MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 32 Wake up and startled

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Xi Xisuo's mending voice sounded in his ear, and the dim light was the figure of her mother-in-law sewing clothes for him.

I was exhausted for a day, she kept rubbing her already red eyes ...

Tang Ling's eyes blurred.

The mother-in-law corpse supported her body with only one hand, and it was about to stand up.

Tang Ling let tears roll down and move on.

I saw my mother-in-law's rough hands in front of her eyes and held her little hands in her palms.

"Xiao Ling, cold or cold, mother-in-law rubbing it for you."

"Xiao Ling, obedient, don't cry. What do you think this is? It is jerky, and my mother-in-law will cook it for you."

"Xiao Ling, my mother-in-law found a piece of clothing under the garbage dump today. It's still very new. I changed it, and Xiao Ling had new clothes."

"Xiao Ling ..."

"Woo ..." Tang Ling started to collapse and started crying, but he didn't want to hide it.

'Mother-in-law' excitedly looked at the food coming to herself, finally twisted and stood up, rushing towards Tang Ling.

婆 "Wo ... wow ..." Tang Ling wiped his tears in a random way. Since that night, he has been very sad and sad. Sad as if I have spent countless years and years, but cannot be relieved.

'Mother-in-law' flew towards Tang Ling, and Tang Ling didn't take a look at it, but just grabbed her mother's neck by the subconscious's hand.

"Why the weird cry so sad?" The little girl's curious voice came from behind her.

Tang Ling couldn't bother. His whole body was shaking, and she cried until the tears and snot ran down together, and she couldn't stop, just holding the fingertips of her mother-in-law's neck and tightening.

‘Wow wow’, the mother-in-law corpse seemed to realize the real danger, and began to scream desperately, the screams spread far away, and the speed of the corpses gathered in the jungle became faster again.

The wandering wanderers also finally found that they began to escape in the panic.

Tang Ling was unaware, but felt that the corpse in his hands began to become weak, and then gradually became rigid.

"Mother-in-law ..." Tang Ling couldn't help crying, but her eyes were rolling with cold bitter hatred.

Who made this mother-in-law like this? If it was this era, he would bury it completely.

This crazy idea just rose, and the whole Manglin suddenly began to make a violent wind, and it began to collapse at an extremely fast speed.

尸 The corpse came rushing into pieces ...

The panic wanderers who fled the road turned into ghosts ...

A dazzling burst of white light wrapped Tang Ling, and an icy voice suddenly burst into Tang Ling's ear: "You have been qualified, welcome to join the dream world."

After three days of rain, the rain finally stopped.

安全 17 safety zone ushered in a rare dusk.

After the rain, the gentle wind, the soft red sunset, and the moist air with grassy mud.

Such a wonderful moment, Tang Ling struggling to sit up from the bed, holding her mother-in-law's ashes pot and her sister's skirt in her arms.

Leng Khan did not know when he had shed his back, even if he had just awakened from his sleep, he couldn't help exhausting his big breath.

Dream? Everything just was a dream? !!

The voice welcoming to join the dream world is still hovering in his head, but Tang Ling's eyes fall on the hourglass in the room.

I ca n’t judge the exact time, but the amount of sand flowing out reminds Tang Ling that ten minutes have passed.

That is to say, it has only been ten minutes since Su Yao left.

And he experienced a long but cruel dream.

"It's just a dream." Tang Ling, who calmed down slightly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally accepted the fact.

No matter how real the dream is, in fact, it is full of flaws when you think about it.

Just like how did you successfully run out of the security zone with strict access control? Another example is that the upper levels of the security zone will not be so uncommon, and the corpses will not be processed in time, and they will be turned into corpses ...

"But why did this dream happen?" Tang Ling rose from the bed, and he couldn't forget the words that came into his ear when the dream broke.

He couldn't think that the dream was just an ordinary dream.

刚 As soon as this thought started, Tang Ling couldn't help but sighed and took a cool breath. It turned out that the action he had just stood up seemed too big, which caused his whole body to hurt his wounds!

The wound? But where did the wound come from? Tang Ling took off his shirt with doubt.

"This is a surprise?" After a while, Tang Ling retracted his gaze, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, except that the left hand subconsciously stroked the arm of the right hand.

He has a noticeable wound on the arm of his right hand. Although he no longer bleeds, the appearance of cracking is still a little hesitant.

He has not suffered such injuries in reality, at least before Su Yao left his room, he was intact.

After experiencing an extremely real dream, the wound suddenly appeared on his arm.

Tang Ling's memory is very good. He can remember that after meeting 'mother-in-law' in a dream, in the anxious rush, a very hard Jingtie tree left this biggest wound on his arm.

Actually, it's not just that.

This is just the most obvious wound. All the injuries he suffered in the dream ~ ~ appeared on his body after waking up.

Even the smallest scratch.

I was shocked by these Tang Ling, but that's all.

He just because he remembered the man who called himself Su Yao, he said ‘be careful of your dreams’ before leaving.

He was right, Su Yao, who had already hinted at himself, but how could he think of such an incredible dream?

And what does this dream mean?

Tang Ling's heart couldn't be calmer anymore. He was so anxious for the answer, but he didn't know where to look for Su Yao. He was not familiar with the No. 17 safety zone.

This kind of boredom makes it difficult for Tang Ling to sit still. He paces back and forth in the room until he stands behind the wooden window again.

In fact, after standing here for eight hours, Tang Ling was already bored with everything outside the window.

With his amazing memory, the scene outside the window is already familiar to him, I really don't know what else to look at?

I took a deep breath, and Tang Ling was too lazy to think about his motivation. Gaze fell under the window, in the dark, short lane.

的 The roads here are muddy and narrow. After the heavy rain, there are still large puddles on the uneven road.

The people living on both sides of the alley were busy cleaning up the bubbly house, and the dirty rainwater was poured into the large tank at the door.

After a few days of sedimentation, it is good drinking water.

I was very lucky to have a rain, but unfortunately neither mother-in-law nor sister encountered such a good thing.

Tang Ling thought with a hint of sadness, apparently experienced the experience in his dream, and his heart could not calm down so quickly.

Until—his eyes fell to the end of the lane through the murky light in the dark lane.

"This is ..." Tang Ling stopped!