MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 710 Among the fragments

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  Chapter 711 Among the Fragments

  Memory floods, thinking is restored.

  Naturally, Tang Ling couldn't care much, the first thing he thought of was the other side.

   But what's the use of just wanting to find the other shore, Tang Ling couldn't stay for a moment, even without paying attention to the surroundings, he immediately supported his body with his arms and wanted to get up.

  But it was such a simple action, but Tang Ling's whole body was instantly passed through by an electric current, which was sour, itchy and numb, and was accompanied by unspeakable pain.

so what? Tang Ling has always practiced in pain and moved forward! The anxiety made him have to get up immediately and look for the other shore.

  "You better stay still." At this moment, Tang Ling thought of a voice.

  Tang Ling froze for a moment, and immediately distinguished that the sound was a communication of consciousness, and the owner of the sound was the owner of the deserted island.

  "The other shore, the other shore, the other shore" Tang Ling was in a rare panic, with such thoughts in his mind, and there was no way to calm down and communicate with the owner of the deserted island.

   "You'd better be calm, that little girl is in a coma in the bush forest on the upper right of this lake." The owner of the desert island seemed to know everything.

  "Then she" Tang Ling still couldn't calm down, the inertial thinking of the Ziyue era made him feel that any wilderness is dangerous, let alone a coma.

"She is very safe. This is not the Purple Moon Era, but a certain year of pre-civilization. In a certain lakeside town, do you understand the turbulence of time and space? Every piece of fragment has its own unique rules of time and space. , But there will be no danger."

After saying this, the owner of the desert island didn’t wait for Tang Ling to answer, and continued: “I’ve wasted the gift of the Seagod. You’d better be quiet now, wait for it to recover to a certain level, and then act. Otherwise, you will regrettable."

  Hearing these words, Tang Ling buzzed, he came to the former civilization for a certain period of time? A certain place? Temporal turbulence?

  Only recovered from the coma, thinking about these issues was too reluctant, but hearing that the other side was safe, Tang Ling finally felt a little relieved.

  He knew that the owner of the desert island could not lie to him. Since he chased him desperately, he must have an absolute reason, he wanted to ask himself, and there was no need to cheat on this so-called trivial matter.

   "This is the last time I have communicated with you." Just when Tang Ling was silent, the owner of the desert island suddenly said something like this.

   "Is there not enough energy?" Tang Ling did not appear surprised, but asked a logical question.

  He naturally remembers the deal with the owner of the deserted island. He is not a person who will not keep his promises. He just waits for the answer from the owner of the deserted island. What can be done?

   "Not exactly, but the fact is that I can't hold on. I desperately shed a little bit of strength, but also for the final communication with you, I will try to be as brief as possible."

  "Get out of the way." After these words, the owner of the desert island inexplicably changed the subject and asked Tang Ling to get out of the way.

  Tang Ling was slightly surprised, but since the last trace of the strength of the desert island owner was precious, he didn't want it to be bothersome, so Tang Ling stepped aside.

  The painful feeling of being overcharged even though the body moves, even though the posture is so ugly, it is almost a rolling movement.

  However, at this time, Tang Ling could see the surrounding environment clearly. The place where he was located was a lake with a slight mist.

  There are islands in the lake and mountains in the distance. Under the low light in the morning, you can see the faint buildings along the coast.

  Is this a pre-civilization? So beautiful? Although it was just a glimpse, Tang Ling was already shocked by this tranquility and beauty.

  If he can stay here with Bi An, he has nothing unwilling to do.

During this process, Tang Ling also tried to take a look at Souchong’s situation, but he couldn’t communicate with Souchong anyway. The quiet and beautiful mood before was destroyed, and Tang Ling did not treat Souchong as a type of warfare. Tools, but another relative to accompany you.

  Huge worries suddenly appeared in his heart, and he immediately endured feeling himself, only to find that Xiaozhong was still in his heart, but it felt as if it had shriveled and withered a lot.

  I wonder if it hurts the essence? Tang Ling frowned slightly, but there was no need to fight in such an environment. Later, he figured out a way to make up for Xiaozhong. As long as it can survive, it doesn't need to be so tough, and it can recover slowly?

   Just when Tang Ling was thinking about things, the voice of the owner of the desert island came into his mind: "Okay."

   Tang Ling immediately fell on his back. He felt that he had exhausted all his strength after a short distance of less than a hundred meters.

  At this moment, the piece of bone armor on the chest of the owner of the deserted island suddenly cracked, and from the huge chest cavity first rolled out a small, but definitely not small figure.

  The figure flopped twice, and immediately jumped into the lake, and then disappeared.

  But in such a short moment, Tang Ling could see clearly, isn’t this a sunlight ghost fish?

  How? !

  And Tang Ling didn't have time to wonder, a bunch of things rolled out of the chest of the desert island owner, including some bones glowing with purple light, and some muscles that seemed to be a little active.

   Then a force exploded, and a pit was exploded on the shore of the lake not far away, and then the tears of the Seagod with a strong breath of life filled the pit.

  Finally, the two skins of the Sunlight Netherfish flew in front of Tang Ling. This was needed for promotion to the Purple Moon Warrior. The desert island master brought this unexpectedly?

   "It's not what I wanted to bring. I was planning to abandon you." After rolling out these things, the voice of the owner of the desert island became somewhat weak, even if it was an exchange of ideas.

   "Yes, then why didn't you give up and chase into such a dangerous environment?" Tang Ling had this question originally.

   "It's a long story, wait until I rebirth again, let's talk about it." The owner of the desert island even said perfunctory Tang Ling: "And that fish was prepared by you for my rebirth, right?"

  Tang Ling was a little How did he actually know if it was that fish? After all, it was tuned by Wuzi and Fatty, and how did the owner of the desert island get this fish again?

Tang Ling wanted to ask, but the owner of the desert island obviously didn't want to talk nonsense: "Forget it, I don't bother to talk about it. I will talk about everything after I am reborn. The spirit of this fish is wiped out very clean and barely qualified. You have done very well. it is good."

  I’m a fart, Tang Ling wants to say that very much, he is going to take his time.

  But at this moment Tang Ling suddenly remembered what the fat man said. It seems that the fat man had mentioned that he had trained the fish for him? The fat man said so powerfully?

   "Well, it's qualified. What should I do?" Although Tang Ling was puzzled and speechless, he still couldn't waste the power of the owner of the deserted island, so Tang Ling was very direct.

  "How to do it? I have worked so hard to chase here, even at the cost of saving you with the original strength I reserved, making my rebirth difficult, all this is not the beginning of the inertia of the white" desert island master and Tang Ling bargaining.

  In fact, there is no need. Tang Ling is a kind person. He doesn't want to bargain this time. He is very direct: "Speak, as long as I can do it, I will do it!"

  (End of this chapter)