MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 24 0 foot dragon (middle)

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The mage's self-talk may be due to listening to too much gossip about Kailas. If the old cat has any influence on Cheese, the biggest possibility is that he is there, and the frequency and number of gray robes will be exponential. level up.

After the separation, in addition to the self-talk to clarify his thoughts, Cheese also began to laugh at himself like nostalgia. He found that it felt good. Saying some things is much better than doing a serious self-examination in the heart, and as long as you say it, the big difficulties will become smaller as you spit it out. However, this is limited to subjective feelings. In objective fact, his situation will not be improved in the slightest.

The blue Allosaurus didn't roar, it just escaped the trap and walked around the stake to stare at where the gray robe was hiding, which made Cheese think for a moment that it was going to say something next. It's a pity that unlike those giant dragons that can speak human words, the thousand-footed dragon really does not have that kind of wisdom. It will be quiet and silent in all actions, and those legs that spread the weight will not even splash on the water.

Huge size, light footsteps, such a contradictory creature. But from the perspective of hunting, this makes sense. Many predators are better at sneaking than their prey. Showing their teeth and claws is a sign of weakness. Creatures with all their claws are truly dangerous.

Gray robe did not choose to lean against the big tree, and the neatly cut incision above his head indicated that these giant trees were not absolutely safe bunkers. Even because the giant tree blocked his sight, the gray robe had to actively keep a distance from the blocker to prevent it from being cut by the pierced bone blade without time to react.

The wind was blowing slowly, the rain became quiet, and the magic light escaped from the eyes, leaving a short afterimage in the air. Cheese stretched out his hand, and the rain began to accumulate on the back of his hand, gradually turning into a strange translucent glove. The rain thread was pulling his hand from above, as if the puppet master from above the clouds was performing a puppet show.

A puppet and a puppeteer are not as simple as a controller and a controlled person. The inanimate puppet becomes the carrier of the performer under interpretation. When the performer devotes his efforts to it, his life is also divided into puppet.

Many older puppeteers choose not to perform after the puppet they are most familiar with is damaged. It’s not that they can’t control other puppets. That part, its damage is a kind of symbolic metaphor, with some kind of suggestiveness.

This kind of hint is not given by God, perhaps on the contrary, it is given by man himself, but man does not realize it.

By temporarily sharing a palm to the sky, Cheese also gains a portion of nature's power. It is better to say that this is the most powerful way for mages to cast spells. Many people think that the more sacrifices, the better, and the more **** and bizarre the better. In fact, it is not. , and where is there a more powerful way than directly sacrificing a wizard with the ability to communicate with heaven and man?

Spellcasters have always been able to sacrifice themselves or a part of themselves in exchange for powerful spellcasting abilities. Cheese's current approach is to borrow the principle and cast spells by simulating sacrifice. When a person is playing a puppet, isn't the puppet pretending to play with the person?

The amount of rain that hit the thousand-footed dragon became more and more bizarre. The body that was originally raised high became low under the sudden increase of pressure, and the proud back spine even had a tendency to be lowered. The surrounding scenery is invisible, it is all water, also in the nose and ears, like swimming.

The extreme weather gave the gray robe an extreme channel for casting spells. The raindrops within ten meters were all gathered on the thousand-footed dragon under the control of the silk thread. This was also due to its size. Cheese may not have the ability to guide more precisely. This is enough, the power of these rains hitting the body is no less than throwing objects such as flying stones.

It's a pity that flying stones can't penetrate dragon scales, not even those of a different dragon. The fine satin-like scales minimized the impact of the rain. Although he had to lower his body, Cheese could feel that the things behind the tree did not stop moving. The spell caused the cheese's rain-covered palms to start showing cyan spots, like those that appear when rotting and moldy.

Gray Robe didn't want to actually sacrifice one of his hands, so he had to stop casting spells. Almost at the moment when the rain resumed, blue light flashed from behind the tree, and the bone blade went around the trunk like a spear and came towards the cheese face door!

Leaning back and raising his hand at the same time, Cheese's palm dragged the bottom of the spear from below, trying his best to get it out of its original orbit. This kind of reaching out and making decisions is something that Gray Robe would never have done before he learned qi. The meager qi he relies on cannot perform exercises like Xiao Ling Xubu, but he can use it to bring a little bit of bodily functions. promote.

This improvement will not be of much use in ordinary people, but for those who know where the limits of their bodies are, it can have unexpected effects. Cheese is not a fighter, but he understands his body like a fighter and can clearly judge how much he can do.

The development of the matter was exactly as the mage expected. Although he avoided the tail sweep, his whole body was overturned by the force of the dragon tail. Fortunately, the ground was slippery and soft, so there was no need to worry about hitting the rocks and breaking the bones.

After rolling to his feet, the thousand-footed dragon was already coiled on the tree trunk that had previously provided shelter for the gray robe. Those long and narrow eyes stared at him faintly, with a strong sense of hunger in their eyes.

"Is your appetite aroused by the appetizers? Well, then you try this!" With a flick of the wrist, the bell wrapped in the roar of thunder came out. But just as it flew between the two, it was precisely hit by the dragon's tail. Immediately after, the rain silk began to be centered on the like a circular twist on the outside, and was finally torn by a sharp sound wave. .

"Roar!" Cheese, who was already prepared, covered his ears, but didn't have time to put on his special earplugs. His body was pressed against another tree behind by the sound waves, and the water droplets on his face were extremely painful.

The mind was blank, and the body and spirit seemed to be cut in half. Cheese was surprised that he could still rely on his instinct to squat down, put his palms on the ground and recite a spell.

A second later, the angry Allosaurus broke through the roar and rushed towards the gray robe, but when its legs guessed the traces of cheese left on the ground, the solid ground suddenly turned into a swamp, and greedily bit the dragon's claws. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cheese did not continue to cast spells, he chose to turn around and run away, trying to distance himself again. The physical strength of the Millipede Dragon has exceeded expectations, and now the gray robe needs space to prepare spells that can truly threaten the dragon. This is likely to require the help of his companions. His main goal now is to drag his companions closer.

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