MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 108 I saved my life today (the first update)

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Saturday is approaching dinner time, and many people have already planned to go out to party or eat at home.

But today with a dream, no one will be allowed to eat!

Bao was soft in front of the camera and was called away by Director Zheng.

The live broadcast of the president's office did not follow her out.

I just photographed Bao Ruanruan's surprised expression.

"Oh, I'll be right out."

After she finished speaking, she did not forget to put away the life-saving letter signed in front of Xue Bokang.

"Mr. Xue, in duplicate, and one has not been signed."

The package reminded softly.

Xue Bokang, unable to laugh or cry, concealed the same surprise on his face, and lowered his head to sign.

Both of them were done, Bao Ruanuan quickly picked up the life-saving book, hooked the backpack on the sofa and hurried out.

The camera never followed.

Only a wink from Director Zheng was captured, and the picture moved to Xue Bokang.

【Ah, the secret of the former manager, I feel like there is only a wall! 】

【Help, I want to see~】

【Is there anything that I, a lucky viewer who came back from a vacation in Hengshan Village, can’t watch? 】

[Crowdfunding, I paid five dollars to buy the outside picture~]

【Give a dollar! 】

The barrage is vigorous.

If it weren't for the screen, the audience would want to reach out and move the camera outside the office.

But the next second, in the footage they complained, there was also unexpected off-site information!

In the picture, Xue Bokang sat down with a tangled face, and after a while, stood up again.

He looked a little hesitant, actually walked towards the office door, but took two steps and came back.

Actually, he wandered in the office.


[Dignified boss, Lao Xue, what's the matter with you? 】

【Lao Xue also wants to watch the fun. 】

【He should know people outside the door, right? Is there a tangled smell of 'Should I go out and say hello'? 】

[! 】

【Lao Xue: Should I go out to meet each other now, or later? 】

[! @soft fan, I'll give you one more chance, if you don't explain it again, the program team will expose you all! 】

【@soft powder! 】

Soft powder caused 'outrage'.

If it was a normal Saturday, the soft mom fans would have been swiping the screen long ago, 'the soft cub came to Mama's arms', 'the soft cub is another day to take care of Ma Ma's safety'... But today the soft mom fan Ye Hao, or ordinary soft powder, they are all very low-key.

The other variety show viewers in the barrage, thinking about it now, immediately feel that the soft fans are guilty of being a thief.


The mom fan group is also discussing on the microphone.

"We are also for their own good, I have to say this, I'm afraid their hearts can't stand it."

Tang Qian: "…"

"Fake mother, what do you think? Do you want to reveal something to them now, so that they can be a little mentally prepared?"

Tang Qian: "..."

How can she be considered so much about her burden?

"Cough, follow the pace of the studio."

Tang Qian covered her forehead.

What ability does she have to explode the vest of her big boss?

Yes, their boss is indeed Xue.

Basically, the left hand of the bag is the big boss of their sedum, and the right hand is the second boss of their sedum. This dizzying picture is already a certainty.

But Tang Qian only learned today that their big boss Sedum is also related to President Tai and Xue Bokang.

The same surname, plus in the live broadcast, Xue Bokang recognized the identity of the former agent when he heard the phone voice... The two must be closely related.

Only close relatives can explain.

In addition to some small information given by the barrage, even Tang Qian had difficulty breathing.

"So my soft cubs will walk sideways in the future?"

A fan made nonsense in the group.

"Her agent and former agent are both cutting-edge capital, and she is also a relative of Yanjing Taihe, suspected to be father and son."

"Round up, the soft cub is at the top of the food chain of capital!"

Tang Qian: "…"

Fortunately, she persuaded her colleagues in the group not to speak in the live broadcast room.

Otherwise, look, this opening cannot be hidden.

"Wait for news. Be calm and low-key."

The amount of information beating in the soft fan group is no less than that in the live broadcast room.

Everyone has a soul.

Especially for mother fans and daughter fans, I'm feeling agitated at the moment.

—It turns out that my daughter goose (Mama) is a little princess who is loved by thousands, proud.

Everyone puffed out their chests.

Sit patiently for the truth.

There is no camera surround outside the office of President Taihe.

As soon as Bao Ruanruan left the office, he saw a tall and straight figure that he had not seen for many days.

In an instant, she grinned.

But the moment she was about to rush happily, she saw Xue Jing wearing a black shirt and black trousers, but her expression was subtle.

Bao Ruan Ruan immediately slowed down and smiled.

Raising his hand, he raised the two papers in his hand towards him.

Xue Jing only felt stepping into the lava.

The high temperature that engulfed and melted him surrounded him with boiling heat.

My whole body, even my little finger, could no longer move.

He looked at the little girl whose eyes were twinkling with the bright little face in front of him.

You can't leave without a single glance.

Bao Ruanluan flicked the paper in his hand and smiled, "A birthday present for you."

For her birthday this year, he took her to buy critical illness insurance and accident insurance.

Maybe one day, there will be an accident, but if you prepare in advance, there is still a glimmer of hope.

She loves the meaning behind the gift.

The moment she received the gift, listening to him talk about the guarantee terms, she felt the black hole in her heart... Those panic, timidity, and panic about the unknown future were all being repaired little by little.

She felt a rare sense of security.

So, one for one.

The package softly raised her shiny white face.


"Gift, in advance."

Xue Jing took all his strength to lift his arm to take this light and thin piece of paper.

When I looked down, I saw a powerful and familiar signature.

'Xue Bokang is willing to unconditionally help Baoruanruan studio when he needs it...'

'Xue Bokang must not attack the small partners of Bao Ruanruan studio...'

Xue Jing closed his eyes.

Smell the faint smell of disinfectant on the little girl today, mix her breath, and embrace her.

"This is the best gift I've ever received."

Xue Jing closed his eyes.

"One of..."

Bao Ruanran couldn't help giggling in his chest, "Well, you still have 99 years of gifts to receive in the future."

Xue Jing also raised the corner of his mouth.

But it was definitely the gift that made his old man the most angry.

"Actually, he won't do anything to you, nor will he do anything to me or Chen Feng."

Xue Jing touched her round ball head.

"But this paper, you keep it later, it will be useful for many years to come."

Bao softly blinked and heard a little overtone.

"So—isn't you two illegitimate children, two-bedroom, straight-line collateral family property disputes?"

Xue Jing was stunned for a while, and she didn't return to her senses.

"Who told you that?"

Bao softly raised his eyes and glanced at the elevator entrance.

"Yang Xueni?"


Bao Ruan Ruan sheltered his dragon for the first time.

"So you have no feud with Mr. Xue Bokang? Is there no competition for property division?"

She opened her eyes.

The first rumor was that Yang Xueni's agent said that he was blocked by the Xue family.

Later, he had the association of not going home for the New Year.

Recently, Chen Feng sent her a lot of TV drama scripts.

The second son competes with the eldest son for property.

The direct heirs and collaterals are too good, causing the descendants to compete cruelly.

The story of the script where the male protagonist survives in the cracks and encounters the redemption of the female protagonist.

Bao Ruanruan thought Chen Feng was implying himself.

Xue Jing pressed his eyebrows, "It's also a little family property dispute."

The bag looks up softly.

"He wanted me to come to Taihe when I was in college, start from the bottom, and take his class after graduation, so that he could retire at the age of 45 and travel the world with my mother."

Xue Jing turned her head uncomfortably and looked at the door of the president's office.

Laughing and crying.

"But then I wanted to challenge the outside world more, I wanted to go outside Taihe and see how far I could go."

Therefore, he had to shatter Mr. Xue's dream of wanting to retire at the age of 45.

Therefore, a 'crack' between father and son occurred.

In fact, now every year he receives a sky-high bill from his father - a huge mental compensation fee for delayed retirement, and related physical maintenance fees when he is still working at the age of 50.

So, his father will not attack him.

Actually, in the past two years, he has been urging him to go home, and secretly supported him to go solo outside.

In this way, you can live a two-person world with your mother in a grand manner.

Otherwise, whenever he is in Yanjing, his mother wants him to go home and live.

The dream of the old man and the two worlds is crumbling.

Xue Jing held her forehead and told it again, looking at the surprised little girl in front of her.

"That's what happened in my house."

"Originally, I wanted to introduce you to my family in Yanjing after you recorded the show today."

He said this, and there was a hint of blush on the pinna.

"I want to take you home to meet them if you want."

Package is soft: "!"

For a while, she didn't know what to say.

So, she asked someone to sign a life-saving letter and signed it on the head of her boyfriend's real father?

Originally, she thought it might be a direct collateral relative.

The bag softly presses her temple.

When he opened his mouth, he spit out a sentence that made his heart hurt.

"Then after I'm 45 years old, should you and Chen Feng also pay me a huge amount of deferred retirement loss every year?"

She lost a lot.

"And that body maintenance fee... I, why didn't I think of it before?"

Xue Jing: "!"

So, the little girl he likes is tough and strong.

He chuckled.

"Get a pen."

"I'll sign a life-saving letter for you now."

Chen Feng, who was finishing a meeting in Jiangcheng, was just too busy to take a drink.

The phone rang.

"Hey boss, what's the matter?"

"Little Bun looking for me? Oh, let her say."

Chen Feng stood up immediately.

But for a moment, he groaned.


"Let me sign the life insurance?"

Outside the office of the president of Taihe.

Xue Jing bowed his head and handed over the two life-saving letters that he had signed to Bao Ruanruan.

"You're good."

Bag softly pressed her lips together.


Put 4 sheets of A4 paper neatly in the file bag.

"Then shall I go in and shoot?"

The bag is soft and blushing.

Xue Jing nodded, "I'll wait for you in the hotel downstairs."

Bao Ruan Ruan immediately felt the joy of looking forward to getting off work.

Stiffing her chest and carrying her bag, she walked majestically into the president's office and continued her security work.

As soon as she entered the office, she entered the live broadcast screen.

【What is it that made you stay outside for 15 minutes and 49 seconds! 】

The bag came in softly, as if nothing had happened, but her reddish face betrayed her.

Xue Bokang was about to speak, but when he raised his eyes, he was stunned.

This girl doesn't look like she is going out to talk about work.

Stinky boy, won't you really start with this little girl?

Xue Bokang's good and bad battle is like a double mountain.

Son's eyes really follow him.

But the little girl is so good, does he deserve it?

Look at people, sign a letter of guarantee, all thinking about the studio partner, isn't that what it is for him?

Xue Bokang looked at Bao Ruanruan again, and the kindness and care that belonged to the elders in his eyes overflowed.

"Girl, go out, do you want to modify the terms just now?"

Xue Bokang's experience shows at a glance that she didn't know their father-son relationship before.

"You should already know by now that I am a former acquaintance with your former agent, right?"

[! ? 】

[Old knowledge...this subtle use of words, pause. 】

[Well, they are not related, I removed my head and used it as a stool! 】

Bao Ruanruan also walked up to him solemnly, nodding, "Well, President Xue, I understand. I still don't change the previous terms."

Xue Bokang raised his eyebrows and gave her a deep look.


"If he bullies you in the future, as long as I'm still here, you can ask me to take care of him."

[! 】

[! 】

[…Pack up, pay attention, the special words for father and son appear. 】

【@soft powder! Are you still going to lie down? 】

[Soft fans: We just found out, don't shout. Shout out your throat, we can't answer you. 】


In front of the camera, Bao winked softly and smiled.

Xue Bokang also smiled at her and nodded.

"Be here today."

"I'm getting off work too."

"Girl, protect me home?"

Bao thought softly for a second, then stood up, "Okay, Mr. Xue."

Inspect vehicles, research routes.

Some people got into the car.

Her live stream is here.

Rare, early termination at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday night.

"The following is Mr. Xue's private itinerary and residential environment. It is inconvenient for our program to follow up the screen."

Director Zheng stood up and explained to the camera.

"If you haven't watched it yet, you can temporarily move to the live broadcast room of other guests. They are working hard and need some support from everyone. Thank you."

[Director Zheng must have received the money. 】

[Last time I went to the Lujia villa to shoot, you didn't say it was inconvenient to follow up. 】

[As a bodyguard, did you go home? 】

"If he treats you badly, tell me—it's kind of like what my father-in-law said when he first saw me."

In the soft mom fan group.

Suddenly someone spoke.

In the group, there was a terrible silence.

Tang Qian was also in a complicated mood.

In those days, she just entered the pit casually and became a mother fan.

But who would have thought that she would be in the same generation as Xue Bokang on the rich list overnight?


Even if her idol might get married and have children soon, she is not at all sad or surprised.

Baobao's birthday party is the 100-year plan.

Married before age 30.

Love now, reasonable!

This is not good, I can replace it earlier, so as not to delay the progress of the Centennial Plan!

Tang Qian swelled.

In her age, she went to the company on Monday and said that she would probably scare the colleagues next door to tears.