MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 530 Kill

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Rolling up, he stood up from the ground, and Zhao Wu was frightened.

They did not expect that this epic monster's skill attack would be so terrifying.

You know, this large-scale skill attack generally does not cover a large distance, and one or two hundred meters is the limit.

And this time, they were more than 300 meters away from the metal tyrant, and they almost fold here, showing the power of the metal tyrant.

"No, Zhang Shao!"

After getting up, Zhao Wu seemed to think of something, exclaimed in his mouth, and quickly looked at the side where Zhang Che was just now.

However, I saw that the huge metal rock where Zhang Che was hiding just now had been smashed by the metal storm just now, and Zhang Che disappeared in his place.

Zhao Wu felt a chill in his heart, and a cold sweat lay down on his back.

Isn't Zhang Shao strong now?

Thinking of this possibility, he trembled all over his body, daring to imagine the consequences of this matter.

"Zhang Shao will be all right?"

The other three were also shocked, and they went to the next high place, looking at them with their eyes widened.

After seeing the faint blue light group transformed by the Xuansha Hades, the hearts of the four people were completely relaxed.

Since Zhang Shao's Royal Beast is okay, he can't be okay.

God sees pity, if Zhang Che accidentally breaks here, they dare not imagine the consequences, and then God knows what the follow-up will be.

"Fuck, I have tried to overestimate the attack of this strange beast's skills. I never thought it would be so powerful. Fortunately, I hid in a hole in the ground in time, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable!"

Zhang Che climbed up from the ground in a gray body, his face frightened.

This time, he was so close to death.

He also knew that, with his own strength, when faced with these epic monsters with horrific attacking power, he was not stable, and there was a danger of falling if he didn't pay attention.

Fortunately, the metal tyrant's skill attack has been seduced by the Xuansha Hades, and within the next half hour, there is no need to worry.

As for the metal tyrant's ability to summon thousands of troops, Zhang Che didn't take it seriously.

None of the turbulent beasts he had just convened could bring Zhang Che a little trouble, and it was simply impossible to turn the war with the babies summoned.

"Go on, kill him while he is ill, and give me this beast!"

Zhang Che waved his hand fiercely, smashing down a number of epic quality beasts and pets rushing up, siege towards the metal tyrant who had become a lonely man in the front.

The metal storm just now not only made Zhang Che tremble, but the metal tyrant also killed all his younger brothers within 200 meters of his body.

Even the complex terrain where it was just now has been completely leveled down to form a huge flat land with a diameter of nearly two hundred meters.

Ahead, the hero Xuansha Minglong of this battle managed to re-consolidate his body, but he was too weak to participate in the next battle. He directly turned and flew back to Zhang Che, and then remained silent. Directly flew back to Zhang Che's spiritual knowledge to absorb the energy of colorful crystals to repair the injury.

"Fortunately, I have Xuanming, a pet who is not very afraid of physical attacks. Otherwise, this time I want to hunt this metal tyrant, I am not sure.

Zhang Che sighed in his heart, and did not go to hunt the metal tyrant himself.

Although this guy has used his offensive skills, his talents will still bring great trouble to Zhang Che to a certain extent. Zhang Che doesn't want to take risks.

Anyway, relying on his own epic quality babies, especially the Yuan Wang and Chi Yan Cunning attacked by congenital fire elements, it is enough to hunt and kill this metal tyrant.

The next progress is indeed as expected by Zhang Che.

Lost the powerful physical attack method, although the metal tyrant tried hard to resist, and caused some trouble to Zhang Che's babies to a certain extent, after all, he was restrained by the Yuan King and Chiyan, and he was thoroughly restrained in the battle. Falling into the downwind.

Although it has a huge metal body, it is often forced to retreat by the terrifying high-temperature flames emitted by the Yuan king and Chiyan, and then it will face the attacks of other epic quality beasts such as the earth rock demon and the magical giant pig. The coping was messed up.

Soon, the metal tyrant used another skill of his own.

As soon as the ability to summon Qianjun came out, the metal elements around the ground quickly combined, and soon a new metal beast formed around.

However, the metal tyrant who has fallen into a disadvantage, even if he re-summoned a group of younger brothers, is still useless and cannot resist the strong offensive of Zhang Che's babies at all.

Hundreds and thousands of metal beasts were slaughtered in just a few breaths, and the metal tyrants became commanders of bare poles again.

At this moment, the metal tyrant has no choice but to escape.

First of all, its body is too heavy, and it is inherently inferior in terms of mobility. In the face of the beasts and pets such as Chiyan Cunning, it has no ability to rush out.

Secondly, it does not have the ability to fly, let alone escape from gold as an element. It can only be passively beaten, step by step towards extinction.

The sharp hissing of metal friction continued to sound, and Zhang Che's face gradually began to smile.

Well, this time I finally live up to my promises, and I can bring back an epic quality beast card to the future husband and wife.

The metal tyrant rushed left and right, unable to break through all the time. His original majestic body also became embarrassed, and the metal spikes on his body were even burned out by the horrible flames, like a furry dog.

Large and small wounds kept appearing on the metal tyrant, and then quickly repaired immediately, but it greatly depleted its vitality.


A large group of gold-red flames burst out, and the metal tyrant was too late to dodge and was burned in the front. A steel arm was directly burned into molten iron and flowed to the ground.

This time, the elemental power in its body has been exhausted, and the surrounding metal elements can no longer be mobilized to repair it.

With a sneer, Yuan suddenly sneered, and suddenly a flame halberd turned into his hand, and he stung into the chest of the metal tyrant.

In the face of this blow, the metal tyrant could not avoid it, and had no time to mobilize the metal elements to form a shield to stop it. He could only watch the fire halberd pierce its chest, and then the terrible high temperature broke out in its body.

Zhang Che frowned, and quickly ordered through spiritual contact:

"Don't kill it, let Red Flame cunning!"

Just kidding, this guy Yuan Yuan hunts strange beasts, but the strange beast card won't burst. If the metal tyrant is killed by her, Zhang Che is afraid to cry.

Before Yuan Yuan's killing also rose, she forgot this, and after Zhang Che's reminder, she awakened suddenly, and immediately recovered the rushing fire element, and the flame halberd in his hand suddenly extinguished.

Fortunately, Zhang Che reminded in time that the metal core in the metal tyrant's body had been attacked by flames and would be completely strangled afterwards.

Now, with the Yuan king's hand down, the already wounded metal tyrant can no longer maintain his huge body, and shakes to the ground with a dull and loud noise.

"Zhang Shao's Royal Beasts are really amazing!"

Behind him a few hundred meters away, several of Zhao Wu also relaxed at the same time, looking at several pets and royal beasts such as Yuan Wang, with admiration in their eyes.

Sure enough, Zhang Shao is not ordinary. Even the horrible attack just now resisted, and now she can easily besiege this powerful metal beast.


An excited roar rang, Chiyan opened his mouth slyly, and a golden red dragon fire gushed out, instantly covering the fallen metal tyrant on the ground.

Just three seconds later, the colorful light burst into the flames, and the metal tyrant was finally completely killed.

Then a colorful card with seven six-pointed stars was wrapped in a stream of flames, and fluttered up into the air, like the most exquisite objects in the world, attracting everyone's attention.

Zhang Che's face finally bloomed with a relaxed and bright smile, his body moved like a lightning, and he swept over a distance of 100 meters between his breath, catching the strange animal falling down in the air in his hand.

At a glance at the data, there is no surprise that the metal tyrant is a primitive monster-type monster card. After returning, the old man will definitely like it very much.

After all, even among the high-level epic quality beasts, as long as the metal tyrant is not facing the enemy of the flame system, the combat power is definitely the top one.

This level of Royal Beast, let alone Huang Yunyun, even if it is replaced by any powerful high-level Royal Beast Master, it will not be considered to be insufficient.

With the killing of the metal tyrant, some strange beasts still scattered around it suddenly disappeared like a tide, and quickly disappeared between the complicated terrain around it, as if never before.

Zhang Chezhi looked up proudly and looked deeper into the Meteor Mountain.

It seems that the Meteor Mountain is so wide that there may be more than one epic beast?

So, it ’s not too late anyway, should you go any further and go to the depths of the Meteor Mountain?

Just thinking about it, Zhang Che just changed his face with a confident look.

At the next moment, he wanted to wave the hands to take back the beasts and pets such as Chiyan Cui and recover the spirit, and released the unrecovered Xuansha Heilong, pulled the Yuan king to jump up, and flew back.

When passing by Wu Zhao ~~ ~ Zhang Che still did not forget to pull the ignorant and confused people to the back of Xuansha Ninglong, soaring towards the periphery of Meteor Mountain.

"Zhang Shao, what happened?"

Zhao Wu was a little puzzled, and he couldn't help asking.

Well, why did Zhang Che suddenly start a big retreat?

Could it be that……

Zhao Wu thought of a possibility, his face suddenly changed in fright, and the white was gone.

Sure enough, I heard Zhang Che say angrily:

"Specially, who exactly investigated the news here, I really admire his life! There are strange quality beasts in this place, and she didn't even kill that guy. Does she have a leg with the goddess of luck? What? "

After listening to Zhang Che's words, a few people in Zhao Wu's face changed greatly. Sure enough, there really were strange beasts of god-level quality here!