MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 3 Experts are used to being at heights

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  Chapter 3 Experts are used to being at high places

   "Actually playing a monk, can you condense the relevant modules?" Lu Bai raised his eyebrows, and touched his bald head, which was still a little prickly.

   "It should be the reason why the difficulty of obtaining the module is reduced in the prompt. In addition, there may be a reason for the special extraction point."

  Before, Lu Bai found it hard to understand that someone with extraordinary power would attack him.

   Now it seems that it may be related to the fact that the death compensation can be converted into a special extraction point.

   "According to my previous feeling, my method of condensing modules is still lacking, and the special extraction point can make up for this, which means that this special extraction point may be very precious."

   "The other party probably knew this, so they came to grab the compensation." Lu Bai made a judgment.

  Looking at the prompt on the panel, Lu Bai directly clicked No.

  [Buddha] This module is not necessarily useful, and there is no need to waste it when the value of special extraction points is unknown.

  After changing his clothes, Lu Bai did not leave in a hurry, but walked around the Miaokong Temple calmly.

   In martial arts novels, there are two groups that cannot be avoided, Taoist priests and monks.

  Generally speaking, these two groups have the highest probability of having martial arts.

  Miaokong Temple is not too big and there are not too many people. Lu Bai quickly found the temple's "Sutra Pavilion", which is actually a small room where scriptures are placed.

   To Lu Bai's disappointment, there are no so-called martial arts cheats in it, but some relatively common scriptures.

  But it is not without gains.

  As Lu Bai reads these scriptures, he can feel that the condensation of the [Buddha] module is becoming easier. It is estimated that after reading a scripture, it can be extracted even without special extraction points.

   "As long as the relevant elements are obtained, can the corresponding modules be extracted?" Lu Bai groped for the extraction method.

  However, he did not rush to read the scriptures to extract the modules, but put down the scriptures and walked outside.

   After a while, they climbed over the wall and came to the street.

  Put your hands together, call people a benefactor when you see someone, and call Amitabha Buddha when you open or close your mouth.

  Many faithful men and women will return gifts when they see Lu Bai.

  It was during this process that Lu Bai also felt that the condensation speed of the [Buddha] module was accelerating.

  Of course in addition to this, Lu Bai received another reminder.

  【Consume a little special extraction point, can condense the element module [deception], is it condensed? 】

   "As expected, all actions will condense related modules, and because the difficulty threshold is lowered, it is not difficult to condense related modules."

   "It's just not worth it."

  Time cost is also cost. For example, it takes a lot of time to read a Buddhist scripture carefully.

  Although there is no clear indication on the panel, Lu Bai can feel that his time in this dimension is limited.

   "So you have to distinguish between the primary and secondary, and figure out your main needs."

   "I want the ability to resurrect, I want extraordinary power."

   "The former is hard to say at the moment, but the latter, there should be such things as martial arts in this world."

   "So I have to get something related to warriors, get it, and practice it."

   "And in the process, if there is a chance, I will also solve the group of gangsters who came for my death compensation."

  After having a goal, Lu Bai has a solid idea of ​​what to do next.

  He came to the inn where the weird woman stayed before in two or three steps, and checked in.

  A woman whose painting style is so inconsistent must represent various problems. If you want to find out the situation in this dimension, it may be a good choice to start with the other party.

   As for the funds for staying in the hotel, you can just 'borrow' from some kind-hearted people on the way.

  Before the dimension change, Lu Bai had been in the martial arts world of that era for many years, and was a personal martial arts trainee who practiced for two and a half years.

   Living alone, so all kinds of dirty methods are used, and there is no lack of combat power.

   If it wasn't for bad luck that he died due to a change in dimension, then the person standing at the top must have his place.

   "But it's not too late now, I will definitely go to the center of this wonderful world."

  Lu Bai sat by the window, looking at the different scenery outside the window, waiting for the opportunity.

   Then Lu Bai went to the waiter and asked for a bowl of plain noodles. As the plain noodles came, under the gaze of the waiter, Lu Bai's expression changed slightly.

   When Xiao Er left, Lu Bai moved something with his mind, and then a small golden square the size of a thumb appeared in Lu Bai's hand.

  “[Buddha]: element module, a module with the attribute of ‘Buddha’.” The panel also gives the corresponding information.

  Playing as a monk along the way, this module is finally condensed.

  Open your skill bar, and with a thought, this module is placed in it.

   Waited for a while, but nothing happened.

   "Sure enough, a single module doesn't work?" Lu Bai checked himself, and found that he hadn't changed much except that his temperament became more like a monk.

  Lu Bai wasn't too disappointed about this, he just took his time, he didn't want to be a monk anyway.

  The night gradually deepened, and the bustling streets gradually became deserted. At this moment, the night breeze also became a little gloomy, with a bitter chill.

   Lu Bai rested with his eyes closed, and then heard some strange noises.

  Standing up quietly, controlling his breathing, Lu Bai came to the open window and listened to the movement on the roof.

   "Do these masters like to talk about things at high places?" Lu Bai complained in his heart.

   On the roof, during the day, the woman stood on the roof, her silk clothes fluttering in the wind, as if she didn't feel the slightest chill.

   Opposite her, stood a middle-aged man with scars all over his face.

   "I don't know what's the business of Fengfei girl from the Holy Land?" The middle-aged man asked the girl's reason for coming with a puzzled face.

   "Fantasy face, don't pretend, you dare to do it in Baihuazhong, aren't you afraid that we will come to you?" Feng Fei said with a smile.

   "Do it!" But what responded to her was a low shout from the so-called painted-faced man.

  The next moment, many men in black jumped out of the inn, flying darts and hidden weapons towards Feng Feinu.

  Faced with this kind of siege, Feng Feinu just chuckled, and with a flick of her hand, the veil on her body flew up, wrapping herself like a swift vortex.

  When those hidden weapons touched Qingsha, they were already bounced off and flew towards the painted face.

  However, Hualian had already clenched his fists and stood in front of him, posing in a weird posture. Then, the moment the hidden weapon flew towards him, his hands began to move quickly.

  The fingers seemed to be made of fine steel, and the hidden weapon that flew at high speed couldn't even get close to him, so he was directly slapped away by Hualian's hand.

   "Huaquan can be practiced to this extent, it seems that I have worked hard all these years." Feng Feinv stopped the ribbon, completely indifferent to the men in black surrounding her.

   "After all, I will always keep in mind the 'Benevolence' bestowed by you." Hualian touched the scar on his face, as if he was touching the most precious thing in the world.

   "To remember, let's remember more now. Since I found your traces, you don't have much time left." Feng Feinu said with a look of disgust.

   "Discovered? Do you think those traces were really leaked by us accidentally?"

   "You lackeys of the extraterrestrial demons, your time is numbered."

   shouted with a painted face, and at the same time stepped forward, waving his hands, making a whistling sound, and the men in black around him also said nothing, drew their weapons and cooperated with each other to surround Feng Feinu.

   "Trap?" Feng Feinv raised her eyebrows, and the ribbon flew out. It was obviously light and fluffy clothes, but at this moment it was as heavy as a hammer, and it fell on a man in black who was approaching.

  The man in black flew upside down, hit the roof, and fell into the house, feeling pain all over his body.

  But he insisted on standing up, climbing up and continuing to fight that woman.

  Just at this time, I saw a young monk looking at him with surprise.

   I didn’t expect that the new book can also receive monthly tickets, so the new book asks for collection, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. These are very important for a new book. I hope everyone can support it!



  (end of this chapter)