MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 29 Return

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When Wu Xingyun pushed open the door of the small building again, he found that the lights on the third floor were still on. He came to the door of the utility room again and saw Ye Suikong alone in the room. Liu Meng was long gone.

Ye Likong's eyelids still did not lift up: "What do you run over again? I have sent your things to the base, there is no place for you to sleep."

Wu Xingyun was very upset in his heart, but he would not quarrel with others. He just said calmly, "I really have something to tell you this time."

Ye Xingkong ignored Wu Xingyun and was still just painting.

Wu Xingyun took the first two steps and covered the canvas with his hand: "You, what's the matter, just listen to me for two minutes, is it difficult?"

As he said, he slightly hooked his head and looked towards the canvas.

Then he saw a soldier who looked exactly like himself, with a bright smile, smiling at himself.

Wu Xingyun never expected that Ye Suikong was very busy, just painting himself here. While he was still staring, Ye Suikong became angry: "Go! Don't disturb me!"

Wu Xingyun hurriedly retracted his hand, only to find that his hand was stained with oil paint, and the blockage he had just made messed up the painting of the broken night sky.

Ye Sukong's face was iron-blue, he looked up, and two eyes shot on Wu Xingyun like sharp blades.

Wu Xingyun was stunned. He paused in his heart for a while before reflecting that it wasn't himself who painted the night broken sky, but the former lover who looked exactly like himself.

"Go out, I said that, I don't want to see you!" Ye Suikong stood up, trying to get Wu Xingyun out, but didn't want Wu Xingyun to dodge himself, but escaped.

The night broken sky was a little surprised, and Wu Xingyun himself couldn't believe it.

The disparity between the two's strengths can be described as vastly different. How could they escape at this moment?

Ye Shoukong's face became even more ugly. His complexion was blue, and the light was right behind him. He was backlit, in black, with open black hair, and there was an air of killing all over him. That was the blood of millions. Only then will the meaning of killing pile up.

He approached Wu Xingyun one step: "You broke my stuff!"

Wu Xingyun has never faced such a broken night sky. The gentle and patient night broken sky seemed to disappear at this instant, and turned into the legendary demon. Wu Xingyun was a little scared in his heart. He stepped back unconsciously. In one step, because of my panic, I ran into the drawing board of the night broken sky, the drawing board fell from the easel, and the oil paint on the palette completely destroyed the canvas. This is not enough. Wu Xingyun stepped on it because he was not stable.

The voice of the night broken sky with a depressed anger: "You ruined my stuff!"

Wu Xingyun looked up at the man in front of him. The man was taller than him. At this time, he was even more condescending. Wu Xingyun was completely covered by the man's shadow.

Wu Xingyun whispered: "Broken, then painting is ... Anyway ... you have more time ..."

Ye Bro looked at Wu Xingyun coldly.

"He has been dead for thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with me, don't spit on me ..." Wu Xingyun whispered, and then his voice increased a bit, "And, it doesn't have to be so important. "

Before his words fell, the whole person was lifted up by Ye Shoukong holding his collar. Ye Shoukong's eyes glowed scarlet, almost gritted: "I warn you, don't challenge my bottom line!"

Wu Xingyun's hands opened and squeezed the strength of his neck, he felt a choking, and after exhaling, he finally felt a little more comfortable. The depression and the dissatisfaction with the night sky at this time have Faint outbreak. He glanced at Ye Shuikong in disapproval, but did not speak again.

Ye broken sky stared at him like this, the wind rushed out of the window, and the white curtains in the room were blown around, like a chanting spirit.

The two men maintained this posture for a long time. In the eyes of Ye Suikong, the anger and coldness disappeared. Unexpectedly, the Ye Suikong slowly mentioned the Wu Xingyun Fang in mid-air. On the ground, the hands loosened each other's neck, but rubbed repeatedly on it.

Wu Xingyun felt uncomfortable for a while, and then he was overwhelmed by the wall in the room, and the kiss from the other side hit hard.

Wu Xingyun's discomfort turned into anger. He unceremoniously gave Ye Shoukong a punch, but this punch was useless, but his hands were trapped by the opponent.

Ye Shoukong used an absolutely tough posture to pry open Wu Xingyun's teeth, siege the city slightly, and demand nothing.

Wu Xingyun raised his knees, and used his best strength to push the man's weakest point fiercely, and the other party finally let it go.

"Night broken sky, you shameless thing!" Wu Xingyun finally broke out, he wiped his lips with his sleeves fiercely, and some words had been in the mind for a long time and could no longer hold back.

"What would you do other than forcing people?" Wu Xingyun yelled, "Don't be as affectionate as you are, if you really can't forget that person, go and do something with other people!"

Ye Xingkong was kicked by Wu Xingyun just now, and felt a pain in his lower body, almost choking and speechless. He fell to the ground with cold sweat all over his head.

"I can only ... blame you ... grow like this!" Ye Sukong's voice was filled with painful air conditioning, "I can only blame you ..."

Wu Xingyun stared at the broken night sky. He had no sympathy for the man who was sweating on his forehead and fell on the ground, but felt a sense of happiness: "Ou Yangliu also looks like this? Liu Meng also looks like this?" I ca n’t forget the old lover, but I do n’t have the self-control, and I want to use my strength ... what do you think I am? I really regret it, I really regret it until now I can see your true face! I should n’t have saved it at first You should die with you! "

After Wu Xingyun yelled out what he wanted to say, he felt extremely relaxed. He turned and walked out. When he came to the door, a black shadow leaped from the ground and stopped him.

Ye Yekong's voice also carried anger: "What did you mean by those words? You say clearly, otherwise I will kill you!"

Wu Xingyun looked up slightly, his expression was stubborn, his eyes were black and white, there were no traces of impurities, his lips were tightly clenched, and his fists were held together. At this moment, his heart was filled with anger for the first time, and he even forgot The mission to return home.

"What you have done by yourself should be the clearest. I feel sick when I see you like this!" Wu Xingyun said clearly. "Why did you not think of the past when you hugged with Ouyang Liuyu? With Liu Meng Why don't you think about the past when you are together? Everything is just your shameless excuse! "

At this moment, Ye broken sky's face rose purple, and the blue tendons on his forehead were jumping abruptly. There was a dark red light flow around him, and even crackling sounds could be heard in the air. The room The lamp in the middle burst at this moment, and there was darkness all around, and there was only a man with a dark red electric light on his body.

Wu Xingyun took a step back slightly, he was a little annoyed why he did not come over in combat clothes, and he quickly recalled the information about the broken Yeye that he had seen, which was the precursor of his outbreak.

Nocturnal sky is on the battlefield. The most terrible move is the current situation. The dark red electric light will repeatedly gather. Finally, a gamma ray burst that is enough to kill a light year is enough to destroy everything.

The dark red light flowed for a long time, Wu Xingyun heard noisy footsteps rushing in the distance, and the anger of the night broken sky increased one time at a time. With the crackling sound, a loud bang, the small building collapsed. .

Wu Xingyun felt a sharp drop in his body, he protected his head, and then fell to the ground along with the planks of cement. The smoke from the collapse of the building fell into Wu Xingyun's lungs. Wu Xingyun only felt that his body was hurt and his lungs were uncomfortable. He coughed violently.

When the dust was gone, Wu Xingyun looked around and found that there were mutants all around. Those mutants looked terrified and looked at the night broken sky together.

Still others murmured nervously.

"what's going on?"

"Who offended the night?"

"Night, calm down! Calm down!" Someone shouted at Ye Suikong, but Ye Suikong seemed to be deaf, and his eyes had become blood red, staring at Wu Xingyun rising from the ruins.

Ye Shuangkong was surrounded by dark red light. His black robe and black hair floated in the air, his expression was terrifying and scary.

The mutants were already standing around them, and they all looked at the Wu Xingyun and the night broken sky in horror at the center of the storm. They wanted to stop but didn't dare to step forward.

"Night!" Liu Meng in white rushed out of the crowd, separated between the night broken sky and Wu Xingyun, and his skin became almost transparent for a moment near the dark red light source.

Liu Meng stood in front of Wu Xingyun: "Night, do you want to kill us all? Stop! Do you want to kill me together?"

Ye Shoukong's head slowly looked at Liu Meng, his voice was extremely cold: "You leave!"

Liu Meng opened his arms in front of Wu Xingyun, his voice was firm: "If you want to kill people here, kill me first! I will be the first!"

"How hard did it take us to find this star, and how long did it take to build this city? At night, just to quarrel with a federal dog thing, would you ruin it all?"

"Night, calm down!‘ He ’will be sad to see you like this!”

Liu Meng hissed and trembled, and he knelt almost in front of Ye Sukong, begging humblely.

Ye Shoukong looked down at the partner half-kneeling in front of him, and felt a irritability in his chest, but gradually, the scarlet in his eyes gradually decreased, the dark red light around him dimmed, and the current no longer appeared.

In the end, Ye Shuikong returned to normal. He didn't speak, just pursed his lips tightly and looked at the ruins around him.

Just now Wu Xingyun's remarks hurt his heart. He never felt such anger. At that moment, he even wanted to kill the person in front of him, to end all this and destroy everything.

But now, when he sees the friends around him, he gradually calms down, and his inner sorrow cannot be added.

He waved his hand, his voice tired and cold: "It's all gone, I'm fine."

The mutants looked at each other, and then whispered separately, and only Liu Meng remained in place.

Ye Shoukong looked up at the sky slightly, he took a deep breath, and felt calm down before looking at Wu Xingyun: "Go, go back to your federation! I don't want you anymore."

Wu Xingyun stared at Ye Suikong, just now, he already knew clearly what the result of angering Ye Suikong was. Although he still felt a little anger in his heart, he didn't dare to talk any more.

Now, when he heard Ye Suikong speak the final verdict, he felt a little sadness in his heart.

Wu Xingyun picked up his hat buried in the rubble, patted the ash on it, and brought it on his head: "I'm coming to you, is ... the federal trial called me back to testify, I hope you can agree with me Go back. As for the words just now, if I hurt you, I can only say I'm sorry. "

After saying this, Wu Xingyun saluted toward Ye Shoukong, waiting quietly in place.

Ye Shuikong turned around and did not go to see Wu Xingyun again: "Get out!"

Wu Xingyun turned around and walked towards the base. His back disappeared on the distant path. After Ye Xingkong left Wu Xingyun, he turned his head and looked at the back of that person.

The soldiers walked in a standard posture, and the back was a bit immature and awkward. The street lights on both sides illuminate the people on the road, and Ye Sukong thought of the other party's previous words. At this moment, he felt a pain.

Liu Meng stood next to Ye Suikong, watching the back of Wu Xingyun. After a while, he asked, "Why are you angry?"

Night broken sky does not speak.

Liu Meng asked, "Few people have been able to irritate you over the years ... are you ... in love with him?"

Night broken sky still do not speak.

Liu Meng was also silent, and the two stood there as they were until they saw a distant light shining straight into the sky, which was that Wu Xingyun had left the spacecraft.

Liu Meng said, "Whether Wu Xingyun is gone, he is so much like that person ... I don't want to see you empathize and fall in love with someone else."

Ye Shoukong sighed lowly: "I ... I'm confused, I don't know what to do ... When I feel that I have betrayed him and I seem to like someone else, I don't Be able to forgive myself. "

Liu Meng reached out and patted Ye Shoukong's shoulder, his voice was soft: "Wu Xingyun is gone, everything will be better, everything will be the same as before."

"Perhaps ..." Ye Brokong's voice was low, and he stood alone in the ruins, looking up at the spaceship that rushed to the sky. He felt an emptiness and loss in his heart like never before.

For thousands of years, he has been used to this life, but the appearance of Wu Xingyun has made his life a mess.

At first he wanted to forget the past and start again. But when Liu Meng's doubts appeared, Ye Suikong found that he could not forget the past.

He felt that his current behavior was infidelity to his beloved, and betrayal.

So he started to neglect Wu Xingyun, even to say that he deliberately made things difficult for him. He didn't want to get deeper and deeper, because whenever he hearted against Wu Xingyun, he would blame a little more.

But now, when Wu Xingyun also left, Ye Suikong felt that he had fallen into an unprecedented confusion.

He felt that his heart had been occupied by something, but he could not forgive him for falling in love with someone else, he could not forgive that he would forget the lover who died, and he could not forgive him. Wu Xingyun was a soldier of the Federation.

He never thought that he would one day betray someone he once loved.

He didn't even think about it. When Wu Xingyun was not on the night of Yuan Xing this night, he would even start to miss him.

Nocturnal Sky didn't need any sleep at all, and now it is even impossible to fall asleep. He stands on the top of the crater and looks at the base where Wu Xingyun lives often.

Maybe he won't come back after he left ...

Ye broken in the hollow thinking.

But when he realized this, he felt a dull pain in his heart. He closed his eyes slightly, and the words and deeds of the man appeared in front of him. The dark-skinned soldier was a little stupid and had his own attachment. Sometimes he looked at himself with black and white eyes, and sometimes he was angry. When he laughed, Ye Sui Kong felt that his surroundings were full of sunlight, and when he was sad, Ye Sui Kong felt a distress.

Is this love? Ye broken sky shook his head. He didn't know that he even often could not distinguish the difference between Ye broken sky and the old lover. Even when those two traveled around the source star, he felt that the lover had never left the ordinary.

But now, when he looks up at the night sky, everything is gone.

Either the deceased lover, or this exciting Wu Xingyun, left. He is still the lonely night demon, a night demon who has never lived in the sun.