MTL - Deep Sea Embers-Chapter 62 staggered overlap

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It is very likely that the bottom of the Homeless has been sailing in the warp - this shocking information made Duncan's mood suddenly become very subtle.

He'd always known that Homeless was weird and dangerous, but he never thought the ship would be so weird - he didn't know much about the Warp, and his expertise might not even be comparable to Nina's history Teacher, but at least he also knows that the warp is the most dangerous thing in the world. It is the "bottom of all things" that can keep the saints up at night and make the gods deeply fear. That thing is so terrifying, So much so that some superstitious sailors didn't even dare to say the word "warp" out loud on the ship that was about to set sail.

Even if the Warp isn't a sensible deity who doesn't look at it just because it's called by its name, people are so afraid to mention the word at sea.

But Homeless, this ghost ship that has been wandering for a century, part of it may have been sailing in the warp, and even... its bottom has a door leading to the warp.

The dim and dilapidated cabin opposite the door may be the structure on the Homeless that has been completely occupied and eroded by the warp - and that door is a seal.

Duncan lowered his head subconsciously and looked at the dark deck under his feet. His eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of wood to see the broken cabin and the chaotic light and shadow outside the cabin.

He suddenly felt as if he was standing on a lit powder keg - the little gap in the door opening was the lead of the powder keg, and he didn't know how long it was.

But after a brief period of consternation and tension, Duncan gradually reacted again: the performance of the goat head seemed to reveal another level of intelligence.

According to the look of panic it showed after hearing Alice's words, it seemed that as long as "Captain Duncan" peeped through the crack of the door into the warp, something terrible would definitely happen after that.

Until now, the goat head is still in the captain's room to repeatedly confirm to Alice the captain's mental state after that, to confirm whether the captain said anything on the way back, whether there was any abnormal sound, and whether there was any unusual shadow. .

But Duncan is very aware of his state, he knows that he is all right now.

The "phantom" that appeared behind the door really made him panic for a while, and he did have a brief thought about whether to open the door - but all of this was just a change in the purely psychological level. During this process, he did not feel the influence of... "supernatural power".

The flash of thought passed away, and he didn't feel that the door had any long-term impact on him.

Duncan lowered his head, looked at his hands, and confirmed over and over again in his heart—

Here, his name is Duncan Abnomar, captain of the Lost Country.

In another time and space, his name is Zhou Ming, an ordinary middle school teacher, trapped in a foggy bachelor apartment.

Maybe... is the goat head over-stressed? It was just a crack in the door, not an open subspace passage.

The Homeless swayed slightly in the waves, the masts and cables creaked, and the translucent spirit sails were still a little unstable, showing the nervousness and... "dereliction of duty" of the controller behind it.

Duncan raised his head and glanced at the sails, suddenly calmed down, and said in a deep voice in the back of his mind, "First mate, take control of your rudder and control the sails."

"Ship... Captain?" Goat Head's voice sounded immediately, with a little panic, "Ah, yes! Yes Captain!"

Duncan didn't say a word, but maintained his usual silence and seriousness in the spiritual connection. He was waiting for the goat head to speak, and the latter broke the silence after a few seconds: "Captain, I just heard Miss Alice say... The bilge... The door opened a crack..."

"Yes," Duncan replied calmly, "I checked."

"You did check, Miss Alice said you confirmed the situation on the other side of the door..." Goathead seemed to be trying to figure out what to say, "Are you feeling...I mean, a little bit of mental stupor? That door opposite……"

"Warp, I know," Duncan interrupted before Goathead could finish. "Do you think I'm not sober now? Don't speak so hesitantly."

"Of course, you don't look abnormal!" Goathead said immediately, "Maybe I was too nervous, after all, such a thing has never happened, since you drove the ship back, the barrier between Homeless and the Warp It has always been stable, I... did not expect the situation to change, this is definitely not a question to you."

Take the boat back? Drive back from where?

Duncan keenly captured the information revealed in the words of the goat's head, and quickly guessed some truth, but he did not show any strangeness, but just said casually: "According to my observation, the gap in the door is still very stable, but it is not ruled out. There is a possibility of further expansion - I would like to hear your views."

"...It's good news that it's stable now, Captain," Goathead didn't suspect him, but looked very sad, "as for my be honest, I don't know what to do anymore, that door is You left it with your own hands, and you closed it with your own hands, you never told me what plans you have after this, and you never mentioned what changes will happen after this, you have always handled the bilge matters yourself..."

"...Yes," Duncan said immediately, "you don't have any suggestions in this regard."

It seemed that Goat Head didn't know all the information about the door at the bilge.

It only knows that the door is opposite to the Warp, and that once that door is opened, there will be no good, and more information... is actually in the hands of the "real Captain Duncan".

But where to go now to find the "real Captain Duncan"?

"Captain..." At this time, the voice of the goat head sounded in his mind again, "Do you have any plans for the next step?"

arrange? What arrangement? Is it possible to run to land? As far as the reputation of Captain Duncan is known to the world, I am afraid that as long as the Lost Homeland appears in the coastal waters of any city-state, it will attract a whole fleet to pursue and intercept it. What else can I do other than continue to float on the sea with this ship?

Duncan rolled his eyes and looked up at the sky helplessly. Ai Yin, who had run to the mast and pretended to be on guard, flew down and landed on his shoulder, nodding and screaming, "This is a trap. Abandon the ship and escape!"

"Escape? Escape..." Duncan said subconsciously, but then reacted, "Wait, can you hear me talking to Goathead?"

He has been talking to the goat head through spiritual connection, why did the pigeon suddenly fly down and say such a word that seems to be appropriate?

The pigeon flapped its wings and said with a proud face: "Don't talk, mother, I have my own understanding!"

Duncan suddenly wondered what pigeon soup tasted like.

But he hadn't forgotten that the goat head on the other side was still waiting for him to speak, so after calming down, he ignored the stewed pigeon on his shoulder and continued to say in his mind: "Just do your own thing, I Will keep an eye on that door, as always."

"Yes, Captain!"

Homeless's attitude gradually stabilized, and the sails were re-angled, allowing the huge ship to continue on the boundless sea.

The bow of the ship broke through the waves, and the fine waves hit the hull, and there was a clattering sound.

Duncan finished his conversation with Goathead, and he slowly came to the edge of the deck, looking out at the dark sea beneath his feet.

The cold, pale glow of the creation of the world is reflected in the sea.

He'd pay attention to the bilge door, but just "looking at" that door wouldn't change the situation.

He needs more knowledge, he needs to know more about and control his own power, and maybe... he needs some help.

These things are not on the ship, but the city-state of Perand may have them.

Tomorrow, Nina will be back from school, and for the rest of the day, she'll be back in the antique shop every day after school - and her "Uncle Duncan" will be there too.

Before that, he had to transfer his "main consciousness" to the city-state-before he could skillfully control two bodies at the same time, such frequent perspective switching was a last resort.

At the same time as this transfer, he also asked Ai Yin to do further tests.

He wants to try to see if Ai Yin can bring the items from the Lost Homes to the antique shop, and if so, check to see if there is a limit on what it can carry, and if there is a "bag loss" when carrying more items The problem……

With all kinds of plans brewing in his heart, Duncan's eyes were unconsciously watching the rising and falling waves outside.

The reflection of the creation of the world in the sea appears hazy and chaotic, and the scattered shimmering light seems to be an invisible stream of light.

The creation of the world? !

Duncan was stunned for a moment. He suddenly felt that the sky scene reflected in the sea had some kind of plausible familiarity.

He raised his head abruptly and looked at the huge, scar-like crack in the sky.

The huge "wound" is filled with chaotic and dim light, and the sky around the wound is a mist of light that escapes. If you look closely, the so-called mist... is actually the countless overlapping and entangled lakes and lakes. optical flow.

Just like... the scenery outside the broken cabin at the bottom of the Lost Country.