MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 698 Dead end

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"Is there anything I can help you accomplish?" Just as the dream was about to end, a voice rang in Tang Ling's mind.

   This is the voice of Liuhe.

   When he heard this sound, Tang Ling wanted to smile wryly, but at this time, his whole body was in a state of restraint, even a simple action like a wry smile could not be done.

   Is it so bad? It feels like you have to confess your last wishes. Maybe Kun this guy just escaped deliberately because he knew this?

   "Kun is not." Strangely, Tang Ling just had this idea in his mind when he got Liuhe's answer.


   Tang Ling was very upset, but Liuhe obviously didn't bother to pay attention to his upset, and said very directly: "If you have something you want to do, just think about it once in your mind."

   There are too many things to do.

   Tang Ling just moved this idea, and has received Liuhe's warning: "Don't think about unrealistic things, I will only do things that can be solved within my ability."

   Then Liuhe emphasized: "This is what Kun asked of me. I just do things for others."

  Kun is so good to me? Tang Ling's heart was a little moved. In a still and rigid world, the shadow of the Nirvana Tower had gradually faded.

   And Tang Ling knew that this was the last time, and maybe it was the only chance for these mysterious guys in the dream to do things for him.


   Tang Ling went through what he wanted to do urgently.

   "Are you sure that's it?" Liuhe asked.

   "Are these within the scope?" Tang Ling asked nervously.

   "No problem." Liuhe answered very simply.

   Then, the shadow of the Nirvana Tower had completely disappeared, and the entire halo began to shatter, Tang Ling's eyes went black, and a brief blank appeared in his brain.

   Like every moment when I wake up from a dream, I can't feel the time. It seems that a long time has passed, but it seems only a moment.

   The next moment Tang Ling was conscious, but before opening his eyes, he was swallowed by the surging sense of crisis and heaviness in his heart.

   is that like this? Do you have to face death? Emotions are intangible things, but at a certain moment they seem to be able to materialize. Now the feeling that the heart is about to explode is so real.

   But it was also at this moment, Tang Ling felt that his hand was held by a slightly cold but soft hand.

   When I close my eyes, the feeling of holding hands is so warm and kind, just like a long time ago, my hand was used to being held by this hand like this.

   Without opening his eyes, Tang Ling knew that this was Higan's hand, but why didn't it feel so strange before? Is it because I just came out of the dream at this time, and the mysterious sixth sense is more sensitive?

   And what exactly is this feeling? Tang Ling tried hard to recall, but his brain went blank.

   But because of the nostalgia for this feeling, Tang Ling's eyes opened very slowly, and then he saw Bi An's gentle eyes looking at him.

   "I heard the deafening cheers just now. Is it because of you?" His eyes flashed expectantly.

   Her expectation is not how powerful Tang Ling can be. The glory must belong to Tang Ling, but she expects that the things she guessed about Tang Ling will be accurate. This will give people a sense of mutual understanding.

   Subconsciously, Tang Ling squeezed Bi An's hand, he nodded, and then his expression showed a trace of worry: "Bi An, I think...I might die."

   Bi An was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again: "It's okay, I'll accompany you."

   is an understatement, very indifferent.

   When others heard this, they might think that this was the love word that Bi An said to Tang Ling, but the fact is that Bi An's sincere thoughts.

   She has a very indifferent view of life and death, and at one time she felt that life was very pale, and there was nothing to miss, because she had very little emotion.

   And since Tang Ling is her biggest nostalgia for the world, then dying together is also a very sweet thing?

   The idea of ​​Bi An is so weird, let alone others, occasionally even Tang Ling can't understand it.

   Maybe Hian thought he was joking, right? Tang Ling sat up and scratched his hair: "Bi An, I'm serious."

   "I'm serious too." Higan's smile is still beautiful, and there is no half-parted joke in his eyes.

   Tang Ling still wanted to say something, but at this time, the fat man yelled and yelled from the boat.

   "Tang Ling, come here, come here!"

   What is so exciting? With a bit of curiosity, Tang Ling ran into the cabin with Bi An's hand. It turned out that there were several light groups floating in the cabin, and among the light groups, it was not the seven lotus flowers used to promote the purple moon warrior, which mutated. Are Haizhu and other resources?

   "I've got mine." The fat man is now a confident fat man, and even his qi in his speech has become a little bit more angry. He took out a colorful mutant sea bead and dangled in front of Tang Ling's eyes like a treasure.

   was kicked away by Han Xing and said, "What to show off? Is Tang Ling's better than you?"

   The fat man was very dissatisfied. After being beaten with chicken blood, he was still cowering like before, and immediately quarreled with Han Xing.

   And Tang Ling ignored them at all. The nine-lotus lotus flower exuded a mysterious shimmer in the light cluster, and Tang Ling could recognize the light source in the center belonged to him at a glance.

   Fatty was clearly arguing with Han Xing at this time, and he did not forget to remind Tang Ling: "Brother, don't make a mistake about the light group, otherwise you will be charged. And you can only open your own light group."

   "Tang Ling needs you to remind you?" Han Xing said again to the fat man.

   "What are you doing, it's so noisy." Luo Li also arrived in the cabin at this time. Behind him, the four sons of south, east, north and west also followed.

   Everyone laughed and made noises, it was all the joy of harvest. Who would have thought that the storm HNA would end like this? Was it hard this way? Of course it’s hard work. It seems to be more than a dozen years ago...

At this time, Tang Ling had successfully reached into the light group and successfully obtained all his own resources. These resources were just right. Bi An did not participate in this challenge. Although I don't know why, but fortunately, he The resources obtained can be allocated to the other side.

Thinking of this, Tang Ling had already collected all the resources with the Xingyin Dingwei Blade in a blink of an eye. Turning his head to look at everyone who was laughing and making noises, a sense of crisis and anxiety surged in his heart with inexplicability. Emotions.

   Some dissatisfaction? Some emotions? A little sad? Or something else? Tang Ling also couldn't explain clearly.

"Big brother, where's your resources?" The fat man noticed Tang Ling's expression, and he didn't know why a touch of unspeakable emotion surged in his heart. Then thinking about what Tang Ling said to him on the halo, the fat man always felt that something was wrong. It makes sense, but there is a feeling that something is wrong.

"Huh? Tang Ling, didn't you get the resources?" Xifeng is the least sensitive, but she also noticed Tang Ling at this time. She didn't think much, but subconsciously didn't want to see Tang Ling's expression at this moment. I feel a little stuck in my heart.

   "I got it." Tang Ling put on a smiling face, and then said: "But where is it, I just won't tell you."

   ‘huh’, the fat man breathed a sigh of relief, the eldest brother is still so cheap, which means everything is normal! At this moment, Tang Ling said that everyone hurriedly put away resources, did he still have things to do in the cabin?

   As for what needs to be done? Tang Ling didn't say anything, no one could ask it. In addition to the habit he had cultivated for a long time, everyone would execute everything Tang Ling said without any doubt, so soon everyone collected their resources and left.

   Except for the other side.

   glanced at the other side, Tang Ling didn't give too much explanation, and began to clean up silently and quickly.

   There are also some Tang Ling's resources piled up in the cabin of the Harvest, such as fierce beast bones, fierce beast meat, and some magnum energy stones, as well as a little bit of life necessities.

   dead? Predicament? No matter what the game is, you must be prepared, but whenever there is a chance, Tang Ling will struggle. Isn't that how he lives in the settlement?

   The other side quietly watched Tang Ling tidy up, neither did she ask Tang Lingxing about the magic of Dimension Blade, nor did she ask why Tang Ling tidy up like this?

   Only after Tang Ling had been busy for two minutes, Bi An turned and walked out of the cabin.

   "Where are we going?" Tang Ling raised his head and asked. At this moment, he wanted to spend more time with Bi An.

   "I'm going to clean up too. Actually, there is nothing to clean up. How much more can you pack? Can you help me pack some books?" Bi An turned his head and looked at Tang Ling, and said seriously.

   "Why are you packing up?" Tang Ling didn't respond for a moment.

   "I will go wherever you go." Higan replied very firmly, and then quickly turned around and left.

   Tang Ling looked at Bi An's back, his heart was filled with emotion and sadness, and he realized that what Bi An had just said might be true.

   But how could he let Higan follow him to face death? How could it be possible for Bi An to fall into a predicament with himself? !

Shaking his head, Tang Ling once again started to clean up quickly. With Xingyin's fixed dimension blade, it became extremely easy to clean up. Soon Tang Ling had packed most of the things he needed, and of course he also gave it to his partner. We left some, it's our own minds.

   Just when Tang Ling was still thinking about what he needed to prepare, the hull of the Fengshou suddenly shook violently.

   "Big Brother!"

   "Tang Ling!"

   "What's the situation? Tang Ling, come out soon."

   At this moment, everyone on the deck was shouting Tang Ling, and the hull continued to shake violently.

   At the same time, the strong sense of crisis in Tang Ling's heart finally exploded. Accompanied by this sense of crisis, there were exclamations from all directions.

   Tang Ling frowned, and rushed forward without even thinking about it.

   Then he saw a huge marine beast appeared on the sea. How big was it? Tang Ling thought that he had seen a small hill.

   It took half a second to measure the system of this ocean beast with precision instinct, and its length alone reached 147 meters!

  At this time, this beast of the ocean was cruising back and forth in the sea, only relying on the young sailing boats to be very close, which caused many boats to start shaking violently.

  The eighth-level ocean beast-the whirlpool blue whale!

A teenager had already recognized this beast of the ocean by surprise, but Tang Ling saw this whirlpool blue whale, but he did not feel dangerous. He stood in front of the deck, quietly watching the blue whale standing on its huge head. One of them, a figure like a little black dot.

   "Go!" Cai Wuzhu said, looking at Tang Ling and all the teenagers.

  At this time, everyone only awakened from their dreams for less than five minutes, and they were collecting their own resources one after another, repairing them, and preparing to complete the last voyage and return to the dark port.

   Therefore, all the ships have not yet set sail, but they are not standing still.

  Because in the simulation game, Liuhe said that everything that happens in the simulation will be projected into reality.

   Originally, these ships were all near the cracks, as long as the blocking rocks were removed, they would fall into the huge cracks in minutes.

   But because of the force of the tide, these ships are far away from the cracks, at least in a safe area. There is no doubt that Tang Ling's Fengshou is at the forefront, the closest ship to the whirlpool blue whale.

   "Go!" Cai Wuzhu shouted again.

   All the teenagers were inexplicable, but Tang Ling suddenly covered his chest at this moment and stepped back.

   What kind of crisis is this? It was like being stabbed in the heart by a sharp Before Tang Ling could speak, he looked up and saw that behind the huge whirlpool blue whale, there were waves after waves.

   These waves are like waves blown by a storm on the sea. The highest peak is more than 30 meters high. Among such violent peaks, Tang Ling's excellent eyesight has seen a huge and violent figure.

That is...

'Puff chi', at this moment, a small figure rushed up from the sea embarrassedly, and as soon as he fell on the deck before he could catch his breath, he jumped into Tang Ling's arms, and the eight-character tentacles tightly sucked Tang Ling. .

   "Monty!" Han Xing was a little confused.

   Tang Ling put his hand on Monty's round head, his expression was exceptionally serious.

He had already seen clearly that among the highest and foremost wave crest, it was a sea beast. Although he could not recognize it at a glance, Tang Ling knew that by virtue of the purple pattern. It is a seven-level ocean beast.

   Is this the dead end? Isn't he a dead end?

   "Go to the cabin and hide." Tang Ling patted Monty's head, and the blood pu sword was already in his hand.

   And at this time, the waves that were higher than the waves made all the boats shake more violently.

   But what kind of danger is this? When the waves in the front had scattered, one after another ocean fierce beasts appeared.

   Then, back and forth, left and right, in all directions, all of them are fierce beasts of the ocean.

   The juvenile fleet is surrounded, and these fierce beasts are probably more than many people have seen in the past ten or twenty years.

   desperate situation!