MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 29 Dream (3)

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The iron is good. Even if it has been broken, the fracture is sharp.

There is no more suitable weapon than it, Tang Ling did not hesitate to hold it tightly.

After experiencing killings, his brain seemed to be clearer. Tang Ling knew that today's situation, don't expect to go back to the safe area at all. Mang Lin is relatively safe.

Suddenly, the obsession in his heart also led him. He had to go back again. He couldn't find his mother-in-law and his sister.

As for what?

The 17 security zone will not always allow these corpses to wander. As long as the environment in the settlement is relatively safe, there are always new people who will make it `` prosperous '' again.

Tang Ling's thinking is so clear, but what is rolling in his heart is pain and anger that he cannot express himself.

He ran fast, and the corpses gathered from all directions towards Tang Ling. No one could explain their ability to hunt for fresh flesh, just like the sharks in the sea are sensitive to blood.

With the experience of soberly killing corpses for the first time, it is not too difficult for Tang Ling, who has a strong learning ability to fight, to kill the second one, not to mention the ‘weapon’ that he has in hand

As a result, the way to escape, the second, the third ... more and more corpses died in Tang Ling's hands.

If you say that you were still awkward at the beginning, when you killed the seventh corpse, Tang Ling was familiar with it.

The direct attack, facing the weakness of the corpse, passed through his eyes, the moment the corpse slammed.

This is simply an accurate 'art', but unfortunately, no one can appreciate this teenager's amazing combat talent.

噗, pulled out the iron rod in the corpse's head, Tang Ling was panting, there are countless corpses, his precise instinct can not be turned into endless physical strength to save him.

But Tang Ling was still running numbly. After losing his mother-in-law and sister, life and death actually became very light, but he was not willing to die like this.

Moreover, the anger in his heart burned him, the familiar heat flow had burst in the limbs and began to gather toward the heart.

Tang Ling knew that the weird state was about to start. With only a little more anger, he would become the killing machine that night.

In fact, it is clear that God is playing with him? The corpses he killed were all people who had treated their family with goodwill.

How can I not be angry? How can we not be sad?

还会 "Still ..." Tang Ling was expressionless, but his eyes were getting colder and colder. "Are you going to do another one?"

I was less than two hundred meters away from the edge of the woods. According to the density of the corpses now, Tang Ling could not kill the encirclement.

Accurate instinct told him that as long as he could run no more than 20 meters in this direction, he would be surrounded by more than five corpses from all directions.

Transformation is the only hope now.

It is ridiculous, are you really looking forward to this hope? Or just die and get rid of it?

The icy iron was slippery and greasy, all of which was the blood of a corpse, and God quickly gave Tang Ling a choice.

Almost subconsciously turned around, Tang Ling raised the iron in his hand, but his hand trembled involuntarily.

The corpse in front of my eyes seemed to be 'lucky'. He should have died without much pain during his lifetime.

So its clothes are clean and the signs of decay are not too heavy, except for the fatal wound on the right shoulder.

Such a corpse is like life.

Looking at it, Tang Ling's brain seemed to explode, but the corpse had no emotional fluctuations except the excitement of finding blood food. It lowered his body and rushed to Tang Ling without hesitation ...

The wind blew again with the smell of rottenness, and also brought indelible pieces of memory.

Sting in Tang Ling's memory.

The whole age is gray, but the time with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law is warm yellow, like the gentle sunlight in the morning.

Misty and the only time with a hazy haze, it was held in front of the corpse.

"Why is my face so dirty? Oops, it's broken here ..." A clean handkerchief was brushed across the face, and the soft hands were pitiful and gently placed on the wound.

呼吸 Her breath was sweet, and her smile was like a blue butterfly flower blooming in the countryside. Her sincere distress and pity in her eyes were like a clear lake, which instantly drowned Tang Ling.

In the evening at the age of thirteen, Tang Ling's first heartbeat was terrible.

Xiao Xiaoye, this extremely simple name has been imprinted in my heart ever since.

Later ...

The thoughts were only momentary. The corpse was less than five meters away from Tang Ling. The familiar eyes in the boy's dream no longer had the lake-like eyes and flower-like smile.

Only gray and ruthless eyes, and crazy and greedy expression.

Tang Ling raised the iron in his hand, the hot sweat rolled into his eyes, burning his eyes, and blurred his vision.

"I'll go to the seventh battalion of the settlement tomorrow." Panting, Tang Ling stood helplessly in front of the door, watching Xiaoye pack up her things ~ ~ heard that she wanted Moving away from next door, Tang Ling couldn't control himself, but couldn't ask anything? Even the mother-in-law who told him the news did not say more.

I just sighed.

"Why go?"

"Because the girl has grown up to be attached to her partner, I will be Hook of the Seventh Battalion from tomorrow ..." She raised her eyes, her eyes were still bright, and she could not tell whether it was calm or sad.

Tang Ling scratched through the door frame, and the wooden thorn stabbed into the hand without realizing it. Hook? The bully in the settlement with the power to distribute drinking water.

Xiao Xiaoye stood up and approached Tang Ling.

The soft lips fell on Tang Ling's forehead.

I left again instantly, but turned around and left Tang Ling with the last smile.

噗, sharp irons pierced through the corpse's eyes, only a short battle, this precision has become Tang Ling's instinct.

Even though, the sight is so blurred.

Pulled out the iron, a drop of fluid that could not tell whether it was sweat or tears slipped from Tang Ling's right eye corner, and a sadness began to spread from his fingers.

Huh, huh ... The gasp of Tang Ling is like a beast. He is not tired to such an extent. He just feels unable to breathe. The cruel and cold age made him feel so depressed for the first time.

I have nowhere to recall my memories.

"You went to the seventh battalion, and I have never been there again. Although, occasionally, I will miss you." It doesn't make any sense to tell the corpse, but Tang Ling just wanted to say it.

If you say, there is no place to rest your memories, at least there are traces of the youth's mind?

Fortunately, this kind of sadness like a giant wave was only a moment, and the next moment the heat burst from the heart drowned Tang Ling.

神秘 That mysterious state reappeared.