MTL - Demon Sect Cultivation: I Can Disable Debuffs-Chapter 55 0Hitzuki Motoi

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Suddenly, the cave was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing the pool full of blood, Zhang Chen took off his clothes and stepped into the pool with excitement and nervousness.

When his body was completely submerged in blood, he began to perform the exercise "Blood God Body".

The most important point in this process is to get rid of distracting thoughts, run the exercises wholeheartedly, visualize the blood pool in your mind, and integrate your consciousness into the blood.

The blood is me, and I am the blood.

The body can be discarded, but the blood lasts forever!

Once other thoughts arise during this period, it will lead to the failure of the cohesion of the blood body.

With the operation of the exercises, the blood in the blood pool began to boil and roll, emitting blood mist.

The blood mist spread and gradually filled the entire cave, very similar to the blood mist covering the entire sect of the Blood God Sect.

At this moment, Zhang Chen felt warm and indescribably comfortable all over.

But if someone can see through the blood and see his body, they will find a terrifying scene.

His flesh is melting!

At this time, Zhang Chen's skin had completely disappeared, revealing scarlet muscles.

And these muscles are also melting a little bit.

Three days later, the flesh and blood on Zhang Chen's body had completely disappeared, leaving only a skeleton floating in the pool of blood.

Ten days later, the skeleton also disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood.

It stands to reason that Zhang Chen, who has lost his body, is already dead.

But in fact, his consciousness and soul have already merged with his blood. The blood in the entire blood pool can be regarded as the carrier of his body and consciousness.

Without a physical body, naturally there is no fatal point.

However, this is just the beginning, and the next step is to re-condense the body.

Thirty days later, changes appeared in the blood pool, as if an invisible force was stirring the blood and shaping it.

Forty days later, a rough human form completely condensed from blood essence appeared in the center of the blood pool.

Fifty days later, the rough people in the blood pool transformed into fine ones with five sense organs.

Sixty days later, organs similar to internal organs appeared in the blood human body.

Seventy days later, the blood man has what the real person has, but it is still made of blood coagulation, which looks like blood jelly.

Eighty days later, the blood man began to solidify, as if carved from blood jade.

Ninety days later, a seductive man with a perfect body and closed eyes floated in the pool of blood.

On the 100th day, Zhang Chen in the blood pool slowly opened his eyes, the eyes glistening with blood.

Then, the fresh blood in the blood pool kept spinning and poured into his body.

Zhang Chen's body was like a bottomless pit, but after a while, the blood in the blood pool was sucked dry, revealing the dark red bottom of the pool.

After absorbing all the blood, the huge spiritual power contained in the blood broke through some kind of shackles and underwent a qualitative change.

Spiritual power transformed into mana!

With the birth of mana, a powerful coercive aura burst out.

From this moment on, Zhang Chen is in the foundation building period!

Right now it's just a wisp of mana, and he still needs to convert all the spiritual power in his body into mana before his realm can be considered stable.

Zhang Chen sat cross-legged on the bottom of the dry pool, closing his eyes and running his blood and nerves.

At the same time, Xu Yixian, who was in hiding, returned to the sect.

In order to prevent Li Mumin from seeking revenge, he did not go to the city assigned by the sect, and the few mortals with spiritual roots he brought were also exchanged for blood essence from others.

After handing in the task, Xu Yi was going to see if Zhou Wenting and Jiang Xianghong were back.

After going to the two caves respectively.

"Haven't come back yet?" Xu Yixian felt uneasy in his heart: "No, I'm going to inquire about it."


"Junior Brother Liu, you are in charge of the inspection and registration task. Can Zhou Wenting and Jiang Xianghong complete this task?"

"Brother Xu, wait, I'll check."

"Senior Brother Xu, Senior Brother Zhou and Senior Brother Jiang haven't completed the task yet."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Liu."

"Brother Xu, you are being polite."

After inquiring around, Xu Yixian's face turned ugly, Zhou Wenting and Jiang Xianghong did not return to the sect.

The three of them had made an appointment to come back, and normally, the two of them had already returned.

"Could it be that the two of them were found by Li Mumin?"

Thinking of this, Xu Yixian, who was terrified, was going to inquire about Li Mumin again.


"Senior brother Ma, I want to ask you about the situation of senior brother Li Mumin."

"Senior brother Li? It's only been two years since he broke through the realm, so he should be practicing spells in a stable realm. But I heard a piece of news recently, and I don't know if it's true or not."

"what news?"

"Some people say that Senior Brother Li killed two people who had feuds before, and rewarded the spokesperson with a lot of blood. I don't know if it is true or not. If it is true, those who offended Senior Brother Li before will be miserable."

After Xu Yixian finished listening, he couldn't restrain the panic in his heart.

The two people who once had festivals, who else could they be besides Zhou Wenting and Jiang Xianghong?

Li Mumin was going to kill, wouldn't he be the next one?

"The only way to keep me is to go to Senior Brother Wen!" Xu Yixian left in a hurry without even saying thank you.

The Senior Brother Wen he was talking about was called Wen Xiaosu, and he was a direct disciple.

When Xu Yixian was in the outer sect, he was Wen Xiaosu's spokesperson and exchanged blood for him.

after one day.

Inside the cave, Zhang Chen opened his mouth and inhaled all the diffuse blood mist into his body.

"No accident, successful foundation establishment!"

Zhang Chen looked at his new body with excitement and a smile on his face.

On the surface, this is not much different from the previous physical body, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com just has a little more evil temperament.

But now the flesh is essentially blood.

For example, if a hand is cut off, it will immediately turn into blood, and if it is reabsorbed, it will condense into a hand again.

If the blood cannot be recovered, the blood in the body can also be consumed, and the broken arm can be reborn.

The same is true for any part of the body. If the blood is not dry, the magic power is not exhausted, and the soul is not extinguished, it will not die.

Generally speaking, the newly condensed blood body will be unstable, and it may turn back into blood at any time, and the body may collapse.

However, Zhang Chen added four hundred bowls of blood essence to the blood pool, and the condensed blood body was very stable without any sign of collapse.

"Next, it's time to promote to a direct disciple, then store up blood essence and learn the spells of the foundation-building period."

Zhang Chen put on his clothes and walked out with a confident smile.

Because he already had mana when he used Burning Blood before, there wasn't much novelty about it.

The main hall of the sect, the place where the senior officials of the Blood God Sect discuss the affairs of the sect, is also the place where the status of direct disciples is granted.

At this time, the gate of the main hall was closed, and there was a big bell outside.

When being promoted to the personal pass, you need to ring the big bell first, and this bell can only be rung with mana, because only after the foundation is established can mana be possessed.

Zhang Chen stepped forward, grabbed the bell hammer, injected mana, and pushed hard.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The disciple who heard the bell was stunned: "This is the bell for promotion to the personal pass. Someone broke through the foundation building stage and was promoted to the personal pass?"

"Who is promoted this time?"

"To be promoted at this time, could it be that you killed your fellow disciple while taking advantage of the mission?"

Everyone was full of envy and jealousy, guessing the reason for the establishment of the foundation.