MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 233 No. 233

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Two Billows eventually one was named Tiantian, the other was named Hanhan.

Shen Xun coldly watched Liu Fangzhou and a group of people walking behind the panda's **** all day long, watching them eat, watching them sleep, watching them fight, watching them climb up and down, and even leaned forward to smell the Baba that was pulled out. Smell, this one said "not smelly at all", and the other said "the color is really beautiful".

He felt that human beings were really sick.

Of course, as long as Shen Shian's attention is not on the two fat cubs, he doesn't care how others are sick.

He cares about another thing.

Although Shen Shian agreed to let him return to his adult form, it is estimated that the fight was too intense and absurd after using strawberry-flavored ointment last time, so he has been indifferent to the matter of negative distance contact recently.

Shen Xun is very distressed about this. It is clear that fighting is so happy, why doesn't An An like it

In fact, Shen Shian did not dislike it. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with his size, endurance, weapon specifications, the meticulousness of the early development or the skills in the battle, and even far exceeded expectations.

However, the fighting spirit of the alien beast is too terrifying. Every time the battle starts, the car cannot be stopped. Even if the spiritual spring water can quickly restore physical strength, it still needs to rest mentally.

Being in a state of being stimulated and repeatedly reaching the climax of the battle, the gods couldn't bear it either.

It must be slow.

I don’t know how long the years are in the mountains. No matter how chaotic the outside world is, the days in the winery are always flat and fulfilling.

Shen Shian and Shen Xun will go to the deep mountains to learn every two or three days, and apart from Tang Song and Lin Ruan, the other members also take turns down the mountain in groups, sweeping in the nearby towns to take advantage of the zombie group to stop migrating The opportunity to eliminate them as much as possible, secondly, after leaving the capital, everyone lost the evolutionary bonus brought by the gathering of supernaturalists, and the decisive battle is imminent, they must improve their strength as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly, and at the end of December, the cold wave suddenly dropped. Starting from the far north, a deep chill that enveloped the entire country quickly spread south, the ground was frozen, everything became ice, the leaves that were still swinging in the wind in the last second suddenly solidified, and one in the forest had not had time to find a hiding place. The sika deer was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Everyone was eating dinner in the yard. Rui Bao was the first to feel the temperature change and yelled at Yun Feiyang several times. Shen Xun looked serious, "The cold wave is coming." Shen Shian shouted, "Everyone enters the house immediately."

With the experience of last year, everyone quickly calmed down after a brief panic. Shen Xun led Xiong Manshan and others to seal the doors and windows with heat insulation panels. Tang Song and Lin Ruan activated the boiler heating device, and Xu Ge lit the fireplaces in all the rooms. , Shen Shi'an collected all the dozen black goats in the willow forest into the space, pulled out the shrunken willow spirits, and brought them back indoors together with the two Kuan Kuan.

The brewery is full of masonry and cement structures. Unlike the villa in the capital, which has a large area of ​​floor-to-ceiling windows, it is relatively easy to protect, but because the area is too large and there are too many rooms, the total amount of work is not small. After all the places that might be frozen and leaky are sealed, the heat generated by the boiler spreads to every corner along with the heating pipes, the room temperature gradually rises, and the room is warm.

Yun Feiyang took off the down jacket he hurriedly put on before, holding a cup of steaming goat's milk, walked to the window, and looked out through the specially set aside a breathable gap, "It's snowing, it's quite big, if it's this next night," It is estimated that it will be half a meter deep tomorrow morning."

"Let's go down," Xiong Manshan leaned against the radiator to dry his hands. "Hold it hard. It's best to bury all the zombies." The deeper the burial at this time, the harder the freezing, the later the thawing time next year will be.

Shen Shian frowned slightly, "I don't know if it will affect the Daechangjing plan."

Tang Song said, "Probably not. Mr. Gu is a prudent and considerate person. Since he has decided to restart the plan, he must be fully prepared. Among the various modes of transportation, heavy snow has the least impact on train operation. "

Shen Shian nodded and said nothing.

Ye Shenghua asked, "If the temperature is so low, will the river on the other side of the hydropower station be frozen?" They rely on Jinjiang for power generation if they have heating. It would be difficult if there is no electricity.

Lin Ruan shook his head. "This section of the river has a large drop and rapid flow rate, and the possibility of being frozen is not high. At the very least, the temperature will not be frozen until the temperature drops more than ten or twenty degrees. And even if it is frozen, There is a generator in the captain’s space, as well as enough coal and diesel to burn the brewery for a winter is not a problem."

Everyone was completely relieved.

It was not early, and after a few moments of chatting in the living room, everyone went back to the room to rest one after another. The willow tree spirits were replanted back into the flower pots and placed side by side with the daisies on the coffee table. In order to prevent them from getting sick due to the sudden temperature drop, Shen Shian gave them, Ruibao, and two of them all fed some spiritual spring water. Jiamu opened up eight vine tentacles and hung them on the beams of the room, looking at it, looking strange and pitiful, so he fed a little too.

The bedroom is warmer than the living room, and there is a thick carpet on the floor.

After taking a shower, Shen Shian wore a black nightgown and leaned on the sofa to read an atlas.

It didn't take long for Shen Xun to wash. He didn't wear any clothes. He only wrapped a bath towel loosely around his waist, which was loose and would not fall, revealing half of the mermaid line.

The drops of water dripped down the angular profile of the face, across the broad and solid chest, rolled over the hard abdominal muscles, and drew a wet spot on the bath towel.

He took a dry towel from the closet and stood at a place less than three meters away from Shen Shi'an and wiped his hair. There was no moment, a while he was rubbing directly, and another while he was rubbing side-to-side. The muscles of his whole body continued to tighten with the movements. Relax, the already dangerous bath towel slid down again.

Shen Shian's eyes didn't know when he lifted from the atlas.

As if perceiving his gaze, Shen Xun wiped it more and more vigorously. When the hair was completely dry, he threw away the towel, gave a bite, and two ears appeared from the top of his head.

When he was still in the form of a doll, animal ears were soft and cute; but when a tall and strong adult man had two furry ears on his head, it would be pornographic.

The heating temperature in the bedroom seemed to be too high, and Shen Shian's face was a little hot. He pulled the collar of his nightgown more open, and his voice was a little dull, "Remove the bath towel."

In the afternoon, Chen Nan gave birth to a batch of Pleurotus eryngii, which grew very well, with full and hard roots, thicker than a baby's arm.

The Adam’s apple rolled quickly twice, Shen Shian put the atlas aside, his knuckle-knotted fingers untied the belt of his nightgown, like a cold and handsome king, slightly lifted his chin.

"Come here, please me."

The Spring Festival is approaching in the second month after the cold wave.

Considering that a decisive battle will be coming soon, this battle is dangerous and unpredictable, and it may be possible to gather so many people next year, so this year's Spring Festival is particularly lively.

The members started the Spring Festival mode since the twelfth lunar month. A lot of fried goods, sugar goods, and roasted seeds were prepared. Xu Ge wove several big red tiger-head hats like last year. Tongtong, Hanhan, Tiantian, Ruibao, including Jiamu and Willow, each bears the head of the zombies in the bear, bird tree, and is cute and festive.

Everyone got up early on the 30th day of the new year. When Shen Shian came downstairs, he almost tripped over. Shen Xun lifted his foot and kicked. The chubby ball rolled from the stairs to the bottom, rubbing his buttocks to get up. Turn around and grab the bamboo shoots with Tiantian.

There was noisy in the main building, Luo Wei and Tao Yuan opened the door and walked to the yard to set firecrackers. The five- to six-meter-long firecracker was lit and slammed outwards. The red confetti exploded everywhere in the loud crackling noise. Liu Fangzhou smiled and threw a ball of snow, secretly trying to stuff Xiong Manshan's neck, who was pasting the couplet. He was spotted by Xiong Manshan and counter-killed with speed. The begging for mercy and the screams of all three buildings could be heard.

Rui Bao was frightened by the sound of firecrackers. He hid behind the sofa for a while "baby" and "goodbye" for a while. The willow tree on the coffee table twisted the branches and pulled a small amount of hair from his head without holding back.

Shen Shian, who happened to be passing by, raised his hand and slapped it with a slap, "Despite your month's spiritual spring water."

The willow tree spirit quickly put the hair back on Ruibao's head.

Shen Shian "It's late."

Ye Ye, who was still full of energy, immediately drooped down. Shen Shian ignored it, but Jiamu stretched out his tentacles and touched it on his head, so two of them turned up the flower rope with wicker and the other with vines.

Yun Feiyang walked into the kitchen and walked out, "Where did Ye Shenghua go? He promised to teach me to bake a cake, but I didn't see anyone after looking around."

"Out for a run, not long after walking." Tang Song said.

"It's really perseverance to keep running in such cold weather."

After posting the couplet, Liu Fangzhou and others came in from the outside. As soon as they looked up, they saw the steam rolling out of the kitchen. Lin Ruan and Zhao Xinhe each moved two drawers of steamer to the dining table, and said, "It's just right, eating."

Xu Ge "Breakfast is simple, noon is the noodles of big bone chicken soup, after eating dumplings in the afternoon, Chen Nan will give birth to more leeks and Chinese cabbage later."

"Sister, do you have shrimp stuffing?"

"Shrimp, pork, leeks, and minced fish. There are many kinds of stuffing. You can make whatever stuffing you want.

"Some more shiitake mushrooms and corn"

"Lamb dumplings are also delicious."

"We also have crab roe and crab meat. Pack a fist-sized one. It is full of crab roe and crab paste. Add some leeks. Just think about it."

The prosperous and lively atmosphere reached its peak during the New Year’s Eve dinner. There was heavy snow outside the house, and the firewood inside the house was booming. Everyone toasted "Happy New Year".

After eating, everyone put on down jackets, scarves and gloves, and climbed to the top of the building to set off fireworks.

The colorful fireworks gradually bloomed in the deep blue sky, one after another falling like broken gold.

Shen Xun held Shen Shi'an's hand, and the two kissed lightly in the sky full of fireworks, and it was another year to leave.

Probably the New Year’s Day and New Year’s Day morning, Tang Song and Lin Ruan formally announced that the transformation of the seven power codes using the cells of the leaf flower as a carrier has been completed, and there are 30 samples of each type.

They conducted experiments on Zhong Han that afternoon.

The seven samples were injected into Zhong Han's body. Under the control of Ye Shenghua's abilities, Zhong Han evolved seven abilities in turn, and Zhao Xinjiang took out the crystal cores in turn. He tried to resist repeatedly in the middle, and was beaten by Shen Xun.

Shen Shian immediately contacted Mr. Gu and informed the good news.

Five days later, the weather was clear, and a military transport plane from the capital followed Ruibao and drove into the forest area where the winery was located.

Liu Fangzhou had sensed it long before the transport plane approached, and immediately notified "Captain and they are here.

Everyone walked out of the winery and walked through the willow forest to Dingniaoping. Xiong Manshan danced with a big banner "Hey stop here and go here.

Amid the huge roar of the wings, the air and waves rolled in with the snow on the ground, and the transport plane swung its tail lightly and stopped firmly in the center of the parking lot.

The hatch opened, and the Gu family soldiers headed by Xie Yang jumped down one by one, followed by Xiao Lang and Li Cheng who hadn't seen them for a long time.

Shen Shi'an smiled, just about to walk forward, and another person jumped out of the plane.

The visitor was light-backed and thin, as if he had suffered a serious illness. The sharp-bladed uniform was empty on his body, half of his eyes were covered with shredded hair, and an eye mask was worn on his left eye.

Shen Shian's heart beat fiercely twice, and his body was tight for an instant.

Watching the other party getting closer and closer, he saluted a military salute slowly but forcefully, and then stretched out his right hand

"Captain, I brought him here."

The sun pouring freely, a crystal nucleus lying quietly in the palm of the palm, dazzling, reflecting the rays of light. , Please keep in mind:, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft