."

"Human IQ is not high."

The young dragon taunted.

Without Lu Ming and Jiang Feng, no one in the entire Jianka Shi Association could stop him, so they once again launched the secret technique of returning to the human world.

This time...

The goal is the Association of Sword Card Masters!


Flame burning.

Fire Dragon, as the top dragon in the country of Yun Yi, as the royal family of this era, possesses a powerful force that other dragons cannot have!



Space cracked.

Somewhere in the Sword and Card Association, the flame suddenly changed color.

Flame: Coming!

"It's done."

The old dragon whispered.


The young dragon nodded slightly, "Here I go, I will bring the little white girl back, a Lu Ming who has not let go of the green dragon, is not worthy of her!"


Elder Dragon agreed.


The young dragon waved his hand and stepped into the flames.


Just when he just appeared in the Sword and Card Masters Association, ready to condense his figure from the flames, a stream of water ran through...


The flame went out.


The young dragon returned to the kingdom of Yunyi in an instant.


? ? ?

The young dragon looked dazed.

? ? ?

Elder Dragon's face also dignified, you know, the last time Young Dragon failed like this, it was when Jiang Feng took off his pants in front of them...

Could it be.

Jiang Feng is back? !


They quickly investigated and Jiang Feng was indeed still far away.

"How to do?"

"Change the location, maybe this flame just extinguished."

"it is good."

They start the transmission again.

After testing, there were dozens of flames still burning at the moment within the range of the Sword and Card Master Association, so they chose a flame again immediately.


The flames are coming again!

The selected flame instantly changed color.


Just as the young dragon was preparing for the past, there was a cry, and a strange liquid flowed past, and the flame was once again extinguished...

Two dragons:? ? ?

What, what? !

Is it.

Before Lu Ming left, did he secretly protect the Sword and Card Master Association?

"Others in the Nine Star Alliance?"

"No, we confirmed that they are all elsewhere."


The young dragon is alert.

"try again."

"it is good!"


Flames are coming!


The flames are extinguished!


Flames are coming!


The flames are extinguished!


So back and forth.

After more than ten consecutive times, the young dragon has collapsed.


How can this be? !

How could anyone in the human world prevent them from coming? !

"Have Jiang Feng cultivated other people into urinary stones..."

"How is it possible?! Do you think ordinary urine stones can stop us? That is the crystal of the stone formed by Jiang Feng's king and bastard, who don't know how many heavenly and earthly treasures, to destroy our fire! The ordinary stones, even if they fall Only the intention of being burnt to dust!"


"Sword Card Masters Association...Lu Ming..."

The young dragon's killing intention is awe-inspiring, "It seems that I will underestimate you after all."



What he didn't know was.


Sword Card Masters Association, Tian Tian looked suspiciously at the flame on the candle.

Is it easy for her to have a birthday herself?

Is such that.

She made a wish for herself: "This year must be promoted to the president!!! Fight for a baby next year, fight for a second child the next year, and fight for a third child the next year!"


Something went wrong.

After making her wish, she went to blow candles, but these flames would become blue, purple, and their positions would change colors...

Blowing is also inexhaustible.

In the end, she could only use the water energy produced by her body.

? ? ?

on purpose? !

Who is bullying?

If it was not for her to be sure that there was no one around, she thought she was teased by Little White Sister...

But think about it, Xiaobai is not such a person.


Who did she mess with?

"Even you bully me!"

Tian girl wronged.


Tian Tian opened the review network and gave a bad review to the cake seller.


Evaluation level: ★☆☆☆☆

Evaluation content: Don't buy it. This seller of spicy chicken doesn't know what candle to send, and it can't be blown. It deliberately makes people unable to make a wish to complete and satisfy his bad taste.

Merchant reply:? ? ?



And now.

Yun Yi Kingdom.

The dragons were terrified.

After their analysis, the understanding of Lu Ming and the analysis of the history of the Sword and Card Association, it is finally determined that there must be a mysterious strongman in the Sword and Card Association!

The man secretly protected the Sword Card Masters Association.

Every time, when the sword card division association encounters a crisis, he will appear.

Every time, when Lu Ming encounters a crisis, he will also appear.

It's just that sometimes he will be noticed by people, and sometimes he will quietly hide the secret and give those credits to Lu Ming, this person...

It is the most terrifying existence of the Sword and Card Division!

"Are you sure?"


"Although Lu Ming has been trying to erase the trace of that person, we still found it."

The Dragons are very sure.

Their dragons' special abilities can discover some clues.

Lu Ming's development trajectory is definite. In his battle, several times he encountered a life-threatening situation, which was inexplicably resolved...


They found that Lu Ming once set foot in the dark shadow world.


That was not what Lu Ming could do at that time.

Therefore, the Sword Card Masters Association must have a superpower who surpassed the nine stars, had a strong idea, and protected Lu Ming, and that person's name...


"His name is Shan."

Elder Dragon is very sure.


The young dragon thoughtfully.

So, just now that Flash cut off his teleport?


Elderly Dragon sneered, "We not only made sure that his name was Shan, we were also sure that he was probably sent by Lu Ming's mother to protect him!"


"Yuzhi Kingdom!!!"

"Only their people can solve our magic fire so easily!"

Elder Dragon is very sure.


The young dragon looks into the distance.

Across this endless cloud and mist, at the other end is the Yuzhi Kingdom, the powerful being under house arrest in the palace.


Did you start after all?

"It's a bit complicated."


"Contact them, after all, you still have to unite..."


And at this time.

Sword Card Masters Association.

Tian Tian stared at the cake and candle in front of her.


Full ten minutes.

She finally determined that the candle was all right.

It's just that at this time, the cake is no longer the same.


Miss Tian lost her soul.

Is it easy for her to spend her birthday in peace?


When she was sad, the door of the room opened quietly, revealing a small head, and immediately, Xiaobai came in with a small cake.


Tian Tian stunned, "Little Sister..."

"Happy birthday."

Xiaobai said happily.


Girl Tian moved, "I... I thought you would hate me."


Xiaobai's big eyes are full of doubts.


Girl Tian is embarrassed, "Because I always go to the chairman..."

"It's okay."

Xiaobai sat down with a small stool and said with a smile, "Master is so good, it's not normal that no one likes it."


Tian girl is ashamed.

Suddenly she felt that Xiaobai's sister was so powerful...

Be broad-minded.

Tolerance is a virtue.

What is there...

In short, it is awesome and admirable.

of course.

Unlike his own physical Wei'an, Xiaobai's Wei'an means the heart~~~

In short.

This elder sister's cry is not at all loss.


"Thank you little white sister."

Tian Tian said from the heart.


Xiaobai nodded slightly.

How do you say that?


When Master is not at home, he should be responsible for managing the disciples of the association.


There are other things...

"Girl Tian."


"What do you like to eat?"


"When you were a kid, what were the snacks?"

"Oh, this, I like eating old popsicles when I was a kid, the kind that can go up and down..."

"Ah, not that, I said normal diet."


"'s best to eat when I'm twelve or three..."


Although Tian Tian was puzzled, she was still very happy to chat with Xiaobai.

for a long time.

Tian Tian's birthday is over.

" Tian Tian was moved and hugged Xiaobai.

Xiaobai: (·people·)

I hate it.

It's too suffocating.

Hey, it turns out that Master feels this way every day...

Good r said.


Xiaobai also grabbed it.

Tian Tian: "..."



for a long time.

After Tian’s birthday, Xiaobai returned to her room.


She looked at the book to write twelve-year-old eating lychee cherry longan, thirteen-year-old orange orange apple, and fourteen-year-old eating watermelon and melon papaya.

Miss Tian's diet is exaggerated slightly.

Not only the type is exaggerated, but the size is exaggerated...

Xiaobai made a gesture.

How spicy...

Thinking of this, Xiaobai lowered his head and glanced down.

It doesn't work...


"Little White."

"You said, should I start eating oranges?"

Little white is distressed.

Xiaobai: (*^▽^*)


After all, Xiaobai is Xiaobai.

Our little white classmates are able to kill the Quartet in the laboratory with a perfect score in various disciplines and solve a development problem.


When Xiaobai saw a news on TV...

"Tiandu News Report."

"The inferior milk powder of **** company allowed the baby to develop in advance and was sued... This milk powder is very harmful to the baby, please parents to raise their baby rationally, do not buy in the circle of friends...



Xiaobai glanced at her, and her eyes suddenly turned bright. She had a bold idea like Master...


PS: This chapter explains that the sky should be irritating.


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