MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 102 Temple Survival

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Ye broken sky slowly said: "What is the Dark Temple Samurai? Why would your door treat my boyfriend as a Dark Temple Samurai?"

When Ye broken sky asked these words, the shaman's eyes suddenly darkened, and his face showed a painful expression.

"That's ... our ... scar." Instead of continuing to explain, the shaman switched to another topic: "If you really want to know everything so much, then establish a spiritual link with us, then you will You can truly be one of us. I know and think, and you know; and you know and think, I will understand. "

Ye broken sky has heard the word "spiritual link" countless times, and even some Salnaga people can cut off their spiritual link.

Ye Suikong is not quite sure what to do. He still has too much to learn, but more and more in-depth things, the shaman said that he could not express in words. He was also a little worried about Wu Xingyun. At this temple, he felt that the atmosphere around him was not very good.

The shaman reached out to him: "So, are you ready to return? Enter the body of God, connect your spirit and God, and you will love us."

Ye broken sky slowly stood up: "I haven't figured it out yet, I need to think about it."

The shaman smiled slightly, and walked slowly towards the night broken sky, his voice became extremely soft, with sincerity in his eyes: "It doesn't matter, I ... I'm willing to think for you in the way you like."

Ye Shoukong has a headache. His impression of the shaman is not bad. The other person always asks for xxoo. Can it be said that it is a difference in thinking between species?

Ye Suikong decided to try to communicate with him in a human way: "I have a spouse! I also love him very much, and I will not associate with anyone other than him."

The shaman didn't take it seriously: "Your spouse is me! As for the one you said ... no matter what your relationship with him was before, but now he is just an ant, and it doesn't matter." He said, taking a step forward. .

Ye broken sky leaned slightly to the side: "Do you know what love is?"

"Understand! But only between me and you can produce love!" There is a little dissatisfaction in the shaman's voice, and he has taken care of this new emotion, and also considers that he was not a Salnaga before, But what is the reason for being unwilling to combine with yourself? !!

"If you want to unite with others or betray me, then no matter you or your so-called lover, there will be ... only death! Thorough death!" The shaman's voice was full of killing breath, "Those who betray us Sarnagar are dead!"

The shaman stared at Ye Shuikong's eyes, as if trying to see the thoughts in his heart.

But he could only see each other's quiet eyes, he didn't understand what he was thinking.

"In the temple, you shouldn't waste so much time!" Said the shaman. "Or, you jump into the body of God and link our spirit with us! Or ... you combine with me. If you don't have anything Be willing to do it, that is blasphemy against God! "

Ye Brokong's knees were slightly bent, and he was ready to fight.

But he didn't expect that the shaman's voice softened suddenly. He slowly kneeled in front of Ye Sukong, and opened his shirt slightly. The sound was soft and clear like water: "Maybe you are not used to me Higher levels of union, then we can start with the simplest physical union. "

The clothes slipped along his body, and the perfect figure was displayed in front of Ye Suikong. His skin was smooth and white like jade, and the corners of his eyebrows brought the charm that made Ye Suikong feel his heartbeat speed up.

Ye Sukong's eyes couldn't help sliding down Shaman's chest, and there was no sign of a man on his lower body.

The shaman smiled slightly: "We have only one gender, everything is up to your preferences, use your way." With that said, the shaman slowly turned around, tilted his hips up, full and strong hips, Perfectly slender thighs, as well as a strong **** taste between the legs.

Ye Shoukong took a step back. He felt that if the shaman continued this way, he said that he could not only turn his face with him, although now is not a good time to turn his face.

Shaman turned his head slightly, and looked at Ye Suikong and smiled slightly: "I feel that your body is heating up, your heartbeat is accelerating ... So, what are you waiting for?" He walked towards Ye Suikong, Pulling up his arm, he put his palm to his waist, put it to the ears of the night broken sky, with a charming voice, whispered, "Hand, just a little further down, you can, Touch what you want to touch ... "

Ye Shoukong suddenly tightened his arms, pulled Shaman to his chest, and hooped tightly in his arms.

The shaman was a little worried: "I ... although I know it, I haven't done it ... can you ... wait a little while?"

Ye Shoukong smiled slightly, the other hand suddenly reversed, and his body was slightly sideways, and a catcher locked the shaman's arms tightly.

The shaman didn't resist, he thought it was the customary way before Ye Suikong mated, although he felt the other side was a little rude.

But the next moment, he heard an extremely low, threatening, yet unquestionable voice, ringing in his ear: "How to cut off the spiritual connection?"

The shaman turned around and looked at Ye Suikong in puzzlement: "You ..." But he only said a word and found that things were not good.

At the back of the spine of the shaman, the source of spiritual power was pinched by Ye Shoukong.

Ye Suikong knows his weaknesses very well. When he was practicing, the booklet said, don't let anyone touch here. Here is the only weakness.

Except for Wu Xingyun, Ye Shoukong never let anyone touch the place in the back of his head.

Now, after listening to so many things about Sarnagar, even after being regarded as the light elder of Sarnagar, Yezhuangkong has half the confidence that the shaman in front of him is exactly the same as his weakness.

Originally, he didn't want to take such risks, but things have evolved into a situation beyond his control.

Either connect your spirit with the Sarnagar god, or XXOO with the person in front of you.

Regardless of which option, Ye Shoukong cannot tolerate.

He only took the risk and asked what he wanted to know most-how could he be cut off if his neurons were forcibly connected together in case of misfortune.

Seeing Shaman's face full of puzzlement, panic, doubt, and confused expression, Ye broken sky reiterated his words again, and he whispered, "How to cut off the nerve link?"

The shaman suddenly responded, he cried in horror, and sent out a chaotic mental power expression: "No ... no ... don't cut off my spiritual link, don't ... please, don't ..."

Ye Shoukong slammed his hands suddenly, and the shaman screamed, his body glowed with white light, his whole body was convulsing, and he suffered great pain. His body was dehydrated, and quickly withered, almost becoming a person. , And then fell into a coma.

At this moment, two other doors suddenly opened, and four other bright elders came out, panicking: "What happened? Why was the shaman's spiritual connection cut off?"

As they asked, they used spiritual communication, and the light from their bodies illuminated the whole temple.

At the moment Shaman fell into the coma, Shaman did not hesitate to hide in the gap of the central beam of light, and no one found him.

He saw the shaman fall to the ground with his own eyes, the light dispersed from him, circled in the air, and returned to him again.

The dry and dehydrated body gradually recovered again, and the shaman stood up from the ground with a pained expression on his face, using his own words to explain what had happened to the four elders who had been kicked out.

"My spiritual connection was cut off ..." The shaman pointedly wanted to express this meaning, but the Salnaga people have always communicated by thinking, never using language to communicate.

Even when the night broken sky understood the meaning of the shaman, the four elders could not understand.

"That man, that man is not our people at all! He is our enemy!" The shaman gestured, trying to accuse Ye Shuikong.

But the other four elders didn't understand what the shaman was talking about, and they looked blank in dark colors.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that the shaman who was cut off from the spiritual link realized that there was another way to communicate ...

He told the four elders the whole thing in the language of humans he just learned: "He is the elder of light, my spouse! He actually murdered me, cut off my spiritual link, and I can never communicate with God again ... it's more uncomfortable for me than to die! "

The four elders were shocked and said, "What? Ye Zaikong did it? Why did he do it?"

The shaman was shocked, and he suddenly remembered what Yeye said.

"I have a spouse. I love him so much. I won't associate with anyone except him!"

"He is my boyfriend. I don't allow anyone to hurt him!"

"Do you know what love is?"

When the shaman suddenly understood, his body made a crackling sound, and his chest was full of anger.

His voice snarled with anger: "That **** ant! Whether he is a dark temple warrior or an insignificant ant! Go to death! Ye Shoukong and him, go to death !!"

The shaman rushed out of the temple and ran towards Wu Xingyun's imprisoned direction.

The four elders looked at each other behind him and waited for about ten seconds before they could react. The shaman who had been cut off from the spiritual link by the bad guys was going to do it.

"Come on! Seize the shaman!" An elder communicated with his companion in spirit.

"What is it to grab him?" The other asked.

"He has been cut off from spiritual links, then ... whether he wants it or not, he has betrayed God!"

"Sarnaga, the betrayal of God, is only dead!"

"Catch him, kill him before God!"

"To sacrifice his spirit to God is the best thing we can do to him!"

The elders only blinked at each other, and they didn't move their lips at all, and they completed the communication. They slowly walked out of the temple without having to chase by themselves. They only needed to launch their spiritual power to summon all the samurai here.

Before the shaman ran to the place where Wu Xingyun was imprisoned, he was surrounded by countless priest sword fighters.

"Kill! For God! Kill him!" Duodao warrior is as brave as ever, never afraid of death, full of combat power.

The belief of each of them has penetrated into the soul, becoming their blood, flowing in every blood vessel of their whole body.

The shaman initially tried to order these soldiers with his own mental power, but when he found that he had been cut off from the spiritual link and could not issue orders to these soldiers, a pain deep into the bone marrow made him tremble.

The next second, when a dagger sword attacked him, he suddenly understood what was happening.

Whether it is voluntary or forced, as long as the spiritual link is cut off, it means that God has been abandoned.

Means, fallen into the deepest abyss.

Means—Sarnaga's traitors will be deported, forever wandering on the edge of the universe.

The shaman yelled in pain. His energy was still there, but his spirit had been cut off. He suddenly soared in the air and raised his hands high, releasing a wave of radiation energy to kill those attempts. Come and chase your Tudor soldier.

"He is going to run away!" An elder standing outside the temple communicated with the other elders with spiritual strength.

"You can't let him escape!" Said another.

"He must return ... the embrace of God! Even the spirit of betrayal."

But at this time, the beam of light in the center of the temple suddenly emitted a huge light, and the rapid screams rang through the sky.

"No! Here comes the Dark Temple warrior!" One elder blinked at the other.

"Those miscellaneous! Attack when we lose a bright elder! It must be intentional!"

"Traitors, those who have betrayed God, must not die!"

Several elders slowly rise, and in the air, they are twined, forming two huge light spheres, which illuminate the entire territory of Sarnagar.

"Go ... clear those traitors! Burn out them with the power and burning of God!"

And all this, Ye broken sky knew nothing at all. He was hiding in the gap between the beam of light and the slate. When the four elders left the temple and stood on the steps outside, Ye broken sky also ran out in time. He was not the opponent of the four elders. He was going to sneak away to look for Wu Xingyun, but at that moment, the beam of light seemed to detect any alarm, suddenly rose, and shrouded the night broken body, and Entangled in a beam of light.

At this moment, at the last moment when he was still able to think freely, Ye Suikong suddenly remembered the sentence that the shaman said: "This is God, enter the body of God, listen to the wisdom of God, and understand ... Everything about us! You will build spiritual links with us, you will be one of us! "

It was only a moment, and the moment the night broken sky was drawn into the beam of light, he understood ...

What is spiritual link, what is Sarnagar, what is Dark Temple.

Even more than that, he understood more, everything about Sarnagar. And ... from here, you can see what terrible things humans are facing.

This race has no pity, no love, no emotion.

All but themselves are ants.

They were born in the distant Andromeda galaxy, and the determination of immigration was indestructible.

The tens of thousands of light knife warriors here, the four bright elders, are just the vanguard of immigrants.

And in the Andromeda galaxy, a large number of Sarnagar people, as well as more high-tech battleships, spacecraft, machinery and equipment, are all ready to go.

It is better to say that it is to prepare for immigration-it has been prepared for tens of thousands of years, and the invasion of the Milky Way has just begun.

With a blink of an eye, the night breaking sky was ejected by a huge beam of light.

He went in for a short time, but ten seconds, but he felt like he had lived in it all his life.

Suddenly, his brain flooded with too many memories and things, and he felt a faint sensation.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt a brand new feeling, that is-the joy, the safety, and the warmth of spiritual connection.

He can feel the care and warmth from billions, and he can feel the quiet and clear.

God ...

This is the feeling that Ye Suikong sent from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he knew that the spiritual link he had never used was already connected with all the Salnaga people.

In Sarnagar's parlance, that is-he has become a true Sarnagar, and he is also a light elder with the highest status.

As long as he is willing, he can survive in this race forever, live a life hundreds of times better than he had before ... with countless people and harvest endless faith.

And-find a bright elder and experience the true union.

This is what God feels ...

It is also the happiness and well-being that God has.