MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 40 Meet the Night Broken Sky

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Appearing in front of Wu Xingyun is endless darkness. There are many substances that have fallen into the black hole with him. They have a distorted shape. They are adsorbed extremely fast, faster than the speed of light. surface.

Wu Xingyun closed his eyes and knew that he would surely die. His only regret was that he was unable to talk to Ye Suikong before he died.

He felt his body being pulled, and even felt that his combat suit was being squeezed and broken.

He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything, and there was no space at all where this light didn't exist.

But it was very abrupt. A twisted channel appeared in front of his eyes, just like the thread on the conch. Here, he could even see that other substances around him were thrown out and squeezed. And he fell straight into this twisted channel.

Wu Xingyun lost consciousness and could not feel everything again.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt a pain in his body. He moved his limbs, only to find himself lying in a snow, almost naked, combat uniform, federal military uniform, compass, communication. Yi didn't know where he went.

Wu Xingyun felt very cold. He struggled to sit up and looked around.

It was surrounded by layers of snow, the sky was dark, and in a wasteland, some dark shadows were moving in the distance. He looked up, and there was a huge pale yellow star hanging from the sky in the dark sky.

where is this place? Wu Xingyun jumped **** the snow, his body was already very strong, and the training against the severe cold was a common subject of the ghost lock soldiers. Generally speaking, he could survive without any obstacles in the temperature of minus ten degrees.

But here, it looks like it's more than minus ten degrees.

Wu Xingyun jumped in place, driving away the cold a little, and the breath he exhaled quickly formed into a white ice mist.

It's so cold! This is Wu Xingyun's most intuitive feeling.

I'm not dead yet! This is Wu Xingyun's second thought.

What planet is this? This is Wu Xingyun's third idea.

After jumping for a while, he felt more comfortable, and naturally thought of survival.

This was not difficult for him. He looked around first, observed the surrounding environment, and simply searched around.

There are no traces of the existence of living people. The dark shadows in the distance seem to be natural species on this planet. They look particularly tall and strong. Extremely aggressive.

Wu Xingyun bypassed them far away, and in the snow-covered underground, he found something else.

It's a corpse.

It looks like he's wearing a uniform, cotton clothing and other cold protection equipment, and a very old antique rifle. However, there were no epaulets on the body's clothing, and they should not be members of the army.

According to the state of the corpse, it should have been dead no more than two days, and the frozen corpse did not have the characteristics after three or four days of freezing.

Wu Xingyun was frozen. He quickly took off the man's cold clothing and obtained some necessary equipment on the body.

There is a simple compass, but the compass is very backward. It is not used to indicate cosmic coordinates at all, it is just a magnetic needle.

There is a humble communication device. Wu Xingyun tried it and found that the communication range was very small and the signal transmission capability was very limited.

There is also a snow mirror with a very old style. Based on the text on these utensils, Wu Xingyun speculates that he should be on the site of the Nocturnal Army.

After putting on clothes, Wu Xingyun finally felt a little more comfortable. He took a few more sips of snow, checked the weapons he had obtained, and searched around again.

There are thirty-two such corpses, all dressed the same, and equipped with the same weapons.

Wu Xingyun judged that they were the night expedition based on the few words collected by some of their characteristics. But he never seemed to hear Ye Suikong talk about such a team.

But all this is not important. Wu Xingyun looked up at the sky. In the night sky, he could easily identify some stars. Soon, he found some iconic stars, and probably confirmed his location-on the site of the Nocturnal Army, close to the direction of the legendary earth.

Why did you come here? ?

Wu Xingyun didn't know. He couldn't answer these questions. His idea was simple. Find a living person, ask for specific coordinates, and then get the communication equipment.

After Wu Xingyun determined this square, he was a little confused. Who do I go to for communication equipment? Returning to the Federation, or looking for Night Break?

This is the sphere of influence of the night broken sky. Are you going to find him?

Wu Xingyun shook his head in his heart, but he also remembered the scene when the two were facing the nuclear explosion, Ye Shoukong clutched himself and refused to let go. He felt confused for a while.

But soon he threw these aside, don't think about it so much, find someone to talk about.

Wu Xingyun looked around. He didn't quite know which direction he should go from here. It looked white and blank all around and couldn't tell the direction at all.

He looked up again and saw the huge pale yellow planet in the sky. Soon, he judged that this was not a star, but a satellite close to himself. Because they are so close but not hot.

As for the light emitted, Wu Xingyun very easily speculated that this planet should have stars. Otherwise the satellite in the sky would not glow in the darkness.

In other words, it will not always be night, there will be day.

Wu Xingyun decided to take a rest in situ, waiting for observation during the day.

He rested in place for a short time and found that it was dawn. Wu Xingyun inserted the dagger on the equipment he searched into the ground to observe the relationship between his planet and the star.

And started to calculate.

Observing the location, as well as the distance of the stars and calculating the orbit, are the subjects of the federal elementary school students. These problems are very simple for Wu Xingyun.

Soon, he calculated the revolution and rotation period of the planet, and calculated the diameter of the planet based on shadows and trigonometric functions.

Wu Xingyun looked at the data and felt weird. These data are basically consistent with the data of human origin and earth in the textbook.

And-there is only one star during the day, but a moon at night.

Here, where is it? If it is the earth, does the history book say that the earth was destroyed after a large-scale nuclear explosion? How could it still look like signs of life?

Wu Xingyun was suspicious, carrying an old-style rifle toward the calculated place where there might be human gathering points.

As he passed by the giant creatures two people tall, those giant creatures tried to attack him.

But Wu Xingyun shot their eyes very easily, and was even able to eat their flesh. The flesh was very delicious, but the fur of those beasts was not easy to peel off.

Wu Xingyun stripped an animal leash in his backpack, which he could use underneath while sleeping.

He moved forward during the day and rested at night. He encountered many strong creatures on the way, and from time to time he encountered some human bodies.

Those people's costumes are the same as those he first discovered, but the clothes on those people have epaulets. It seems that there are military ranks, but those ranks are not the same as those of the Federation and the Nocturnal Army. Wu Xingyun thought that the corpses should be soldiers, but also felt that if they were really soldiers, they should not have died on such a large scale, and ... the equipment was too poor. The species on this planet can be said to be dangerous. Equipping soldiers with such weapons and equipment to allow them to survive on this planet is tantamount to letting them die.

And Wu Xingyun found that the physical condition of these soldiers was not very qualified.

Not to mention the ordinary soldiers of the Nocturne, not even the ordinary soldiers of the Federation. To confirm this, Wu Xingyun even dissected a dead body and removed the internal organs.

The heart is smaller than the average person's heart, and the organs are not well developed. They are not so much like soldiers as they are like un-evolved humans.

Wu Xingyun felt that everything was strange around him. After ten days, he finally found something similar to a man-made highway, but the construction of this road was even more backward and very weak. So hardly unexpected, it was severely damaged.

Wu Xingyun frowned. He scratched his head and walked along the highway.

On the way, more corpses were seen. There were men and women. Those people should be ordinary people and did not wear uniforms, but the clothing style was very old.

Wu Xingyun searched for an altitude tester in these bodies and found that he was at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters.

It's just that this altitude tester doesn't mark anything as a benchmark, so Wu Xingyun still feels confused.

What he can only determine is that on the site of the Nocturnal Army, near the coordinates of the earth, some **** death occurred on a planet similar to the earth.

On this way, Wu Xingyun has not seen half a living person. He has found some books in these corpses, all written in the language of the Night Demon Army, and it is very esoteric. Wu Xingyun basically does not understand and speculates that What comes out.

He planned to walk to a decent city and then discover more information there.

This day is the fifteenth day of his arrival on this strange planet.

In these fifteen days, he determined one more thing, that is, the star on his head was somehow covered by something, and then the whole world fell into darkness. But stars will reappear after a while.

In this case, he guessed that there is some kind of celestial body around the star, which does not meet the description of the earth.

This is not the earth, but I have never heard of such a place? He couldn't find a living person, and the questions in his heart were not answered at all.

That night, Wu Xingyun walked down a high mountain road, and snow fell from the sky. Before the stars disappeared, the stars were covered.

It was dim all around, and the snow was blown across by the wind, and those snows seemed to be able to smash people to death!

Wu Xingyun was only able to pull his hat and occasionally raised his hand to wipe off the snow on his face.

The Panshan Highway was narrowly built, less than 50 meters. The road is also very bad, with cliffs on one side and cliffs on the other. Wu Xingyun estimates that the cliffs are at least a hundred meters deep.

Occasionally there were some lonely dead trees by the roadside, and those dead tree branches tangled into clumps, which looked a little scary.

call! Wu Xingyun saw that there was light on the other side of the road. He thought it was another beast, and hurried to avoid it, but when the light was near, he saw an old-fashioned car. He would often see it in the nightly empty place That style.

Wu Xingyun knew that there must be a living person. He stood at the side of the road and waved at the car, but the car suddenly rushed over without stopping.

Wu Xingyun was not frustrated, at least he saw the transportation. This shows that he went in the right direction.

He continued to walk, the snow was even more violent, and the wind echoed in the valley, making a whining sound. Wu Xingyun's body was covered with snow, and the snow on the ground was very thick, and he could not reach his ankle with each step. He was going to walk for a while to find a place to rest, but at this moment a subtle voice came to his ears.

It seems that it is the sound of crying.

The sound was mixed in the blizzard and could not be heard without careful listening.

Wu Xingyun's heart was excited, and finally met a living person! He ran towards the crying place, but saw a person squatting on the ground, his arms around his shoulders, shaking. The cry should be from this person.

Looking from behind alone, that person should not be too old, at most only seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing very little on his body, only a shirt, his coat was torn, and the area covered with snow. His cries were sobbing, with fear in the middle, and he seemed to have encountered some difficulties.

And in such a cold day, wearing only a shirt is expected to freeze.

Wu Xingyun didn't dare to lean forward. He shouted at the person at about five meters: "Hey, hello! Can you hear me?"

The person squatting on the ground turned back, and it was dark, Wu Xingyun couldn't see the person's face, but from the outline, it seemed very young, probably only seventeen or eighteen years old, and was an older child.

The man turned back and looked at Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun touched his face and patted the snow on him. Unexpectedly, the boy suddenly stood up and rushed towards Wu Xingyun with open arms.

Wu Xingyun flashed, and the boy fell to the ground, but immediately he got up and pulled Wu Xingyun's trousers tightly, crying and laughing again: "Uncle of the PLA, you are the PLA! I finally waited for you! Wow ... I'm so scared ... my parents were killed ... I don't want to die ... "

The teenager was very excited, trembling, coughing, and tears on his face were still laughing.

When Wu Xingyun saw that he was not malicious, he crouched down. The teenager immediately hugged Wu Xingyun tightly. The teenager's arm was extremely strong, and the whole person was in an abnormal state of excitement. Obviously, something happened on this planet, the parents of the teenager were killed, and the teenager who had never seen anything was probably frightened.

But-what is the uncle of the PLA? Wu Xingyun was a little dissatisfied, let alone say that he had never heard of this title. Just say that he is only 23 years old this year! Uncle, I do n’t dare to be.

But he is not good at correcting this boy's words now. He just feels that this boy's body is cold and trembling all over, so he stretches out his hand and holds him gently, pats him on the back to show comfort, and speaks. His voice was also very gentle: "It's okay, don't be afraid! What the **** happened? Where is this?"

The young man shook his head blankly, and pulled tightly on Wu Xingyun's sleeve. After a while, it seemed a little bad, so he let go again, wiped off the tears on his face, and cried for a while, and even couldn't say a word.

Wu Xingyun watched that the boy was very cold, so he took the previously peeled beast skin from his backpack, put it on the boy, took out his divided beast meat, and gave the boy a bite.

The boy crouched on the side of the road, gorging against the cliff, his teeth bitten by the frozen meat.

Soon, the young man ate his meat. He licked his lips, his mood seemed to calm down, and then he said, "Uncle of the PLA ... Ah no ... Bing." The young man was talking about Wu Xingyun while talking, dark It wasn't clear at all. I could only see that the other side was a young soldier, a few years older than himself, so he changed his mind immediately. And he also saw clearly that this is not a big PLA army, but just a soldier, it seems to be behind.

"My name is Ye Fan. I just graduated from high school this year ... I ... Bingge, don't you leave me?" The boy's voice asked with a hint, "I will do a lot of things ... I will not drag you down ... Don't leave me ... "

Wu Xingyun didn't say anything. He didn't know what was going on here. When he was about to ask the boy, another car suddenly passed by the road.

Wu Xingyun's eyes were so fast that he pulled the boy standing on the side of the road behind him. With the light, he looked at the boy's face.

Then, very abruptly, the familiar face appeared in front of Wu Xingyun.

It's Ye Yekuan's face.

Or it is not so sure to say this, it should be said that it was the face he had seen in Ye Suikong's youth, with his immature, and frightened. But he couldn't be wrong, it was him!

An extremely ridiculous idea got into Wu Xingyun's head. He didn't reflect it for a long time. Only when the tire of the small passenger car slipped and got mixed under the mountain, he woke up.

Wu Xingyun turned his head, staring at the young version of Ye Shuikong in front of him, and asked, "You just said, what's your name-what?"

"Ye Fan" answered the boy.

However, Wu Xingyun immediately remembered that it seemed that when he broke into the Commonwealth in the night and bumped into Wen Nuo, he introduced himself and said, "My name is Ye Fan."

Is this a coincidence? Wu Xingyun was in a mess, and he settled down: "What time is it today? Where is this?"

Ye Fan took a careful look at the soldier in front of him. He was afraid of being dropped, so he snatched Wu Xingyun's clothing corner and said, "It's July 20. Here ... I don't know where this is, probably It ’s at the border between Tibet and Sichuan ... Bing, are you lost? "

Wu Xingyun felt as if he was struck by a sledgehammer. He stared blankly at Ye Fan in front of him. After a long time, he connected the whole thing together.

The star exploded, fell into a black hole, crossed a wormhole, and came to a strange environment ...

In simple terms, it is-I crossed it, from the July 2015 of the Milky Way calendar, to the earth 2000 years ago. In the location-Wu Xingyun thought for a while, then remembered that Ye Suikong had taught him the map of China, which is located in the northwestern plateau of China.

Wu Xingyun looked at Ye Fan in front of him, his eyes moved slowly, and finally he stayed in the extra hand in his corner.

It was Ye Fan's hand, and his hand was still scratching.

Ye Fan followed Wu Xingyun's eyes and looked at his hand. He was a little embarrassed and a little bit reluctant, but he let go of Wu Xingyun's kick in time.

"Don't ... don't get me wrong ... I just ... I'm not quite used to the eschatology that comes suddenly. I won't be like this in the future, I promise ... I will never make you trouble." Ye Fan explained cautiously, even At the end, he pretended to smile easily.

Wu Xingyun knew that Ye Fan was very afraid of leaving him, so he secretly seized his clothing corner. He also knew that it was a subconscious response made by the other party after being frightened. He doesn't blame Ye Fan, he just feels hesitant.

Because the whole thing is really ridiculous! And the most ridiculous thing is that in front of this big boy crouching on the ground in a snowstorm and crying helplessly, he begged himself not to abandon his Ye Fan, that is, the night demon who made the entire galaxy dread the horror of the galaxy in the future!