MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 95 Sarnagar Reappearance

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When the two walked downstairs, they saw Wen Nuo standing downstairs. He looked much older than the two, and his hair became a few whites. There was no surprise when he saw the two coming down together. , Just nodded to the night broken air, saying hello.

Ye Suikong said, "This is my place. You are so arrogant when you run like this!"

Wen Nuo said, "I came here to talk to the Nebula and say something. I didn't expect you to be there, but it surprised me."

Ye Xingyun took over Wu Xingyun. When he was about to speak, Wu Xingyun interrupted his words: "Company commander, you reinstated !?"

The federal military uniform worn by Wen Nuo said that it was impossible to not punch the eyes. Someone already looked at it, but no one dared to stay.

Wen Nuo decided to go straight to the theme: "Nebula, I'm coming to you this time, I hope you can come with me to the Federation."

Even before Wu Xingyun answered, Ye Zhuangkong said, "Impossible!"

Wen Nuo looked at Ye Shuikong, and Ye Shoukong looked back.

After a moment of confrontation between the two, Wen Nuo sighed: "Forget it, seeing you are here, you know ... Wu Xingyun can't go with me. Then, find a convenient place to talk."

The three quickly arrived by car in the trial court of the year. Today, the trial court has been converted into a chamber, and the chief mutants of the Night Demon Army are here to discuss matters.

Liu Meng and David Peng were also here. When they saw Wu Xingyun coming, they all stood up: "Brother Yun is here! Brother Yun sits!"

Wen Nuo watched the mutants around him occupy the formerly dark courtroom, and felt a ridiculous deep inside.

Twenty years ago, he defeated Ouyang Feng here and successfully gained leadership of the army.

Immediately, also here, he was assigned to the frontier and planted fields for twenty years.

Now, when standing here again, there is already a group of devil dancing around.

In particular, when he saw Wu Xingyun and those mutants greeted each other very well, and naturally pulled Ye Shoukong's hand, he felt even more ridiculous.

That's a soldier of the Federation! How can it be so close to the enemy ...

Wen Nuo turned his head, not looking at Wu Xingyun, and sat calmly in the position assigned to him by Ye Suikong.

"I think there must be something special when you come this time, aren't you?" Ye Sukong asked condescendingly.

In the face of Ye Suikong's questioning, Wen Nuo intuitively felt a kind of coercive force. He didn't like this feeling, but remembered the task entrusted to him by the federal president, but still clinging to his head.

"Yes, I don't have any bad intentions, otherwise I won't come here alone." Wen Nuo said, "I didn't plan to meet officially, I just wanted to come over ... Forget it, since the leaders of your Night Demon Army are all here Here, then I'll be straight. "

Ye Shuikong casually turned his head to chat with Liu Meng, saying that he planned to take Wu Xingyun to the Federal Archives, and let him quickly take down the planet where the Federal Archives is located.

"I planted a field for twenty years at the border of the Milky Way. Just one month ago, I saw new alien creatures invading the Milky Way. I don't think they are friendly creatures, and they have great hostility towards humans ... So ... "

Ye Shuikong interrupted Wen Nuo's words and said, "General Wen has always been a hard-core main faction. Why do you suddenly want to negotiate?"

Wen Nuo said: "In order to ... confront the common enemy."

Ye broken air sneered: "It sounds good. Who destroyed the original agreement? Who initiated the dispute first, and who personally threw the symbol of peace into the nuclear explosion?"

Wen Nuo's face was embarrassed, and Wu Xingyun couldn't see it anymore. He glanced at the broken night, which means that you can collect it when you see it.

Ye Shoukong returned to stare at Wu Xingyun, and the meaning was also obvious: Why should brother be polite to the thief's undead love?

The two frowned, and the mutants present were accustomed to it, but Wen Nuo bowed his head slightly, and a sad feeling passed in his heart.

However, in the end, Ye Brokong decided to listen to his wife. He rarely received the good news, and he did not embarrass Wennuo. He stood up, walked towards Wen Nuo, stretched out his hand to show friendship: "General Wen dare to come to us alone, I admire your courage and courage; but you did it to my boyfriend I will never forgive you. Some things, I do n’t think you can decide. I understand what you mean, go back and tell the federal government, ten days later, I will meet them formally to talk about what you said today child."

Wen Nuo didn't shake hands with Ye Suikong, he stepped back: "I won't shake hands with my enemy to make peace! As far as I'm concerned, I ... I'm willing to fight to death with the Night Demon Army!"

After speaking, he turned and left, Ye Yekong didn't pay much attention. When Wen Nuo came to the door, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Wu Xingyun.

There were complex emotions in his eyes, perseverance, disappointment, pity, and sadness. These emotions were tangled up, so that he finally said something irrational: "I came here to find you. Can you ... just say a few words to me alone?"

Ye Shoukong was a little upset. He looked at Wu Xingyun following Wen Nuo out of the hall with a little depression, and regretted that he actually went to shake hands with Wen Nuo to show friendship!

Liu Meng gloated over the side: "Night, I really hope that Brother Yun and Wen Nuo are good and dump you!"

Night broken sky is even worse, Liu Meng is still pouring oil on the fire: "So you can taste what my mood was then!"

"Get off!" Ye Suikong lost his temper, and everyone left the hall with a smile without saying a word. Instead of ordering by Ye Suikong, they set up their own work.

In the hallway outside the hall, Wen Nuo lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, spit out a cigarette ring, didn't know what to say, but took another sip.

Wu Xingyun said, "General, don't smoke old, it's bad for your health."

Wen Nuo said "Oh" and extinguished the cigarette butts. After a while, he asked: "He ... is it good for you?"

Wu Xingyun laughed, and showed his white teeth, as he did then: "It's fine."

"Oh, then ... that's good ..."

After Wen Nuo said this, he didn't know what to say.

Wu Xingyun took the initiative to find the topic: "Are you married, general? I have a chance to see the sister-in-law someday."

Wen Nuo glanced at Wu Xingyun, then shook his head: "No ... I ... have been single."

Then Wu Xingyun found that she was really not good at talking about topics, which pot was not open.

Then Wen Nuo also found that the atmosphere was dull, so he chose a light topic: "Are your parents okay? I have been asking Marshal Shi Fei to take care of them, but later they fell and the two elderly people had no time to leave."

Wu Xingyun said: "My parents are gone. I just went two days ago ... By the way, what about Marshal Shi? I haven't seen him since I read new articles these days?"


The two fell into silence again, Wen Nuo smoked, and Wu Xingyun was by his side.

I do n’t know how long, Wen Nuo said, "I came to you this time ... I just wanted to ask what you mean. I think ... about the invasion of alien galaxies, you go to Ye Suikong and tell him May listen. "

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised: "What you just said is true? I thought ..."

"Why else? Am I going to say yes?"

Wu Xingyun hurriedly explained: "No ... no. I just ... it's nothing, I'm wrong, just don't say anything." Wu Xingyun hasn't taken any action from the federations in the last days, and dare not Believe any word of Wen Nuo. But when he saw the indignation on Wen Nuo's face, he felt that he was still a good horse.

Wen Nuo sighed and turned to look at Wu Xingyun: "You are still as stupid and stupid as before, beware of being fooled by the broken sky!"

Wu Xingyun mentioned the splendid smile in the night: "He won't lie to me, really!"

Wen Nuo was even more depressed. He had prepared a lot of words and wanted to tell Wu Xingyun that this time he came to test the night broken air, which he took the initiative to request like the federal government, but now feels that those words are not It is necessary to say.

He pressed the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the trash can, then turned and walked out, never looking back.

Wu Xingyun kept looking at Wen Nuo's back, a little dazed. Is the federation really about to die? Or do you want to negotiate again?

Regardless of the choice, Wu Xingyun didn't like it.

While he was in a daze, someone asked in his ear, "What do you want?"

Wu Xingyun didn't need to look back to know that the night was broken. He was very honest: "I wonder if what he said is true. What invasion of that extra galaxy is really terrible?" Wu Xingyun turned back , Looking at the night broken sky: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Shoukong smiled slightly: "If the federal government agrees, it will save my soldiers and save my energy. However, I don't think they will agree to my terms, so don't think about it, you just, But stayed with him for a long time! "

"So what?" Wu Xingyun asked, "No?"

"I'm jealous!" Ye Sukong started to slap on Wu Xingyun, "Kiss me, so that I can soothe my injured heart."

So Wu Xingyun kissed.

"And kiss again!"

Wu Xingyun kissed again.

"not enough!"

Continue to kiss ...

Ten days later, in the talks with the Federation, the Federation offered to hope for peace, and Ye Zhuangkong did not object.

Especially when Federation President Alex mentioned that the "symbol of peace" Wu Xingyun was alive and returned again, Ye Sukong's face showed a sweet look.

Alex was keen to capture the emotional changes of the night broken sky, and took the opportunity to put forward his own requirements: I hope the two sides can resolve their prejudices, stop the war, and work together to deal with the invasion of the alien galaxy.

Ye Brokong smiled slightly and threw out his own conditions.

His tone is casual: "Although I have sufficient strength and sufficient grasp, I can completely destroy the Federation in the near future. But ... how about, as you say, all human beings, two They lived together on the earth thousands of years ago, and now they are in crisis. When they join forces to deal with the enemy together, so I can agree to a truce. My conditions are simple, only three. First, severely punish the war criminals who have fought against the Night Army in these years. Second, change the federal army and put it under my control; third, the establishment of a new federal government requires the consent of me. "

When it comes to this, Ye Suiji paused for a moment, and then smiled and said, "After all, the purpose of this time is not to end the truce, but to jointly deal with the common enemy. I must be sure that the allies are reliable? And ... ... I don't lack this ally. "

The federal officials changed their faces immediately. At first, they heard that Ye broken sky promised peace, and thought that he only proposed harsh conditions, like when they were married, they asked for technology or scientists. However, he did not expect that he was planning to form a government of Pudong!

Aleks's face with a smile on diplomatic negotiations was immediately covered with a dark mist. She snorted heavily, cut off the video, and the negotiations broke down.

"Too much! Who does he think he is? He also said that he punished the war criminals severely? Did he want us to dig out the wrestling corpses of those fighting heroes who have been buried ?!"

"Damn! Although the Night Stalker is now stronger than us, it is not so strong that it can destroy the Federation overnight. Why is he so arrogant?"

"But ... how can we deal with the colonists who appear on the border if Yezhuangkong doesn't help?"

The crowd fell silent.

On the other side, Ye Smash flip looked at the latest information from the Federation, and he became very interested in this emerging species.

"When it appeared, it was white and misty?" Ye Sukong's fingers gently tapped the information on the table, thinking carefully.

Wu Xingyun was next to him, looking at those things, and supplemented from time to time: "Yeah, new species can also emit electromagnetic interference, isn't it ... similar to yours?"

"The species of the local planet show signs of mutation. The main ingredient in the air is ... gram particles?" Ye Shoukong was lost in thought.

This scene is very similar to what happened on Earth two thousand years ago.

Is it coincidence or premeditated?

"Ye Fan, you see, they named this new species-Sarnagar! Remember when Uncle Luo said, what kind of white mist is it?" Wu Xingyun crooked his head and looked at the name. Although the text is different, the pronunciation is the same.

They glanced at each other and said in unison: "Saar ... Saar fog, Sarnagar?"

Ye Zhuangkong suddenly stood up and had determined his next direction. He also pulled Wu Xingyun up: "Go, let's ... go to occupy the federal archives! See what those scientists did to Sarnon The fog is defined! "