MTL - Diary of a Sturdy Immortal-Chapter 1236 Uncharted

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   Chapter 1236 Secret Realm

   Immortal Venerable Yongfu clapped his hands as he spoke, his eyes lit up and said happily

   "I have a solution!

   Lao Tzu is so smart! "

   Immortal Venerable Guyu frowned, and none of the other Immortal Emperors dared to say anything

   "What good idea did you think of?"

   As a result, I heard Immortal Venerable Yongfu say something and made him laugh in anger.

   "Naturally, this beast's demon pill is placed here with Immortal Ziyan, but there is a condition.

   When she ascended to the realm of the gods, she wanted to get a demon pill for each of us. This is a good idea! "


   Immortal Venerable Gu Yu sneered, the corner of his mouth twitched, obviously not agreeing to such a distribution method.

   Immortal Yongfu rolled his eyes

   "Otherwise what do you say?

  I think my method is the best.

   Don't say that you think Immortal Ziyan can't fly to the realm of the gods, just like you can fly to the realm of the gods, I think Immortal Ziyan can fly to the realm of the gods in a short time. "

   Guyu Immortal Venerable took a deep breath, he was really going to be **** off by Yongfu Immortal Venerable.

  Rao is because of his good self-restraint, and he couldn't help but think that this thunder calamity would not kill this scourge and let him escape.

   But he looked at Chu Yunyan, this fairy is indeed very lucky, and there is a separate interface, not to mention that the time flow inside is a thousand times faster than outside.

   Even if he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny that Chu Yunyan had several chances to ascend to the God Realm.

So. . . . .


  Chu Yunyan didn't expect that he would really agree.

   Immortal Yongfu clapped his hands!

"All right!

  Then it's settled, let the Ziyan Xianjun take care of it!

  We only have a hundred years, so what should we do? "

   Guyu Xianzun glanced at Chu Yunyan

   "Xianjun Ziyan, should you also take a stand?"

  Chu Yunyan got such a big bargain, and she was very happy to express her position at the moment

   "I, Ziyan Xianjun, express my position here. When he ascends to the realm of the gods, he will definitely find two divine beasts, and give them to Immortal Venerable Yongfu and Immortal Guyu."

   Xianzun Guyu nodded in satisfaction.

  The matter just ended in the paragraph.

   The crisis on the Immortal Realm has finally been resolved, and although the remaining Immortal Emperors still have lingering fears, they still have to transcend the calamity.

   Chu Yunyan planned to go back to retreat after leaving Tongtiantai. Now that the matter in the immortal world has been resolved, she will start her retreat and strive to ascend to the gods as soon as possible.

   After she came out, she would naturally not activate the formations that were seen outside in the Chaos Realm.

   When she returned to her chaotic fairyland, she began to retreat and took out the beast's inner elixir, turned it in her hand, and frowned slightly.

   "The vicious beast aura in this thing is too violent, how can I absorb it?"

   Qingyue turned around, stood opposite Chu Yunyan, stretched out her hand, took the beast's inner pill in her hand, and threw it upwards.

   "This is the inner alchemy of the beast of the gods, but it is the lowest level, and it seems that it is not long since birth.

   It's really strange, how could people in the God Realm put such a small beast in the seal? "

  Chu Yunyan

   "How do I know the brain circuits of the people of the gods?

   You just say can I use this thing? "

   Qingyue shook her head slightly

   "It can be used, but it has little effect on you. The divine power contained in these words is violent, and you can't refine it at all.

   Besides, you are not a divine beast, so what do you want to refine this thing for?

   Difficult to beat, should you go the demon cultivation route? "

   "Then, why do those two have to use this thing?"

   "I'm sick!

   is not, after all, this is the only thing in the realm of the gods in our fairyland.

   Moreover, they also have their own fairy beasts, and those fairy beasts will also become divine beasts after they ascend.

   At that time, don’t you need this thing? "

  Chu Yunyan stretched out her hand to support her cheek

   "Then take it to practice!"

  Qing Yue stretched out her hand and threw the inner bladder up, saying happily

   "Then I won't be polite to you, but if I want to refine this inner alchemy, I'm afraid I won't be able to appear in this session again, otherwise I'm worried that I will attract tribulation thunder."

  Chu Yun smoked at the corner of the mouth of the cigarette

   "Whatever you want, I really can't use you with my current strength.

   Saying that your appearances are getting less and less, are you not afraid of being forgotten by me? "

  Qing Yue gave her a big white eye

   "Will such a big creature like me be forgotten?

   What a fairy joke!

   I went to retreat! "

  Chu Yunyan waved her hand

"go Go!

   All of them are in retreat and practice, and I, the master, can't be left behind. "

   Just when she was about to retreat, she felt that outside the chaotic realm, Immortal Wangyou was calling her.

  Chu Yun smoked the corner of her mouth and held her forehead. How could she forget that there is another Immortal Wangyou?

  I seemed to have promised her that she would go with him to the secret realm of Raoshizi.

   Immediately flashed out of the Chaos Realm, and as expected, he saw Immortal Wangyou looking at her sadly.

   "Don't look at me like that, or I'll forget the fact that you were once a woman."

   Immortal Wangyou paused and snorted coldly.

   "Admit that you forgot to promise me to go to the secret realm, don't you?"

  Chu Yunyan, hehe~

   "Am I preparing this?


when are we leaving? "

"are you ready?

   With an interface with you, what else can you prepare? "

  Chu Yunyan turned to look at him

   "After so much talk, are you still going?"

   Wangyou Xianjun pouted

   "Let's go, don't you call your little followers?"

  Chu Yunyan turned back and smiled at him

   "Didn't you say that the number of people is not good, just the two of us?"

  Wangyou Xianjun gave her a roll of eyes

   "Don't tease me, I'm a man now."

   "You don't mean to tell me that you even changed your xing orientation, right?"

   gave Chu Yunyan another pair of white eyes.

"You can try!"

   "Unfortunately, I'm not interested in you, let's go!"

   Wangyou Xianjun is still a little unbelievable

   "Really just the two of us?

   Isn't it?

   Do you want to add a few more people, it's really not enough just the two of us! "

  Chu Yunyan gave him an angry look

   "I know you didn't follow your heart. What kind of place is the secret realm? We two can't do it?"

  Wangyou Xianjun rolled his eyes

   "You can rest assured, can I still harm you?

   As I said, the ghost in the secret realm knows when it will open, so we have to make a hole in it.

   Just use your 10,000 essential oils to punch holes, you can definitely get in. "

  Chu Yunyan wants to beat someone up

   "Isn't that enough for me alone?"

   "But we don't know what's in it, naturally it's better to have more cannon fodder!"

  Chu Yunyan. . . . . .

   Does she want to beat someone up right now?

   Just when Chu Yunyan was about to go crazy, Immortal Wangyou said again.

   "Actually, it's not just cannon fodder, maybe there is a big chance?

is not it?

  We have even a powerful existence, it is not impossible to protect them! "

   Come on, having said so much, doesn’t this guy just think there are few people?

   "You don't know what to bring?

   What about Wang Nan? "

   "That kid has closed the gate. If he doesn't break through Xianjun, he won't leave the gate. What can I do?"

   (end of this chapter)