MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 641 World Regulatory Authority

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There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, and then Tang Tao lowered his voice and said: "These things, it's not that you can't know, it's just that President Yang thinks you don't need to know, even if you tell you, you can't do anything, and you can't participate in it, just It just adds to the distress.”

"I can guess, the second magic tide, and the intensity will be greater than the first one." Fang Yu pretended to be casual, "Don't everyone know this, why, already know the next time Is it time for the arrival of the magic tide? Is there any accurate news? Is there any arrival point in the country, should Nandu be safe? Can’t Jiangbei suffer every time?”

"Well... the specific situation is not very clear. The news is very tight this time. Even the troops are secretly mobilized. I can only tell you what I know. Cough, Nandu should be safe. You let your relatives and friends live in Nandu. Come on, pay attention, keep a low profile and keep it secret. The official government must have made an evacuation plan for dangerous areas. If there is any movement at this time, it will affect the above arrangements, and it will become a mess and kill your own people. "

Fang Yu was slightly taken aback, and immediately realized that Tang Tao is now under surveillance and protection with no dead ends, and it is impossible to reveal information. As compensation for depriving him of his personal freedom, and for attaching importance to his special abilities, he is naturally qualified to contact him now. The secrets that cannot be accessed, and now Tang Tao can pass the news to himself through this phone call, which means that the above actually acquiescees that he has the right to know, but he will not notify if he does not take the initiative to ask questions.

   "What about the relatives of the other awakened ones?" Fang Yu asked.

"Some people will take them to various safe cities in batches. The number of people is small, and it is easy to operate." Tang Tao sighed, "The difficulty is those powerful relatives, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at them. Now they are just looting living materials. , it is not a major event. If those leading family members act collectively, it will immediately set off a big storm. Therefore, there should be not many people who get the 'map'. The local government is also dispatching preparations under the order of the central government. Guess what, but there must be a smoke bomb on it, so I don't think it's a problem."

   "Map?" Fang Yu vaguely guessed what Tang Tao meant by map.

"Oh, nothing, it's just the defense map." Tang Tao snorted and changed the subject, "In short, we don't need to worry about these overall issues, the big man in Shangjing must have done it all. Otherwise, President Yang can rest assured. travel?"

   Fang Yu just used these words to comfort his wife, and now hearing Tang Tao talk about it, not only did he not breathe a sigh of relief, but he felt even worse. Looking at this from another angle, the reason why President Yang uncharacteristically put down his work and his family to go on a self-driving tour is because President Yang thinks that there will probably not be such opportunities again in the future?

  Thinking about it, Fang Yu only felt horrified.

"Old Tang, let me ask you one more thing. If you know the situation, please tell me the truth. My parents went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities like robbing money. I think this situation is more serious than robbing salt during the SARS period. Why are the government agencies doing nothing at all?"

"This, how do you say it." Tang Tao smiled wryly, "I want to say that this is driving domestic demand, and you will definitely call me fart, you should think that this is to prepare for the worst, everyone grabbing food means that we can be in the public. To ensure that everyone has food without being suspicious and not panicking, if the worst happens, we can’t expect the neighborhood committee to deliver food door-to-door. As for the post-war economic depression… the one in Beijing should have a solution.”

   "You mean Liu Yuanzhou, Director Liu?"


  Fang Yu could imagine Tang Tao on the other end of the phone holding his index finger to his mouth, and said with a smile, "Why, Director Liu is not Voldemort, so I can't even mention his name?"

"Tsk, sensitive words. As soon as you mention these three words, the phone will be monitored immediately. I estimate that it will not be long before this name will become an unspeakable existence in fantasy novels. But remember it, don't mention it if it's okay. , I don't like people listening to us on the phone."

   "It's too exaggerated, Lao Tang." Fang Yu recalled the expressionless man and shook his head in disbelief.

"It's not an exaggeration at all. Forget it, say something else, let me tell you, I have a hunch that my ability has improved recently. I feel that this time I can summon something new, it should be a big guy." When it comes to his own abilities, Tang Tao loves it and hates it, but every time he has a hunch that he will summon something new, he always has a sense of nervousness and excitement in the lottery.


   "Liu Yuanzhou."

   "Liu Yuanzhou."

   "Liu Yuanzhou."

  In the bright and spacious archery hall, a cold and arrogant young man with long hair and a shawl is facing the fixed target in front of him, and he keeps saying a name. The fixed target is made of ten centimeter-thick steel plate and a support frame. A sketch portrait is attached to the front of the steel plate, and a pencil outlines a male face vividly, with a face like the Dead Sea and eyes like an abyss.

   But when he repeated the name of the enemy, the long-haired young man kept his eyes closed, as if he didn't want to see the face in the portrait, and seemed to be afraid to see that face.

A low voice resounded repeatedly in the empty stadium. When the echoes gradually fell silent, the long-haired young man suddenly opened his eyes. The bright eyes flashed brightly. Both hands made movements at the same time. The long arrow is taken out of the quiver like a plucked string.

   "Boom boom boom"

The bowstring vibrated, the arrows were like shooting stars, and the three spiral armor-piercing arrows made of alloy were covered in a turquoise glow and hit the target precisely. .

After    shot these three feather arrows, the long-haired youth sat down and closed his eyes again, because the world in front of him became dull again.

Even if he knew that no matter how many times he practiced in the archery hall, the feathered arrow of revenge would never hit the real enemy, he still vented his hatred by shooting the enemy's portrait from time to time, just like a teenager who uses his hands to calm the restless hormones, Even if you know it's intentional | lewd, as long as you can actually have pleasure, you will never tire of it.

   "Crack, snap, snap."

   Applause sounded at the gate of the archery hall, but there should not be any visitors here.

  The long-haired youth jumped up from the ground like an electric shock, and a textbook-style tactical tumble hid behind the metal table where the longbow was placed, grabbed the longbow quiver along the way, and pushed down the metal table as a temporary shelter.

Half a second later, a feathered arrow flew out from the back of the metal platform and flew diagonally upwards, followed by another feathered arrow that bit the tail of the previous feather arrow and was broken. The arrow of the feather arrow is pointing downward, just to the position where the applause came.

   "Good archery."

   The harsh applause sounded again, like a slap on the face of the long-haired youth, making his cheeks flush with anger.

Then the buzzing sound similar to the flapping of the wings of a wasp approached, and four micro drones flew across the metal platform to the long-haired youth. Each drone was equipped with a camera, and there was a hole hanging below the camera, the size of a five-cent coin. , with a tube attached.

   That's a gun!

  The long-haired youth did not roll and dodge any more, but instead opened his bow and shot in succession to strike first.

  The drone began to climb the moment the long-haired youth raised his hand, but within a second, four drones landed one after another.

"It's amazing to be able to shoot four consecutive bows in one second and hit a flexible micro drone in such a short distance. Mr. He Zhiqi, if you are willing to join the Huaxia Archery Team, you will definitely win a gold medal in the Olympic Games next year. ."

A disgusting voice came from his feet, and He Zhiqi lowered his head in astonishment. At some point, a toy-like four-wheeled car drove up to his feet. A diary-sized tablet computer was fixed on the roof. A male face, mediocre facial features, a little familiar.

   "Who sent you here? Yang Xiaoqian, Liu Yuanzhou, or Huaxia Zhengfu?" He Zhiqi stood up slowly, while talking to distract the uninvited guest at the door, while looking left and right, looking for opportunities. But when He Zhiqi found that his upper body was covered with red dots, he put down his longbow resignedly.

   It was really tiring to run away endlessly day and night. He Zhiqi felt a sense of relief the moment he put down his bow.

"You misunderstood Mr. He, you are not that important, otherwise I wouldn't be here to meet you." The uninvited guest fiddled with the camera in his hand and took a close-up of He Zhiqi, "President Yang, Director Liu and Huaxia Zhengfu have more important matters, and the trivial matters like you can be handled by my department. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Tang Fei, and I am a war correspondent. "

  He Zhiqi snorted coldly, his serpent-like eyes staring at the middle-aged man with messy hair next to Tang Fei, his fingers unconsciously pointed to the longbow that had been put down, and his toes were attached to the quiver on the ground.

"You misunderstood Mr. He again, Mr. Ivanka didn't betray you, you killed him, he provided you asylum, a good deal, Mr. Ivanka's credibility is absolutely guaranteed in doing business , so he's still alive now." Tang Fei put down the camera, made a gesture, and two well-armed elite soldiers stepped into the archery hall and handed over their longbow and quiver.

"Hey, you may not know that Huaxia Haikang is the world's largest supplier of monitoring equipment. It not only undertakes military business, but also involves various public domain monitoring services. The monitoring equipment you use happens to be the products of Haikang Company. Blame Mr. Ivanka."

Tang Fei shrugged, pushed Ivanka Goldman, a well-known warmonger in the industry, to He Zhiqi's side, and said with a smile, "Mr. He, you need a backer to provide you with shelter, I can understand that, but I don't understand. , why do you always choose this kind of guy who makes a profit for yourself by provoking wars, he used to be Yang Yuechen in Yuanjiang, and now he went abroad and became Ivanka, is there anything special about you? Compassion?"

He Zhiqi was as cold as an iceberg and did not say a word, Ivanka moved her throat slightly, trying to justify herself: "Mr. Tang, I am different from other independent arms dealers, I will never deliberately provoke a war to make money. You see, I I have the least personal armed forces. Why? It is because I will not send my personal armed forces to those troubled areas to create wars like they do. I just...just provide a choice to those in the war-torn areas, and I clearly show the weapons It is up to them to decide whether to sell the land at a price tag, whether to buy it or not, and what to do with it.”

"Yes, yes." Tang Fei waved his hand perfunctoryly, "What you said is true, I know it, otherwise you would already be a corpse. You all misunderstood my purpose, I am not trying to punish you on behalf of justice, A lot of things in this world are inherently indistinguishable, aren't they?"

   Ivanka was stunned, and He Zhiqi also had doubts in his eyes.

   "Then you?"

"Hey, I once secretly interviewed the queen of the saints. You all know that the saints can eat people, right? The queen of the saints only eats bad people. When I asked if the bad people in the far-off river were enough to eat, she asked back. Me, under the premise that human beings are not yet extinct, is it possible for the bad guys to go extinct? Tsk, I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I'm really not sure." Tang Fei squeezed his chin and said, "But the bad guys will definitely not be able to go extinct in the short term. Nor can it be destroyed. Ironically, if all the villains are humanely destroyed, the stable social system will be disordered or even collapsed, so what should we do?”

  Ivanka is no longer worried about the safety of his life, because no one will talk nonsense about the dead, he began to listen carefully, and tried to find opportunities from Tang Fei's words.

"That would be the same as our department's attitude towards religion. Since it cannot be directly destroyed, it should be infiltrated, assimilated, and replaced by relatively gentle means, so that the old and deep-rooted evil forces can serve the bright future of mankind." Tang Fei Pai Pai Ivanka's shoulder, asked, "Do you understand?"

"Maybe I understand it wrong, but I think..." Ivanka hesitated, "You want me to serve the organization you represent, you provide me with the support I need, and I use your strength to win the underground. The right to speak in the arms market, and then use this right to speak according to your instructions?"

"Maybe that's what it means?" Tang Fei didn't seem to be quite sure, "In short, war wealth is always made by someone, it is better to put these blood-stained wealth in the right place before the ugly disappears. Weapons always If someone wants to sell, if it can’t be mechanically cut across the board, then it’s better for us to decide how to sell the weapon, where to sell it, and to whom. What do you think, Mr. Ivanka?”

   Ivanka nodded without hesitation, saving her life is the most important thing right now.

"Then it's a pleasure to cooperate." Tang Fei put on a smart bracelet for Ivanka, shook hands with him, turned to He Zhiqi, and asked, "Mr. He, how about you? Although there is little hope, I still have to ask . If you will join us, I can provide you with a new identity, of course, if you do not want to go to the Court of the Awakened, then you must remain in the shadows."

He Zhiqi glanced at the bracelet on Ivanka's wrist, then looked at Tang Fei's wrist, and found that Tang Fei was also wearing a smart bracelet on his wrist, he smiled sarcastically, raised his chin and said proudly: "I want to wear it Dog chain, why don't you just give me a shot."

   "Okay." Tang Fei nodded, with a pistol in his hand like a conjuration, raised his hand and pulled the trigger.


   He Zhiqi's forehead exploded with a blood hole, and the corpse fell.

Ivanka shivered for a while before wiping the blood on his face with the back of his hand. He had seen many dead people and killed them with his own hands, but he had never seen anyone like a fly. Kill a powerful Awakened.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ivanka, you are now a member of the World Supervision Bureau." Tang Fei put away his gun, as if nothing had happened, and patted Ivanka on the shoulder affectionately, "The power of God will make You are inflated, but don't lose yourself."