MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 283 conflict

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Such a thing, Lin Yu still felt that he should tell him truthfully. He didn't want to affect others' lives because of a little grudge.

"We have no choice, we were chosen." Lin Yu said, "At the time, I met Bauer and they rescued us, and seized our car by the way. You know, we have no car where Can't go. After the protected area is breached, it's almost impossible to find a new car. "

Doug frowned, not quite saying: "Save you? Just for a car?"

"Do you think he risked saving us? No." Lin Yu solemnly said, "I don't know what it is, but Bauer has a weapon in his hand, which is very powerful and has never been seen before. Cutworm followed It ’s like radishes. That's why he can build the entire base by himself. "

Doug did not answer, thinking about the truth of his words.

Lin Yu said, "Did you not find that the entire base is centered on Ball? He didn't manage too much at all. The brothers under him do whatever they want, they are not constrained at all. So many people on the bottom are oppressed, and he doesn't care. The whole base is mixed with fish and dragons, but the situation is strangely stable. It can be said that this is a place more terrifying than feudal society, because the people at the top of the pyramid only see people as ants. Even so, you have seen anyone leave You? Why do you think? It only shows that he has absolute strength. "

Lin Yu patted his wrist: "By hand-to-hand combat, there is no such thing in front of evolutionary creatures."

Doug knew what he was saying, because his strength was already unusual. Even he couldn't win easily and guarantee the safety of everyone, not to mention Ball, whose muscles were underdeveloped.

"Weapons." Lin Yu said, "Without that weapon, we can't go anywhere. Right now there is only one option. We decided to wait and see. It's not necessary for you to follow us."

Doug nodded solemnly, "Okay."

Qin Qing came back with the water outside, twisted the doorknob and found that the door was locked.

He was full of excitement and thought he was abandoned. Frightened, sad and painful, I knocked on the door and shouted, "Don't leave me! I was wrong, give me another chance! Open the door for me! Am I not your father ?!"

Lin Yu had originally wanted to open the door, and heard her voice, and then retreated.

Ah, how good it is to keep him long.

Qin Qing was crying outside, and Xialal couldn't help but open the door, after all, the quality of their door was not guaranteed.

Qin Qing still opened her mouth and saw Comrade Doug standing at the door. Immediately closed his expression, looked at him fiercely, "Is it the door you locked! You mean man!"


Doug looked at the expression of mental retardation, and walked out of the room under the anger of the other person.

Qin Qing went in, placed the water on the ground, and laughed, locked.

"Master!" Qin Qing walked over and said, "Your water!"

Lin Yu waved his hand to signal that he could drop.

When it was late at night, several people opened their windows to ventilate and finally could sleep.

In view of the triumph of the three of them last night, no one came to call them to do labor the next day. The couple slept until noon, then went out to wash their faces and brush their teeth.

Lin Yu estimated that the time was almost the same, they should go back to explore. Hesitating between staying here or waiting for dinner first, the door of the room was kicked open.

The room door really didn't have any quality assurance.

There was a loud noise when landing, and a row of dust was raised. Charal covered his ears and hid behind Lin Yu.

Ball and others stood at the door aggressively. The bald head came first, overturning their table. Then he turned his head and looked at them fiercely.

Bauer smoked at the door without stopping or saying anything.

Lin Yu and others stood in the corner, staring coldly.

Balding his head and humming, he exclaimed, "You play us?"

Lin Yu said innocently: "What do you mean?"

"The factory's Mente is closed!" Growled the bald head. "If Boss hadn't gone with us, I wouldn't have come back!"

Lin Yu's face was slightly surprised, he paused, and said, "I won't stay here if I joke with you. Besides, what good are we to lie to you? Wouldn't you think for yourself? There must be other reasons for this. "

"What do you mean, fuck?" He stepped forward and slapped a fan directly on Lin Yu's face.

Charrard said "ah" and covered his eyes.

Lin Yu grabbed his wrist directly and folded it backwards, knees against his back and pressed to the ground.

He didn't have much energy for this capture. Black and white in front of the bald eyes, almost fainted.

Several people in the back row pulled it out directly, cursing: "What do you want?"

Lin Yu shouted, "Come! I'm so tired of Lao Tzu! You don't treat us as humans, it doesn't mean we don't treat ourselves as humans. Or everyone is upset, I want his life first! "

Bauer lost his cigarette and finally said, "What do you do? My brother, close the gun."

Several people hesitated and put away their guns.

Ball said: "You let go too."

Lin Yu said coldly: "It takes only one second to pull a gun, and you can catch more than one person."

"Okay, then you can grab it." Ball entered, moved the chair next to him and sat down: "Since you are yourself, you shouldn't lie to us."

Lin Yu looked slowly and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"We've taken people to the factory, but the door is still closed." Ball said, "The grid is also there. You know it's dangerous outside. It's not good to deceive people."

Lin Yu said, "I really don't know about this. You didn't listen to the explanation, so you settle the account."

Ball lifted his chin and pointed at Charlar.

Xialal pulled Lin Yuyijiao and shook his head, "I don't know, I really don't care."

Ball: "Are you not a technician?"

"But I'm just a student, and I didn't actually read it all out." Charlar said weakly. "If my professor is here, I can definitely read it out. Maybe I look at what is wrong, after all, we don't have enough time."

Ball was impatient: "Don't talk so much nonsense, you say you can still drive?"

The bald head got a cold sweat and his face was wet. Ball didn't glance at him. When he deserves it.

"I don't really know this. Maybe it's set to close automatically?" Charlar narrowed his neck and said, "I'll know this again after I've seen it."

Ball: "Okay, then take you next time."

"She? No," Lin Yu said, "I don't believe you anymore."

Ball: "Then go together."

Lin Yu: "Then die together?"

Bauer was obviously a little irritable and patiently said, "What else do you want?"

Lin Yu: "I said, I don't trust you anymore."

Ball sneered: "So, are you going to part ways? I'm the poorest person who doesn't know himself."

"If we were to leave, we would not wait

Until now. Lin Yu looked at his bald head and signaled, "But if I let him go, what would he do to find a chance to get revenge?" "

Ball: "He doesn't dare."

Lin Yu: "Dare to be afraid or not to think about it, the truth is that even if you kill us, you have nothing to lose. It is better to open the skylight and speak brightly, don't you like us?"

Ball snorted.

Lin Yu said, "We need a gun, and one will do."

Ball raised his legs and tilted, and said casually, "Give you a gun? You should kill him, you're out of breath, let's talk again."

The bald head was split and struggling: "Boss Bower, boss save me!"

Lin Yu pressed his knees hard and pressed him down a bit. The bald immediately screamed.

Lin Yu dismissed: "The hostages are a little self-conscious, shut me up obediently."

He lifted his eyes, and the people standing behind Ball swallowed saliva subconsciously, shocked by his momentum.

The four were hiding behind Lin Yu, and did not dare to speak out, for fear of sharing the **** of Lin Yu.

"Boss Bower rest assured that we are not so stupid. We can't go anywhere out of the base. Here, your status is irreplaceable. Killing you is equivalent to killing ourselves." Lin Yu said, "Everyone If we want to live, we will stay here, and so do we. If we dare to mess around, aren't we impatient to live? Do you need to be afraid? "

Ball held the placket to adjust his sitting position. "You hold our people and talk to me about the conditions. Do you think I'm afraid?"

"There is a gun just for self-protection. We have a girl here, timid, staying in the room, very uneasy." Lin Yu also talked to him eagerly, "We will help if we need us in the future. In the base, we must abide by the rules. What we should do, we must do nothing special. "

Lin Yu: "But what have we got after this? Who are waiting to come in and kick our table and point us at the gun. Do we do things to wait for death? In this case, why do we need to stay here?"

Ball pointed to the bald head: "Really? Is it like self-protection?"

"I can only say that he deserves it. We also want to cooperate well." Lin Yu said, "The horizontal is afraid of the crippled, the horrified is afraid of death. Of course we are terrible, but if we do n’t give the opportunity, there is nothing we can do."

Ball: "We don't have that many exceptions."

Lin Yu: "You don't have that many clothes."

Ball: "I hate people most threatening me in my life."

Lin Yu: "To each other."

Ball stared at her for a moment.

He pulled his gun out of his pants pocket, dropped it on the ground, and kicked it. Open your hands and say, "Happy?"

Lin Yu nodded his head and motioned to Qin Qing to pick it up. Release your hand and put the person back.

The bald head could not stand anymore, so he could only hum on the ground.

Come up two people, grab his arms and lift them up.

Ball: "Open the door tomorrow."

"Let's go together." Lin Yu, "Happy cooperation."

Ball stood up and grinned, "You have a seed."

The group turned and left.

Lin Yu moved his stiff limbs and raised the table.

Randall walked to the door and looked at it. The door was completely useless, and even the door frame was kicked off. He leaned the poor door against the wall.

Lin Yu hated: "Let's make an iron one and let them kick. It's better to conduct another electricity. Well, it's over to you."

Qin Qing: "..."