MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 745 William's Wall

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The nuclear level did not bring peace. After the silver giant was wiped out at the atomic explosion point of the nuclear bomb, new cracks continued to appear. From this point of view, it seems that the silver giant is not directly related to the space crack. Perhaps the legend of Earth No. 4 is just nothing. based on assumptions.

The number of monsters that appeared after that was not large, and the defense line formed by the three armies of the sea, land and air could easily intercept them. Although Shang Hai, who was jokingly called the magic capital before, really became the magic capital, it did not give any warning to the citizens living in the Chinese mainland. Compared with the nuclear bomb dropped in Shanghai urban area, it is the resettlement of the 24 million migrants, which has caused a bigger wave in Chinese society.

However, with Huaxia Zhengfu's all-out disaster relief efforts, people who have lost their hometowns will not be in danger even if they can't find new jobs. They can always find a shelter from the wind and rain in the resettlement house of the Zhengfu. Get enough food to fill your stomach when you need it.

In this massive project of mobilizing the whole country for joint disaster relief and coordinating the resettlement of people by provinces and cities, the central government issued three disciplines, five strict orders, and eight prohibitions. From cities and counties to townships, local governments in all regions strictly follow the regulations, and no negative signs are allowed. slack off and shirk responsibility, let alone any form of corruption to enrich oneself.

When entering the war, even if the country does not amend the constitution, the rules of peacetime will no longer apply. Those who dare to cheat and cheat will definitely pay a hundred times the price of the past. Those who can go about in the Chinese officialdom are not stupid, even if The mind is not bright, the eyes are also very bright, and they can see the current wind direction. Therefore, the government departments, including the provinces and municipalities, have changed their faces overnight. The work efficiency has skyrocketed, and there have been almost no violations of laws and regulations. The Disciplinary Committee was stunned.

Among them, as the main bearer of the task of population resettlement, the main office of Jiangbei Province is about to become the permanent residence of the central inspection team. The representatives of the victims of the sea disaster maintained good communication and tried their best to find a proper solution for each new conflict.

With the support and assistance of the national government and compatriots from all over the country, the displaced people in Shanghai began to adapt to their new lives. High-end talents and skilled craftsmen took the initiative to seek opportunities, not only to reduce the burden on the government, but also for themselves and their families. can live a better life. Even if you can't live in the big house you used to live in, and you can't live a good life before, you must find a way to make your life better in the future than it is now.

   For those who have no skills and cannot find employment opportunities, with the help of the government, charitable funds and volunteers, they use their spare time to learn skills and strive to find re-employment opportunities as soon as possible. After all, resettlement houses are only temporary residences, and relief funds and free food cannot be given out forever—even if they continue to be distributed, not many people are willing to live in resettlement houses and eat relief food for the rest of their lives.

  Despite the hard life, there is still hope and the opportunity to pursue a better tomorrow. Compared with the victims of other countries who were invaded by the magic tide, the people of Shanghai have been very lucky.

Shortly after the Shanghai nuclear explosion, a large number of space cracks began to appear in the land and airspace of Mexico, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Australia, covering almost the entire territory of the country.

Among them, Mongolia and Australia, which are vast and sparsely populated, can temporarily stabilize order. Like Mongolia, they are landlocked countries. Kazakhstan fell almost overnight, and a large number of people fled to China and the Russian Federation, and even some regular troops They also turned their backs on the order of the main government of the Republic, and drove tanks, tanks and planes to escape the worst-hit areas of the demon tide. When they were about to escape to the border, these unqualified soldiers took off their uniforms and put on plain clothes, disguised as refugees, and brought them with them. A large number of weapons and equipment that came were abandoned more than ten kilometers away from the national border, and they were connected together, which was spectacular.

As for Mexico, where drug lords are rampant, the military is weak, and the government's credibility is extremely low, it has fallen into complete chaos. This country was originally synonymous with blood and chaos. There is no order, no rules, only killing and fleeing, only fighting for a chance to survive, fighting with monsters, fighting with people, and even fighting with the army of the United States—a large number of armed groups are begging the United States. After being accepted by the federal government and rejected, it resolutely stormed the border and fought fiercely with the garrison garrisoned at the border.

In the past, the border between Mexico and the United States was nothing but barbed wire and fences that any car could knock over. They separated the rich and the poor on the left and right. Ironically, the United States had few towns on the border, while the other On one side are densely populated Mexican towns and slums, so that at first glance there is an illusion of prosperity in Mexico and barrenness in the United States.

   Now, everything has changed. The border wall is no longer barbed wire and fences that can be overcome with courage, but solid foundations and steel barriers.

The Great Wall of the United States, known as the "William's Wall", has built a wall foundation to separate the US-Mexico border together with machine guns and cannons. Not only can the unarmed victims no longer be able to climb over this wall that separates life and death, even tanks are driving. The armed group with cannon missiles on the chariot was also unable to break through this fortified wall.

   Those who boldly attacked the defense line became corpses, and they only knew that the rabble who threw shells and bullets indiscriminately, in front of the elite divisions of the United States Federation, were as fragile as a porcelain doll, and they were shattered by a slight touch.

  The corpses of these idiots have become the best example. As long as they have not died of starvation and thirst, as long as their reason has not been destroyed by fear, the Mexican victims will not storm the border.

  More and more disaster victims and refugees gathered on the periphery of the border. The US federal troops stationed on the border only drove them to 10 kilometers beyond the defense line and left them alone.

With more and more garbage and excrement in refugee gathering places, more and more patients and corpses, the epidemic began to spread, and the US federal government began to "pay attention" to refugee accommodation. The main government is just doing superficial work, in fact, they are delaying time with various projects and various matters, they are waiting for those refugees to die!

However, all mid-to-high-end talents who can contribute to the US federal society can enter the defense line and be properly placed by the US federal government as long as they can prove that they have passed the epidemic inspection and physical examination. The victims of stress and social instability were all left on the border to wait to die. Most of them took a fluke, believing that the United States, which has always attached great importance to humanitarianism, would not die without help, but did not realize that the United States was being punished by the United States. As far as the government is concerned, rescuing them in the face of such a natural disaster is tantamount to persecuting their own citizens in disguise.

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